Exemplo n.º 1
    def post(self):
        """Function is called asynchronously to import data sets to the DB and
        delete existing data.

        login_user = LoginUser.get(self.request.get("login_user", None))

        status = memcache.get('import_status')
        if not status:
            logging.critical("Failed to retrieve import status from memcache.")

        data = memcache.get('import_data')
        if not data:
            logging.critical("Failed to retrieve import data from memcache.")

        logging.info("Retrieved %d bytes for processing. user=%s" % (len(data),login_user.me.name) )
        memcache.set('import_status', "Parsing import data.", time=10)

        format=self.request.get("format", None)
        if format == 'JSON':
            dbdump = json.loads(data)
            dbdump = yaml.load(data)

        # purge DB
        logging.info("Import task starts deleting data...")
        contact_entries = db.Query(Contact,keys_only=True)
        contact_entries.filter("owned_by =", login_user)
        count = 0
        delete_contacts = []
        for c in contact_entries:
            # delete all dependent data
            q_t = db.Query(Take2,keys_only=True)
            q_t.filter("contact_ref =", c)
            q_i = db.Query(Search,keys_only=True)
            q_i.filter("contact_ref =", c)
            count = count +1
            memcache.set('import_status', "Deleting data: %d deleted." % (count), time=3)
            # remember for bulk delete except the one which is the login_user's Person
            if c != login_user.me:
        logging.info("Import task deleted %d contact datasets" % (count))

        # dictionary will be filled with a reference to the freshly created person
        # key using the former key as stored in the dbdump. Needed later for resolving
        # the owned by references.
        old_key_to_new_key = {}
        link_to_references = []
        take2_entries = []
        count = 0.0
        for contact in dbdump:
            memcache.set('import_status', "Importing data: %3.0f%% done." % ((count/len(dbdump))*100.0), time=3)
            logging.debug("Import type: %s name: %s id: %s attic: %s" % (contact['type'],
                           contact['name'] if 'name' in contact else '<no name>',
                           contact['id'] if 'id' in contact else '<no id>',
                           contact['attic'] if 'attic' in contact else '<no attic flag>'))
            if contact['type'] == "person":
                entry = Person(name=contact['name'])
                if 'lastname' in contact:
                    entry.lastname = lastname=contact['lastname']
                if 'birthday' in contact:
                    year,month,day = contact['birthday'].split('-')
                    entry.birthday = FuzzyDate(day=int(day),month=int(month),year=int(year))
                if 'nickname' in contact:
                    entry.nickname = contact['nickname']
            if contact['type'] == "company":
                entry = Company(name=contact['name'])
            # importer owns all the data
            entry.owned_by = login_user
            if 'attic' in contact:
                entry.attic = contact['attic']
            if 'timestamp' in contact:
                dt,us= contact['timestamp'].split(".")
                entry.timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
            # remember the key from the imported file for later dependency resolve
            if 'key' in contact:
                old_key_to_new_key[contact['key']] = entry.key()
            count = count+1

            # check for all take2 objects
            for classname in ['email','link','web','address','mobile','other']:
                if classname in contact:
                    for m in contact[classname]:
                        obj = None
                        if classname == 'mobile':
                            obj = Mobile(mobile=m['mobile'], contact_ref=entry)
                        if classname == 'email':
                            obj = Email(email=m['email'], contact_ref=entry)
                        if classname == 'web':
                            if not m['web'].startswith("http://"):
                                m['web'] = 'http://'+m['web']
                            obj = Web(web=m['web'], contact_ref=entry)
                        if classname == 'other':
                            # look for existing tag in DB
                            tag = OtherTag.all().filter("tag =", m['what']).get()
                            if not tag:
                                tag = OtherTag(tag=m['what'])
                            obj = Other(tag=tag, text=m['text'], contact_ref=entry)
                        if classname == 'link':
                            # save the link_to key from the imported data in the link_to
                            # property for rater resolve
                        if classname == 'address':
                            obj = Address(adr=m['adr'], contact_ref=entry)
                            if 'location_lat' in m and 'location_lon' in m:
                                obj.location = db.GeoPt(lat=float(m['location_lat']),lon=float(m['location_lon']))
                            if 'landline_phone' in m:
                                obj.landline_phone = m['landline_phone']
                            if 'country' in m and m['country'] != "":
                                country = Country.all().filter("country =", m['country']).get()
                                # If country name is not in DB it is added
                                if not country:
                                    country = Country(country=m['country'])
                                obj.country = country.key()
                        if obj:
                            # common fields
                            if 'timestamp' in m:
                                dt,us= m['timestamp'].split(".")
                                obj.timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
                            if 'attic' in m:
                                obj.attic = m['attic']

        memcache.set('import_status', "Store dependent entries.", time=30)

        # Resolve (if possible) the reference of the LoginUser to his/her own Person entry
        for t2 in take2_entries:
            if t2.class_name() == "Email":
                if t2.email == login_user.user.email():
                    # throw away existing login_user Person
                    login_user.me = t2.contact_ref
                    logging.info("Resolved LoginUsers Person: %s using email: %s" % (t2.contact_ref.name, t2.email))

        # Back references to people
        for parent,child_old_key in link_to_references:
            # find child's new key
            key = old_key_to_new_key[child_old_key]
            # update child with back reference
            child = Contact.get(key)
            child.middleman_ref = parent

        # Bulk store new entries
        logging.info("Import task added %d contacts. Now store their %d dependent datasets" % (count,len(take2_entries)))
        logging.info("Import task done.")
        # make sure that all indices have to be re-built
Exemplo n.º 2
def  load_country_list():
    # list of countries
    for cd in settings.COUNTRIES:
        for cc,c in cd.items():
            country = Country(ccode=cc,country=c)