def run(self, sysCont, sys, terminal, comCont, *args, **kwargs): nameGet = args[0].split('/')[-1] if kwargs['-d']: pathTest = system.FilePath(args[0], sys.fileSystem) else: pathTest = system.FilePath(args[0], sys.fileSystem, True) if pathTest.status < 0: terminal.error("{} is not a valid path!".format(args[0])) return -1 pathGet = system.FilePath(args[0][:-len(nameGet)], sys.fileSystem) nameSet = args[1].split('/')[-1] pathSet = system.FilePath(args[1][:-len(nameSet)], sys.fileSystem) if not kwargs['-f']: pathSetDir = sys.fileSystem.getDirectory(pathSet.iterList) if kwargs['-d']: setConts = pathSetDir.subdirectories else: setConts = pathSetDir.files if nameSet in setConts: terminal.error("{} already exists!".format(nameSet)) return -1 if pathSet.status < 0: terminal.error("{} is not a valid path!".format(args[1])) return -1 ret = sys.fileSystem.move(pathGet, nameGet, pathSet, nameSet, kwargs['-d']) sys.addLog(sys.IP, "Moved {} to {}".format(args[0], args[1])) return 0
def run(self, sysCont, sys, terminal, comCont, *args, **kwargs): name = args[0].split('/')[-1] if name == '*': path = system.FilePath(args[0][:-len(name)], sys.fileSystem) else: path = system.FilePath(args[0], sys.fileSystem, True) if path.status != system.PathStatuses.PATH_VALID: terminal.error("{} is not a valid path!".format(args[0])) return -1 else: if name == '*': directory = copy.deepcopy(sys.fileSystem.getDirectory(path)) items = directory.files.items() for key, item in items: ret = sys.fileSystem.remove( path, key ) if ret == 0: terminal.out("Removed " + item._name) if item.getType() != 'LOG': sys.addLog(sys.IP, "Removed " + key) return 0 else: path = system.FilePath(args[0][:-len(name)], sys.fileSystem) file =[name] sys.fileSystem.remove( path, name ) if file.getType() != 'LOG': sys.addLog(sys.IP, "Removed " + name) return 0
def run(self, sysCont, sys, terminal, comCont, *args, **kwargs): path = system.FilePath(args[0], sys.fileSystem, True) name = args[0].split('/')[-1] pathNoFile = system.FilePath(args[0][:-len(name)], sys.fileSystem) if path.status != system.PathStatuses.PATH_VALID: terminal.error("{} is not a valid path!".format(args[0])) return -1 else: out = sys.fileSystem.output(pathNoFile, name) colour = Fore.GREEN cTable = { 'c': Fore.CYAN, 'y': Fore.YELLOW, 'w': Fore.WHITE, 'r': Fore.RED, 'g': Fore.GREEN, 'b': Fore.BLUE, 'm': Fore.MAGENTA } if kwargs['-p']: skip = False for count, char in enumerate(out): if skip: skip = False continue if char == '\\': if out[count + 1] == 'n': skip = True terminal.out('', colour, False) elif out[count + 1] == 't': skip = True terminal.out('\t', colour, False, False) elif out[count + 1] == '\\': skip = True terminal.out('\\', colour, True, False) else: terminal.error("\nUnrecognised escape sequence!") return -1 elif char == '&': if out[count + 1] in cTable: skip = True colour = cTable[out[count + 1]] else: terminal.out('&', colour, True, False) else: terminal.out(char, colour, True, False) terminal.out('') return 0 else: terminal.out(out) return 0
def run(self, sysCont, sys, terminal, comCont, *args, **kwargs): path = system.FilePath(args[0], sys.fileSystem) if path.status == system.PathStatuses.PATH_NOT_EXIST: terminal.error("{} is not a valid path!".format(args[0])) return -1 elif path.status == system.PathStatuses.PATH_NOT_DIR: terminal.error("{} is valid but is not a directory!".format(args[0])) return -1 else: sys.fileSystem.changeDir(path) return 0
def run(self, sysCont, sys, terminal, comCont, *args, **kwargs): name = args[0].split('/')[-1] makePath = system.FilePath(args[0][:-len(name)], sys.fileSystem) if makePath.status != system.PathStatuses.PATH_VALID: terminal.error("{} is not a valid path!".format(args[0])) return -1 else: ret = sys.fileSystem.make(makePath, name) if ret == -1: terminal.error("{} already exists!".format(args[0])) return -1 else: sys.addLog(sys.IP, "Created {}".format(args[0])) return 0
def run(self, sysCont, sys, terminal, comCont, *args, **kwargs): name = args[0].split('/')[-1] if name == '*': path = system.FilePath(args[0][:-len(name)], sys.fileSystem) else: path = system.FilePath(args[0], sys.fileSystem) if path.status != system.PathStatuses.PATH_VALID: terminal.error("{} is not a valid path!".format(args[0])) return -1 else: if name == '*': directory = copy.deepcopy(sys.fileSystem.getDirectory(path)) items = list(directory.subdirectories.keys()) for item in items: ret = sys.fileSystem.remove(path, item, True) if ret == 0: terminal.out("Removed " + item) sys.addLog(sys.IP, "Removed " + item) return 0 else: path = system.FilePath(args[0][:-len(name)], sys.fileSystem) sys.fileSystem.remove(path, name, True) sys.addLog(sys.IP, "Removed " + name) return 0
def run(self, sysCont, sys, terminal, comCont, *args, **kwargs): out = [] binPath = system.FilePath('/bin', sys.fileSystem) if binPath.status != system.PathStatuses.PATH_VALID: terminal.error("Cannot find executables directory!") return -1 else: foundExecs = {} binDir = sys.fileSystem.getDirectory(['bin']) for item in binDir.files: file = binDir.files[item] if file.getType() == 'BIN': if file.getHash() in comList: foundExecs[item[:-4]] = comList[file.getHash()] if len(args) == 0: out.append("help <command> for a more detailed description.") out.append("Commands:\n") for command in foundExecs: out.append(command) terminal.out('\n'.join(out)) return 0 else: selected = args[0] if selected not in foundExecs: terminal.error("{} is not a command!".format(selected)) return -1 else: metaData = foundExecs[selected].meta out.append(args[0] + ":") out.append(metaData['descriptor']) if metaData['params'][1] - metaData['params'][0] > 0: out.append("Number of parameters: {} to {}".format( metaData['params'][0], metaData['params'][1]) ) else: out.append("Number of parameters: {}".format( metaData['params'][0] )) if metaData['switches']: out.append("Switches: {}".format( ', '.join(switch for switch in metaData['switches']) )) terminal.out('\n'.join(out)) return 0
except: print("You need the colorama module! (python -m pip install colorama)") sysModule.exit() sysModule.path.insert(1, './imports') import utils, terminal, system, commands, save system.init(system) colorama.init() from colorama import Fore sysCont = save.load() if not sysCont: sysCont = system.SystemsController() #If user broke their system then quit bootPath = system.FilePath('/sys/boot.sys', sysCont.userSystem.fileSystem, True, system.sysFileHashes['boot.sys']) if bootPath.status != system.PathStatuses.PATH_VALID: sysCont.userSystem.status = system.Statuses.UNBOOTABLE comCont = commands.CommandController() terminal = terminal.Terminal(comCont) terminal.out(colorama.Style.BRIGHT, colorama.Fore.GREEN, False, False) if '' in sysModule.modules: print("You probably want to run this from the command line.") else: terminal.out(""" ██╗ ██╗ █████╗ ██████╗██╗ ██╗███████╗██╗ ██╗███████╗\n\ ██║ ██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║ ██╔╝██╔════╝╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔════╝\n\ ███████║███████║██║ █████╔╝ ███████╗ ╚████╔╝ ███████╗\n\ ██╔══██║██╔══██║██║ ██╔═██╗ ╚════██║ ╚██╔╝ ╚════██║\n\
def feed(self, commandRaw, sysCont, sys, terminal): systemPath = system.FilePath( '/sys/command.sys', sys.fileSystem, True, system.sysFileHashes['command.sys'] ) if systemPath.status != system.PathStatuses.PATH_VALID: terminal.error("COMMAND.SYS ERROR") return -1 if commandRaw == '': return 0 commandsRaw = self.getRawCommands(commandRaw) commands = [] for rawCommand in commandsRaw: commands.append(Command(rawCommand)) for command in commands: self.outputType = 0 if command.status == CommandStatuses.COMMAND_INVALID: terminal.error("Invalid command!") continue elif command.status == CommandStatuses.INVALID_NO_OUTFILE: terminal.error("No output file has been provided!") continue elif command.status == CommandStatuses.INVALID_ORDER_OUT: terminal.error("Invalid output symbol placement!") continue elif command.status == CommandStatuses.INVALID_ORDER_SWITCH: terminal.error("Invalid switch placement!") continue elif command.status == CommandStatuses.INVALID_MULTIPLE_OUT: terminal.error("Multiple output files provided!") continue if command.command in sys.aliasTable: aliased = command.rawCommand.replace( command.command, sys.aliasTable[command.command] ) self.feed(aliased, sysCont, sys, terminal) continue fileName = command.command + '.bin' contextTest = system.FilePath( './' + fileName, sys.fileSystem, True ) systemTest = system.FilePath( '/bin/' + fileName, sys.fileSystem, True ) if contextTest.status == system.PathStatuses.PATH_VALID: context = elif systemTest.status == system.PathStatuses.PATH_VALID: context = else: terminal.error("Cannot find {} executable!".format(command.command)) continue file = context.files[fileName] if file.getHash() in comList: params = comList[file.getHash()].meta['params'] tooFewArgs = len(command.args) < params[0] tooManyArgs = len(command.args) > params[1] if tooFewArgs or tooManyArgs: terminal.error("Incorrect number of parameters!") continue kwargs = {} switches = comList[file.getHash()].meta['switches'] if switches is not None: for switch in switches: kwargs[switch] = False for switch in command.switches: if switch in kwargs: kwargs[switch] = True else: terminal.error("{} is not a switch!".format(switch)) continue if command.outType is not None: outFileTest = system.FilePath(command.outFile, sys.fileSystem, True) if outFileTest.status != system.PathStatuses.PATH_VALID: if command.outType == 2: terminal.error("Output file does not exist!") continue else: filePath = system.FilePath(command.outFile, sys.fileSystem, True) sys.fileSystem.make(filePath, command.outFile.split('/')[-1]) sys.addLog(sys.IP, 'Created {}'.format(command.outFile)) self.outputType = command.outType self.contextFileSystem = sys.fileSystem self.contextOutputPath = system.FilePath(command.outFile, sys.fileSystem, True) ret = comList[file.getHash()].run( sysCont, sys, terminal, self, *command.args, **kwargs ) if ret == 99: return 99 else: terminal.error("Error in {} executable!".format(fileName))