Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_http_listener_delete(self):
        name = 'delete_listener'
        name_1 = 'delete_listener_1'
        normal_listen_port = self.get_port()
        # Open listeners on two HTTP enabled ports. Delete one of the
        # HTTP listeners and make sure that it is really gone and also
        # make sure that the other HTTP listener is still working.
        http_delete_listen_port_1 = self.get_port()
        http_delete_listen_port_2 = self.get_port()
        config = Qdrouterd.Config([
            ('router', {'mode': 'standalone', 'id': 'A'}),
            ('listener', {'port': normal_listen_port}),
            ('listener', {'httpRootDir': os.path.dirname(__file__), 'name': name, 'port': http_delete_listen_port_1, 'http': True}),
            ('listener', {'httpRootDir': os.path.dirname(__file__), 'name': name_1, 'port': http_delete_listen_port_2, 'http': True})])
        router = self.qdrouterd(name="expect_fail_1", config=config, wait=True)

        def address():
            return router.addresses[0]

        # Perform a GET request on the http_delete_listen_port_1 just to make
        # sure that it is up and running.
        url_1 = "%s/system_tests_http.txt" % "http://localhost:%d" % http_delete_listen_port_1
        out = self.get(url_1, use_ca=False)

        # Perform a GET request on the http_delete_listen_port_2 just to make
        # sure that it is up and running.
        url_2 = "%s/system_tests_http.txt" % "http://localhost:%d" % http_delete_listen_port_2
        out = self.get(url_2, use_ca=False)

        # Now both http_delete_listen_port_1 and http_delete_listen_port_2
        # are working.

        # Delete the listener on port http_delete_listen_port_1
        long_type = 'org.apache.qpid.dispatch.listener'
        mgmt = QdManager(self, address=address())

        if self.skip_delete_http_listener_test:
            # You are not allowed to delete a http:yes listener
            # Try deleting it and make sure you get an exception.
                mgmt.delete(long_type, name=name)
            except Exception as e:
                if "BadRequestStatus: HTTP listeners cannot be deleted" in str(e):
                    exception_raised = True
            mgmt.delete(long_type, name=name)

            # Once again try to perform a GET request. Now since the listener
            # is gone, the GET will fail.
            ret_val = retry(lambda: self.is_get_request_failing(url_1, use_ca=False), timeout=10, delay=2)

            # HTTP listener on port http_delete_listen_port_1 has been
            # deleted successfully. Make sure that the listener on port
            # http_delete_listen_port_2 is still working.
            out = self.get(url_2, use_ca=False)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_https_get(self):
        def http_listener(**kwargs):
            args = dict(kwargs)
            args.update({'port': self.get_port(), 'http': 'yes', 'httpRootDir': os.path.dirname(__file__)})
            return ('listener', args)

        def listener(**kwargs):
            args = dict(kwargs)
            args.update({'port': self.get_port()})
            return ('listener', args)

        name = 'delete-me'
        config = Qdrouterd.Config([
            ('router', {'id': 'QDR.HTTPS'}),
            ('sslProfile', {'name': 'simple-ssl',
                            'caCertFile': self.ssl_file('ca-certificate.pem'),
                            'certFile': self.ssl_file('server-certificate.pem'),
                            'privateKeyFile': self.ssl_file('server-private-key.pem'),
                            'ciphers': 'ECDH+AESGCM:DH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:DH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:DH+AES:RSA+AESGCM:RSA+AES:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS',
                            'password': '******'
            http_listener(sslProfile='simple-ssl', requireSsl=False, authenticatePeer=False),
            http_listener(sslProfile='simple-ssl', requireSsl=True, authenticatePeer=False),
            http_listener(sslProfile='simple-ssl', requireSsl=True, authenticatePeer=True),
            http_listener(name=name, sslProfile='simple-ssl', requireSsl=True, authenticatePeer=True),
            listener(name='mgmt_listener', authenticatePeer=False)])
        # saslMechanisms='EXTERNAL'

        r = self.qdrouterd('https-test-router', config)

        def address():
            return r.addresses[4]

        self.assert_get("https://localhost:%s" % r.ports[0])
        # requireSsl=false Allows simple-ssl HTTP

        # DISPATCH-1513: libwebsockets versions 3.2.0 introduces a new flag called
        # The new flag allows (as the flag says) HTTP over HTTPS listeners.
        # Since this flag is not available before lws 3.2.0 we need
        # to selectively disable this check
        if qpid_dispatch_site.LIBWEBSOCKETS_VERSION >= (3, 2, 0):
            self.assert_get("http://localhost:%s" % r.ports[0])

        self.assert_get("https://localhost:%s" % r.ports[1])
        # requireSsl=True does not allow simple-ssl HTTP
        self.assertRaises(Exception, self.assert_get, "http://localhost:%s" % r.ports[1])

        # authenticatePeer=True requires a client cert
        self.assertRaises((URLError, ssl.SSLError), self.assert_get, "https://localhost:%s" % r.ports[2])

        # Provide client cert
        self.assert_get_cert("https://localhost:%d" % r.ports[2])

        # Try a get on the HTTP listener we are going to delete
        self.assert_get_cert("https://localhost:%d" % r.ports[3])

        if not self.skip_delete_http_listener_test:
            # Delete the listener with name 'delete-me'
            long_type = 'org.apache.qpid.dispatch.listener'
            mgmt = QdManager(self, address=address())
            mgmt.delete(long_type, name=name)

            # Make sure that the listener got deleted.
            ret_val = retry(lambda: self.is_get_request_failing("https://localhost:%s/system_tests_http.txt" % r.ports[3], use_get_cert=True), timeout=10, delay=2)

            # Make sure other ports are working normally after the above delete.
            self.assert_get_cert("https://localhost:%d" % r.ports[2])
Exemplo n.º 3
    def check_connector_delete(self, client_addr, server_addr):
        # Run curl --http2-prior-knowledge
        # We are first making sure that the http request goes thru successfully.
        out = self.run_curl(client_addr)

        # Run a qdmanage query on connections to see how many qdr_connections are
        # there on the egress router
        qd_manager = QdManager(self, address=server_addr)

        connections = qd_manager.query('org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connection')

        self.assertGreaterEqual(len(connections), 2)

        server_conn_found = False
        for conn in connections:
            if os.environ['SERVER_LISTEN_PORT'] in conn['name']:
                server_conn_found = True

        # Run a qdmanage DELETE on the httpConnector
        http_connectors  = qd_manager.query('org.apache.qpid.dispatch.httpConnector')
        self.assertEqual(len(http_connectors), 1)

        # Delete the httpConnector
        qd_manager.delete("org.apache.qpid.dispatch.httpConnector", name=self.connector_name)

        # Make sure the connector is gone
        http_connectors  = qd_manager.query('org.apache.qpid.dispatch.httpConnector')
        self.assertEqual(len(http_connectors), 0)

        # Deleting the connector must have taken out the connection to the server.
        connections = qd_manager.query('org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connection')
        http_server_conn_found = False
        for conn in connections:
            if os.environ['SERVER_LISTEN_PORT'] in conn['name']:
                server_conn_found = True


        # Now, run a curl client GET request with a timeout
        request_timed_out = False
            out = self.run_curl(client_addr, timeout=5)
        except Exception as e:
            request_timed_out = True


        # Add back the httpConnector
        # qdmanage CREATE type=httpConnector address=examples.com host= port=80 protocolVersion=HTTP2
        create_result = qd_manager.create("org.apache.qpid.dispatch.httpConnector", self.connector_props)
        num_tries = 2
        tries = 0
        conn_present = False
        while tries < num_tries:
            connections = qd_manager.query('org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connection')
            tries += 1
            if (len(connections) < 2):
                conn_present = True

        out = self.run_curl(client_addr)
        ret_string = ""
        i = 0
        while (i < 1000):
            ret_string += str(i) + ","
            i += 1
        self.assertIn(ret_string, out)