Exemplo n.º 1
def setup(productName, version=None, prefTags=None, productRoot=None, 
          eupsenv=None, fwd=True, tablefile=None, exact_version=False, postTags=[]):
    Return a set of shell commands which, when sourced, will setup a product.  
    (If fwd is false, unset it up.)

    Note that if the first argument is found to be an instance of Eups,
    this function will assume that the old setup() signature is expected
    by the caller, and the parameters will be forwarded to osetup().

    @param productName     the name of the desired product to setup.  
    @param version         the desired version of the product.  This can be
                             either a string giving an explicit version
                             or a Tag instance.  
    @param prefTags        the list of requested tags (n.b. the VRO already knows about them)
    @param postTags        the list of requested post-tags (n.b. the VRO already knows about them)
    @param productRoot     the root directory where the product is installed.
                             If set, Eups will not consult its database for
                             the product's location, but rather set it up as
                             a "LOCAL" product.  
    @param eupsenv         the Eups instance to use to do the setup.  If 
                             None, one will be created for it.
    @param fwd             If False, actually do an unsetup.
    if isinstance(productName, Eups):
        # Note: this probably won't work if a mix of key-worded and 
        # non-keyworded parameters are used.
        utils.deprecated("setup(): assuming deprecated function signature", 
        if productRoot is None:  productRoot = True
        return osetup(productName, version, prefTags, productRoot, productName.setupType)

    if not eupsenv:
        eupsenv = Eups(readCache=False, exact_version=exact_version)
        if version:

    if isinstance(prefTags, str):
        prefTags = prefTags.split()
    elif isinstance(prefTags, Tag):
        prefTags = [prefTags]

    if prefTags is None:
        prefTags = []
    if postTags is None:
        postTags = []

    if prefTags:
        checkTagsList(eupsenv, prefTags)
    if postTags:
        checkTagsList(eupsenv, postTags)

    versionRequested = version
    ok, version, reason = eupsenv.setup(productName, version, fwd,
                                        productRoot=productRoot, tablefile=tablefile)
    cmds = []
    if ok:
        # Check that we got the desired tag
        if eupsenv.quiet <= 0 and (prefTags or postTags) and not versionRequested:
            taggedVersion = None
            for tag in prefTags:
                taggedVersion = eupsenv.findTaggedProduct(productName, tag)
                if taggedVersion:
            if not taggedVersion:
                for tag in postTags:
                    taggedVersion = eupsenv.findTaggedProduct(productName, tag)
                    if taggedVersion:

            if taggedVersion:
                if version == taggedVersion.version: # OK, we got it
                elif productRoot:       # they asked for a particular directory
                    print >> utils.stderr, "Requested version tagged %s == \"%s\"; got version \"%s\"" % \
                          (",".join(prefTags + postTags), taggedVersion.version, version)
                if not re.search(r"^" + Product.Product.LocalVersionPrefix, version):
                    if (fwd and eupsenv.verbose >= 0) or (not fwd and eupsenv.verbose > 0):
                        extra = ""
                        if os.path.isfile((prefTags + postTags)[0]):
                            extra = " in"

                        print >> utils.stdwarn, "No versions of %s are tagged%s %s; setup version is %s" % \
                              (productName, extra, ",".join(prefTags + postTags), version)

        # Set new variables
        for key, val in os.environ.items():
                if val == eupsenv.oldEnviron[key]:
            except KeyError:

            if val and not re.search(r"^['\"].*['\"]$", val) and \
                   re.search(r"[\s<>|&;()]", val):   # quote characters that the shell cares about
                val = "'%s'" % val

            if eupsenv.shell in ("sh", "zsh",):
                cmd = "export %s=%s" % (key, val)
            elif eupsenv.shell in ("csh",):
                cmd = "setenv %s %s" % (key, val)

            if eupsenv.noaction:
                if eupsenv.verbose < 2 and re.search(utils.setupEnvPrefix(), key):
                    continue            # these variables are an implementation detail

                cmd = "echo \"%s\"" % cmd

            cmds += [cmd]
        # unset ones that have disappeared
        for key in eupsenv.oldEnviron.keys():
            if re.search(r"^EUPS_(DIR|PATH)$", key): # the world will break if we delete these

            if os.environ.has_key(key):

            if eupsenv.shell == "sh" or eupsenv.shell == "zsh":
                cmd = "unset %s" % (key)
            elif eupsenv.shell == "csh":
                cmd = "unsetenv %s" % (key)

            if eupsenv.noaction:
                if eupsenv.verbose < 2 and re.search(utils.setupEnvPrefix(), key):
                    continue            # an implementation detail

                cmd = "echo \"%s\"" % cmd

            cmds += [cmd]
        # Now handle aliases
        for key in eupsenv.aliases.keys():
            value = eupsenv.aliases[key]

                if value == eupsenv.oldAliases[key]:
            except KeyError:

            if eupsenv.shell == "sh":
                cmd = "function %s { %s ; }; export -f %s" % (key, value, key)
            elif eupsenv.shell == "csh":
                value = re.sub(r'"?\$@"?', r"\!*", value)
                cmd = "alias %s \'%s\'" % (key, value)
            elif eupsenv.shell == "zsh":
                cmd = "%s() { %s ; }" % (key, value, key)

            if eupsenv.noaction:
                cmd = "echo \"%s\"" % re.sub(r"`", r"\`", cmd)

            cmds += [cmd]
        # and unset ones that used to be present, but are now gone
        for key in eupsenv.oldAliases.keys():
            if eupsenv.aliases.has_key(key):

            if eupsenv.shell == "sh" or eupsenv.shell == "zsh":
                cmd = "unset %s" % (key)
            elif eupsenv.shell == "csh":
                cmd = "unalias %s" (key)

            if eupsenv.noaction:
                cmd = "echo \"%s\"" % cmd

            cmds += [cmd]
    elif fwd and version is None:
        print >> utils.stderr, \
            "Unable to find an acceptable version of", productName
        if eupsenv.verbose and os.path.exists(productName):
            print >> utils.stderr, "(Did you mean setup -r %s?)" % productName
        cmds += ["false"]               # as in /bin/false
        if fwd:
            versionName = version

            if eupsenv.isLegalRelativeVersion(versionName):
                versionName = ""

            if versionName:
                versionName = " " + versionName
            print >> utils.stderr, "Failed to setup %s%s: %s" % (productName, versionName, reason)
            print >> utils.stderr, "Failed to unsetup %s: %s" % (productName, reason)

        cmds += ["false"]               # as in /bin/false

    return cmds
Exemplo n.º 2
def setup(productName,
    Return a set of shell commands which, when sourced, will setup a product.  
    (If fwd is false, unset it up.)

    Note that if the first argument is found to be an instance of Eups,
    this function will assume that the old setup() signature is expected
    by the caller, and the parameters will be forwarded to osetup().

    @param productName     the name of the desired product to setup.  
    @param version         the desired version of the product.  This can be
                             either a string giving an explicit version
                             or a Tag instance.  
    @param prefTags        the list of requested tags (n.b. the VRO already knows about them)
    @param postTags        the list of requested post-tags (n.b. the VRO already knows about them)
    @param productRoot     the root directory where the product is installed.
                             If set, Eups will not consult its database for
                             the product's location, but rather set it up as
                             a "LOCAL" product.  
    @param eupsenv         the Eups instance to use to do the setup.  If 
                             None, one will be created for it.
    @param fwd             If False, actually do an unsetup.
    if isinstance(productName, Eups):
        # Note: this probably won't work if a mix of key-worded and
        # non-keyworded parameters are used.
        utils.deprecated("setup(): assuming deprecated function signature",
        if productRoot is None: productRoot = True
        return osetup(productName, version, prefTags, productRoot,

    if not eupsenv:
        eupsenv = Eups(readCache=False, exact_version=exact_version)
        if version:

    if isinstance(prefTags, str):
        prefTags = prefTags.split()
    elif isinstance(prefTags, Tag):
        prefTags = [prefTags]

    if prefTags is None:
        prefTags = []
    if postTags is None:
        postTags = []

    if prefTags:
        checkTagsList(eupsenv, prefTags)
    if postTags:
        checkTagsList(eupsenv, postTags)

    versionRequested = version
    ok, version, reason = eupsenv.setup(productName,

    cmds = []
    if ok:
        # Check that we got the desired tag
        if eupsenv.quiet <= 0 and (prefTags
                                   or postTags) and not versionRequested:
            taggedVersion = None
            for tag in prefTags:
                taggedVersion = eupsenv.findTaggedProduct(productName, tag)
                if taggedVersion:
            if not taggedVersion:
                for tag in postTags:
                    taggedVersion = eupsenv.findTaggedProduct(productName, tag)
                    if taggedVersion:

            if taggedVersion:
                if version == taggedVersion.version:  # OK, we got it
                elif productRoot:  # they asked for a particular directory
                    print >> utils.stderr, "Requested version tagged %s == \"%s\"; got version \"%s\"" % \
                          (",".join(prefTags + postTags), taggedVersion.version, version)
                if not re.search(r"^" + Product.Product.LocalVersionPrefix,
                    if (fwd and eupsenv.verbose >= 0) or (not fwd and
                                                          eupsenv.verbose > 0):
                        extra = ""
                        if os.path.isfile((prefTags + postTags)[0]):
                            extra = " in"

                        print >> utils.stdwarn, "No versions of %s are tagged%s %s; setup version is %s" % \
                              (productName, extra, ",".join(prefTags + postTags), version)

        # Set new variables
        for key, val in os.environ.items():
                if val == eupsenv.oldEnviron[key]:
            except KeyError:

            if val and not re.search(r"^['\"].*['\"]$", val) and \
                   re.search(r"[\s<>|&;()]", val):   # quote characters that the shell cares about
                val = "'%s'" % val

            if eupsenv.shell in (
                cmd = "export %s=%s" % (key, val)
            elif eupsenv.shell in ("csh", ):
                cmd = "setenv %s %s" % (key, val)

            if eupsenv.noaction:
                if eupsenv.verbose < 2 and re.search(utils.setupEnvPrefix(),
                    continue  # these variables are an implementation detail

                cmd = "echo \"%s\"" % cmd

            cmds += [cmd]
        # Extra environment variables that EUPS uses
        if not fwd and productName == "eups":
            for k in (
                if k in os.environ:
                    del os.environ[k]
        # unset ones that have disappeared
        for key in eupsenv.oldEnviron.keys():
            if productName != "eups":  # the world will break if we delete these
                if re.search(r"^EUPS_(DIR|PATH|PKGROOT|SHELL)$", key):

            if os.environ.has_key(key):

            if eupsenv.shell == "sh" or eupsenv.shell == "zsh":
                cmd = "unset %s" % (key)
            elif eupsenv.shell == "csh":
                cmd = "unsetenv %s" % (key)

            if eupsenv.noaction:
                if eupsenv.verbose < 2 and re.search(utils.setupEnvPrefix(),
                    continue  # an implementation detail

                cmd = "echo \"%s\"" % cmd

            cmds += [cmd]
        # Now handle aliases
        for key in eupsenv.aliases.keys():
            value = eupsenv.aliases[key]

                if value == eupsenv.oldAliases[key]:
            except KeyError:

            if eupsenv.shell == "sh":
                cmd = "function %s { %s ; }; export -f %s" % (key, value, key)
            elif eupsenv.shell == "csh":
                value = re.sub(r'"?\$@"?', r"\!*", value)
                cmd = "alias %s \'%s\'" % (key, value)
            elif eupsenv.shell == "zsh":
                cmd = "%s() { %s ; }" % (key, value, key)

            if eupsenv.noaction:
                cmd = "echo \"%s\"" % re.sub(r"`", r"\`", cmd)

            cmds += [cmd]
        # and unset ones that used to be present, but are now gone
        for key in eupsenv.oldAliases.keys():
            if eupsenv.aliases.has_key(key):

            if eupsenv.shell == "sh" or eupsenv.shell == "zsh":
                cmd = "unset %s" % (key)
            elif eupsenv.shell == "csh":
                cmd = "unalias %s" (key)

            if eupsenv.noaction:
                cmd = "echo \"%s\"" % cmd

            cmds += [cmd]
    elif fwd and version is None:
        print >> utils.stderr, \
            "Unable to find an acceptable version of", productName
        if eupsenv.verbose and os.path.exists(productName):
            print >> utils.stderr, "(Did you mean setup -r %s?)" % productName
        cmds += ["false"]  # as in /bin/false
        if fwd:
            versionName = version

            if eupsenv.isLegalRelativeVersion(versionName):
                versionName = ""

            if versionName:
                versionName = " " + versionName

            print >> utils.stderr, "Failed to setup %s%s: %s" % (
                productName, versionName, reason)
            print >> utils.stderr, "Failed to unsetup %s: %s" % (productName,

        cmds += ["false"]  # as in /bin/false

    return cmds
Exemplo n.º 3
def printProducts(ostrm, productName=None, versionName=None, eupsenv=None, 
                  tags=None, setup=False, tablefile=False, directory=False, 
                  dependencies=False, showVersion=False, showName=False,
                  depth=None, productDir=None, topological=False, checkCycles=False, raw=False):
    print out a listing of products.  Returned is the number of products listed.
    @param ostrm           the output stream to send listing to
    @param productName     restrict the listing to this product
    @param versionName     restrict the listing to this version of the product.
    @param eupsenv         the Eups instance to use; if None, a default 
                              will be created.  
    @param tags            restrict the listing to products with these tag names
    @param setup           restrict the listing to products that are currently
                              setup (or print actually setup versions with dependencies)
    @param tablefile       include the path to each product's table file
    @param directory       include each product's installation directory
    @param dependencies    print the product's dependencies
    @param showVersion     Only print the product{'s,s'} version[s] (e.g. eups list -V -s afw)
    @param showName        Only print the product{'s,s'} name[s] (e.g. eups list --name -t rhl)
    @param depth           a string giving an expression for determining
                             whether a dependency of a certain depth should
                             be included.  This string can be a simple integer
                             which will be taken to mean, print all depths
                             <= that integer.  An expression having just a
                             a logical operator and an integer (e.g. 
                             "> 3") implies a comparison with the depth
                             of each dependency (i.e. "depth > 3").  
    @param topological     List dependencies in topological-sorted order
    @param checkCycles     Raise RuntimeError if topological sort detects a cycle
    @param raw             Generate "raw" output (suitable for further processing)

    if not eupsenv:
        eupsenv = Eups()
    if tags:
        if isinstance(tags, str):
            tags = tags.split()
        checkTagsList(eupsenv, tags)
    elif setup and not dependencies:
        tags = ["setup"]

    # If productDir is provided only list its dependencies;  we do this by setting it up
    if productDir:
        if not dependencies:
            raise EupsException("-r only makes sense with --dependencies")

        if productDir:
            ups_dir = os.path.join(productDir, "ups")
            if not os.path.isdir(ups_dir):
                raise EupsException("Unable to guess product name as product has no ups directory")

            p = utils.guessProduct(ups_dir)

            if productName:
                if p != productName:
                    raise EupsException("Guessed product %s from ups directory, but %s from path" % \
                                        (productName, p))
                productName = p  

        if tags:
            tag = tags[0]
            tag = None

        eupsenv.setup(productName, versionName, productRoot=os.path.abspath(productDir))
        setup = True                    # only list this version

    productNameIsGlob = productName and re.search(r"[\[\]?*]", productName) # is productName actually a glob?

    productList = eupsenv.findProducts(productName, versionName, tags)
    if not productList:
        if productName:
            msg = productName
            if versionName:
                msg += " %s" % versionName
            if tags:
                msg += " tagged \"%s\"" % ", ".join([Tag(t).name for t in tags])

            raise ProductNotFound(productName, versionName, msg="Unable to find product %s" % msg)

    productList.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a, b), 
                     lambda p: ":".join([p.name, p.version]))
    if dependencies:
        _msgs = {}               # maintain list of printed dependencies
        recursionDepth, indent = 0, ""

        if len(productList) > 1:
            if setup:
                productList = eupsenv.getSetupProducts(productName)
                raise EupsException("Please choose the version you want listed (%s)" %
                                    (", ".join([p.version for p in productList])))
        if topological:
            raise EupsException("--topological only makes sense with --dependencies")
    productTags = {}             # list of tags indexed by product

    oinfo = None                 # previous value of "info"; used to suppress repetitions due to e.g. 
                                 # listing directories when there's a NULL and Linux declaration 

    if depth is None: 
        depth = "True" 
            depth = "<= %d" % int(depth) 
        except ValueError: 
        if not re.search(r"depth", depth): 
            depth = "depth" + depth 
    def includeProduct(recursionDepth): 
        """Should we include a product at this recursionDepth in the listing?""" 
        depthExpr = VersionParser(depth)
        depthExpr.define("depth", recursionDepth) 
        return depthExpr.eval() 

    if dependencies:
        recursionDepth = 0 

        product = productList[0]

        if includeProduct(recursionDepth) and not (checkCycles and not topological):
            if raw:
                fmt = "%s|%s"
                fmt = "%-40s %s"
            print fmt % (product.name, product.version)

        for product, optional, recursionDepth in eupsenv.getDependentProducts(product, setup,
            if not includeProduct(recursionDepth) or (checkCycles and not topological):

            if eupsenv.verbose or not _msgs.has_key(product.name):
                _msgs[product.name] = product.version

                if not re.search(r"==", depth): 
                    indent = "| " * (recursionDepth/2) 
                    if recursionDepth%2 == 1: 
                        indent += "|" 

                if raw:
                    print "%s|%s" % (product.name, product.version)
                    print "%-40s %s" % (("%s%s" % (indent, product.name)), product.version)

        return 1
    # See if some tag appears more than once;  if so, they are from different stacks
    tagsSeen = {}
    for pi in productList:
        for t in pi.tags:
            if not tagsSeen.has_key(t):
                tagsSeen[t] = {}
            if not tagsSeen[t].has_key(pi.name):
                tagsSeen[t][pi.name] = 0

            tagsSeen[t][pi.name] += 1
    # Actually list the products
    nprod = len(productList)
    for pi in productList:
        name, version, root = pi.name, pi.version, pi.stackRoot() # for convenience
        if root == "none":  root = " (none)"
        info = ""

        if setup:
            if not eupsenv.isSetup(pi.name, pi.version, pi.stackRoot()):
            if not pi._prodStack:       # only found in the environment
                if False:           
                    continue            # Exclude environment-only products
        if directory or tablefile:
            if eupsenv.verbose:
                if raw:
                    if info:
                        info += "|"
                    info += version
                    info += "%-10s" % (version)

            if directory:
                if pi.dir:
                    if raw and info:
                        info += "|"
                    info += pi.dir
                    info += ""
            if tablefile:
                if info:
                    if raw:
                        info += "|"
                        info += "\t"

                if pi.tablefile:
                    info += pi.tablefile
                    info += "none"
        elif showName:
            if raw:
                if info:
                    info += "|"
                info += name
                info += "%-10s" % (name)
        elif showVersion:
            info += "%-10s" % (version)
            if raw:
                if info:
                    info += "|"
                info += name + "|" + version
                if productName and not productNameIsGlob:
                    info += "   "
                    info += "%-21s " % (name)
                info += "%-10s " % (version)
            if eupsenv.verbose:
                if raw:
                    if info:
                        info += "|"
                if eupsenv.verbose > 1:
                    if raw:
                        info += pi.flavor + "|"
                        info += "%-10s" % (pi.flavor)

                if raw:
                    info += root + "|" + pi.dir
                    info += "%-20s %-55s" % (root, pi.dir)

                extra = pi.tags
                extra = []
                for t in pi.tags:
                    if not eupsenv.verbose:
                        t = Tag(t).name # get the bare tag name, not e.g. user:foo
                    if tagsSeen.get(t) and tagsSeen[t].get(pi.name) > 1:
                        t = "%s[%s]" % (t, root)

            if eupsenv.isSetup(pi.name, pi.version, pi.stackRoot()):
                extra += ["setup"]
            if raw and info:
                info += "|"

            if extra:
                if raw:
                    info += ":".join(extra)
                    info += "\t" + " ".join(extra)

        if info:
            if info != oinfo: 
                print info 
                oinfo = info

    return nprod
Exemplo n.º 4
def printProducts(ostrm,
    print out a listing of products.  Returned is the number of products listed.
    @param ostrm           the output stream to send listing to
    @param productName     restrict the listing to this product
    @param versionName     restrict the listing to this version of the product.
    @param eupsenv         the Eups instance to use; if None, a default 
                              will be created.  
    @param tags            restrict the listing to products with these tag names
    @param setup           restrict the listing to products that are currently
                              setup (or print actually setup versions with dependencies)
    @param tablefile       include the path to each product's table file
    @param directory       include each product's installation directory
    @param dependencies    print the product's dependencies
    @param showVersion     Only print the product{'s,s'} version[s] (e.g. eups list -V -s afw)
    @param showName        Only print the product{'s,s'} name[s] (e.g. eups list --name -t rhl)
    @param depth           a string giving an expression for determining
                             whether a dependency of a certain depth should
                             be included.  This string can be a simple integer
                             which will be taken to mean, print all depths
                             <= that integer.  An expression having just a
                             a logical operator and an integer (e.g. 
                             "> 3") implies a comparison with the depth
                             of each dependency (i.e. "depth > 3").  
    @param topological     List dependencies in topological-sorted order
    @param checkCycles     Raise RuntimeError if topological sort detects a cycle
    @param raw             Generate "raw" output (suitable for further processing)

    if not eupsenv:
        eupsenv = Eups()
    if tags:
        if isinstance(tags, str):
            tags = tags.split()
        checkTagsList(eupsenv, tags)
    elif setup and not dependencies:
        tags = ["setup"]

    # If productDir is provided only list its dependencies;  we do this by setting it up
    if productDir:
        if not dependencies:
            raise EupsException("-r only makes sense with --dependencies")

        if productDir:
            ups_dir = os.path.join(productDir, "ups")
            if not os.path.isdir(ups_dir):
                raise EupsException(
                    "Unable to guess product name as product has no ups directory"

            p = utils.guessProduct(ups_dir)

            if productName:
                if p != productName:
                    raise EupsException("Guessed product %s from ups directory, but %s from path" % \
                                        (productName, p))
                productName = p

        if tags:
            tag = tags[0]
            tag = None

        setup = True  # only list this version

    productNameIsGlob = productName and re.search(
        r"[\[\]?*]", productName)  # is productName actually a glob?

    productList = eupsenv.findProducts(productName, versionName, tags)
    if not productList:
        if productName:
            msg = productName
            if versionName:
                msg += " %s" % versionName
            if tags:
                msg += " tagged \"%s\"" % ", ".join(
                    [Tag(t).name for t in tags])

            raise ProductNotFound(productName,
                                  msg="Unable to find product %s" % msg)

    productList.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a, b),
                     lambda p: ":".join([p.name, p.version]))

    if dependencies:
        _msgs = {}  # maintain list of printed dependencies
        recursionDepth, indent = 0, ""

        if len(productList) > 1:
            if setup:
                productList = eupsenv.getSetupProducts(productName)
                raise EupsException(
                    "Please choose the version you want listed (%s)" %
                    (", ".join([p.version for p in productList])))
        if topological:
            raise EupsException(
                "--topological only makes sense with --dependencies")

    productTags = {}  # list of tags indexed by product

    oinfo = None  # previous value of "info"; used to suppress repetitions due to e.g.
    # listing directories when there's a NULL and Linux declaration

    if depth is None:
        depth = "True"
            depth = "<= %d" % int(depth)
        except ValueError:

        if not re.search(r"depth", depth):
            depth = "depth" + depth

    def includeProduct(recursionDepth):
        """Should we include a product at this recursionDepth in the listing?"""
        depthExpr = VersionParser(depth)
        depthExpr.define("depth", recursionDepth)
        return depthExpr.eval()

    if dependencies:
        recursionDepth = 0

        product = productList[0]

        if includeProduct(recursionDepth) and not (checkCycles
                                                   and not topological):
            if raw:
                fmt = "%s|%s"
                fmt = "%-40s %s"
            print fmt % (product.name, product.version)

        for product, optional, recursionDepth in eupsenv.getDependentProducts(
                product, setup, topological=topological,
            if not includeProduct(recursionDepth) or (checkCycles
                                                      and not topological):

            if eupsenv.verbose or not _msgs.has_key(product.name):
                _msgs[product.name] = product.version

                if not re.search(r"==", depth):
                    indent = "| " * (recursionDepth / 2)
                    if recursionDepth % 2 == 1:
                        indent += "|"

                if raw:
                    print "%s|%s" % (product.name, product.version)
                    print "%-40s %s" % (
                        ("%s%s" % (indent, product.name)), product.version)

        return 1
    # See if some tag appears more than once;  if so, they are from different stacks
    tagsSeen = {}
    for pi in productList:
        for t in pi.tags:
            if not tagsSeen.has_key(t):
                tagsSeen[t] = {}
            if not tagsSeen[t].has_key(pi.name):
                tagsSeen[t][pi.name] = 0

            tagsSeen[t][pi.name] += 1
    # Actually list the products
    nprod = len(productList)
    for pi in productList:
        name, version, root = pi.name, pi.version, pi.stackRoot(
        )  # for convenience
        if root == "none": root = " (none)"
        info = ""

        if setup:
            if not eupsenv.isSetup(pi.name, pi.version, pi.stackRoot()):
            if not pi._prodStack:  # only found in the environment
                if False:
                    continue  # Exclude environment-only products

        if directory or tablefile:
            if eupsenv.verbose:
                if raw:
                    if info:
                        info += "|"
                    info += version
                    info += "%-10s" % (version)

            if directory:
                if pi.dir:
                    if raw and info:
                        info += "|"
                    info += pi.dir
                    info += ""
            if tablefile:
                if info:
                    if raw:
                        info += "|"
                        info += "\t"

                if pi.tablefile:
                    info += pi.tablefile
                    info += "none"
        elif showName:
            if raw:
                if info:
                    info += "|"
                info += name
                info += "%-10s" % (name)
        elif showVersion:
            info += "%-10s" % (version)
            if raw:
                if info:
                    info += "|"
                info += name + "|" + version
                if productName and not productNameIsGlob:
                    info += "   "
                    info += "%-21s " % (name)
                info += "%-10s " % (version)
            if eupsenv.verbose:
                if raw:
                    if info:
                        info += "|"
                if eupsenv.verbose > 1:
                    if raw:
                        info += pi.flavor + "|"
                        info += "%-10s" % (pi.flavor)

                if raw:
                    info += root + "|" + pi.dir
                    info += "%-20s %-55s" % (root, pi.dir)

                extra = pi.tags
                extra = []
                for t in pi.tags:
                    if not eupsenv.verbose:
                        t = Tag(
                            t).name  # get the bare tag name, not e.g. user:foo
                    if tagsSeen.get(t) and tagsSeen[t].get(pi.name) > 1:
                        t = "%s[%s]" % (t, root)

            if eupsenv.isSetup(pi.name, pi.version, pi.stackRoot()):
                extra += ["setup"]
            if raw and info:
                info += "|"

            if extra:
                if raw:
                    info += ":".join(extra)
                    info += "\t" + " ".join(extra)

        if info:
            if info != oinfo:
                print info
                oinfo = info

    return nprod