Exemplo n.º 1
def view_round(request, round_number, errors = None):
    if errors is None:
        errors = []
    valid_pairing, byes = True, []
    print "1: ",time.time()
    round_pairing = list(Round.objects.filter(round_number = round_number))

    round_pairing.sort(key = lambda x: tab_logic.team_comp(x, round_number),
                       reverse = True)

    print "2: ",time.time()
    #For the template since we can't pass in something nicer like a hash
    round_info = [[pair]+[None]*8 for pair in round_pairing]
    for pair in round_info:
        pair[1] = tab_logic.tot_wins(pair[0].gov_team)
        pair[2] = tab_logic.tot_speaks(pair[0].gov_team)
        pair[3] = tab_logic.num_govs(pair[0].gov_team)    
        pair[4] = tab_logic.num_opps(pair[0].gov_team)    
        pair[5] = tab_logic.tot_wins(pair[0].opp_team)
        pair[6] = tab_logic.tot_speaks(pair[0].opp_team)
        pair[7] = tab_logic.num_govs(pair[0].opp_team)    
        pair[8] = tab_logic.num_opps(pair[0].opp_team)
    print "3: ",time.time()

    paired_teams = [team.gov_team for team in round_pairing] + [team.opp_team for team in round_pairing]
    n_over_two = Team.objects.filter(checked_in=True).count() / 2
    valid_pairing = len(round_pairing) >= n_over_two
    for present_team in Team.objects.filter(checked_in=True):
        if not (present_team in paired_teams):
            errors.append("%s was not in the pairing" % (present_team))
    pairing_exists = len(round_pairing) > 0 
    excluded_judges = Judge.objects.exclude(judges__round_number = round_number).filter(checkin__round_number = round_number)
    non_checkins = Judge.objects.exclude(judges__round_number = round_number).exclude(checkin__round_number = round_number)
    size = max(map(len, [excluded_judges, non_checkins, byes]))
    # The minimum rank you want to warn on
    warning = 5
    judge_slots = [1,2,3]
    print "4: ",time.time()

    # A seemingly complex one liner to do a fairly simple thing
    # basically this generates the table that the HTML will display such that the output looks like:
    # [ Byes ][Judges not in round but checked in][Judges not in round but not checked in]
    # [ Team1][             CJudge1              ][                 Judge1               ]
    # [ Team2][             CJudge2              ][                 Judge2               ]
    # [      ][             CJudge3              ][                 Judge3               ]
    # [      ][                                  ][                 Judge4               ]
    excluded_people = zip(*map( lambda x: x+[""]*(size-len(x)), [list(byes), list(excluded_judges), list(non_checkins)])) 

    return render_to_response('display_info.html',
Exemplo n.º 2
def determine_gov_opp(all_pairs):
    final_pairings = []
    for p in all_pairs:
        if tab_logic.num_govs(p[0]) < tab_logic.num_govs(p[1]): #p[0] should be gov
            final_pairings +=[[p[0],p[1]]]
        elif tab_logic.num_govs(p[1]) < tab_logic.num_govs(p[0]): #p[1] should be gov
            final_pairings +=[[p[1],p[0]]]
        elif tab_logic.num_opps(p[0]) < tab_logic.num_opps(p[1]): #p[1] should be gov
            final_pairings +=[[p[1],p[0]]]
        elif tab_logic.num_opps(p[1]) < tab_logic.num_opps(p[0]): #p[0] should be gov
            final_pairings +=[[p[0],p[1]]]
        elif random.randint(0,1) == 0:
            final_pairings +=[[p[0],p[1]]]
            final_pairings +=[[p[1],p[0]]]
    return final_pairings
Exemplo n.º 3
def view_team(request, team_id):
    team_id = int(team_id)
        team = Team.objects.get(pk=team_id)
        stats = []
        stats.append(("Wins", tab_logic.tot_wins(team)))
        stats.append(("Total Speaks", tab_logic.tot_speaks(team)))
        stats.append(("Govs", tab_logic.num_govs(team)))
        stats.append(("Opps", tab_logic.num_opps(team)))
        stats.append(("Opp Wins", tab_logic.opp_strength(team)))
        stats.append(("Been Pullup", tab_logic.pull_up_count(team)))
        stats.append(("Hit Pullup", tab_logic.hit_pull_up_count(team)))
    except Team.DoesNotExist:
        return render_to_response('error.html', {
            'error_type': "View Team",
            'error_name': str(team_id),
            'error_info': "No such Team"
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = TeamForm(request.POST, instance=team)
        if form.is_valid():
            except ValueError:
                return render_to_response('error.html', {
                    "[" + form.cleaned_data['name'] + "]",
                    "Team name cannot be validated, most likely a non-existent team"
            return render_to_response(
                'thanks.html', {
                    'data_type': "Team",
                    'data_name': "[" + form.cleaned_data['name'] + "]"
        form = TeamForm(instance=team)
        links = [('/team/' + str(team_id) + '/scratches/view/',
                  'Scratches for ' + str(team.name), False),
                 ('/team/' + str(team_id) + '/delete/', 'Delete', True)]
        for deb in team.debaters.all():
                ('/debater/' + str(deb.id) + '/', "View %s" % deb.name, False))
        return render_to_response('data_entry.html', {
            'title': "Viewing Team: %s" % (team.name),
            'form': form,
            'links': links,
            'team_obj': team,
            'team_stats': stats

    return render_to_response('data_entry.html', {'form': form},
Exemplo n.º 4
def determine_gov_opp(all_pairs):
    final_pairings = []
    for p in all_pairs:
        if tab_logic.num_govs(p[0]) < tab_logic.num_govs(
                p[1]):  #p[0] should be gov
            final_pairings += [[p[0], p[1]]]
        elif tab_logic.num_govs(p[1]) < tab_logic.num_govs(
                p[0]):  #p[1] should be gov
            final_pairings += [[p[1], p[0]]]
        elif tab_logic.num_opps(p[0]) < tab_logic.num_opps(
                p[1]):  #p[1] should be gov
            final_pairings += [[p[1], p[0]]]
        elif tab_logic.num_opps(p[1]) < tab_logic.num_opps(
                p[0]):  #p[0] should be gov
            final_pairings += [[p[0], p[1]]]
        elif random.randint(0, 1) == 0:
            final_pairings += [[p[0], p[1]]]
            final_pairings += [[p[1], p[0]]]
    return final_pairings
Exemplo n.º 5
def view_team(request, team_id):
    team_id = int(team_id)
        team = Team.objects.get(pk=team_id)
        stats = []
        stats.append(("Wins", tab_logic.tot_wins(team)))
        stats.append(("Total Speaks", tab_logic.tot_speaks(team)))
        stats.append(("Govs", tab_logic.num_govs(team)))
        stats.append(("Opps", tab_logic.num_opps(team)))
        stats.append(("Opp Wins", tab_logic.opp_strength(team)))
        stats.append(("Been Pullup", tab_logic.pull_up_count(team)))
        stats.append(("Hit Pullup", tab_logic.hit_pull_up_count(team)))
    except Team.DoesNotExist:
        return render_to_response('error.html', 
                                 {'error_type': "View Team",
                                  'error_name': str(team_id),
                                  'error_info':"No such Team"}, 
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = TeamForm(request.POST,instance=team)
        if form.is_valid():
            except ValueError:
                return render_to_response('error.html', 
                                         {'error_type': "Team",
                                          'error_name': "["+form.cleaned_data['name']+"]",
                                          'error_info':"Team name cannot be validated, most likely a non-existent team"}, 
            return render_to_response('thanks.html', 
                                     {'data_type': "Team",
                                      'data_name': "["+form.cleaned_data['name']+"]"}, 
        form = TeamForm(instance=team)
        links = [('/team/'+str(team_id)+'/scratches/view/','Scratches for '+str(team.name), False),
                 ('/team/'+str(team_id)+'/delete/', 'Delete', True)]
        for deb in team.debaters.all():
            links.append(('/debater/'+str(deb.id)+'/', "View %s" % deb.name, False))
        return render_to_response('data_entry.html', 
                                 {'title':"Viewing Team: %s"%(team.name),
                                  'form': form,
                                  'links': links,
    return render_to_response('data_entry.html', 
                             {'form': form}, 
Exemplo n.º 6
def team_stats(request, team_id):
    team_id = int(team_id)
        team = Team.objects.get(pk=team_id)
        stats = {}
        stats["seed"] = Team.get_seed_display(team).split(" ")[0]
        stats["wins"] = tab_logic.tot_wins(team)
        stats["total_speaks"] = tab_logic.tot_speaks(team)
        stats["govs"] = tab_logic.num_govs(team)
        stats["opps"] = tab_logic.num_opps(team)
        data = {'success': True, 'result':stats}
    except Team.DoesNotExist:
        data = {'success': False}
    data = simplejson.dumps(data)
    return HttpResponse(data, mimetype='application/json')
Exemplo n.º 7
def team_stats(request, team_id):
    team_id = int(team_id)
        team = Team.objects.get(pk=team_id)
        stats = {}
        stats["seed"] = Team.get_seed_display(team).split(" ")[0]
        stats["wins"] = tab_logic.tot_wins(team)
        stats["total_speaks"] = tab_logic.tot_speaks(team)
        stats["govs"] = tab_logic.num_govs(team)
        stats["opps"] = tab_logic.num_opps(team)
        data = {'success': True, 'result': stats}
    except Team.DoesNotExist:
        data = {'success': False}
    data = simplejson.dumps(data)
    return HttpResponse(data, mimetype='application/json')
Exemplo n.º 8
def calc_weight(team_a, team_b, team_a_ind, team_b_ind, team_a_opt, team_b_opt,
                team_a_opt_ind, team_b_opt_ind):
    Calculate the penalty for a given pairing
        team_a - the first team in the pairing
        team_b - the second team in the pairing
        team_a_ind - the position in the pairing of team_a
        team_b_ind - the position in the pairing of team_b
        team_a_opt - the optimal power paired team for team_a to be paired with
        team_b_opt - the optimal power paired team for team_b to be paired with
        team_a_opt_ind - the position in the pairing of team_a_opt
        team_b_opt_ind - the position in the pairing of team_b_opt

    # Get configuration values
    all_settings = dict([(ts.key, ts.value)
                         for ts in TabSettings.objects.all()])

    def try_get(key, default=None):
            return int(all_settings[key])
            return default

    current_round = try_get("cur_round", 1)
    tot_rounds = try_get("tot_rounds", 5)
    power_pairing_multiple = try_get("power_pairing_multiple", -1)
    high_opp_penalty = try_get("high_opp_penalty", 0)
    high_gov_penalty = try_get("high_gov_penalty", -100)
    high_high_opp_penalty = try_get("higher_opp_penalty", -10)
    same_school_penalty = try_get("same_school_penalty", -1000)
    hit_pull_up_before = try_get("hit_pull_up_before", -10000)
    hit_team_before = try_get("hit_team_before", -100000)

    # Penalize for being far away from ideal power pairings
    if current_round == 1:
        wt = power_pairing_multiple * (
            abs(team_a_opt.seed - team_b.seed) +
            abs(team_b_opt.seed - team_a.seed)) / 2.0
        wt = power_pairing_multiple * (abs(team_a_opt_ind - team_b_ind) +
                                       abs(team_b_opt_ind - team_a_ind)) / 2.0

    half = int(tot_rounds / 2) + 1
    # Penalize for both teams having n/2 + 1 opps, meaning we'll have to give
    # a fifth opp to one of the teams
    if tab_logic.num_opps(team_a) >= half and tab_logic.num_opps(
            team_b) >= half:
        wt += high_opp_penalty

    # Penalize for both teams having n/2+2 opps, meaning we'll have to give
    # a fourth opp to one of the teams
    if tab_logic.num_opps(team_a) >= half + 1 and tab_logic.num_opps(
            team_b) >= half + 1:
        wt += high_high_opp_penalty

    # Penalize for both teams having n/2 + 1 govs, meaning we'll have to give
    # a fourth gov to one of the teams
    if tab_logic.num_govs(team_a) >= half and tab_logic.num_govs(
            team_b) >= half:
        wt += high_gov_penalty

    # Penalize for teams being from the same school
    if team_a.school == team_b.school:
        wt += same_school_penalty

    # Penalize for team hitting pull-up more than once
    if (tab_logic.hit_pull_up(team_a)
            and tab_logic.tot_wins(team_b) < tab_logic.tot_wins(team_a)) or (
                and tab_logic.tot_wins(team_a) < tab_logic.tot_wins(team_b)):
        wt += hit_pull_up_before

    # Penalize for teams hitting each other before
    if tab_logic.hit_before(team_a, team_b):
        wt += hit_team_before

    return wt
Exemplo n.º 9
def calc_weight(team_a,
    Calculate the penalty for a given pairing
        team_a - the first team in the pairing
        team_b - the second team in the pairing
        team_a_ind - the position in the pairing of team_a
        team_b_ind - the position in the pairing of team_b
        team_a_opt - the optimal power paired team for team_a to be paired with
        team_b_opt - the optimal power paired team for team_b to be paired with
        team_a_opt_ind - the position in the pairing of team_a_opt
        team_b_opt_ind - the position in the pairing of team_b_opt
    # Get configuration values
    all_settings = dict([(ts.key, ts.value) for ts in TabSettings.objects.all()])
    def try_get(key, default= None):
            return int(all_settings[key])
            return default
    current_round = try_get("cur_round", 1)
    tot_rounds = try_get("tot_rounds", 5)
    power_pairing_multiple = try_get("power_pairing_multiple", -1)
    high_opp_penalty = try_get("high_opp_penalty", 0)
    high_gov_penalty = try_get("high_gov_penalty", -100)
    high_high_opp_penalty = try_get("higher_opp_penalty", -10)
    same_school_penalty = try_get("same_school_penalty", -1000)
    hit_pull_up_before = try_get("hit_pull_up_before", -10000)
    hit_team_before = try_get("hit_team_before", -100000)
    # Penalize for being far away from ideal power pairings
    if current_round == 1:
        wt = power_pairing_multiple * (abs(team_a_opt.seed - team_b.seed) + abs(team_b_opt.seed - team_a.seed))/2.0
        wt = power_pairing_multiple * (abs(team_a_opt_ind - team_b_ind) + abs(team_b_opt_ind - team_a_ind))/2.0
    half = int(tot_rounds / 2) + 1
    # Penalize for both teams having n/2 + 1 opps, meaning we'll have to give
    # a fifth opp to one of the teams
    if tab_logic.num_opps(team_a) >= half and tab_logic.num_opps(team_b) >= half:
        wt += high_opp_penalty

    # Penalize for both teams having n/2+2 opps, meaning we'll have to give
    # a fourth opp to one of the teams
    if tab_logic.num_opps(team_a) >= half+1 and tab_logic.num_opps(team_b) >= half+1:
        wt += high_high_opp_penalty
    # Penalize for both teams having n/2 + 1 govs, meaning we'll have to give
    # a fourth gov to one of the teams
    if tab_logic.num_govs(team_a) >= half and tab_logic.num_govs(team_b) >= half:
        wt += high_gov_penalty
    # Penalize for teams being from the same school
    if team_a.school == team_b.school:
        wt += same_school_penalty
    # Penalize for team hitting pull-up more than once
    if (tab_logic.hit_pull_up(team_a) and tab_logic.tot_wins(team_b) < tab_logic.tot_wins(team_a)) or (tab_logic.hit_pull_up(team_b) and tab_logic.tot_wins(team_a) < tab_logic.tot_wins(team_b)):
        wt += hit_pull_up_before

    # Penalize for teams hitting each other before 
    if tab_logic.hit_before(team_a, team_b):
        wt += hit_team_before
    return wt
Exemplo n.º 10
def view_round(request, round_number, errors=None):
    if errors is None:
        errors = []
    valid_pairing, byes = True, []
    print "1: ", time.time()
    round_pairing = list(Round.objects.filter(round_number=round_number))

    round_pairing.sort(key=lambda x: tab_logic.team_comp(x, round_number),

    print "2: ", time.time()
    #For the template since we can't pass in something nicer like a hash
    round_info = [[pair] + [None] * 8 for pair in round_pairing]
    for pair in round_info:
        pair[1] = tab_logic.tot_wins(pair[0].gov_team)
        pair[2] = tab_logic.tot_speaks(pair[0].gov_team)
        pair[3] = tab_logic.num_govs(pair[0].gov_team)
        pair[4] = tab_logic.num_opps(pair[0].gov_team)
        pair[5] = tab_logic.tot_wins(pair[0].opp_team)
        pair[6] = tab_logic.tot_speaks(pair[0].opp_team)
        pair[7] = tab_logic.num_govs(pair[0].opp_team)
        pair[8] = tab_logic.num_opps(pair[0].opp_team)
    print "3: ", time.time()

    paired_teams = [team.gov_team for team in round_pairing
                    ] + [team.opp_team for team in round_pairing]
    n_over_two = Team.objects.filter(checked_in=True).count() / 2
    valid_pairing = len(round_pairing) >= n_over_two
    for present_team in Team.objects.filter(checked_in=True):
        if not (present_team in paired_teams):
            errors.append("%s was not in the pairing" % (present_team))
    pairing_exists = len(round_pairing) > 0
    excluded_judges = Judge.objects.exclude(
    non_checkins = Judge.objects.exclude(
    size = max(map(len, [excluded_judges, non_checkins, byes]))
    # The minimum rank you want to warn on
    warning = 5
    judge_slots = [1, 2, 3]
    print "4: ", time.time()

    # A seemingly complex one liner to do a fairly simple thing
    # basically this generates the table that the HTML will display such that the output looks like:
    # [ Byes ][Judges not in round but checked in][Judges not in round but not checked in]
    # [ Team1][             CJudge1              ][                 Judge1               ]
    # [ Team2][             CJudge2              ][                 Judge2               ]
    # [      ][             CJudge3              ][                 Judge3               ]
    # [      ][                                  ][                 Judge4               ]
    excluded_people = zip(*map(
        lambda x: x + [""] * (size - len(x)),
        [list(byes), list(excluded_judges),

    return render_to_response('display_info.html',