Exemplo n.º 1
    def testNamesStructure(self):
        """Check the structure of the names list.

        common.verbosePrint('\nTesting names structure')
        for item in nriterators.flattenNames(self.names):
            self.failIfEqual(item, None)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def testNamesStructure(self):
        """Check the structure of the names list.

        common.verbosePrint('\nTesting names structure')
        for item in nriterators.flattenNames(self.names):
            self.failIfEqual(item, None)
Exemplo n.º 3
def _checkNames(names):
    Check the format of the `names` list.

    For an explanation of argument meanings see the `array()` function.

    # Names description must be a list or a tuple
    if not (isinstance(names, list) or isinstance(names, tuple)):
        raise TypeError("""``names`` argument must be a list""")

    # Names elements must be strings or 2-tuples
    # (flattenNames will issue a TypeError in case this is not true)

    # The names used in the names list should not contain the '/' string
    for item in nriterators.getSubNames(names):
        if "/" in item:
            raise ValueError("""field names cannot contain the ``/`` character""")

    # For every level of the names structure names must be unique
Exemplo n.º 4
def _checkNames(names):
    Check the format of the `names` list.

    For an explanation of argument meanings see the `array()` function.

    # Names description must be a list or a tuple
    if not (isinstance(names, list) or isinstance(names, tuple)):
        raise TypeError("""``names`` argument must be a list""")

    # Names elements must be strings or 2-tuples
    # (flattenNames will issue a TypeError in case this is not true)

    # The names used in the names list should not contain the '/' string
    for item in nriterators.getSubNames(names):
        if '/' in item:
            raise ValueError(
                """field names cannot contain the ``/`` character""")

    # For every level of the names structure names must be unique
Exemplo n.º 5
    def field(self, fieldName):
        Get field data as an array.

        `fieldName` can be the name or the index of a field in the
        record array.  If it is not nested, a ``NumArray`` or
        ``CharArray`` object representing the values in that field is
        returned.  Else, a `NestedRecArray` object is returned.

        `fieldName` can be used to provide the name of sub-fields.  In
        that case, it will consist of several field name components
        separated by the string ``'/'``.  For instance, if there is a
        nested field named ``x`` with a sub-field named ``y``, the last
        one can be accesed by using ``'x/y'`` as the value of

        # fieldName can be an integer, get the corresponding name
        if isinstance(fieldName, int):
            fieldName = self.descr[fieldName][0]

        # The descr list of the field whose content is being extracted
        fieldDescr = [
            item for item in nriterators.getFieldDescr(fieldName, self.descr)
        if fieldDescr == []:
            raise ValueError("there is no field named ``%s``" % (fieldName, ))
        fieldDescr = fieldDescr[0][1]

        # Case 1) non nested fields (bottom level)
        if isinstance(fieldDescr, str):
            # The field content is returned as numarray or chararray
            return self._flatArray.field(fieldName)

        # Case 2) nested fields (both top and intermediate levels)
        # We need fully qualified names to access the flat array fields
        fieldNames = [
            name for name in nriterators.getNamesFromDescr(fieldDescr)
        flatNames = [name for name in nriterators.flattenNames(fieldNames)]

        # This is the flattened name of the original first bottom field.
        startField = '%s/%s' % (fieldName, flatNames[0])
        # Get the requested fields from the flat array and build a nested one.
        newFlatArray = _narrowRecArray(self._flatArray, startField, flatNames)
        return NestedRecArray(newFlatArray, fieldDescr)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def field(self, fieldName):
        Get field data as an array.

        `fieldName` can be the name or the index of a field in the
        record array.  If it is not nested, a ``NumArray`` or
        ``CharArray`` object representing the values in that field is
        returned.  Else, a `NestedRecArray` object is returned.

        `fieldName` can be used to provide the name of sub-fields.  In
        that case, it will consist of several field name components
        separated by the string ``'/'``.  For instance, if there is a
        nested field named ``x`` with a sub-field named ``y``, the last
        one can be accesed by using ``'x/y'`` as the value of

        # fieldName can be an integer, get the corresponding name
        if isinstance(fieldName, int):
            fieldName = self.descr[fieldName][0]

        # The descr list of the field whose content is being extracted
        fieldDescr = [
            item for item in nriterators.getFieldDescr(fieldName, self.descr)]
        if fieldDescr == []:
            raise ValueError("there is no field named ``%s``" % (fieldName,))
        fieldDescr = fieldDescr[0][1]

        # Case 1) non nested fields (bottom level)
        if isinstance(fieldDescr, str):
            # The field content is returned as numarray or chararray
            return self._flatArray.field(fieldName)

        # Case 2) nested fields (both top and intermediate levels)
        # We need fully qualified names to access the flat array fields
        fieldNames = [
            name for name in nriterators.getNamesFromDescr(fieldDescr)]
        flatNames = [
            name for name in nriterators.flattenNames(fieldNames)]

        # This is the flattened name of the original first bottom field.
        startField = '%s/%s' % (fieldName, flatNames[0])
        # Get the requested fields from the flat array and build a nested one.
        newFlatArray = _narrowRecArray(self._flatArray, startField, flatNames)
        return NestedRecArray(newFlatArray, fieldDescr)
Exemplo n.º 7
def fromarrays(arrayList,
    Create a new instance of a `NestedRecArray` from `arrayList` arrays.

    This function can be used to build a new array of nested records
    from a list of arrays, one for each field.  The new array is
    returned as a result.

    The function works much like ``numarray.records.fromarrays()``, but
    `arrayList` may also contain nested fields, i.e. sequences of other
    arrays (nested or not).  All non-nested arrays appearing in
    `arrayList` must have the same length.

    The rest of arguments work as explained in `array()`.


    Let us build the sample array used in the examples of `array()`.  In
    the old way:

    >>> nra = fromarrays(
    ...     [[1, 2], [(0.5, 1.0), (0, 0)], [['a1', 'a2'], [1j, 1+.1j]]],
    ...     names=['id', 'pos', ('info', ['name', 'value'])],
    ...     formats=['Int64', '(2,)Float32', ['a2', 'Complex64']])

    In the new way:

    >>> nra = fromarrays(
    ...     [[1, 2], [(0.5, 1.0), (0, 0)], [['a1', 'a2'], [1j, 1+.1j]]],
    ...     descr=[('id', 'Int64'), ('pos', '(2,)Float32'),
    ...            ('info', [('name', 'a2'), ('value', 'Complex64')])])

    Note how `formats` and `descr` mimic the structure of the whole


    # Check if a buffer structure is given. It must be given in order to
    # disambiguate possible ambiguities
    _isThereStructure(formats, descr, arrayList)

    # Check if buffer structure is specified using descr OR formats (and,
    # optionally, names)
    _onlyOneSyntax(descr, formats, names)

    # This is to keep compatibility with numarray.records.array function
    if isinstance(formats, str):
        formats = formats.split(',')
    if isinstance(names, str):
        names = names.split(',')

    # Check the descr format
    # Check for '/' in descr
    if descr is None:
        descr = makeDescr(formats, names)

    # Check the formats format
    if formats is None:
        formats = makeFormats(descr)

    # Check the names format
    if names is None:
        names = makeNames(descr)

    # Flatten the structure descriptors
    flatFormats = [item for item in nriterators.flattenFormats(formats)]
    flatNames = [item for item in nriterators.flattenNames(names)]

    # Create a regular recarray from the arrays list
    flatArrayList = []
    nriterators.flattenArraysList(arrayList, descr, flatArrayList)
    ra = numarray.records.fromarrays(flatArrayList,

    # Create the nested recarray
    nra = NestedRecArray(ra, descr)

    return nra
Exemplo n.º 8
def array(buffer=None,
    Create a new instance of a `NestedRecArray`.

    This function can be used to build a new array of nested records.
    The new array is returned as a result.

    The function works much like ``numarray.records.array()``, with some

    1. In addition to flat buffers and regular sequences of non-nested
       elements, the `buffer` argument can take regular sequences where
       each element has a structure nested to an arbitrary depth.  Of
       course, all elements in a non-flat buffer must have the same

    2. The `formats` argument only supports sequences of strings and
       other sequences.  Each string defines the shape and type of a
       non-nested field.  Each sequence contains the formats of the
       sub-fields of a nested field.

       The structure of this argument must match that of the elements in
       `buffer`.  This argument may have a recursive structure.

    3. The `names` argument only supports lists of strings and 2-tuples.
       Each string defines the name of a non-nested field.  Each 2-tuple
       contains the name of a nested field and a list describing the
       names of its sub-fields.

       The structure of this argument must match that of the elements in
       `buffer`.  This argument may have a recursive structure.

    The `descr` argument is a new-style description of the structure of
    the `buffer`.  It is intended to replace the `formats` and `names`
    arguments, so they can not be used at the same time [#descr]_.

    The `descr` argument is a list of 2-tuples, each of them describing
    a field.  The first value in a tuple is the *name* of the field,
    while the second one is a description of its *structure*.  If the
    second value is a string, it defines the format (shape and type) of
    a non-nested field.  Else, it is a list of 2-tuples describing the
    sub-fields of a nested field.

    If `descr` is ``None`` (or omitted), the whole structure of the
    array is tried to be inferred from that of the `buffer`, and
    automatic names (``c1``, ``c2`` etc. on each nested field) are
    assigned to all fields.

    The `descr` argument may have a recursive structure.

    Please note that names used in `names` or `descr` should *not*
    contain the string ``'/'``, since it is used as the field/sub-field
    separator by `NestedRecArray.asRecArray()`.  If the separator is
    found in a name, a ``ValueError`` is raised.

    .. [#descr] The syntax of `descr` is based on that of the
       ``__array_descr__`` attribute in the proposed standard
       `N-dimensional array interface`__.

    __ http://numeric.scipy.org/array_interface.html

    When to use `descr` or `formats`

    Since `descr` requires both the name and structure of fields to
    always be specified, the `formats` argument comes more handy when
    one does not want to explicitly specify names.  However it is not
    allowed to use the `names` argument without the `formats` one.  This
    is due to the fact that automatic inferrence of the `buffer`
    structure is not implemented.  When fully specifying names and
    structure, the `descr` argument is preferred over `formats` and
    `names` for the sake of code legibility and conciseness.


    The following examples will help to clarify the words above.  In
    them, an array of two elements is created.  Each element has three
    fields: a 64-bit integer (``id``), a bi-dimensional 32-bit floating
    point (``pos``) and a nested field (``info``); the nested field has
    two sub-fields: a two-character string (``name``) and a 64-bit
    complex (``value``).

    Example 1

    In this example the array is created by specifying both its contents
    and its structure, so the structure of the used arguments must be

    This is how the array would be created in the old-style way,
    i.e. using the `formats` and `names` arguments:

    >>> nra = array(
    ...     [(1, (0.5, 1.0), ('a1', 1j)), (2, (0, 0), ('a2', 1+.1j))],
    ...     names=['id', 'pos', ('info', ['name', 'value'])],
    ...     formats=['Int64', '(2,)Float32', ['a2', 'Complex64']])

    And this is how the array would be created in the new-style way,
    i.e. using the `descr` argument:

    >>> nra = array(
    ...     [(1, (0.5, 1.0), ('a1', 1j)), (2, (0, 0), ('a2', 1+.1j))],
    ...     descr=[('id', 'Int64'), ('pos', '(2,)Float32'),
    ...            ('info', [('name', 'a2'), ('value', 'Complex64')])])

    Note how `formats` and `descr` mimic the structure of each element
    in `buffer`.

    Example 2

    Now the array is created from a flat string representing the data in
    memory.  Names will be automatically assigned.  For that to work,
    the resulting array shape and record format must be fully specified.

    >>> datastring = binary_representation_of_data
    >>> nra = array(
    ...     datastring, shape=2,
    ...     formats=['Int64', '(2,)Float32', ['a2', 'Complex64']])

    Byte ordering and alignment is assumed to be that of the host
    machine, since it has not been explicitly stated via the `byteorder`
    and `aligned` arguments.

    # Check if buffer structure is specified using descr OR formats (and,
    # optionally, names)
    _onlyOneSyntax(descr, formats, names)

    # Create or check the descr format
    if descr is None:
        if formats is not None:
            descr = makeDescr(formats, names)
        # `buffer` can still be some object which describes its own structure,
        # so `descr`/`formats` are not yet required.
    # After this, if it exists a formats, it will always exists a descr

    # This is to keep compatibility with numarray.records.array function
    if isinstance(formats, str):
        formats = formats.split(',')
    if isinstance(names, str):
        names = names.split(',')

    # First, check for easily convertible objects (NRA, NA and NumPy
    # objects)
    # F. Alted 2006-01-20
    if isinstance(buffer, NestedRecArray):
        buffer = buffer.copy()  # Always return a copy of the data
        # Return as soon as possible is not descr, formats or names specified
        if (descr is None and formats is None and names is None):
            return buffer
        # Check that descriptions are consistent
        if descr is not None:
            fmts = [
                item for item in nriterators.flattenFormats(makeFormats(descr))
            # Check just the formats, not the names
            if _matchFormats(fmts, buffer._formats):
                raise ValueError, \
"""buffer structure doesn't match that provided by the format
            # New description is compatible. Assign it to the NRA
            buffer.descr = descr
            # Also the names (they may have been changed in new description)
            if names is None:
                names = makeNames(descr)
            # Assignements in both the NRA and flatArray are necessary
            buffer._names = [i for i in nriterators.flattenNames(names)]
            buffer._flatArray._names = [
                i for i in nriterators.flattenNames(names)
        return buffer

    if isinstance(buffer, numarray.records.RecArray):
        buffer = buffer.copy()  # Always return a copy of the data
        # Return as soon as possible is not descr, formats or names specified
        if (descr is None and formats is None and names is None):
            descr = makeDescr(buffer._formats, buffer._names)
            # Return the nested recarray
            return NestedRecArray(buffer, descr)

        # Check that descriptions are consistent
        if formats is not None and _matchFormats(formats, buffer._formats):
            raise ValueError, \
"""buffer structure doesn't match that provided by the format
        if names is not None:
            buffer._names = names
        # Also, the names may have been changed in new description
        elif descr is not None:
            buffer._names = makeNames(descr)
        if descr is None:
            descr = makeDescr(buffer._formats, buffer._names)
        # Refresh the cache of fields (just in case the names has changed)
        buffer._fields = buffer._get_fields()
        # Return the nested recarray
        return NestedRecArray(buffer, descr)

    # Check for numpy ndarrays, recarrays, records or scalar records
    if numpy_imported and isinstance(buffer, (numpy.ndarray, numpy.void)):
        buffer = buffer.copy()  # Always return a copy of the data
        # Try to convert into a nestedrecarray
            nra = fromnumpy(buffer)
        except Exception, exc:  #XXX
            raise ValueError, \
"""buffer parameter of type numpy cannot be converted into a NestedRecArray
object. The error was: <%s>""" % (exc,)

        # Check that descriptions are consistent
        if descr is not None:
            fmt1 = [
                i for i in nriterators.flattenFormats(makeFormats(nra.descr))
            fmt2 = [i for i in nriterators.flattenFormats(makeFormats(descr))]
            if _matchFormats(fmt1, fmt2):
                raise ValueError, \
"""buffer structure doesn't match that provided by the format specification."""
        return nra
Exemplo n.º 9
    # disambiguate possible ambiguities
    _isThereStructure(formats, descr, buffer)

    # Check the formats format
    if formats is None:
        formats = makeFormats(descr)

    # Check the names format
    if names is None:
        names = makeNames(descr)

    # Flatten the structure descriptors
    flatFormats = [item for item in nriterators.flattenFormats(formats)]
    flatNames = [item for item in nriterators.flattenNames(names)]

    # Check the buffer structure (order matters!)
    if (isinstance(buffer, types.ListType)
            or isinstance(buffer, types.TupleType)):
        if (isinstance(buffer[0], numarray.NumArray)
                or isinstance(buffer[0], numarray.strings.CharArray)):
            return fromarrays(buffer,
    elif buffer:
        _checkBufferStructure(descr, buffer)
Exemplo n.º 10
def fromarrays(arrayList, formats=None, names=None, shape=0, byteorder=sys.byteorder, aligned=0, descr=None):
    Create a new instance of a `NestedRecArray` from `arrayList` arrays.

    This function can be used to build a new array of nested records
    from a list of arrays, one for each field.  The new array is
    returned as a result.

    The function works much like ``numarray.records.fromarrays()``, but
    `arrayList` may also contain nested fields, i.e. sequences of other
    arrays (nested or not).  All non-nested arrays appearing in
    `arrayList` must have the same length.

    The rest of arguments work as explained in `array()`.


    Let us build the sample array used in the examples of `array()`.  In
    the old way:

    >>> nra = fromarrays(
    ...     [[1, 2], [(0.5, 1.0), (0, 0)], [['a1', 'a2'], [1j, 1+.1j]]],
    ...     names=['id', 'pos', ('info', ['name', 'value'])],
    ...     formats=['Int64', '(2,)Float32', ['a2', 'Complex64']])

    In the new way:

    >>> nra = fromarrays(
    ...     [[1, 2], [(0.5, 1.0), (0, 0)], [['a1', 'a2'], [1j, 1+.1j]]],
    ...     descr=[('id', 'Int64'), ('pos', '(2,)Float32'),
    ...            ('info', [('name', 'a2'), ('value', 'Complex64')])])

    Note how `formats` and `descr` mimic the structure of the whole


    # Check if a buffer structure is given. It must be given in order to
    # disambiguate possible ambiguities
    _isThereStructure(formats, descr, arrayList)

    # Check if buffer structure is specified using descr OR formats (and,
    # optionally, names)
    _onlyOneSyntax(descr, formats, names)

    # This is to keep compatibility with numarray.records.array function
    if isinstance(formats, str):
        formats = formats.split(",")
    if isinstance(names, str):
        names = names.split(",")

    # Check the descr format
    # Check for '/' in descr
    if descr is None:
        descr = makeDescr(formats, names)

    # Check the formats format
    if formats is None:
        formats = makeFormats(descr)

    # Check the names format
    if names is None:
        names = makeNames(descr)

    # Flatten the structure descriptors
    flatFormats = [item for item in nriterators.flattenFormats(formats)]
    flatNames = [item for item in nriterators.flattenNames(names)]

    # Create a regular recarray from the arrays list
    flatArrayList = []
    nriterators.flattenArraysList(arrayList, descr, flatArrayList)
    ra = numarray.records.fromarrays(
        flatArrayList, formats=flatFormats, names=flatNames, shape=shape, byteorder=byteorder, aligned=aligned

    # Create the nested recarray
    nra = NestedRecArray(ra, descr)

    return nra
Exemplo n.º 11
def array(buffer=None, formats=None, shape=0, names=None, byteorder=sys.byteorder, aligned=0, descr=None):
    Create a new instance of a `NestedRecArray`.

    This function can be used to build a new array of nested records.
    The new array is returned as a result.

    The function works much like ``numarray.records.array()``, with some

    1. In addition to flat buffers and regular sequences of non-nested
       elements, the `buffer` argument can take regular sequences where
       each element has a structure nested to an arbitrary depth.  Of
       course, all elements in a non-flat buffer must have the same

    2. The `formats` argument only supports sequences of strings and
       other sequences.  Each string defines the shape and type of a
       non-nested field.  Each sequence contains the formats of the
       sub-fields of a nested field.

       The structure of this argument must match that of the elements in
       `buffer`.  This argument may have a recursive structure.

    3. The `names` argument only supports lists of strings and 2-tuples.
       Each string defines the name of a non-nested field.  Each 2-tuple
       contains the name of a nested field and a list describing the
       names of its sub-fields.

       The structure of this argument must match that of the elements in
       `buffer`.  This argument may have a recursive structure.

    The `descr` argument is a new-style description of the structure of
    the `buffer`.  It is intended to replace the `formats` and `names`
    arguments, so they can not be used at the same time [#descr]_.

    The `descr` argument is a list of 2-tuples, each of them describing
    a field.  The first value in a tuple is the *name* of the field,
    while the second one is a description of its *structure*.  If the
    second value is a string, it defines the format (shape and type) of
    a non-nested field.  Else, it is a list of 2-tuples describing the
    sub-fields of a nested field.

    If `descr` is ``None`` (or omitted), the whole structure of the
    array is tried to be inferred from that of the `buffer`, and
    automatic names (``c1``, ``c2`` etc. on each nested field) are
    assigned to all fields.

    The `descr` argument may have a recursive structure.

    Please note that names used in `names` or `descr` should *not*
    contain the string ``'/'``, since it is used as the field/sub-field
    separator by `NestedRecArray.asRecArray()`.  If the separator is
    found in a name, a ``ValueError`` is raised.

    .. [#descr] The syntax of `descr` is based on that of the
       ``__array_descr__`` attribute in the proposed standard
       `N-dimensional array interface`__.

    __ http://numeric.scipy.org/array_interface.html

    When to use `descr` or `formats`

    Since `descr` requires both the name and structure of fields to
    always be specified, the `formats` argument comes more handy when
    one does not want to explicitly specify names.  However it is not
    allowed to use the `names` argument without the `formats` one.  This
    is due to the fact that automatic inferrence of the `buffer`
    structure is not implemented.  When fully specifying names and
    structure, the `descr` argument is preferred over `formats` and
    `names` for the sake of code legibility and conciseness.


    The following examples will help to clarify the words above.  In
    them, an array of two elements is created.  Each element has three
    fields: a 64-bit integer (``id``), a bi-dimensional 32-bit floating
    point (``pos``) and a nested field (``info``); the nested field has
    two sub-fields: a two-character string (``name``) and a 64-bit
    complex (``value``).

    Example 1

    In this example the array is created by specifying both its contents
    and its structure, so the structure of the used arguments must be

    This is how the array would be created in the old-style way,
    i.e. using the `formats` and `names` arguments:

    >>> nra = array(
    ...     [(1, (0.5, 1.0), ('a1', 1j)), (2, (0, 0), ('a2', 1+.1j))],
    ...     names=['id', 'pos', ('info', ['name', 'value'])],
    ...     formats=['Int64', '(2,)Float32', ['a2', 'Complex64']])

    And this is how the array would be created in the new-style way,
    i.e. using the `descr` argument:

    >>> nra = array(
    ...     [(1, (0.5, 1.0), ('a1', 1j)), (2, (0, 0), ('a2', 1+.1j))],
    ...     descr=[('id', 'Int64'), ('pos', '(2,)Float32'),
    ...            ('info', [('name', 'a2'), ('value', 'Complex64')])])

    Note how `formats` and `descr` mimic the structure of each element
    in `buffer`.

    Example 2

    Now the array is created from a flat string representing the data in
    memory.  Names will be automatically assigned.  For that to work,
    the resulting array shape and record format must be fully specified.

    >>> datastring = binary_representation_of_data
    >>> nra = array(
    ...     datastring, shape=2,
    ...     formats=['Int64', '(2,)Float32', ['a2', 'Complex64']])

    Byte ordering and alignment is assumed to be that of the host
    machine, since it has not been explicitly stated via the `byteorder`
    and `aligned` arguments.

    # Check if buffer structure is specified using descr OR formats (and,
    # optionally, names)
    _onlyOneSyntax(descr, formats, names)

    # Create or check the descr format
    if descr is None:
        if formats is not None:
            descr = makeDescr(formats, names)
        # `buffer` can still be some object which describes its own structure,
        # so `descr`/`formats` are not yet required.
    # After this, if it exists a formats, it will always exists a descr

    # This is to keep compatibility with numarray.records.array function
    if isinstance(formats, str):
        formats = formats.split(",")
    if isinstance(names, str):
        names = names.split(",")

    # First, check for easily convertible objects (NRA, NA and NumPy
    # objects)
    # F. Alted 2006-01-20
    if isinstance(buffer, NestedRecArray):
        buffer = buffer.copy()  # Always return a copy of the data
        # Return as soon as possible is not descr, formats or names specified
        if descr is None and formats is None and names is None:
            return buffer
        # Check that descriptions are consistent
        if descr is not None:
            fmts = [item for item in nriterators.flattenFormats(makeFormats(descr))]
            # Check just the formats, not the names
            if _matchFormats(fmts, buffer._formats):
                raise ValueError("buffer structure doesn't match that " "provided by the format specification.")
            # New description is compatible. Assign it to the NRA
            buffer.descr = descr
            # Also the names (they may have been changed in new description)
            if names is None:
                names = makeNames(descr)
            # Assignements in both the NRA and flatArray are necessary
            buffer._names = [i for i in nriterators.flattenNames(names)]
            buffer._flatArray._names = [i for i in nriterators.flattenNames(names)]
        return buffer

    if isinstance(buffer, numarray.records.RecArray):
        buffer = buffer.copy()  # Always return a copy of the data
        # Return as soon as possible is not descr, formats or names specified
        if descr is None and formats is None and names is None:
            descr = makeDescr(buffer._formats, buffer._names)
            # Return the nested recarray
            return NestedRecArray(buffer, descr)

        # Check that descriptions are consistent
        if formats is not None and _matchFormats(formats, buffer._formats):
            raise ValueError("buffer structure doesn't match that provided " "by the format specification.")
        if names is not None:
            buffer._names = names
        # Also, the names may have been changed in new description
        elif descr is not None:
            buffer._names = makeNames(descr)
        if descr is None:
            descr = makeDescr(buffer._formats, buffer._names)
        # Refresh the cache of fields (just in case the names has changed)
        buffer._fields = buffer._get_fields()
        # Return the nested recarray
        return NestedRecArray(buffer, descr)

    # Check for numpy ndarrays, recarrays, records or scalar records
    if numpy_imported and isinstance(buffer, (numpy.ndarray, numpy.void)):
        buffer = buffer.copy()  # Always return a copy of the data
        # Try to convert into a nestedrecarray
            nra = fromnumpy(buffer)
        except Exception, exc:  # XXX
            raise ValueError(
                "buffer parameter of type numpy cannot be "
                "converted into a NestedRecArray object. "
                "The error was: <%s>" % (exc,)

        # Check that descriptions are consistent
        if descr is not None:
            fmt1 = [i for i in nriterators.flattenFormats(makeFormats(nra.descr))]
            fmt2 = [i for i in nriterators.flattenFormats(makeFormats(descr))]
            if _matchFormats(fmt1, fmt2):
                raise ValueError("buffer structure doesn't match that " "provided by the format specification.")
        return nra
Exemplo n.º 12
    # disambiguate possible ambiguities
    _isThereStructure(formats, descr, buffer)

    # Check the formats format
    if formats is None:
        formats = makeFormats(descr)

    # Check the names format
    if names is None:
        names = makeNames(descr)

    # Flatten the structure descriptors
    flatFormats = [item for item in nriterators.flattenFormats(formats)]
    flatNames = [item for item in nriterators.flattenNames(names)]

    # Check the buffer structure (order matters!)
    if isinstance(buffer, list) or isinstance(buffer, tuple):
        if isinstance(buffer[0], numarray.NumArray) or isinstance(buffer[0], numarray.strings.CharArray):
            return fromarrays(buffer, formats=formats, shape=shape, names=names, byteorder=byteorder, aligned=aligned)
    elif buffer:
        _checkBufferStructure(descr, buffer)

    # Flatten the buffer (if any)
    if buffer is None:
        flatBuffer = None
        # Buffer is a list of sequences. Every sublist represents a row
        # of the array
        flatBuffer = [tuple([v for (v, f) in nriterators.zipBufferDescr(row, descr)]) for row in buffer]