Exemplo n.º 1
def send_and_parse_command(devices, command):
    result = {}
    attr = {'Command': command}
    output = send_show_command(devices, command)
    for ip, out in output.items():
        result[ip] = parse_command_dynamic(attr, out, tmpl_dir='templates_jun')
    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def send_and_parse_command(device_params, attributes, index='index',
    ip = device_params['ip']
    output = send_show_command(device_params, attributes['Command'])
    parse_result = parse_command_dynamic(attributes, output[ip])

    return {ip: parse_result}
Exemplo n.º 3
def send_commands(device, show='', filename='', config=None):
    if show:
        return send_show_command(device, show)
    elif filename:
        return send_commands_from_file(device, filename)
        return send_config_commands(device, config)
Exemplo n.º 4
def send_commands(device, show=None, config=None):
    if show != None and config == None:
        return (send_show_command(device, command))
    elif config != None and show == None:
        return (send_config_commands(device, commands))
        return ("Должен быть указан ОДИН аргумент - show ИЛИ config")
def send_commands(device, show=None, config=None):
    r = ''
    if show:
        r = send_show_command(device, show)
    elif config:
        r = send_config_commands(device, config)

    return r
Exemplo n.º 6
def send_commands(device, com):
    #show - функция send_show_command из задания 19.1
    if com == show:
        result = send_show_command(device, com)
        return result
    #config - функция send_config_commands из задания 19.2
    elif com == config:
        result = send_config_commands(device, com)
        return result
Exemplo n.º 7
def send_commands(device, show='', config=''):
    commands = [
        "logging", "logging buffered 20010", "no logging console"
    command = "sh ip int br"
    if show:
        out = (send_show_command(device, command))
    if config:
        out = (send_config_commands(device, config))
    return out
Exemplo n.º 8
def send_and_parse_command(devices,
    attributes = {'Command': command, 'Vendor': 'cisco_ios'}
    result = {}
    show_sent = send_show_command(devices, attributes['Command'])
    for ip, output in show_sent.items():
        parse_done = parse_command_dynamic(attributes, output)
        result[ip] = parse_done
    return result
Exemplo n.º 9
def send_commands(device, show = False, filename = False, config = False):
    if show and not filename and not config:
        result = send_show_command(device, show)
        return result
    if config and not show and not filename:
        result = send_config_command(device, config)
        return result
    if filename and not show and not config:
        result = send_commands_from_file(device, filename)
        return result
        return('Band arguments assignment')
Exemplo n.º 10
def send_commands(device, show=False, config=False):
    Function connects to device by ssh and runs commands depending on argument(show, config).
    :param device: dict with parameters of device
    :param show: calls function send_show_command from task 19.1
    :param config: calls function end_config_commands from task 19.2
    :return: string with results of running commands
    if show != False:
        result = send_show_command(device, command)
    if config != False:
        result = send_config_commands(device, commands)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_function_return_value(r1_test_connection,
    Тест проверяет работу функции send_show_command
    first_router_from_devices_yaml - это первое устройство из файла devices.yaml
    r1_test_connection - это сессия SSH с первым устройством из файла devices.yaml
                         Используется для проверки вывода
    correct_return_value = r1_test_connection.send_command('sh ip int br')
    return_value = task_19_1.send_show_command(first_router_from_devices_yaml,
                                               'sh ip int br')
    assert return_value != None, "Функция ничего не возвращает"
    assert type(return_value) == str, "Функция должна возвращать строку"
    assert return_value == correct_return_value, "Функция возвращает неправильное значение"
def send_commands(device, **kwargs):
    if 'show' in kwargs:    #если есть show выполняем функцию send_show_command из задания 19.1
#        print('we need show')
        command = kwargs['show']
#        print(command)
        result = send_show_command(device, command)
    elif 'config' in kwargs:    #если есть config выполняем функцию send_config_commands из задания 19.2
#        print('we have config')
        conf_commands = kwargs['config'] #список команд
#        print(conf_commands)
        result = send_config_commands(device, conf_commands)
    else:   #   Если нет ни show ни config
        print('something wrong in ' + kwargs)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_function_return_value_different_args(r1_test_connection,
    Проверка работы функции с другими аргументами
    correct_return_value = r1_test_connection.send_command(
        "sh int description")
    return_value = task_19_1.send_show_command(first_router_from_devices_yaml,
                                               "sh int description")
    assert return_value != None, "Функция ничего не возвращает"
    assert (
        type(return_value) == str
    ), f"По заданию функция должна возвращать строку, а возвращает {type(return_value).__name__}"
    assert (return_value == correct_return_value
            ), "Функция возвращает неправильное значение"
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_function_return_value(r1_test_connection, first_router_from_devices_yaml):
    Тест проверяет работу функции send_show_command
    first_router_from_devices_yaml - это первое устройство из файла devices.yaml
    r1_test_connection - это сессия SSH с первым устройством из файла devices.yaml
                         Используется для проверки вывода
    correct_return_value = r1_test_connection.send_command("sh ip int br")
    return_value = task_19_1.send_show_command(
        first_router_from_devices_yaml, "sh ip int br"
    assert return_value != None, "Функция ничего не возвращает"
    assert (
        type(return_value) == str
    ), f"По заданию функция должна возвращать строку, а возвращает {type(return_value).__name__}"
    assert strip_empty_lines(return_value) == strip_empty_lines(
    ), "Функция возвращает неправильное значение"
Exemplo n.º 15
def send_and_parse_command(fdev, attributes, idx, tmpl, command, verbose):

    USER = '******'
    PASSWORD = '******'


    with open('devices2.yaml', 'r') as f:
        y = yaml.load(f)

        for r in y['routers']:
            r['username'] = USER
            r['password'] = PASSWORD

        rrr = {}
        #for device in y['routers']:
        #r = send.send_show_command(device, command)
        r = send.send_show_command(fdev, command)
        for k in r.keys():
            rr = parse.parse_command_dynamic(attributes, idx, tmpl, r[k],
            rrr[k] = rr
    return rrr
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_function_1(device_example, device_connection):
    result = send_show_command(device_example, 'sh ip int br')
    assert device_example['host'] in result
def test_function_1(device_example, device_connection):
    result = send_show_command(device_example, "sh ip int br")
    assert device_example["host"] in result
def test_function_2(device_example, device_connection):
    correct_result = device_connection.send_command("sh ip int br")
    result = send_show_command(device_example, "sh ip int br")
    assert result == correct_result
Exemplo n.º 19
def send_commands(device, show=False, config=False):
    if show:
        return send_show_command(device, show)
    elif config:
        return send_config_commands(device, config)