Exemplo n.º 1
def append_columns(classdict, shape=()):
    Append a ``Col`` of each PyTables data type to the `classdict`.

    A column of a certain TYPE gets called ``c_TYPE``.  The number of
    added columns is returned.
    heavy = common.heavy
    for (itype, type_) in enumerate(sorted(type_info.iterkeys())):
        if not heavy and type_ in heavy_types:
            continue  # skip heavy type in non-heavy mode
        colpos = itype + 1
        colname = 'c_%s' % type_
        if type_ == 'enum':
            base = tables.Atom.from_sctype(sctype_from_type[type_])
            col = tables.EnumCol(enum, enum(0), base, shape=shape, pos=colpos)
            sctype = sctype_from_type[type_]
            dtype = numpy.dtype((sctype, shape))
            col = tables.Col.from_dtype(dtype, pos=colpos)
        classdict[colname] = col
    ncols = colpos
    return ncols
Exemplo n.º 2
class Test(tables.IsDescription):
    """A description that has several columns"""
    x = tables.Int32Col(shape=2, dflt=0, pos=0)
    y = tables.Float64Col(dflt=1.2, shape=(2, 3))
    z = tables.UInt8Col(dflt=1)
    color = tables.EnumCol(colors, 'red', base='uint32', shape=(2,))
    Info = Info()
    class extra_info(tables.IsDescription):
        _v_pos = 1
        name = tables.StringCol(10)
        value = tables.Float64Col(pos=0)
        y2 = tables.Float64Col(dflt=1, shape=(2, 3), pos=1)
        z2 = tables.UInt8Col(dflt=1)
        class info2(tables.IsDescription):
            y3 = tables.Float64Col(dflt=1, shape=(2, 3))
            z3 = tables.UInt8Col(dflt=1)
            name = tables.StringCol(10)
            value = tables.EnumCol(colors, 'blue', base='uint32', shape=(1,))
            class info3(tables.IsDescription):
                name = tables.StringCol(10)
                value = tables.Time64Col()
                y4 = tables.Float64Col(dflt=1, shape=(2, 3))
                z4 = tables.UInt8Col(dflt=1)
Exemplo n.º 3
class BallExt(tables.IsDescription):
    ballTime = tables.Time32Col()
    ballColor = tables.EnumCol(colors, 'black', base='uint8')
Exemplo n.º 4
 class Info2(t.IsDescription):
     y3 = t.Time64Col(dflt=1, shape=2)
     z3 = t.EnumCol({'r':4, 'g':2, 'b':1}, 'r', 'int32', shape=2)
     name = t.StringCol(itemsize=2)
     value = t.ComplexCol(itemsize=16, shape=2)
Exemplo n.º 5
 class TestDescription(tables.IsDescription):
     rid = tables.IntCol(pos=0)
     rcolor = tables.EnumCol(
         self.enum, self.defaultName,
         base=self.enumType, shape=shape, pos=1)
Exemplo n.º 6
class TimeMask(tables.IsDescription):
    """The pytables derived class that stores time intervals to be masked"""
    tBegin = tables.UInt32Col()  # beginning time of this mask (clock ticks)
    tEnd = tables.UInt32Col()  # ending time of this mask (clock ticks)
    reason = tables.EnumCol(timeMaskReason, "unknown", base='uint8')
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test04a_validReprEnum(self):
        """Checking the string representation of an enumeration."""
        colors = tables.Enum(['red', 'green', 'blue'])
        enumcol = tables.EnumCol(colors, 'red', base='uint32', shape=())
        assert repr(enumcol) == \
"""EnumCol(enum=Enum({'blue': 2, 'green': 1, 'red': 0}), dflt='red', base=UInt32Atom(shape=(), dflt=0), shape=(), pos=None)"""
class MemMapEntry(tables.IsDescription):
    name = tables.StringCol(512)
    startaddr = tables.UInt32Col()
    endaddr = tables.UInt32Col()
    perms = tables.EnumCol(perms, '?', base='uint8')
    kind = tables.EnumCol(mmap_type, 'other', base='uint8')