Exemplo n.º 1
def _orthogonalize_tt_cores_right_to_left(tt):
    """Orthogonalize TT-cores of a TT-object in the right to left order.

    tt: TenosorTrain or a TensorTrainBatch.

    The same type as the input `tt` (TenosorTrain or a TensorTrainBatch).
    # Left to right orthogonalization.
    ndims = tt.ndims()
    raw_shape = shapes.lazy_raw_shape(tt)
    tt_ranks = shapes.lazy_tt_ranks(tt)
    prev_rank = tt_ranks[ndims]
    # Copy cores references so we can change the cores.
    tt_cores = list(tt.tt_cores)
    for core_idx in range(ndims - 1, 0, -1):
        curr_core = tt_cores[core_idx]
        # TT-ranks could have changed on the previous iteration, so `tt_ranks` can
        # be outdated for the current TT-rank, but should be valid for the next
        # TT-rank.
        curr_rank = prev_rank
        prev_rank = tt_ranks[core_idx]
        if tt.is_tt_matrix():
            curr_mode_left = raw_shape[0][core_idx]
            curr_mode_right = raw_shape[1][core_idx]
            curr_mode = curr_mode_left * curr_mode_right
            curr_mode = raw_shape[0][core_idx]

        qr_shape = (prev_rank, curr_mode * curr_rank)
        curr_core = tf.reshape(curr_core, qr_shape)
        curr_core, triang = tf.qr(tf.transpose(curr_core))
        curr_core = tf.transpose(curr_core)
        triang = tf.transpose(triang)
        if triang.get_shape().is_fully_defined():
            triang_shape = triang.get_shape().as_list()
            triang_shape = tf.shape(triang)
        # The TT-rank could have changed: if qr_shape is e.g. 4 x 10, than q would
        # be of size 4 x 4 and r would be 4 x 10, which means that the next rank
        # should be changed to 4.
        prev_rank = triang_shape[1]
        if tt.is_tt_matrix():
            new_core_shape = (prev_rank, curr_mode_left, curr_mode_right,
            new_core_shape = (prev_rank, curr_mode, curr_rank)
        tt_cores[core_idx] = tf.reshape(curr_core, new_core_shape)

        prev_core = tf.reshape(tt_cores[core_idx - 1], (-1, triang_shape[0]))
        tt_cores[core_idx - 1] = tf.matmul(prev_core, triang)

    if tt.is_tt_matrix():
        first_core_shape = (1, raw_shape[0][0], raw_shape[1][0], prev_rank)
        first_core_shape = (1, raw_shape[0][0], prev_rank)
    tt_cores[0] = tf.reshape(tt_cores[0], first_core_shape)
    # TODO: infer the tt_ranks.
    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, tt.get_raw_shape())
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: ops.py Projeto: towadroid/t3f
def cast(tt, dtype, name='t3f_cast'):
  """Casts a tt-tensor to a new type.

    tt: `TensorTrain` object.
    dtype: The destination type.
    name: string, name of the Op.

    TypeError: If `tt` cannot be cast to the `dtype`.
    ValueError: If `tt` is not a `TensorTrain` or `TensorTrainBatch`.
  with tf.name_scope(name, values=tt.tt_cores):
    res_cores = []
    cores = tt.tt_cores
    for core_idx in range(tt.ndims()):
      res_cores.append(tf.cast(cores[core_idx], dtype))
    res_shape = tt.get_raw_shape()
    res_ranks = tt.get_tt_ranks()
    if isinstance(tt, TensorTrain):
      return TensorTrain(res_cores, res_shape, res_ranks)
    elif isinstance(tt, TensorTrainBatch):
      return TensorTrainBatch(res_cores, res_shape, res_ranks, tt.batch_size)
      raise ValueError('Unsupported type of input "%s", should be TensorTrain '
                       'or TensorTrainBatch.' % tt)
Exemplo n.º 3
def eye(shape, dtype=tf.float32, name='t3f_eye'):
    """Creates an identity TT-matrix.

    shape: array which defines the shape of the matrix row and column
    dtype: [tf.float32] dtype of the resulting matrix.
    name: string, name of the Op.

    TensorTrain containing an identity TT-matrix of size
    np.prod(shape) x np.prod(shape)
    shape = np.array(shape)
    # In this special case shape is in the same format as in the TT-tensor case
    _validate_input_parameters(is_tensor=True, shape=shape)

    num_dims = shape.size
    tt_ranks = np.ones(num_dims + 1, dtype=np.int)

    with tf.name_scope(name):
        tt_cores = num_dims * [None]
        for i in range(num_dims):
            curr_core_shape = (1, shape[i], shape[i], 1)
            tt_cores[i] = tf.reshape(tf.eye(shape[i], dtype=dtype),

        true_shape = np.vstack([shape, shape])
        return TensorTrain(tt_cores, true_shape, tt_ranks)
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: ops.py Projeto: vseledkin/t3f
def multiply(tt_left, right):
    """Returns a TensorTrain corresponding to element-wise product tt_left * right.

  The shapes of tt_left and right should coincide.

    tt_left: `TensorTrain`, TT-tensor or TT-matrix
    right: `TensorTrain`, TT-tensor or TT-matrix, OR a number.

    a `TensorTrain` object corresponding to the element-wise product of the

    ValueError if the arguments shapes do not coincide.
    if not isinstance(right, TensorTrainBase):
        # Assume right is a number, not TensorTrain.
        tt_cores = list(tt_left.tt_cores)
        tt_cores[0] = right * tt_cores[0]
        out_ranks = tt_left.get_tt_ranks()
        ndims = tt_left.ndims()
        if tt_left.is_tt_matrix() != right.is_tt_matrix():
            raise ValueError('The arguments should be both TT-tensors or both '

        if tt_left.get_shape() != right.get_shape():
            raise ValueError('The arguments should have the same shape.')

        a_ranks = shapes.lazy_tt_ranks(tt_left)
        b_ranks = shapes.lazy_tt_ranks(right)
        shape = shapes.lazy_raw_shape(tt_left)

        is_matrix = tt_left.is_tt_matrix()
        tt_cores = []
        for core_idx in range(ndims):
            a_core = tt_left.tt_cores[core_idx]
            b_core = right.tt_cores[core_idx]
            left_rank = a_ranks[core_idx] * b_ranks[core_idx]
            right_rank = a_ranks[core_idx + 1] * b_ranks[core_idx + 1]
            if is_matrix:
                curr_core = tf.einsum('aijb,cijd->acijbd', a_core, b_core)
                curr_core = tf.reshape(curr_core,
                                       (left_rank, shape[0][core_idx],
                                        shape[1][core_idx], right_rank))
                curr_core = tf.einsum('aib,cid->acibd', a_core, b_core)
                curr_core = tf.reshape(
                    curr_core, (left_rank, shape[0][core_idx], right_rank))

        combined_ranks = zip(tt_left.get_tt_ranks(), right.get_tt_ranks())
        out_ranks = [a * b for a, b in combined_ranks]

    if isinstance(tt_left, TensorTrain):
        return TensorTrain(tt_cores, tt_left.get_raw_shape(), out_ranks)
        return TensorTrainBatch(tt_cores, tt_left.get_raw_shape(), out_ranks,
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: ops.py Projeto: vseledkin/t3f
def cast(tt_a, dtype):
    """Casts a tt-tensor to a new type.

    tt_a: `TensorTrain` object.
    dtype: The destination type. 

    TypeError: If `tt_a` cannot be cast to the `dtype`.
    ValueError: If `tt_a` is not a `TensorTrain` or `TensorTrainBatch`.
    res_cores = []
    cores = tt_a.tt_cores
    for core_idx in range(tt_a.ndims()):
        res_cores.append(tf.cast(cores[core_idx], dtype))
    res_shape = tt_a.get_raw_shape()
    res_ranks = tt_a.get_tt_ranks()
    if isinstance(tt_a, TensorTrain):
        return TensorTrain(res_cores, res_shape, res_ranks)
    elif isinstance(tt_a, TensorTrainBatch):
        return TensorTrainBatch(res_cores, res_shape, res_ranks,
        raise ValueError(
            'Unsupported type of input "%s", should be TensorTrain or '
            'TensorTrainBatch.' % tt_a)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _batch_dim_getitem(self, element_spec):
        """__getitem__ when provided only one (batch) index.


        # This object index is specified exactly and we want to collapse the
        # batch_size axis, i.e. return a TensorTrain instead of a TensorTrainBatch.
        do_collapse_batch_dim = self._do_collapse_dim(element_spec)

        new_tt_cores = []
        for core_idx in range(self.ndims()):
            curr_core = self.tt_cores[core_idx]
            if self.is_tt_matrix():
                new_tt_cores.append(curr_core[element_spec, :, :, :, :])
                new_tt_cores.append(curr_core[element_spec, :, :, :])
        if do_collapse_batch_dim:
            # This index is specified exactly and we want to collapse the batch_size
            # axis, i.e. return a TensorTrain instead of a TensorTrainBatch.
            return TensorTrain(new_tt_cores, self.get_raw_shape(),
            batch_size = new_tt_cores[0].get_shape()[0].value
            return TensorTrainBatch(new_tt_cores, self.get_raw_shape(),
                                    self.get_tt_ranks(), batch_size)
Exemplo n.º 7
def matrix_with_random_cores(shape,
    """Generate a TT-matrix of given shape with N(mean, stddev^2) cores.

    shape: 2d array, shape[0] is the shape of the matrix row-index,
      shape[1] is the shape of the column index.
      shape[0] and shape[1] should have the same number of elements (d)
      Also supports omitting one of the dimensions for vectors, e.g.
        matrix_with_random_cores([[2, 2, 2], None])
        matrix_with_random_cores([None, [2, 2, 2]])
      will create an 8-element column and row vectors correspondingly.
    tt_rank: a number or a (d+1)-element array with ranks.
    mean: a number, the mean of the normal distribution used for
      initializing TT-cores.
    stddev: a number, the standard deviation of the normal distribution used
      for initializing TT-cores.
    dtype: [tf.float32] dtype of the resulting matrix.
    name: string, name of the Op.

    TensorTrain containing a TT-matrix of size
      np.prod(shape[0]) x np.prod(shape[1])
    # TODO: good distribution to init training.
    # In case the shape is immutable.
    shape = list(shape)
    # In case shape represents a vector, e.g. [None, [2, 2, 2]]
    if shape[0] is None:
        shape[0] = np.ones(len(shape[1]), dtype=int)
    # In case shape represents a vector, e.g. [[2, 2, 2], None]
    if shape[1] is None:
        shape[1] = np.ones(len(shape[0]), dtype=int)
    shape = np.array(shape)
    tt_rank = np.array(tt_rank)
    _validate_input_parameters(is_tensor=False, shape=shape, tt_rank=tt_rank)

    num_dims = shape[0].size
    if tt_rank.size == 1:
        tt_rank = tt_rank * np.ones(num_dims - 1, dtype=np.int)
        tt_rank = np.concatenate([[1], tt_rank, [1]])

    tt_rank = tt_rank.astype(int)
    tt_cores = [None] * num_dims
    with tf.name_scope(name):
        for i in range(num_dims):
            curr_core_shape = (tt_rank[i], shape[0][i], shape[1][i],
                               tt_rank[i + 1])
            tt_cores[i] = tf.random.normal(curr_core_shape,

        return TensorTrain(tt_cores, shape, tt_rank)
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: ops.py Projeto: vseledkin/t3f
def add(tt_a, tt_b):
    """Returns a TensorTrain corresponding to elementwise sum tt_a + tt_b.

  The shapes of tt_a and tt_b should coincide.
  Supports broadcasting:
    add(TensorTrainBatch, TensorTrain)
  adds TensorTrain to each element in the batch of TTs in TensorTrainBatch.

    tt_a: `TensorTrain`, `TensorTrainBatch`, TT-tensor, or TT-matrix
    tt_b: `TensorTrain`, `TensorTrainBatch`, TT-tensor, or TT-matrix

    a `TensorTrain` object corresponding to the element-wise sum of arguments if
      both arguments are `TensorTrain`s.
    OR a `TensorTrainBatch` if at least one of the arguments is

    ValueError if the arguments shapes do not coincide
    ndims = tt_a.ndims()
    if tt_a.is_tt_matrix() != tt_b.is_tt_matrix():
        raise ValueError('The arguments should be both TT-tensors or both '

    if tt_a.get_raw_shape() != tt_b.get_raw_shape():
        raise ValueError('The arguments should have the same shape.')

    if not shapes.is_batch_broadcasting_possible(tt_a, tt_b):
        raise ValueError(
            'The batch sizes are different and not 1, broadcasting is '
            'not available.')

    is_batch_case = isinstance(tt_a, TensorTrainBatch) or isinstance(
        tt_b, TensorTrainBatch)
    batch_size = None
    if is_batch_case:
        if tt_a.is_tt_matrix():
            tt_cores, batch_size = _add_batch_matrix_cores(tt_a, tt_b)
            tt_cores, batch_size = _add_batch_tensor_cores(tt_a, tt_b)
        if tt_a.is_tt_matrix():
            tt_cores = _add_matrix_cores(tt_a, tt_b)
            tt_cores = _add_tensor_cores(tt_a, tt_b)

    out_ranks = [1]
    static_a_ranks = tt_a.get_tt_ranks()
    static_b_ranks = tt_b.get_tt_ranks()
    for core_idx in range(1, ndims):
        out_ranks.append(static_a_ranks[core_idx] + static_b_ranks[core_idx])
    if is_batch_case:
        return TensorTrainBatch(tt_cores, tt_a.get_raw_shape(), out_ranks,
        return TensorTrain(tt_cores, tt_a.get_raw_shape(), out_ranks)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def testHalfKnownRanksTTMatmul(self):
   # Tests tt_tt_matmul for the case  when one matrice has known ranks
   # and the other one doesn't
   K_1 = tf.placeholder(self.dtype, (1, 2, 2, None))
   K_2 = tf.placeholder(self.dtype, (None, 3, 3, 1))
   tt_mat_known_ranks = TensorTrain([K_1, K_2], tt_ranks=[1, 3, 1])
   tt_mat = TensorTrain([K_1, K_2])
   res_actual = ops.full(ops.matmul(tt_mat_known_ranks, tt_mat))
   res_desired = tf.matmul(ops.full(tt_mat_known_ranks), ops.full(tt_mat))
   K_1_val = np.random.rand(1, 2, 2, 3)
   K_2_val = np.random.rand(3, 3, 3, 1)
   with self.test_session() as sess:
     res_actual_val = sess.run(res_actual, {K_1: K_1_val, K_2: K_2_val})
     res_desired_val = sess.run(res_desired, {K_1: K_1_val, K_2: K_2_val})
     self.assertAllClose(res_desired_val, res_actual_val)
Exemplo n.º 10
  def _full_getitem(self, slice_spec):
    """__getitem__ when provided full index of length ndims + 1.

      a = t3f.random_tensor_batch((2, 3, 4), batch_size=5)
      a[:3, 1:2, 4, :]
    if len(slice_spec) != self.ndims() + 1:
      raise ValueError('Expected %d indices, got %d' % (self.ndims() + 1,
    # This object index is specified exactly and we want to collapse the
    # batch_size axis, i.e. return a TensorTrain instead of a TensorTrainBatch.
    do_collapse_batch_dim = self._do_collapse_dim(slice_spec[0])
    remainder = None
    new_tt_cores = []
    for core_idx in range(self.ndims()):
      curr_core = self.tt_cores[core_idx]
      if self.is_tt_matrix():
        raise NotImplementedError
        sliced_core = curr_core[slice_spec[0], :, slice_spec[core_idx + 1], :]
        do_collapse_curr_dim = self._do_collapse_dim(slice_spec[core_idx + 1])
        if do_collapse_curr_dim:
          # This index is specified exactly and we want to collapse this axis.
          if remainder is None:
            remainder = sliced_core
            if do_collapse_batch_dim:
              remainder = tf.einsum('ab,bd->ad', remainder, sliced_core)
              remainder = tf.einsum('oab,obd->oad', remainder, sliced_core)
          if remainder is not None:
            # Add reminder from the previous collapsed cores to the current
            # core.
            if do_collapse_batch_dim:
              sliced_core = tf.einsum('ab,bid->aid', remainder, sliced_core)
              sliced_core = tf.einsum('oab,obid->oaid', remainder,
            remainder = None

    if remainder is not None:
      # The reminder obtained from collapsing the last cores.
      if do_collapse_batch_dim:
        new_tt_cores[-1] = tf.einsum('aib,bd->aid', new_tt_cores[-1],

        new_tt_cores[-1] = tf.einsum('oaib,obd->oaid', new_tt_cores[-1],
      remainder = None
    # TODO: infer the output ranks and shape.
    if do_collapse_batch_dim:
      return TensorTrain(new_tt_cores)
      return TensorTrainBatch(new_tt_cores)
Exemplo n.º 11
def cholesky(kron_a, name='t3f_kronecker_cholesky'):
    """Computes the Cholesky decomposition of a given Kronecker-factorized matrix.

    kron_a: `TensorTrain` or `TensorTrainBatch` object containing a matrix or a
      batch of matrices of size N x N, factorized into a Kronecker product of 
      square matrices (all tt-ranks are 1 and all tt-cores are square). All the 
      cores must be symmetric positive-definite.
    name: string, name of the Op.

    `TensorTrain` object containing a TT-matrix of size N x N if the argument is
    `TensorTrainBatch` object, containing TT-matrices of size N x N if the 
      argument is `TensorTrainBatch`  
    ValueError if the tt-cores of the provided matrix are not square,
    or the tt-ranks are not 1.
    if not _is_kron(kron_a):
        raise ValueError('The argument should be a Kronecker product '
                         '(tt-ranks should be 1)')

    shapes_defined = kron_a.get_shape().is_fully_defined()
    if shapes_defined:
        i_shapes = kron_a.get_raw_shape()[0]
        j_shapes = kron_a.get_raw_shape()[1]
        i_shapes = ops.raw_shape(kron_a)[0]
        j_shapes = ops.raw_shape(kron_a)[1]

    if shapes_defined:
        if i_shapes != j_shapes:
            raise ValueError(
                'The argument should be a Kronecker product of square '
                'matrices (tt-cores must be square)')

    is_batch = isinstance(kron_a, TensorTrainBatch)
    with tf.name_scope(name):
        cho_cores = []
        for core_idx in range(kron_a.ndims()):
            core = kron_a.tt_cores[core_idx]
            if is_batch:
                core_cho = tf.linalg.cholesky(core[:, 0, :, :, 0])
                core_cho = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(core_cho, 1), -1)
                core_cho = tf.linalg.cholesky(core[0, :, :, 0])
                core_cho = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(core_cho, 0), -1)

        res_ranks = kron_a.get_tt_ranks()
        res_shape = kron_a.get_raw_shape()
        if is_batch:
            return TensorTrainBatch(cho_cores, res_shape, res_ranks)
            return TensorTrain(cho_cores, res_shape, res_ranks)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def testFullTensor2d(self):
     for rank in [1, 2]:
         a = np.random.rand(10, rank).astype(self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
         b = np.random.rand(rank, 9).astype(self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
         tt_cores = (a.reshape(1, 10, rank), b.reshape(rank, 9, 1))
         desired = np.dot(a, b)
         tf_tens = TensorTrain(tt_cores)
         actual = self.evaluate(ops.full(tf_tens))
         self.assertAllClose(desired, actual)
Exemplo n.º 13
def random_matrix(shape, tt_rank=2):
    """Generate a random TT-matrix of given shape.

    shape: 2d array, shape[0] is the shape of the matrix row-index,
      shape[1] is the shape of the column index.
      shape[0] and shape[1] should have the same number of elements (d)
      Also supports ommiting one of the dimensions for vectors, e.g.
        random_matrix([[2, 2, 2], None])
        random_matrix([None, [2, 2, 2]])
      will create an 8-element column and row vectors correspondingly.
    tt_rank: a number or a (d+1)-element array with ranks.

    TensorTrain containing a TT-matrix of size
      np.prod(shape[0]) x np.prod(shape[1])
    # TODO: good distribution to init training.
    # In case the shape is immutable.
    shape = list(shape)
    # In case shape represents a vector, e.g. [None, [2, 2, 2]]
    if shape[0] is None:
        shape[0] = np.ones(len(shape[1]))
    # In case shape represents a vector, e.g. [[2, 2, 2], None]
    if shape[1] is None:
        shape[1] = np.ones(len(shape[0]))
    shape = np.array(shape)
    tt_rank = np.array(tt_rank)
    if len(shape.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError('shape should be 2d array')
    if shape[0].size != shape[1].size:
        raise ValueError('shape[0] should have the same length as shape[1]')
    if np.any(shape.flatten() < 1):
        raise ValueError('all elements in `shape` should be positive')
    if np.any(tt_rank < 1):
        raise ValueError('`rank` should be positive')
    if tt_rank.size != 1 and tt_rank.size != (shape[0].size + 1):
        raise ValueError('`rank` array has inappropriate size')

    num_dims = shape[0].size
    if tt_rank.size == 1:
        tt_rank = tt_rank * np.ones(num_dims - 1)
        tt_rank = np.concatenate([[1], tt_rank, [1]])
    # TODO: check that ints?
    shape = shape.astype(int)
    tt_rank = tt_rank.astype(int)
    # TODO: variable (name?) scope.
    tt_cores = [None] * num_dims
    for i in range(num_dims):
        curr_core_shape = (tt_rank[i], shape[0][i], shape[1][i],
                           tt_rank[i + 1])
        tt_cores[i] = tf.random_normal(curr_core_shape)

    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, shape, tt_rank)
Exemplo n.º 14
  def testProject(self):
    # Compare our projection with the results obtained (and precomputed) from
    # tt.riemannian.project which is well tested.
    tangent_tens_cores = ([[[-0.42095269,  0.02130842],
         [-0.4181081 ,  0.42945687],
         [ 0.45972439, -0.4525616 ],
         [-0.17159869, -0.14505528]]], [[[ 0.23344421],
         [ 0.81480049],

         [ 0.524976  ],
    convert = lambda t: np.array(t, dtype=self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
    tangent_tens_cores = list([convert(t) for t in tangent_tens_cores])
    tangent_tens = TensorTrain(tangent_tens_cores, (4, 3), (1, 2, 1))
    tens_cores = ([[[-1.01761142,  0.36075896, -0.2493624 ],
         [-0.99896565, -1.12685474,  1.02832458],
         [ 1.08739724, -0.6537435 ,  1.99975537],
         [ 0.35128005,  0.40395104, -0.16790072]]], [[[ 0.34105142],
         [ 0.10371947],

        [[ 0.32639758],

        [[ 0.76616274],
         [ 0.6577514 ],
         [ 2.13703185]]])
    tens_cores = list([convert(t) for t in tens_cores])
    tens = TensorTrain(tens_cores, (4, 3), (1, 3, 1))
    desired_projection = [[-0.67638254, -1.17163914,  0.29850939],
       [-1.66479093, -0.99003251,  2.46629195],
       [-0.04847773, -0.72908174,  0.20142675],
       [ 0.34431125, -0.20935516, -1.15864246]]
    proj = riemannian.project_sum(tens, tangent_tens)
    proj_full = ops.full(proj)
    with self.test_session() as sess:
      proj_v = proj_full.eval()
      self.assertAllClose(desired_projection, proj_v)
      self.assertEqual(self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype, proj_v.dtype)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def testFullTensor2d(self):
     for rank in [1, 2]:
         a = np.random.rand(10, rank).astype(np.float32)
         b = np.random.rand(rank, 9).astype(np.float32)
         tt_cores = (a.reshape(1, 10, rank), b.reshape(rank, 9, 1))
         desired = np.dot(a, b)
         with self.test_session():
             tf_tens = TensorTrain(tt_cores)
             actual = ops.full(tf_tens)
             self.assertAllClose(desired, actual.eval())
Exemplo n.º 16
def inv(kron_a):
    """Computes the inverse of a given Kronecker-factorized matrix.

    kron_a: `TensorTrain` or `TensorTrainBatch` object containing a matrix or a
    batch of matrices of size N x N, factorized into a Kronecker product of 
    square matrices (all tt-ranks are 1 and all tt-cores are square). 

    `TensorTrain` object containing a TT-matrix of size N x N if the argument is
    `TensorTrainBatch` object, containing TT-matrices of size N x N if the 
      argument is `TensorTrainBatch`  
    ValueError if the tt-cores of the provided matrix are not square,
    or the tt-ranks are not 1.
    if not _is_kron(kron_a):
        raise ValueError('The argument should be a Kronecker product '
                         '(tt-ranks should be 1)')

    shapes_defined = kron_a.get_shape().is_fully_defined()
    if shapes_defined:
        i_shapes = kron_a.get_raw_shape()[0]
        j_shapes = kron_a.get_raw_shape()[1]
        i_shapes = ops.raw_shape(kron_a)[0]
        j_shapes = ops.raw_shape(kron_a)[1]

    if shapes_defined:
        if i_shapes != j_shapes:
            raise ValueError(
                'The argument should be a Kronecker product of square '
                'matrices (tt-cores must be square)')

    is_batch = isinstance(kron_a, TensorTrainBatch)
    inv_cores = []
    for core_idx in range(kron_a.ndims()):
        core = kron_a.tt_cores[core_idx]
        if is_batch:
            core_inv = tf.matrix_inverse(core[:, 0, :, :, 0])
            core_inv = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(core_inv, 1), -1)
            core_inv = tf.matrix_inverse(core[0, :, :, 0])
            core_inv = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(core_inv, 0), -1)

    res_ranks = kron_a.get_tt_ranks()
    res_shape = kron_a.get_raw_shape()
    if is_batch:
        return TensorTrainBatch(inv_cores, res_shape, res_ranks)
        return TensorTrain(inv_cores, res_shape, res_ranks)
Exemplo n.º 17
def renormalize_tt_cores(tt, epsilon=1e-8, name='t3f_renormalize_tt_cores'):
    """Renormalizes TT-cores to make them of the same Frobenius norm.

    Doesn't change the tensor represented by `tt` object, but renormalizes the
    TT-cores to make further computations more stable.

      tt: `TensorTrain` or `TensorTrainBatch` object
      epsilon: parameter for numerical stability of sqrt
      name: string, name of the Op.

      `TensorTrain` or `TensorTrainBatch` which represents the same
      tensor as tt, but with all cores having equal norm. In the batch
      case applies to each TT in `TensorTrainBatch`.
    # TODO: bad way to check if batch or not.
    with tf.name_scope(name):
        epsilon = tf.convert_to_tensor(epsilon, dtype=tf.float32)
        if isinstance(tt, TensorTrain):
            new_cores = []
            running_log_norm = 0
            core_norms = []
            for core in tt.tt_cores:
                cur_core_norm = tf.sqrt(
                    tf.maximum(tf.reduce_sum(core**2), epsilon))
                running_log_norm += tf.log(cur_core_norm)

            running_log_norm = running_log_norm / tt.ndims()
            fact = tf.exp(running_log_norm)
            for i, core in enumerate(tt.tt_cores):
                new_cores.append(core * fact / core_norms[i])
            return TensorTrain(new_cores)
            sz = (tt.batch_size, ) + (len(tt.tt_cores[0].shape) - 1) * (1, )
            running_core_log_norms = tf.zeros(sz, dtype=tt.dtype)
            ax = np.arange(len(tt.tt_cores[0].shape))[1:]
            fact_list = []
            for core in tt.tt_cores:
                cur_core_norm_sq = tf.reduce_sum(core**2,
                cur_core_norm = tf.sqrt(tf.maximum(epsilon, cur_core_norm_sq))
                running_core_log_norms += tf.math.log(cur_core_norm)

            new_cores = []
            exp_fact = tf.exp(running_core_log_norms / tt.ndims())
            for i, core in enumerate(tt.tt_cores):
                new_cores.append(tf.multiply(core, exp_fact / fact_list[i]))

            return TensorTrainBatch(new_cores)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def testCastIntFloat(self):
        # Tests cast function from int to float for matrices.
        K_1 = np.random.randint(0, high=100, size=(1, 2, 2, 2))
        K_2 = np.random.randint(0, high=100, size=(2, 3, 3, 2))
        K_3 = np.random.randint(0, high=100, size=(2, 2, 2, 1))
        tt_int = TensorTrain([K_1, K_2, K_3], tt_ranks=[1, 2, 2, 1])

        casted = ops.cast(tt_int, self.dtype)
        casted_val = self.evaluate(ops.full(casted))
        self.assertEqual(self.dtype, casted.dtype)
        self.assertTrue(self.dtype, casted_val.dtype)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def testFullTensor3d(self):
     for rank_1 in [1, 2]:
         a = np.random.rand(10, rank_1).astype(self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
         b = np.random.rand(rank_1, 9, 3).astype(self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
         c = np.random.rand(3, 8).astype(self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
         tt_cores = (a.reshape(1, 10, rank_1), b, c.reshape((3, 8, 1)))
         # Basically do full by hand.
         desired = a.dot(b.reshape((rank_1, -1)))
         desired = desired.reshape((-1, 3)).dot(c)
         desired = desired.reshape(10, 9, 8)
         tf_tens = TensorTrain(tt_cores)
         actual = self.evaluate(ops.full(tf_tens))
         self.assertAllClose(desired, actual)
Exemplo n.º 20
  def testCastIntFloat(self):
    # Tests cast function from int to float for matrices.
    K_1 = np.random.randint(0, high=100, size=(1, 2, 2, 2))
    K_2 = np.random.randint(0, high=100, size=(2, 3, 3, 2))
    K_3 = np.random.randint(0, high=100, size=(2, 2, 2, 1))
    tt_int = TensorTrain([K_1, K_2, K_3], tt_ranks=[1, 2, 2, 1])
    tt_int_batch = shapes.expand_batch_dim(tt_int)

    with self.test_session() as sess:
      casted = ops.cast(tt_int_batch, self.dtype)
      casted_val = sess.run(ops.full(casted))
      self.assertEqual(self.dtype, casted.dtype)
      self.assertTrue(self.dtype, casted_val.dtype)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def testFullMatrix2d(self):
     for rank in [1, 2]:
         a = np.random.rand(2, 3, rank).astype(self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
         b = np.random.rand(rank, 4, 5).astype(self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
         tt_cores = (a.reshape(1, 2, 3, rank), b.reshape((rank, 4, 5, 1)))
         # Basically do full by hand.
         desired = a.reshape((-1, rank)).dot(b.reshape((rank, -1)))
         desired = desired.reshape((2, 3, 4, 5))
         desired = desired.transpose((0, 2, 1, 3))
         desired = desired.reshape((2 * 4, 3 * 5))
         tf_mat = TensorTrain(tt_cores)
         actual = self.evaluate(ops.full(tf_mat))
         self.assertAllClose(desired, actual)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def testCastIntFloat(self):
        # Tests cast function from int to float for matrices.
        K_1 = np.random.randint(0, high=100, size=(1, 2, 2, 2))
        K_2 = np.random.randint(0, high=100, size=(2, 3, 3, 2))
        K_3 = np.random.randint(0, high=100, size=(2, 2, 2, 1))
        tt_int = TensorTrain([K_1, K_2, K_3], tt_ranks=[1, 2, 2, 1])

        with self.test_session() as sess:
            for dtype in [tf.float16, tf.float32, tf.float64]:
                casted = ops.cast(tt_int, dtype)
                casted_val = sess.run(ops.full(casted))
                self.assertEqual(dtype, casted.dtype)
                self.assertTrue(dtype, casted_val.dtype)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def testUnknownRanksTTMatmul(self):
   # Tests tt_tt_matmul for matrices with unknown ranks
   K_1 = tf.placeholder(self.dtype, (1, 2, 2, None))
   K_2 = tf.placeholder(self.dtype, (None, 3, 3, 1))
   tt_mat = TensorTrain([K_1, K_2])
   res_actual = ops.full(ops.matmul(tt_mat, tt_mat))
   res_desired = tf.matmul(ops.full(tt_mat), ops.full(tt_mat))
   K_1_val = np.random.rand(1, 2, 2, 2)
   K_2_val = np.random.rand(2, 3, 3, 1)
   with self.test_session() as sess:
     res_actual_val = sess.run(res_actual, {K_1: K_1_val, K_2: K_2_val})
     res_desired_val = sess.run(res_desired, {K_1: K_1_val, K_2: K_2_val})
     self.assertAllClose(res_desired_val, res_actual_val)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def testFullTensor3d(self):
     for rank_1 in [1, 2]:
         a = np.random.rand(10, rank_1).astype(np.float32)
         b = np.random.rand(rank_1, 9, 3).astype(np.float32)
         c = np.random.rand(3, 8).astype(np.float32)
         tt_cores = (a.reshape(1, 10, rank_1), b, c.reshape((3, 8, 1)))
         # Basically do full by hand.
         desired = a.dot(b.reshape((rank_1, -1)))
         desired = desired.reshape((-1, 3)).dot(c)
         desired = desired.reshape(10, 9, 8)
         with self.test_session():
             tf_tens = TensorTrain(tt_cores)
             actual = ops.full(tf_tens)
             self.assertAllClose(desired, actual.eval())
Exemplo n.º 25
 def testFullMatrix2d(self):
     for rank in [1, 2]:
         a = np.random.rand(2, 3, rank).astype(np.float32)
         b = np.random.rand(rank, 4, 5).astype(np.float32)
         tt_cores = (a.reshape(1, 2, 3, rank), b.reshape((rank, 4, 5, 1)))
         # Basically do full by hand.
         desired = a.reshape((-1, rank)).dot(b.reshape((rank, -1)))
         desired = desired.reshape((2, 3, 4, 5))
         desired = desired.transpose((0, 2, 1, 3))
         desired = desired.reshape((2 * 4, 3 * 5))
         with self.test_session():
             tf_mat = TensorTrain(tt_cores)
             actual = ops.full(tf_mat)
             self.assertAllClose(desired, actual.eval())
Exemplo n.º 26
def assign(ref, value, validate_shape=None, use_locking=None, name=None):
  new_cores = []
  if name is None:
    name = ''
  with tf.variable_scope(name):
    for i in range(ref.ndims()):
      new_cores.append(tf.assign(ref.tt_cores[i], value.tt_cores[i],
  if isinstance(value, TensorTrainBatch):
    return TensorTrainBatch(new_cores, value.get_raw_shape(),
                            value.get_tt_ranks(), value.batch_size,
    return TensorTrain(new_cores, value.get_raw_shape(),
Exemplo n.º 27
def tensor_with_random_cores(shape,
    """Generate a TT-tensor of the given shape with N(mean, stddev^2) cores.

    shape: array representing the shape of the future tensor.
    tt_rank: a number or a (d+1)-element array with the desired ranks.
    mean: a number, the mean of the normal distribution used for
      initializing TT-cores.
    stddev: a number, the standard deviation of the normal distribution used
      for initializing TT-cores.
    dtype: [tf.float32] dtype of the resulting tensor.
    name: string, name of the Op.

    TensorTrain containing a TT-tensor
    # TODO: good distribution to init training.
    # TODO: support shape and tt_ranks as TensorShape?.
    # TODO: support None as a dimension.
    shape = np.array(shape)
    tt_rank = np.array(tt_rank)
    _validate_input_parameters(is_tensor=True, shape=shape, tt_rank=tt_rank)
    num_dims = shape.size
    if tt_rank.size == 1:
        tt_rank = tt_rank * np.ones(num_dims - 1, dtype=np.int)
        tt_rank = np.insert(tt_rank, 0, 1)
        tt_rank = np.append(tt_rank, 1)

    tt_rank = tt_rank.astype(int)
    tt_cores = [None] * num_dims
    with tf.name_scope(name):
        for i in range(num_dims):
            curr_core_shape = (tt_rank[i], shape[i], tt_rank[i + 1])
            tt_cores[i] = tf.random.normal(curr_core_shape,

        return TensorTrain(tt_cores, shape, tt_rank)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def testCholesky(self):
        # Tests the cholesky function

        # generating two symmetric positive-definite tt-cores
        L_1 = np.tril(np.random.normal(scale=2., size=(2, 2)))
        L_2 = np.tril(np.random.normal(scale=2., size=(3, 3)))
        K_1 = L_1.dot(L_1.T)
        K_2 = L_2.dot(L_2.T)
        K = np.kron(K_1, K_2)
        initializer = TensorTrain(
            [K_1[None, :, :, None], K_2[None, :, :, None]], tt_ranks=7 * [1])
        kron_mat = variables.get_variable('kron_mat', initializer=initializer)
        init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        with self.test_session() as sess:
            desired = np.linalg.cholesky(K)
            actual = ops.full(kr.cholesky(kron_mat)).eval()
            self.assertAllClose(desired, actual)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def testCholesky(self):
        # Tests the cholesky function

        # generating two symmetric positive-definite tt-cores
        L_1 = np.tril(np.random.normal(scale=2., size=(2, 2)))
        L_1 = L_1.astype(self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
        L_2 = np.tril(np.random.normal(scale=2., size=(3, 3)))
        L_2 = L_2.astype(self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
        K_1 = L_1.dot(L_1.T)
        K_2 = L_2.dot(L_2.T)
        K = np.kron(K_1, K_2)
        initializer = TensorTrain(
            [K_1[None, :, :, None], K_2[None, :, :, None]], tt_ranks=7 * [1])
        kron_mat = variables.get_variable('kron_mat', initializer=initializer)
        init_op = tf.compat.v1.global_variables_initializer()
        desired = np.linalg.cholesky(K)
        actual = self.evaluate(ops.full(kr.cholesky(kron_mat)))
        self.assertAllClose(desired, actual, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
Exemplo n.º 30
def tensor_zeros(shape):
    """Generate TT-tensor of the given shape with all entries equal to 0.

    shape: array representing the shape of the future tensor

    TensorTrain object containing a TT-tensor

    shape = np.array(shape)
    _validate_input_parameters(is_tensor=True, shape=shape)
    num_dims = shape.size
    tt_rank = np.ones(num_dims + 1)
    tt_cores = num_dims * [None]
    for i in range(num_dims):
        curr_core_shape = (1, shape[i], 1)
        tt_cores[i] = tf.zeros(curr_core_shape)

    return TensorTrain(tt_cores, shape, tt_rank)