Exemplo n.º 1
def LoRaRec(data,socket,source_address):
    bandera = 0
    mensaje = b""
    tabla = BaseDatos(mode_print)
    my_lora_address = binascii.hexlify(network.LoRa().mac())
    if (mode_print == 1): 
        #print ("DEBUG Server: Content in reception LoRa", data)    # KN: Enable this print to see the content in reception LoRa in debug mode
        print ("DEBUG Server: Source Address in LoRaRec ", source_address)
    if (source_address == ANY_ADDR):
        content2 = str(data)     # Capturing the data, and changing the format
        IPlora,user_raw = content2.split(",")
        if (IPlora == "b'FFFFFFFraspbsend'") or (IPlora == b'FFFFFFFraspberry'):
            if (mode_print == 1): print ("DEBUG Server: It's the raspberry IP")
        if (mode_print == 1): print ("DEBUG Server: IP Lora: ", str(IPlora))
        lenght = len(user_raw)
        userf = user_raw[:lenght - 1]
        if (userf == "broadcast"):     # Message to all users
            message_broadcast = str(IPlora[2:])
            tabla = BaseDatos(mode_print)
            if (mode_print == 1): print ("DEBUG Server: Message Broadcast received", message_broadcast)
            posthandler.broadcast(message_broadcast, mode_print)    # Function to save the broadcast message
        IPloraf = IPlora[4:]
        if (mode_print == 1): print ("DEBUG Server: User ", userf)
        bandera = posthandler.consultat(userf, mode_print)    # Checking if the user is in the database
        if (mode_print == 1): print ("DEBUG Server: Flag ", bandera)
        if bandera == 1:    # The user is in the database, I'm going to respond
            if (mode_print == 1): print ("DEBUG Server: Lora Address ", IPloraf)
            sent, retrans, sent, notsend = swlp.tsend(my_lora_address, socket, my_lora_address, IPloraf, mode_print)    # Function to send a LoRa Message using the protocol
    elif (source_address == my_lora_address[8:]):    # The message is for me, I'm going to save it
        message_raw = data
        #if (mode_print == 1): print ("DEBUG Server: Message in server", message_raw)      # KN: Enable this print to see the message in server in debug mode
        if (mode_print == 2): print ("Receiving message")
        if (message_raw == b"Failed"):
            print ("Reception Failed, Discarding")
        elif (message_raw != b"") and (message_raw != b"Failed"):
            mensajet = str(message_raw)
            print("XXXYYYraw", message_raw)
            # handling sensors data... there must be a better way to send and receive json
            if (mensajet[-10:-1] == "mqttproxy"):
                aaa = mensajet.find("{")
                zzz = mensajet.find("}")
                user_final = "mqttproxy"
                messagef = str(mensajet[aaa:zzz+1])
                idEmisor = str(mensajet[2:aaa-1])
                if (mode_print == 1):
                    print ("Sender: " + idEmisor)
                    print ("Message: " + messagef)    # KN: Enable this print to see the message in debug mode
                    print ("User: "******",")
	            if (mode_print == 1):
	                print ("Sender: " + str(idEmisor[1:]))
	                #print ("Message: " + str(messagef))    # KN: Enable this print to see the message in debug mode
	                print ("User: " + str(user_final))
	            lenght = len(user_final)
	            userf = user_final[:lenght - 1]
	            tabla.ingreso(idEmisor[2:],userf,messagef)    # Function to save the message in the database
Exemplo n.º 2
def LoRaRec(data,socket,source_address):
    mensaje = b""
    my_lora_address = binascii.hexlify(network.LoRa().mac())
    print("DEBUG: Content in reception LoRa",data)
    if DEBUG_MODE: print("DEBUG: Source Address in LoRaRec ", source_address)
    if (source_address == ANY_ADDR):
        content2 = str(data) #Capturing the data, and changing the format
        IPlora,user_raw = content2.split(",")
        if(IPlora=="b'FFFFFFFraspbsend'") or (IPlora==b'FFFFFFFraspberry'):
            if DEBUG_MODE: print("DEBUG: It's the raspberry IP")
        if DEBUG_MODE: print("DEBUG: IP Lora: ",str(IPlora))
        lenght = len(user_raw)
        userf = user_raw[:lenght-1]
        if(userf=="broadcast"): #Message to all users
            message_broadcast = str(IPlora[2:])
            if DEBUG_MODE: print("DEBUG: Message Broadcast received",message_broadcast)
            posthandler.broadcast(message_broadcast) #Function to save the broadcast message
        IPloraf = IPlora[4:]
        if DEBUG_MODE: print("DEBUG: User ", userf)
        bandera=posthandler.consultat(userf) #Checking if the user is in the database
        if DEBUG_MODE: print("DEBUG: Flag ", bandera)
        if bandera == 1: #The user is in the database, I'm going to respond
            if DEBUG_MODE: print("DEBUG: Lora Address ", IPloraf)
            sent, retrans,sent = swlp.tsend(my_lora_address, socket, my_lora_address, IPloraf)#Function to send a LoRa Message using the protocol
    elif(source_address== my_lora_address[8:]): #The message is for me, I'm going to save it
        message_raw = data
        if DEBUG_MODE: print("DEBUG: message in server", message_raw)
        if(message_raw !=b""):
            mensajet = str(message_raw)
            idEmisor, messagef,user_final = mensajet.split(",")
            print("Sender: "+str(idEmisor[1:]))
            print("Message: "+str(messagef))
            print("User: "+str(user_final))
            lenght = len(user_final)
            userf = user_final[:lenght-1]
            tabla.ingreso(idEmisor[2:],userf,messagef)#Function to save the message in the database