Exemplo n.º 1
def test_basic_start():
    Start a standup in a channel with valid inputs.
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel with user[0] as the owner
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # request a standup for 30 seconds
    result = requests.post(URL_STNDUP_START,
                               "token": users_data[0]["token"],
                               "channel_id": ch_id,
                               "length": 30

    # Use this to confirm time finish > now
    # now_time = datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()

    # confirm return
    assert isinstance(result["time_finish"], int)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_route_name():
    This tests for inclusivity of '/' in the route url.
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # send a invite request
        users_data[0]["token"], ch_id, users_data[2]["u_id"], URL_INVITE)

    # add a user[2] as an owner
        users_data[0]["token"], ch_id, users_data[2]["u_id"])

    # confirm http error, code = 404
    response = requests.post(URL_REMOWNER + '/', json={
        "token": users_data[0]["token"], "channel_id": ch_id, "u_id": users_data[2]["u_id"]})

    assert response.status_code == 404
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_route_name():
    This tests for inclusivity of '/' in the route url.
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # invite users to channel
    invite_user_channel(users_data[0]["token"], ch_id, users_data[1]["u_id"],
    invite_user_channel(users_data[0]["token"], ch_id, users_data[2]["u_id"],

    token = users_data[0]["token"]

    response = requests.get(URL_DETAILS + '/' +

    assert response.status_code == 404
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_route_name_send():
    Send message to appended / url.
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    token_ = users_data[0]["token"]

    # create a channel with user[0] as the owner
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(token_)

    # request a standup for 30 seconds
                      "token": token_,
                      "channel_id": ch_id,
                      "length": 5

    # send 3 messages
    response = requests.post(URL_STNDUP_SEND + '/',
                                 "token": token_,
                                 "channel_id": ch_id,
                                 "message": messages_3[0]
    assert response.status_code == 404
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_active_route_name():
    Confirm http error upon appendation of backslash.
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel with user[0] as the owner
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # request a standup for 30 seconds
                      "token": users_data[0]["token"],
                      "channel_id": ch_id,
                      "length": 30

    token_ = users_data[0]["token"]

    # req if standup is active
    response = requests.get(URL_STNDUP_ACTIVE + '/' +

    assert response.status_code == 404
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_active_basic():
    Confirm we get the correct output on valid input and start standup.
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel with user[0] as the owner
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # start a standup for 30 seconds
    result = requests.post(URL_STNDUP_START,
                               "token": users_data[0]["token"],
                               "channel_id": ch_id,
                               "length": 30

    token_ = users_data[0]["token"]

    # req if standup is active
    response = requests.get(URL_STNDUP_ACTIVE +

    assert response["is_active"]
    assert response["time_finish"] == result["time_finish"]
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_bad_input_active():
    1. Send invalid token
    2. Send invalid channel_id
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel with user[0] as the owner
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # check if a standup is active with non channel member user[1]
    token_bad = 215125125125
    token_ = users_data[0]["token"]

    response = requests.get(URL_STNDUP_ACTIVE +

    assert response.status_code == 400

    # check if standup is active in a non-existent channel
    response = requests.get(URL_STNDUP_ACTIVE +

    assert response.status_code == 400
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_user_not_authorised():
    User is not author of message
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    token_0 = users_data[0]["token"]
    token_1 = users_data[1]["token"]

    # send message to channel
    msg1_1 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_0, "channel_id": ch_id, \
        "message": "a"}).json()['message_id']

    response = requests.delete(URL_MSG_REMOVE,
                                   "token": token_1,
                                   "message_id": msg1_1
    assert response.status_code == 400
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_user_not_in_channel():
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create 2 channels
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])
    data_in = {
        "token": users_data[1]["token"],
        "name": "new",
        "is_public": True
    ch_id2 = requests.post(URL_CREATE, json=data_in).json()['channel_id']

    # send 3 messages to channels which users are not in.

    response = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND,
                                 "token": users_data[1]['token'],
                                 "channel_id": ch_id,
                                 "message": "another message"
    response2 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND,
                                  "token": users_data[2]["token"],
                                  "channel_id": ch_id2,
                                  "message": "another message"

    assert response.status_code == 400
    assert response2.status_code == 400
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_user_not_owner_of_slackr_or_channel():
        # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    token_0 = users_data[0]["token"]
    token_1 = users_data[1]["token"]
    token_2 = users_data[2]["token"]

    # ch_id: owner = token_0; member = token_0, token_2
    # ch_id2: owner = token1; member = token_1
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])
    data_in = {"token": users_data[1]["token"], "name": "FOX_NEWS", "is_public": True}
    ch_id2 = requests.post(URL_CREATE, json=data_in).json()['channel_id']
    invite_user_channel(token_0, ch_id, users_data[2]['u_id'], URL_INVITE)

    # send 3 messages to each channel + 1 extra into channel2
    msg1_1 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_0, "channel_id": ch_id, "message": "a"}).json()['message_id']
    msg2_1 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_0, "channel_id": ch_id, "message": "b"}).json()['message_id']
    msg3_1 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_0, "channel_id": ch_id, "message": "c"}).json()['message_id']
    msg1_2 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_1, "channel_id": ch_id2, "message": "d"}).json()['message_id']
    msg2_2 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_1, "channel_id": ch_id2, "message": "e"}).json()['message_id']
    msg3_2 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_1, "channel_id": ch_id2, "message": "f"}).json()['message_id']
    requests.post(URL_MSG_PIN, json={"token": token_0, "message_id": msg1_1})
    requests.post(URL_MSG_PIN, json={"token": token_2, "message_id": msg1_2})
    requests.post(URL_MSG_PIN, json={"token": token_0, "message_id": msg3_2})

    # unpin some messages where you arent owner of channel or slackr
    response = requests.post(URL_MSG_UNPIN, json={"token": token_2, "message_id": msg1_1})
    assert response.status_code == 400
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_bad_data_join():
    1. Sends an invalid token.
    2. Sends an invalid channel id.

    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # send invalid token
    response = requests.post(
        URL_JOIN, json={"token": 1221451512, "channel_id": ch_id})

    assert response.status_code == 400

    # send invalid ch_id, which should result in a bad request
    response = requests.post(
        URL_JOIN, json={"token": users_data[0]["token"], "channel_id": 124124})

    assert response.status_code == 400
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_errors():
    Testing for correct http error returns.
    Input = invalid route from admin
    Expected Ouput = corresponding http error codes
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # send a join request to base channel. if this doesnt raise an error,
    # there are serious problems with the implementation
    response = requests.post(
        BASE_CHANNEL+'/', json={"token": users_data[1]["token"], "channel_id": ch_id})

    assert response .status_code == 404

    # confirm http error, code = 404
    response = requests.post(
        BASE_CHANNEL+'/joining', json={"token": users_data[1]["token"], "channel_id": ch_id})

    assert response .status_code == 404

    # send with wrong method
    response = requests.get(
        URL_JOIN, json={"token": users_data[1]["token"], "channel_id": ch_id})

    assert response .status_code == 405
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_bad_data_details():
    1. Sends a token of a non owner.
    2. Sends an invalid channel id.

    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    token = users_data[1]["token"]

    # non-owner trying to get channel details
    response = requests.get(URL_DETAILS + f'?token={token}&channel_id={ch_id}')

    assert response.status_code == 400

    # send invalid ch_id
    response = requests.post(URL_ADDOWNER,
                                 "token": users_data[0]["token"],
                                 "channel_id": 124124,
                                 "u_id": users_data[2]["u_id"]

    assert response.status_code == 400
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_basic():
    Test correct input -> output
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # invite users to channel
    invite_user_channel(users_data[0]["token"], ch_id, users_data[1]["u_id"],
    invite_user_channel(users_data[0]["token"], ch_id, users_data[2]["u_id"],

    token = users_data[0]["token"]

    # send a details request
    payload = requests.get(URL_DETAILS +

    # confirm output
    assert payload["name"] == "FOX_NEWS"
    assert payload["owner_members"] and payload["all_members"]
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_basic_send():
    Start a standup and send a message to it.
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    token_ = users_data[0]["token"]

    # create a channel with user[0] as the owner
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(token_)

    # request a standup for 30 seconds
                      "token": token_,
                      "channel_id": ch_id,
                      "length": 5

    # send 3 messages
    response = requests.post(URL_STNDUP_SEND,
                                 "token": token_,
                                 "channel_id": ch_id,
                                 "message": messages_3[0]
    assert response.json() == {}

    response = requests.post(URL_STNDUP_SEND,
                                 "token": token_,
                                 "channel_id": ch_id,
                                 "message": messages_3[1]
    assert response.json() == {}

    response = requests.post(URL_STNDUP_SEND,
                                 "token": token_,
                                 "channel_id": ch_id,
                                 "message": messages_3[2]
    assert response.json() == {}

    # confirm that these messages will be in the channel after 3 seconds

    result = requests.get(
        URL_MESSAGES + f"?token={token_}&channel_id={ch_id}&start={0}").json()
    # confirm output.
    assert result["start"] == 0 and result["end"] == -1
    assert result["messages"][0][
        "message"] == "\nxdlamoDfondofpigsW: I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.\nxdlamoDfondofpigsW: Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Poison a man's fish, and you'll never have to feed him again.\nxdlamoDfondofpigsW: Maybe the real virus is human beings. We infect every corner of the planet and turn everything into factory, killing off other living things"
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_basic():
    This is a sanity test for correct output based on all-correct input.
    # debug mode
    # pdb.set_trace()

    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    token_0 = users_data[0]["token"]
    token_1 = users_data[1]["token"]
    token_2 = users_data[2]["token"]

    # owner of slackr = token_0
    # ch_id: owner = token_0; member = token_0, token_2
    # ch_id2: owner = token1; member = token_1
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])
    data_in = {"token": users_data[1]["token"], "name": "FOX_NEWS", "is_public": True}
    ch_id2 = requests.post(URL_CREATE, json=data_in).json()['channel_id']
    invite_user_channel(token_0, ch_id, users_data[2]['u_id'], URL_INVITE)

    # send 3 messages to each channel + 1 extra into channel2
    msg1_1 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_0, "channel_id": ch_id, "message": "a"}).json()['message_id']
    msg2_1 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_0, "channel_id": ch_id, "message": "b"}).json()['message_id']
    msg3_1 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_0, "channel_id": ch_id, "message": "c"}).json()['message_id']
    msg1_2 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_1, "channel_id": ch_id2, "message": "d"}).json()['message_id']
    msg2_2 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_1, "channel_id": ch_id2, "message": "e"}).json()['message_id']
    msg3_2 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_1, "channel_id": ch_id2, "message": "f"}).json()['message_id']
    # pin some messages - first is owner of channel and slackr, second is owner of channel, third is owner of slackr
    requests.post(URL_MSG_PIN, json={"token": token_0, "message_id": msg1_1})
    requests.post(URL_MSG_PIN, json={"token": token_1, "message_id": msg1_2})
    requests.post(URL_MSG_PIN, json={"token": token_0, "message_id": msg3_2})

    # unpin the messages - first is owner of channel and slackr, second is owner of channel, third is owner of slackr
    requests.post(URL_MSG_UNPIN, json={"token": token_0, "message_id": msg1_1})
    requests.post(URL_MSG_UNPIN, json={"token": token_1, "message_id": msg1_2})
    requests.post(URL_MSG_UNPIN, json={"token": token_0, "message_id": msg3_2})
    # retrieve messages
    payload = requests.get(
        URL_MESSAGES + f"?token={token_0}&channel_id={ch_id}&start=0").json()
    payload2 = requests.get(
        URL_MESSAGES + f"?token={token_1}&channel_id={ch_id2}&start=0").json()
    # confirm output.
    assert payload["messages"][0]["is_pinned"] == False
    assert payload["messages"][1]["is_pinned"] == False
    assert payload2["messages"][0]["is_pinned"] == False
    assert payload2["messages"][2]["is_pinned"] == False
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_errors_send():
    Send message to appended / url.
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    token_ = users_data[0]["token"]

    # create a channel with user[0] as the owner
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(token_)

    # request a standup for 30 seconds
                      "token": token_,
                      "channel_id": ch_id,
                      "length": 10

    # send to base url
    response = requests.post(BASE_STANDUP,
                                 "token": token_,
                                 "channel_id": ch_id,
                                 "message": messages_3[0]
    assert response.status_code == 404

    # send to to sending
    response = requests.post(BASE_STANDUP + '/sending',
                                 "token": token_,
                                 "channel_id": ch_id,
                                 "message": messages_3[0]
    assert response.status_code == 404

    # send to to sent
    response = requests.post(BASE_STANDUP + '/sent',
                                 "token": token_,
                                 "channel_id": ch_id,
                                 "message": messages_3[0]
    assert response.status_code == 404

    # send with wrong method
    response = requests.get(
    assert response.status_code == 405
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_errors_start():
    Tests possible redirection routes that shouldn't be implemented.
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel with user[0] as the owner
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # request a standup for 30 seconds
    result = requests.post(BASE_STANDUP,
                               "token": users_data[0]["token"],
                               "channel_id": ch_id,
                               "length": 30

    assert result.status_code == 404

    # request a standup for 30 seconds
    result = requests.post(BASE_STANDUP + '/starting',
                               "token": users_data[0]["token"],
                               "channel_id": ch_id,
                               "length": 30

    assert result.status_code == 404

    # request a standup for 30 seconds
    result = requests.post(BASE_STANDUP + '/starts',
                               "token": users_data[0]["token"],
                               "channel_id": ch_id,
                               "length": 30

    assert result.status_code == 404

    # confirm invalid method result.
    result = requests.get(URL_STNDUP_START,
                              "token": users_data[0]["token"],
                              "channel_id": ch_id,
                              "length": 30

    assert result.status_code == 405
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_bad_data_invite():
    1. Sends a token of a non owner.
    2. Sends an invalid channel id.
    3. Sends an invalid u_id.

    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # send an invite request to user[1]
    invite_user_channel(users_data[0]["token"], ch_id, users_data[1]["u_id"],

    # non-owner user[1] trying to invite user[2]
    response = requests.post(URL_INVITE,
                                 "token": users_data[1]["token"],
                                 "channel_id": 124124,
                                 "u_id": users_data[2]["u_id"]

    assert response.status_code == 400

    # send invalid ch_id, which will result in an internal error
    response = requests.post(URL_INVITE,
                                 "token": users_data[1]["token"],
                                 "channel_id": 124124,
                                 "u_id": users_data[2]["u_id"]

    assert response.status_code == 400

    # send invalid u_id
    response = requests.post(URL_INVITE,
                                 "token": users_data[1]["token"],
                                 "channel_id": ch_id,
                                 "u_id": 12551

    assert response.status_code == 400
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_errors():
    Testing for correct http error returns.
    Input = invalid route from admin
    Expected Ouput = corresponding http error codes
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # send an invite request to user[2]
    response = requests.post(BASE_CHANNEL,
                                 "token": users_data[0]["token"],
                                 "channel_id": ch_id,
                                 "u_id": users_data[1]["u_id"]

    # confirm 404
    assert response.status_code == 404

    # send an invite request to user[2]
    response = requests.post(BASE_CHANNEL + '/invites',
                                 "token": users_data[0]["token"],
                                 "channel_id": ch_id,
                                 "u_id": users_data[1]["u_id"]

    # confirm 404
    assert response.status_code == 404

    # confirm http error, code = 405
    # send an invite request to user[2]
    response = requests.get(URL_INVITE,
                                "token": users_data[0]["token"],
                                "channel_id": ch_id,
                                "u_id": users_data[1]["u_id"]

    # confirm 404
    assert response.status_code == 405
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_user_not_in_channel():
    '''Test error occurs where user is not in the channel'''
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # ch_id: owner = token_0; member = token_0, token_2
    # ch_id2: owner = token1; member = token_1
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])
    data_in = {
        "token": users_data[1]["token"],
        "name": "FOX_NEWS",
        "is_public": True
    ch_id2 = requests.post(URL_CREATE, json=data_in).json()['channel_id']

    token_0 = users_data[0]["token"]
    token_1 = users_data[1]["token"]
    token_2 = users_data[2]["token"]
    invite_user_channel(token_0, ch_id, users_data[2]['u_id'], URL_INVITE)

    # send 3 messages to each channel + 1 extra into channel2
    msg1_1 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_0, "channel_id": ch_id, "message": \
    msg2_1 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_0, "channel_id": ch_id, "message": \
    msg3_1 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_0, "channel_id": ch_id, "message": \
    msg1_2 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_1, "channel_id": ch_id2, "message": \
    msg2_2 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_1, "channel_id": ch_id2, "message": \
    msg3_2 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_1, "channel_id": ch_id2, "message": \

    # react to some messages where you arent in the channel
    response = requests.post(URL_MSG_REACT, json={"token": token_1, "message_id": msg1_1, \
        "react_id": 1})
    response2 = requests.post(URL_MSG_REACT, json={"token": token_0, "message_id": msg1_2, \
        "react_id": 1})
    response3 = requests.post(URL_MSG_REACT, json={"token": token_2, "message_id": msg1_2, \
        "react_id": 1})

    assert response.status_code == 400
    assert response2.status_code == 400
    assert response3.status_code == 400
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_bad_input_send():
    1. Send invalid token
    2. Send invalid channel_id
    3. Send a message '**5000, too long.
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel with user[0] as the owner
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # check if a standup is active with non channel member user[1]
    token_bad = 215125125125
    token_ = users_data[0]["token"]

    # send message with invalid token
    response = requests.post(URL_STNDUP_SEND,
                                 "token": token_bad,
                                 "channel_id": ch_id,
                                 "message": messages_3[0]
    assert response.status_code == 400

    # send message with invalid channel_id
    response = requests.post(URL_STNDUP_SEND,
                                 "token": token_,
                                 "channel_id": 125125132,
                                 "message": messages_3[0]

    assert response.status_code == 400

    # send a huge message
    response = requests.post(URL_STNDUP_SEND,
                                 "token": token_,
                                 "channel_id": ch_id,
                                 "message": 'a' * 1001

    assert response.status_code == 400
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_already_unpinned():
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    token_0 = users_data[0]["token"]

    # send message to channel
    msg1_1 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_0, "channel_id": ch_id, "message": "a"}).json()['message_id']

    response = requests.post(URL_MSG_UNPIN, json={"token": token_0, "message_id": msg1_1})
    assert response.status_code == 400
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_route_name():
    This tests for inclusivity of '/' in the route url.
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # send a join request
    response = requests.post(
        URL_JOIN+'/', json={"token": users_data[1]["token"], "channel_id": ch_id})

    assert response .status_code == 404
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_errors():
    Testing for correct http error returns.
    Input = invalid route from admin
    Expected Ouput = corresponding http error codes
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    invite_user_channel(users_data[0]["token"], ch_id, users_data[2]["u_id"],

    token = users_data[0]["token"]

    # confirm http error, code = 404
    # send base url
    response = requests.get(BASE_CHANNEL +

    assert response.status_code == 404

    # confirm http error, code = 404
    # send base url with 'detail'
    response = requests.get(BASE_CHANNEL + '/detail' +

    assert response.status_code == 404

    # confirm http error, code = 405
    # send with post method, i.e. not get.
    response = requests.post(URL_DETAILS,
                                 "token": token,
                                 "channel_id": ch_id,
                                 "u_id": users_data[2]["u_id"]

    assert response.status_code == 405
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_bad_input_start():
    1. Send token of non-owner
    2. Send invalid channel_id
    3. Send invalid length
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel with user[0] as the owner
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # request a standup for 30 seconds by user[1]
    result = requests.post(URL_STNDUP_START,
                               "token": users_data[1]["token"],
                               "channel_id": ch_id,
                               "length": 30

    assert result.status_code == 400

    # request a standup for 30 seconds in an invalid channel
    result = requests.post(URL_STNDUP_START,
                               "token": users_data[0]["token"],
                               "channel_id": 12251251,
                               "length": 30

    assert result.status_code == 400

    # request a standup for 30 seconds with an invalid length
    result = requests.post(URL_STNDUP_START,
                               "token": users_data[0]["token"],
                               "channel_id": ch_id,
                               "length": -55

    assert result.status_code == 400
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_basic():
    Test correct input -> output
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # send an invite request
    payload = invite_user_channel(users_data[0]["token"], ch_id,
                                  users_data[1]["u_id"], URL_INVITE)

    # confirm output
    assert payload == {}
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_basic():
    Test correct input -> output
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # send a join request
    payload = requests.post(
        URL_JOIN, json={"token": users_data[1]["token"], "channel_id": ch_id})

    # confirm output
    assert payload.json() == {}
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_errors():
    Testing for correct http error returns.
    Input = invalid route
    Expected Ouput = corresponding http error codes
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create a channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    # send a invite request
        users_data[0]["token"], ch_id, users_data[2]["u_id"], URL_INVITE)

    # add a user[2] as an owner
        users_data[0]["token"], ch_id, users_data[2]["u_id"])

    # confirm http error, code = 404
    # send base url
    response = requests.post(BASE_CHANNEL, json={
        "token": users_data[0]["token"], "channel_id": ch_id, "u_id": users_data[2]["u_id"]})

    assert response.status_code == 404

    # confirm http error, code = 404
    # send base url appended with '/removal', i.e. a possible user mistake.
    response = requests.post(BASE_CHANNEL + '/removal', json={
        "token": users_data[0]["token"], "channel_id": ch_id, "u_id": users_data[2]["u_id"]})

    assert response.status_code == 404

    # confirm http error, code = 405
    # send base url
    response = requests.get(URL_REMOWNER, json={
        "token": users_data[0]["token"], "channel_id": ch_id, "u_id": users_data[2]["u_id"]})

    assert response.status_code == 405
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_not_reacted():
    '''Test error occurs where user has not reacted'''
    # reset workspace

    # register 3 people, fetch tokens and u_id of the users.
    users_data = common_set.register_3_users()

    # create channel
    ch_id = common_set.create_channel_99(users_data[0]["token"])

    token_0 = users_data[0]["token"]

    # send message to channel
    msg1_1 = requests.post(URL_MSG_SEND, json={"token": token_0, "channel_id": ch_id, "message": \

    response = requests.post(URL_MSG_UNREACT, json={"token": token_0, "message_id": msg1_1, \
        "react_id": 1})
    assert response.status_code == 400