Exemplo n.º 1
def ext_arr_to_matrix(arr: ext_arr(), mat: template(), as_vector: template()):
    for I in ti.grouped(mat):
        for p in ti.static(range(mat.n)):
            for q in ti.static(range(mat.m)):
                if ti.static(as_vector):
                    mat[I][p] = arr[I, p]
                    mat[I][p, q] = arr[I, p, q]
Exemplo n.º 2
def matrix_to_ext_arr(mat: template(), arr: ext_arr(), as_vector: template()):
    for I in grouped(mat):
        for p in static(range(mat.n)):
            for q in static(range(mat.m)):
                if static(as_vector):
                    arr[I, p] = mat[I][p]
                    arr[I, p, q] = mat[I][p, q]
Exemplo n.º 3
def ext_arr_to_matrix(arr: ndarray_type.ndarray(), mat: template(),
                      as_vector: template()):
    for I in grouped(mat):
        for p in static(range(mat.n)):
            for q in static(range(mat.m)):
                if static(as_vector):
                    mat[I][p] = arr[I, p]
                    mat[I][p, q] = arr[I, p, q]
Exemplo n.º 4
def gen_normals_kernel(vertices: template(), normals: template()):
    N = vertices.shape[0]
    for i in range(N / 3):
        a = vertices[i * 3]
        b = vertices[i * 3 + 1]
        c = vertices[i * 3 + 2]
        n = (a - b).cross(a - c).normalized()
        normals[i * 3] = n
        normals[i * 3 + 1] = n
        normals[i * 3 + 2] = n
Exemplo n.º 5
def arr_vulkan_layout_to_field_normal_layout(vk_arr: ndarray_type.ndarray(),
                                             normal_field: template()):
    static_assert(len(normal_field.shape) == 2)
    w = normal_field.shape[0]
    h = normal_field.shape[1]
    for i, j in ndrange(w, h):
        normal_field[i, j] = vk_arr[(h - 1 - j) * w + i]
Exemplo n.º 6
def ndarray_matrix_to_ext_arr(ndarray: ndarray_type.ndarray(),
                              arr: ndarray_type.ndarray(),
                              layout_is_aos: template(),
                              as_vector: template()):
    for I in grouped(ndarray):
        for p in static(range(ndarray[I].n)):
            for q in static(range(ndarray[I].m)):
                if static(as_vector):
                    if static(layout_is_aos):
                        arr[I, p] = ndarray[I][p]
                        arr[p, I] = ndarray[I][p]
                    if static(layout_is_aos):
                        arr[I, p, q] = ndarray[I][p, q]
                        arr[p, q, I] = ndarray[I][p, q]
Exemplo n.º 7
def sort_stage(keys: template(), use_values: int, values: template(), N: int,
               p: int, k: int, invocations: int):
    for inv in range(invocations):
        j = k % p + inv * 2 * k
        for i in range(0, ops.min(k, N - j - k)):
            a = i + j
            b = i + j + k
            if int(a / (p * 2)) == int(b / (p * 2)):
                key_a = keys[a]
                key_b = keys[b]
                if key_a > key_b:
                    keys[a] = key_b
                    keys[b] = key_a
                    if use_values != 0:
                        temp = values[a]
                        values[a] = values[b]
                        values[b] = temp
Exemplo n.º 8
def ext_arr_to_ndarray_matrix(arr: ext_arr(), ndarray: any_arr(),
                              as_vector: template()):
    for I in grouped(ndarray):
        for p in static(range(ndarray[I].n)):
            for q in static(range(ndarray[I].m)):
                if static(as_vector):
                    ndarray[I][p] = arr[I, p]
                    ndarray[I][p, q] = arr[I, p, q]
Exemplo n.º 9
def ndarray_matrix_to_ext_arr(ndarray: any_arr(), arr: ext_arr(),
                              as_vector: template()):
    for I in ti.grouped(ndarray):
        for p in ti.static(range(ndarray[I].n)):
            for q in ti.static(range(ndarray[I].m)):
                if ti.static(as_vector):
                    arr[I, p] = ndarray[I][p]
                    arr[I, p, q] = ndarray[I][p, q]
Exemplo n.º 10
def gen_normals_kernel_indexed(vertices: template(), indices: template(),
                               normals: template(), weights: template()):
    num_triangles = indices.shape[0] / 3
    num_vertices = vertices.shape[0]
    for i in range(num_vertices):
        normals[i] = Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        weights[i] = 0.0
    for i in range(num_triangles):
        i_a = indices[i * 3]
        i_b = indices[i * 3 + 1]
        i_c = indices[i * 3 + 2]
        a = vertices[i_a]
        b = vertices[i_b]
        c = vertices[i_c]
        n = (a - b).cross(a - c).normalized()
        atomic_add(normals[i_a], n)
        atomic_add(normals[i_b], n)
        atomic_add(normals[i_c], n)
        atomic_add(weights[i_a], 1.0)
        atomic_add(weights[i_b], 1.0)
        atomic_add(weights[i_c], 1.0)
    for i in range(num_vertices):
        if weights[i] > 0.0:
            normals[i] = normals[i] / weights[i]
Exemplo n.º 11
def vector_to_fast_image(img: template(), out: ndarray_type.ndarray()):
    # FIXME: Why is ``for i, j in img:`` slower than:
    for i, j in ndrange(*img.shape):
        r, g, b = 0, 0, 0
        color = img[i, img.shape[1] - 1 - j]
        if static(img.dtype in [f16, f32, f64]):
            r, g, b = min(255, max(0, int(color * 255)))
            static_assert(img.dtype == u8)
            r, g, b = color
        idx = j * img.shape[0] + i
        # We use i32 for |out| since OpenGL and Metal doesn't support u8 types
        if static(get_os_name() != 'osx'):
            out[idx] = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b
            # What's -16777216?
            # On Mac, we need to set the alpha channel to 0xff. Since Mac's GUI
            # is big-endian, the color is stored in ABGR order, and we need to
            # add 0xff000000, which is -16777216 in I32's legit range. (Albeit
            # the clarity, adding 0xff000000 doesn't work.)
            alpha = -16777216
            out[idx] = (b << 16) + (g << 8) + r + alpha
Exemplo n.º 12
def fill_ndarray(ndarray: ndarray_type.ndarray(), val: template()):
    for I in grouped(ndarray):
        ndarray[I] = val
Exemplo n.º 13
def snode_deactivate_dynamic(b: template()):
    for I in grouped(b.parent()):
        deactivate(b, I)
Exemplo n.º 14
def snode_deactivate(b: template()):
    for I in grouped(b):
        deactivate(b, I)
Exemplo n.º 15
def fill_matrix(mat: template(), vals: template()):
    for I in grouped(mat):
        for p in static(range(mat.n)):
            for q in static(range(mat.m)):
                mat[I][p, q] = vals[p][q]
Exemplo n.º 16
def clear_loss(l: template()):
    # Using SNode writers would result in a forced sync, therefore we wrap these
    # writes into a kernel.
    l[None] = 0
    l.grad[None] = 1
Exemplo n.º 17
def clear_gradients(_vars: template()):
    for I in grouped(ScalarField(Expr(_vars[0]))):
        for s in static(_vars):
            ScalarField(Expr(s))[I] = 0
Exemplo n.º 18
def tensor_to_image(tensor: template(), arr: ext_arr()):
    for I in ti.grouped(tensor):
        t = ti.cast(tensor[I], ti.f32)
        arr[I, 0] = t
        arr[I, 1] = t
        arr[I, 2] = t
Exemplo n.º 19
def tensor_to_ext_arr(tensor: template(), arr: ndarray_type.ndarray()):
    for I in grouped(tensor):
        arr[I] = tensor[I]
Exemplo n.º 20
def vector_to_image(mat: template(), arr: ext_arr()):
    for I in ti.grouped(mat):
        for p in ti.static(range(mat.n)):
            arr[I, p] = ti.cast(mat[I][p], ti.f32)
            if ti.static(mat.n <= 2):
                arr[I, 2] = 0
Exemplo n.º 21
def vector_to_image(mat: template(), arr: ndarray_type.ndarray()):
    for I in grouped(mat):
        for p in static(range(mat.n)):
            arr[I, p] = ops.cast(mat[I][p], f32)
            if static(mat.n <= 2):
                arr[I, 2] = 0
Exemplo n.º 22
def fill_vbo(vbo: template(), value: template(), offset: template(),
             num_components: template()):
    for i in vbo:
        for c in ti.static(range(num_components)):
            vbo[i][offset + c] = value
Exemplo n.º 23
def copy_to_vbo(vbo: template(), src: template(), offset: template(),
                num_components: template()):
    for i in src:
        for c in ti.static(range(num_components)):
            vbo[i][offset + c] = src[i][c]
Exemplo n.º 24
def tensor_to_ext_arr(tensor: template(), arr: ext_arr()):
    for I in ti.grouped(tensor):
        arr[I] = tensor[I]
Exemplo n.º 25
def fill_ndarray_matrix(ndarray: ndarray_type.ndarray(), val: template()):
    for I in grouped(ndarray):
Exemplo n.º 26
def fill_tensor(tensor: template(), val: template()):
    for I in grouped(tensor):
        tensor[I] = val
Exemplo n.º 27
def tensor_to_tensor(tensor: template(), other: template()):
    for I in grouped(tensor):
        tensor[I] = other[I]
Exemplo n.º 28
def fill_ndarray_matrix(ndarray: any_arr(), val: template()):
    for I in ti.grouped(ndarray):
Exemplo n.º 29
def tensor_to_image(tensor: template(), arr: ndarray_type.ndarray()):
    for I in grouped(tensor):
        t = ops.cast(tensor[I], f32)
        arr[I, 0] = t
        arr[I, 1] = t
        arr[I, 2] = t
Exemplo n.º 30
def ext_arr_to_tensor(arr: ndarray_type.ndarray(), tensor: template()):
    for I in grouped(tensor):
        tensor[I] = arr[I]