Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_unicode_japanese(self):
     "Unicode with Japanese characters above extended ascii"
     raw = "男の子"
     self.assertIsInstance(raw, str)
     safe = tag_utils.unicode_to_ascii(raw)
     self.assertEqual(safe, "Nan noZi ")
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_unicode_thai(self):
     "Unicode with Thai characters above extended ascii"
     raw = "เด็กผู้ชาย"
     self.assertIsInstance(raw, str)
     safe = tag_utils.unicode_to_ascii(raw)
     self.assertEqual(safe, "edkphuuchaay")
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_unicode_ascii(self):
     "Unicode with ASCII characters"
     raw = "cake"
     self.assertIsInstance(raw, str)
     safe = tag_utils.unicode_to_ascii(raw)
     self.assertEqual(safe, raw)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_unicode_extended_ascii(self):
     "Unicode with extended ascii characters"
     raw = "niño, garçon"
     self.assertIsInstance(raw, str)
     safe = tag_utils.unicode_to_ascii(raw)
     self.assertEqual(safe, "nino, garcon")
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_unicode_mix(self):
     "Unicode string with mix of characters"
     raw = "niño, 男の子, เด็กผู้ชาย, garçon"
     self.assertIsInstance(raw, str)
     safe = tag_utils.unicode_to_ascii(raw)
     self.assertEqual(safe, "nino, ___, _______, garcon")
Exemplo n.º 6
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Automatically generate a unique slug, if one does not exist
        # Based on django-taggit: don't worry about race conditions when
        # setting names and slugs, just avoid potential slugify clashes.
        # We could improve this if race conditions are ever a problem in the
        # real world, but until Django provides a reliable way to determine
        # the cause of an IntegrityError, we can never make this perfect.

        # If already in the database and has a slug set, just save as normal
        # Set slug to None to rebuild it
        if self.pk and self.slug:
            return super(BaseTagModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

        # Set the slug using the label if possible (for TagTreeModel), else
        # the tag name. Run it through unicode_to_ascii because slugify will
        # cry if the label contains unicode characters
        label = getattr(self, "label", self.name)
        slug_max_length = self.__class__._meta.get_field("slug").max_length
        if settings.SLUG_ALLOW_UNICODE:
            slug_base = slugify(label, allow_unicode=True)
            slug_base = slugify(six.text_type(utils.unicode_to_ascii(label)))
        self.slug = slug_base[:slug_max_length]

        # Make sure we're using the same db at all times
        cls = self.__class__
        kwargs["using"] = kwargs.get("using") or router.db_for_write(
            cls, instance=self)

        # Try saving the slug - it'll probably be fine
            # If transaction supports atomic, we need to wrap the save call -
            # otherwise if save throws an exception it'll cause any current
            # queries to roll back
            with transaction_atomic():
                return super(BaseTagModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
        except IntegrityError:

        # Integrity error - something is probably not unique.
        # Assume it was the slug - make it unique by appending a number.
        # See which numbers have been used
        slug_base = slug_base[:slug_max_length - settings.SLUG_TRUNCATE_UNIQUE]
            last = cls.objects.filter(slug__regex="^%s_[0-9]+$" %
        except cls.DoesNotExist:
            # No numbered version of the slug exists
            number = 1
            slug_base, number = last.slug.rsplit("_", 1)
            number = int(number) + 1

        self.slug = "%s_%d" % (slug_base, number)
        return super(BaseTagModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Automatically generate a unique slug, if one does not exist
        # Based on django-taggit: don't worry about race conditions when
        # setting names and slugs, just avoid potential slugify clashes.
        # We could improve this if race conditions are ever a problem in the
        # real world, but until Django provides a reliable way to determine
        # the cause of an IntegrityError, we can never make this perfect.

        # If already in the database and has a slug set, just save as normal
        # Set slug to None to rebuild it
        if self.pk and self.slug:
            return super(BaseTagModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

        # Set the slug using the label if possible (for TagTreeModel), else
        # the tag name. Run it through unicode_to_ascii because slugify will
        # cry if the label contains unicode characters
        label = getattr(self, 'label', self.name)
        slug_max_length = self.__class__._meta.get_field('slug').max_length
        slug_base = slugify(six.text_type(utils.unicode_to_ascii(label)))
        self.slug = slug_base[:slug_max_length]

        # Make sure we're using the same db at all times
        cls = self.__class__
        kwargs['using'] = kwargs.get('using') or router.db_for_write(
            cls, instance=self

        # Try saving the slug - it'll probably be fine
            # If transaction supports atomic, we need to wrap the save call -
            # otherwise if save throws an exception it'll cause any current
            # queries to roll back
            with transaction_atomic():
                return super(BaseTagModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
        except IntegrityError:

        # Integrity error - something is probably not unique.
        # Assume it was the slug - make it unique by appending a number.
        # See which numbers have been used
        slug_base = slug_base[:slug_max_length - settings.SLUG_TRUNCATE_UNIQUE]
            last = cls.objects.filter(
                slug__regex="^%s_[0-9]+$" % slug_base
        except cls.DoesNotExist:
            # No numbered version of the slug exists
            number = 1
            slug_base, number = last.slug.rsplit('_', 1)
            number = int(number) + 1

        self.slug = '%s_%d' % (slug_base, number)
        return super(BaseTagModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_unicode_thai(self):
     "Unicode with Thai characters above extended ascii"
     raw = "เด็กผู้ชาย"
     self.assertIsInstance(raw, str)
     safe = tag_utils.unicode_to_ascii(raw)
     # Discrepancy in length of string because some chars were Mn category
     self.assertEqual(safe, "_______")
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_unicode_japanese(self):
     "Unicode with Japanese characters above extended ascii"
     raw = "男の子"
     self.assertIsInstance(raw, str)
     safe = tag_utils.unicode_to_ascii(raw)
     # Discrepancy in length of thai string is because there were Mn chars
     self.assertEqual(safe, "___")
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_unicode_mix(self):
     "Unicode string with mix of characters"
     raw = "niño, 男の子, เด็กผู้ชาย, garçon"
     self.assertIsInstance(raw, str)
     safe = tag_utils.unicode_to_ascii(raw)
     # Note trailing space after Japanese because unidecode can sometimes
     # return trailing spaces. This is fine, will be handled by slugify.
     self.assertEqual(safe, "nino, Nan noZi , edkphuuchaay, garcon")