Exemplo n.º 1
def sdm2ms(sdmfile, msfile, scan, inttime='0'):
    """ Converts sdm to ms format for a single scan.
    msfile defines the name template for the ms. Should end in .ms, but "s<scan>" will be put in.
    scan is string of (sdm counted) scan number.
    inttime is string to feed to split command. gives option of integrated data down in time.

    # fill ms file
    msfile2 = msfile[:-3] + '_s' + scan + '.ms'
    if os.path.exists(msfile2):
        print '%s already set.' % msfile2
        # if filtering ants, use tmp file to split. **NOT TESTED YET**
#        if (antlist != [row.find('name').text for row in anttree.getiterator('row')]) or (inttime != '0s'):
        if inttime != '0':
            print 'Filtering by int time.'
            subprocess.call(['asdm2MS', '--ocm co --icm co --lazy --scans', scan, sdmfile, 'tmp_'+msfile2])
            cfg = tasklib.SplitConfig()  # configure split
            cfg.vis = 'tmp_'+msfile2
            cfg.out = msfile2
            cfg.col = 'data'
            cfg.antenna='*&*'  # discard autos
            tasklib.split(cfg)  # run task
            # clean up
            subprocess.call(['asdm2MS', '--ocm co --icm co --lazy --scans', scan, sdmfile, msfile2])

    return msfile2
Exemplo n.º 2
def sdm2ms(sdmfile, msfile, scan, inttime='0'):
    """ Converts sdm to ms format for a single scan.
    msfile defines the name template for the ms. Should end in .ms,
    but "s<scan>" will be put in.
    scan is string of (sdm counted) scan number.
    inttime is string to feed to split command.
    gives option of integrated data down in time.

    # fill ms file
    if os.path.exists(msfile):
        logger.debug('%s already set.' % msfile)
        logger.info('No %s found. Creating anew.' % msfile)
        if inttime != '0':
            logger.info('Filtering by int time.')
            subprocess.call(['asdm2MS', '--ocm', 'co',
                             '--icm', 'co', '--lazy', '--scans',
                             scan, sdmfile, msfile + '.tmp'])
            cfg = tasklib.SplitConfig()  # configure split
            cfg.vis = msfile + '.tmp'
            cfg.out = msfile
            cfg.timebin = inttime
            cfg.col = 'data'
            cfg.antenna = '*&*'  # discard autos
            tasklib.split(cfg)  # run task
            # clean up
            subprocess.call(['asdm2MS', '--ocm', 'co',
                             '--icm', 'co', '--lazy', '--scans',
                             scan, sdmfile, msfile])

    return msfile
Exemplo n.º 3
def asdm2ms(asdmfile, msfile, scan, inttime="0"):
    """ Converts asdm to ms format for a single scan.
    msfile defines the name template for the ms. Should end in .ms, but "s<scan>" will be put in.
    scan is string of (asdm counted) scan number.
    inttime is string to feed to split command. gives option of integrated data down in time.

    # fill ms file
    msfile2 = msfile[:-3] + "_s" + scan + ".ms"
    if os.path.exists(msfile2):
        print "%s already set." % msfile2
        # if filtering ants, use tmp file to split. **NOT TESTED YET**
        #        if (antlist != [row.find('name').text for row in anttree.getiterator('row')]) or (inttime != '0s'):
        if inttime != "0":
            print "Filtering by int time."
            subprocess.call(["asdm2MS", "--ocm co --icm co --lazy --scans", scan, asdmfile, "tmp_" + msfile2])
            #           importasdm(asdm=asdmfile, vis='tmp_'+msfile2, scans=scans, ocorr_mode='co', savecmds=False, applyflags=True, process_flags=False) # replaced!
            #            split(vis='tmp_'+msfile2, outputvis=msfile2, datacolumn='data', timebin=inttime, antenna=ants)
            #            split(vis='tmp_'+msfile2, outputvis=msfile2, datacolumn='data', timebin=inttime)
            cfg = tasklib.SplitConfig()  # configure split
            cfg.vis = "tmp_" + msfile2
            cfg.out = msfile2
            cfg.timebin = inttime
            cfg.col = "data"
            cfg.antenna = "*&*"  # discard autos
            tasklib.split(cfg)  # run task
            # clean up
            shutil.rmtree("tmp_" + msfile2)
            subprocess.call(["asdm2MS", "--ocm co --icm co --lazy --scans", scan, asdmfile, msfile2])
    #           importasdm(asdm=asdmfile, vis=msfile2, scans=scans, ocorr_mode='co', corr_mode='co', savecmds=False, applyflags=True, process_flags=False, lazy=True) # replaced!

    return msfile2
Exemplo n.º 4
def sdm2ms(sdmfile, msfile, scan, inttime='0'):
    """ Converts sdm to ms format for a single scan.
    msfile defines the name template for the ms. Should end in .ms,
    but "s<scan>" will be put in.
    scan is string of (sdm counted) scan number.
    inttime is string to feed to split command.
    gives option of integrated data down in time.

    # fill ms file
    if os.path.exists(msfile):
        logger.debug('%s already set.' % msfile)
        logger.info('No %s found. Creating anew.' % msfile)
        if inttime != '0':
            logger.info('Filtering by int time.')
                'asdm2MS', '--ocm', 'co', '--icm', 'co', '--lazy', '--scans',
                scan, sdmfile, msfile + '.tmp'
            cfg = tasklib.SplitConfig()  # configure split
            cfg.vis = msfile + '.tmp'
            cfg.out = msfile
            cfg.timebin = inttime
            cfg.col = 'data'
            cfg.antenna = '*&*'  # discard autos
            tasklib.split(cfg)  # run task
            # clean up
            shutil.rmtree(msfile + '.tmp')
                'asdm2MS', '--ocm', 'co', '--icm', 'co', '--lazy', '--scans',
                scan, sdmfile, msfile

    return msfile
Exemplo n.º 5
#!/usr/bin/env python

import tasklib as tl
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("msfile", help="Input ms file name")
parser.add_argument("msfile2", help="Output ms file name")
parser.add_argument("scan", help="CASA string to select scans (e.g., 1~5; inclusive)")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.msfile:
    msfile = args.msfile.rstrip('/')
if args.msfile2:
    msfile2 = args.msfile2.rstrip('/')

cfg = tl.SplitConfig()  # configure split
cfg.vis = msfile
cfg.out = msfile2
cfg.col = 'data'
cfg.scan=args.scan  # discard autos
tl.split(cfg)  # run task