Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
        Here we have only the calls for the actual calculations.

        Some remainders:
            * Each system width has a different Hamiltonian
            * Each Hamiltonian have two different formulations:
                - One with k_plus (k_x + 1j*k_y) at the element H_12;
                - Other with k_minus (k_x - 1j*k_y) at the same element;
                - The formulations are labeled as "plus" and "minus";
            # Default values for building the systems:
            # Remembering that the Hamiltonian's parameters
            # adopt units which lengths are mesured in units
            # of Bohr's radius.

    Length = shapes.L_STD
    Width = shapes.W_STD

    shapeScattering = shapes.Rect(Width, Length)
    # shapeScattering = shapes.ConstrictSmoothRect(Wmax   = shapes.W_STD,
    #                                              Wmin   = 0.5 * shapes.W_STD,
    #                                              beta   = 1 * shapes.A_STD,
    #                                              Lmax   = shapes.L_STD,
    #                                              Lconst = 0.5 * shapes.L_STD)

    # calculateForManyeFs(shapeScattering)

Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    Here we have only the calls for the actual calculations.

    Some remainders:
        * Each system width has a different Hamiltonian
        * Each Hamiltonian have two different formulations:
            - One with k_plus (k_x + 1j*k_y) at the element H_12;
            - Other with k_minus (k_x - 1j*k_y) at the same element;
            - The formulations are labeled as "plus" and "minus";

        # Default values for building the systems:
        # Remembering that the Hamiltonian's parameters
        # adopt units which lengths are mesured in units
        # of Bohr's radius.


    shapeScattering = shapes.Rect(shapes.W_STD, shapes.L_STD)

    tipos_solicitados = ["plus"]
    calculateForManyeFs(tipos_solicitados, shapeScattering)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    # Define the system:
    hamiltonian_up = gasb.hamiltonian_97_up()
    hamiltonian_dn = gasb.hamiltonian_97_up_y_inv()
    lead_ham = gasb.hamiltonian_97_up(-100)
    centralShape = shapes.Rect()
    syst_up = gasb.system_builder(hamiltonian_up, lead_ham, centralShape)
    syst_dn = gasb.system_builder(hamiltonian_dn, lead_ham, centralShape)

    # Calculate the wave_function:
    energia = 442
    parametros = gasb.params_97
    parametros['eF'] = 60
    # parametros = dict(GammaLead = parametros["GammaC"], V = 100, **parametros )
    wf_up = kwant.wave_function(syst_up, energy=energia, params=parametros)
    wf_dn = kwant.wave_function(syst_dn, energy=energia, params=parametros)
    modes_up = wf_up(0)  # from left lead
    modes_dn = wf_dn(0)  # from left lead

    # Calculate the density:
    rho_up = kwant.operator.Density(syst_up)
    rho_dn = kwant.operator.Density(syst_dn)
    psi_up = sum(rho_up(p) for p in modes_up)
    psi_dn = sum(rho_dn(p) for p in modes_dn)

    # Calculate dos in a line
    dos_in_line_up, y_values_up = density_in_line(syst_up, modes_up)
    dos_in_line_dn, y_values_dn = density_in_line(syst_dn, modes_dn)

    # Plot the results:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(14, 6))
    y_values_up = y_values_up * (shapes.A0 / 10)  # conversion to nm^{-1}
    y_values_dn = y_values_dn * (shapes.A0 / 10)  # conversion to nm^{-1}
    min_line, max_line = -0.7 * shapes.L_STD, 0.7 * shapes.L_STD

    map_density(ax[0][0], syst_up, psi_up, colormap="Reds")
    ax[0][0].vlines(0, min_line, max_line, linestyle="--")
    ax[0][0].set_title("spin up")
    map_density(ax[1][0], syst_dn, psi_dn, colormap="Blues")
    ax[1][0].vlines(0, min_line, max_line, linestyle="--")
    ax[1][0].set_title("spin up inv.")

Exemplo n.º 4
def main():

    ## Dimensions of the system:
    Length = shapes.W_STD
    Width = shapes.W_STD

    shapeScattering = shapes.Rect(Width, Length)

    params_raw = gasb.params_97
    gammaLead = 36.917
    V_shift = 100
    params_dict = dict(GammaLead=gammaLead, V=V_shift, **params_raw)
    hamiltonian_syst = gasb.hamiltonian_97_k_plus()

    hamiltonian_lead = gasb.free_ham(norbs=6)
    sistema = gasb.system_builder(hamiltonian_syst, hamiltonian_lead,
    # sistema_dn       = gasb.system_builder(hamiltonian_syst_dn, hamiltonian_lead, shapeScattering)

    Fermi_initial, Fermi_final, N_values = 435, 440, 2001
    Fermi_values = np.linspace(Fermi_initial, Fermi_final, N_values)

    params_dict['eF'] = 62.

    ## " Names for the files: "
    L_nm = Length * shapes.A0 * 1 / 10
    path_data = "./data/transport/"
    name_preffixe = "data_" + str(Fermi_initial) + "_" + str(
        Fermi_final) + "_meV_Fermi_"
    name_Fermi = name_preffixe + str(N_values) + "_L_" + str(L_nm)
    name_transport_up = name_preffixe + "Transport_UP_" + str(
        N_values) + "_L_" + str(L_nm)
    name_transport_dn = name_preffixe + "Transport_DN_" + str(
        N_values) + "_L_" + str(L_nm)
    name_transport_total = name_preffixe + "Transport_Total_" + str(
        N_values) + "_L_" + str(L_nm)
    np.save(path_data + name_Fermi + ".npy", Fermi_values)
    np.savetxt(path_data + name_Fermi + ".txt", Fermi_values)

    ## " Transport: "
    transport_up, transport_dn, transport_total = calc_transp_Fermi(
        sistema, Fermi_values, params_dict)

    # Save the results in "numpy" format and "txt"
    # np.save(path_data + name_transport_up + ".npy", transport_up)
    # np.savetxt(path_data + name_transport_up + ".txt", transport_up)
    # np.save(path_data + name_transport_dn + ".npy", transport_dn)
    # np.savetxt(path_data + name_transport_dn + ".txt", transport_dn)

    np.save(path_data + name_transport_total + ".npy", transport_total)
    np.savetxt(path_data + name_transport_total + ".txt", transport_total)
Exemplo n.º 5
def make_system(esp="97", gammaLead=36.917, V_shift=100, width = shapes.W_STD, length = shapes.L_STD):
    shapeScattering = shapes.Rect(width, length)

    # folder_fig = esp + folder_suf

    params_raw = eval("gasb.params_" + esp)
    params_dict = dict(GammaLead =  gammaLead, V = V_shift, **params_raw)
    hamiltonian_syst = eval("gasb.hamiltonian_" + esp + "_k_plus()")

    hamiltonian_lead = gasb.free_ham(norbs = 6)
    sistema          = gasb.system_builder(hamiltonian_syst, hamiltonian_lead, shapeScattering)

    return sistema
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():

    parameters = gasb.params_97
    hamiltonian = gasb.hamiltonian_97_k_minus()
    syst_shape = shapes.Rect(shapes.W_STD, shapes.L_STD)

    system = gasb.just_system_builder(hamiltonian,
                                      a_lattice=10 * shapes.A_STD)
    sub_matrix = system.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=parameters, sparse=True)

    eF_values = np.linspace(0, 200, 201)
    plot_spectrum(system, eF_values, parameters)
Exemplo n.º 7
def main():
    This code is for generate maps of current, without bands structures and
    with custom operators. This will allow a better exploratory process.
    # Define the system
    hamiltonian = gasb.hamiltonian_97_k_plus()
    lead_ham = gasb.free_ham(norbs = 6)
    centralShape = shapes.Rect(Wmax = 300, Lmax=500)
    syst = gasb.system_builder(hamiltonian, lead_ham, centralShape, a_lattice=20)
    fig, axis = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10,5))
    kwant.plot(syst, ax = axis, show = False)
Exemplo n.º 8
def main():
    This code is for generate maps of current, without bands structures and
    with custom operators. This will allow a better exploratory process.
    # Define the system
    hamiltonian = gasb.hamiltonian_97_k_plus()
    lead_ham = gasb.free_ham(norbs = 6)
    centralShape = shapes.Rect()
    syst = gasb.system_builder(hamiltonian, lead_ham, centralShape)

    # Calculate the wave function:
    energia = 442
    parametros = gasb.params_97
    parametros['eF'] = 60
    parametros['Eta2'] = 0
    parametros['Eta3'] = 0
    parametros = dict(GammaLead = parametros["GammaC"], V = 100, **parametros)
    wf = kwant.wave_function(syst, energy=energia, params=parametros)
    # modes = wf_dn(0) # from left lead

    # Define the operator
    σz = tinyarray.array([[1,0],[0,-1]])
    Mz = np.kron(σz, np.eye(3))

    # Current
    colormap = "Reds"
    J_spin = kwant.operator.Current(syst, Mz)
    current_spin = sum(J_spin(psi, params = parametros) for psi in wf(0))

    # Plot and/or save the data
    fig, axis =  plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(8,8))
    kwant.plotter.current(syst, current_spin,
                            cmap = colormap,
                            colorbar = False,
                            show = False,
                            ax = axis)
Exemplo n.º 9
def main():

    shapeScattering = shapes.Rect(shapes.W_STD, shapes.L_STD)

    params_raw = gasb.params_97
    gammaLead = 36.917
    V_shift = 100
    params_dict = dict(GammaLead=gammaLead, V=V_shift, **params_raw)
    hamiltonian_syst = gasb.hamiltonian_97_k_plus()

    hamiltonian_lead = gasb.free_ham(norbs=6)
    sistema = gasb.system_builder(hamiltonian_syst, hamiltonian_lead,

    eF_initial, eF_final, N_values = 62, 64, 501
    eF_values = np.linspace(eF_initial, eF_final, N_values)

    "Transport: "
    energy = 440
    transport = np.empty(len(eF_values))
    for i in range(len(eF_values)):
        params_dict['eF'] = eF_values[i]

        # compute the scattering matrix at a given energy
        smatrix = kwant.smatrix(sistema, energy, params=params_dict)

        # compute the transmission probability from lead 0 to lead 1
        transport[i] = smatrix.transmission(1, 0)

    path_data = "./data/transport/"
    name_preffixe = "data_" + str(eF_initial) + "_" + str(eF_final) + "_"
    name_eF = name_preffixe + "eF_" + str(N_values)
    name_transport = name_preffixe + "Transport_" + str(N_values)

    np.save(path_data + name_eF + ".npy", eF_values)
    np.savetxt(path_data + name_eF + ".txt", eF_values)

    np.save(path_data + name_transport + ".npy", transport)
    np.savetxt(path_data + name_transport + ".txt", transport)
Exemplo n.º 10
def main():
    # Define the system:
    hamiltonian = gasb.hamiltonian_97_k_plus()
    # hamiltonian = gasb.hamiltonian_97_down()
    lead_ham = gasb.free_ham(6)
    centralShape = shapes.Rect()
    syst = gasb.system_builder(hamiltonian, lead_ham, centralShape)

    # Calculate the wave_function:
    energia = 448
    parametros = gasb.params_97
    parametros['Eta3'] = 0
    parametros['Eta2'] = 0
    parametros['eF']   = 60
    parametros = dict(GammaLead = parametros["GammaC"], V = 100, **parametros )
    wf = kwant.wave_function(syst, energy = energia, params = parametros)
    modes_left  = wf(0)
    modes_right = wf(1)
    # modes_total = np.vstack((wf(0), wf(1)))

    # Calculate the density:
    sigma_z = tinyarray.array([[1,0],[0,-1]])
    spin_proj= np.kron(sigma_z, np.eye(3))
    identity = np.eye(6)
    rho = kwant.operator.Density(syst, spin_proj)
    psi_left = sum(rho(p) for p in modes_left)
    psi_right = sum(rho(p) for p in modes_right)

    # Calculate dos in a line
    dos_in_line_from_left  = density_in_line(syst, psi)
    dos_in_line_from_both  = density_in_line(syst, np.vstack((wf(0),wf(1))))
    # print(dos_in_line.shape)
    # print(dos_in_line)
    # plot_dos_in_line(dos_in_line_from_both)

    # Plot the results:
    colorRight = "seismic"
    colorLeft  = "seismic"
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(14,6))
    y_values_left = y_values_left * (shapes.A0 / 10) # conversion to nm^{-1}
    y_values_right = y_values_right * (shapes.A0 / 10) # conversion to nm^{-1}
    min_line, max_line = -0.7 * shapes.L_STD, 0.7 * shapes.L_STD

    map_density(ax[0][0], syst, psi_left, colormap = colorRight)
    ax[0][0].vlines(0, min_line, max_line, linestyle = "--")
    ax[0][0].set_title("left lead")
    map_density(ax[1][0], syst, psi_right, colormap = colorLeft)
    ax[1][0].vlines(0, min_line, max_line, linestyle = "--")
    ax[1][0].set_title("right lead")

    ax[0][1].plot(y_values_left, normalize(dos_in_line_from_left),
                    marker = ".", markersize = 2.5, linestyle = "-" )
    ax[1][1].plot(y_values_right, normalize(dos_in_line_from_right),
                    marker = ".", markersize = 2.5, linestyle = "-" )