Exemplo n.º 1
class CIACache(Singleton):
    Implements a lazy load of collisionally induced absorpiton cross-sections
    Supports pickle files and HITRAN cia files. Functionally behaves the same
    as :class:`~taurex.cache.opacitycache.OpacityCache` except the keys are
    now cia pairs

    >>> CIACache()['H2-H2']
    <taurex.cia.picklecia.PickleCIA at 0x107a60be0>

    Pickle ``.db`` and HITRAN ``.cia`` files are supported and automatically
    loaded. with priority given to ``.db`` files

    def init(self):
        self.cia_dict = {}
        self._cia_path = None
        self.log = Logger('CIACache')

    def set_cia_path(self, cia_path):

        Sets the path to search for CIA files

        cia_path : str or :obj:`list` of str
            Either a single path or a list of paths that contain CIA files

        self._cia_path = cia_path

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        For a CIA pair, load from the set path and return the
        relevant :class:`~taurex.cia.cia.CIA` object

        key : str
            cia pair name

        :class:`~taurex.cia.picklecia.PickleCIA` or :class:`~taurex.cia.hitrancia.HitranCIA`
            Desire CIA object, format depends on what is found
            in the path set by :func:`set_cia_path`

            If desired CIA pair could not be loaded


        if key in self.cia_dict:
            return self.cia_dict[key]
            # Try a load of the cia
            # If we have it after a load then good job boys
            if key in self.cia_dict:
                return self.cia_dict[key]
                # Otherwise throw an error
                self.log.error('CIA for pair %s could not be loaded', key)
                    'It could not be found in the local dictionary '
                    ' %s', list(self.cia_dict.keys()))
                self.log.error('Or paths %s', self._cia_path)
                self.log.error('Try loading it manually/ putting it in a path')
                raise Exception('cia could notn be loaded')

    def add_cia(self, cia, pair_filter=None):

        Adds a :class:`~taurex.cia.cia.CIA` object to the cache to then be
        used by Taurex 3

        cia : :class:`~taurex.cia.cia.CIA`
            CIA object to add to the cache

        pair_filter : :obj:`list` of str , optional
            If provided, the cia object will only be included
            if its pairname is in the list. Mostly used by the
            :func:`__getitem__` for filtering


        self.log.info('Loading cia %s into model', cia.pairName)
        if cia.pairName in self.cia_dict:
                'cia with name %s already in '
                'opactiy dictionary %s', cia.pairName, self.cia_dict.keys())

            raise Exception('cia for molecule %s already exists')

        if pair_filter is not None:
            if cia.pairName in pair_filter:
                self.log.info('Loading cia %s into model', cia.pairName)
                self.cia_dict[cia.pairName] = cia
        self.cia_dict[cia.pairName] = cia

    def load_cia_from_path(self, path, pair_filter=None):
        Searches path for CIA files, creates and loads them into the cache
        ``.db`` will be loaded as :class:`~taurex.cia.picklecia.PickleCIA` and
        ``.cia`` files will be loaded as

        path : str
            Path to search for CIA files

        pair_filter : :obj:`list` of str , optional
            If provided, the cia will only be loaded
            if its pairname is in the list. Mostly used by the
            :func:`__getitem__` for filtering

        from glob import glob
        from pathlib import Path
        import os
        from taurex.cia import PickleCIA

        # Find .db files
        glob_path = os.path.join(path, '*.db')

        file_list = glob(glob_path)
        self.log.debug('Glob list: %s', glob_path)
        self.log.debug('File list FOR CIA %s', file_list)

        for files in file_list:
            pairname = Path(files).stem.split('_')[0]

            self.log.debug('pairname found %s', pairname)

            if pair_filter is not None:
                if pairname not in pair_filter:
            op = PickleCIA(files, pairname)

        # Find .cia files
        glob_path = os.path.join(path, '*.cia')

        file_list = glob(glob_path)
        self.log.debug('File list %s', file_list)

        for files in file_list:
            from taurex.cia import HitranCIA
            pairname = Path(files).stem.split('_')[0]

            if pair_filter is not None:
                if pairname not in pair_filter:
            op = HitranCIA(files)

    def load_cia(self, cia_xsec=None, cia_path=None, pair_filter=None):
        Main function to use when loading CIA files. Handles both
        cross sections and paths. Handles lists of either so lists of
        :class:`~taurex.cia.cia.CIA` objects or lists of paths can be used
        to load multiple files/objects

        cia_xsec : :class:`~taurex.cia.cia.CIA` or :obj:`list` of :class:`~taurex.cia.cia.CIA` , optional
            Object(s) to include in cache

        cia_path : str or :obj:`list` of str, optional
            search path(s) to look for cias

        pair_filter : :obj:`list` of str , optional
            If provided, the cia will only be loaded
            if its pair name is in this list. Mostly used by the
            :func:`__getitem__` for filtering


        from taurex.cia import CIA
        if cia_path is None:
            cia_path = self._cia_path

        self.log.debug('CIA XSEC, CIA_PATH %s %s', cia_xsec, cia_path)
        if cia_xsec is not None:
            if isinstance(cia_xsec, (list, )):
                self.log.debug('cia passed is list')
                for xsec in cia_xsec:
                    self.add_cia(xsec, pair_filter=pair_filter)
            elif isinstance(cia_xsec, CIA):
                self.add_cia(cia_xsec, pair_filter=pair_filter)
                    'Unknown type %s passed into cia, should be a list, single \
                     cia or None if reading a path', type(xsec))
                raise Exception('Unknown type passed into cia')
        if cia_path is not None:

            if isinstance(cia_path, str):
                self.load_cia_from_path(cia_path, pair_filter=pair_filter)
            elif isinstance(cia_path, (list, )):
                for path in cia_path:
                    self.load_cia_from_path(path, pair_filter=pair_filter)
Exemplo n.º 2
class OpacityCache(Singleton):
    Implements a lazy load of opacities. A singleton that
    loads and caches xsections as they are needed. Calling

    >>> opt = OpacityCache()
    >>> opt2 = OpacityCache()

    Reveals that:

    >>> opt == opt2
    Importantly this class will automatically search directories for cross-sections
    set using the :func:`set_opacity_path` method:

    >>> opt.set_opacity_path('path/to/crossections')

    Multiple paths can be set as well

    >>> opt.set_opacity_path(['/path/to/crosssections','/another/path/to/crosssections'])

    Currently only :obj:`.pickle` files are supported.

    To get the cross-section object for a particular molecule use the square bracket operator:

    >>> opt['H2O']
    <taurex.opacity.pickleopacity.PickleOpacity at 0x107a60be0>

    This returns a :class:`~taurex.opacity.pickleopacity.PickleOpacity` object for you to compute H2O cross sections from.
    When called for the first time, a directory search is performed and, if found, the appropriate cross-section is loaded. Subsequent calls will immediately
    return the already loaded object:

    >>> h2o_a = opt['H2O']
    >>> h2o_b = opt['H2O']
    >>> h2o_a == h2o_b

    Lastly if you've got a hot new opacity format, you can try out
    by manually adding it into the cache:

    >>> new_h2o = MyNewOpacityFormat()
    >>> opt.add_opacity(new_h2o)
    >>> opt['H2O]
    <MyNewOpacityFormat at 0x107a60be0>

    Now TauREx3 will use it instead in all calculations!

    def init(self):
        self.opacity_dict = {}
        self._opacity_path = None
        self.log = Logger('OpacityCache')
        self._default_interpolation = 'linear'
        self._memory_mode = True
        self._radis = False
        self._radis_props = (600, 30000, 10000)
    def set_opacity_path(self, opacity_path):
        Set the path(s) that will be searched for opacities.
        Opacities in this path must be of supported types:

            - HDF5 opacities
            - ``.pickle`` opacities
            - ExoTransmit opacities.


        opacity_path : str or :obj:`list` of str, optional
            search path(s) to look for molecular opacities


        import os
        if not os.path.isdir(opacity_path):
            self.log.error('PATH: %s does not exist!!!', opacity_path)
            raise NotADirectoryError
        self.log.debug('Path set to %s', opacity_path)
        self._opacity_path = opacity_path

    def enable_radis(self, enable):
        Enables/Disables use of RADIS to fill in missing molecules
        using HITRAN.

        .. warning::
            This is extremely unstable and crashes frequently.
            It is also very slow as it requires
            the computation of the Voigt profile for every temperature.
            We recommend leaving it as False unless necessary.

        enable: bool
            Whether to enable RADIS functionality (default = False)


        self._radis = enable

    def set_radis_wavenumber(self, wn_start, wn_end, wn_points):
        self._radis_props = (wn_start, wn_end, wn_points)


    def set_memory_mode(self,in_memory):
        If using the HDF5 opacities, whether to stream
        opacities from file (slower, less memory) or load
        them into memory (faster, more memory)

        in_memory: bool
            Whether HDF5 files should be streamed (False)
            or loaded into memory (True, default)


        self._memory_mode = in_memory

    def set_interpolation(self,interpolation_mode):
        Sets the interpolation mode for all currently loaded (and future loaded) cross-sections

        Can either be ``linear`` for linear interpolation of both temeprature and pressure:

        >>> OpacityCache().set_interpolation('linear')

        or ``exp`` for natural exponential interpolation of temperature
        and linear for pressure

        >>> OpacityCache().set_interpolation('exp')

        interpolation_mode: str
            Either ``linear`` for bilinear interpolation or ``exp`` for exp-linear interpolation

        self._default_interpolation = interpolation_mode
        for values in self.opacity_dict.values():

    def __getitem__(self,key):
        For a molecule return the relevant :class:`~taurex.opacity.opacity.Opacity` object.

        key : str
            molecule name

            Cross-section object desired
            If molecule could not be loaded/found

        if key in self.opacity_dict:
            return self.opacity_dict[key]
            #Try a load of the opacity
            #If we have it after a load then good job boys
            if key in self.opacity_dict:
                return self.opacity_dict[key]
                    if self._radis:
                        return self.create_radis_opacity(key,molecule_filter=[key])
                        raise Exception
                except Exception as e:
                    self.log.error('EXception thrown %s',e)
                    #Otherwise throw an error
                    self.log.error('Opacity for molecule %s could not be loaded',key)
                    self.log.error('It could not be found in the local dictionary %s',list(self.opacity_dict.keys()))
                    self.log.error('Or paths %s',self._opacity_path)
                    self.log.error('Try loading it manually/ putting it in a path')
                    raise Exception('Opacity could notn be loaded')

    def create_radis_opacity(self,molecule,molecule_filter=None):
        from taurex.opacity.radisopacity import RadisHITRANOpacity
        if molecule not in self.opacity_dict:
            self.log.info('Creating Opacity from RADIS+HITRAN')
            wn_start,wn_end,wn_points = self._radis_props
            radis = RadisHITRANOpacity(molecule_name=molecule, wn_start=wn_start,wn_end=wn_end,wn_points=wn_points)

            return radis
            self.log.info('Opacity %s already exsits',molecule)

    def add_opacity(self,opacity,molecule_filter=None):

        Adds a :class:`~taurex.opacity.opacity.Opacity` object to the cache to then be
        used by Taurex 3

        opacity : :class:`~taurex.opacity.opacity.Opacity`
            Opacity object to add to the cache
        molecule_filter : :obj:`list` of str , optional
            If provided, the opacity object will only be included
            if its molecule is in the list. Mostly used by the 
            :func:`__getitem__` for filtering

        self.log.info('Reading opacity %s',opacity.moleculeName)
        if opacity.moleculeName in self.opacity_dict:
            self.log.warning('Opacity with name %s already in opactiy dictionary %s skipping',opacity.moleculeName,self.opacity_dict.keys())
        if molecule_filter is not None:
            if opacity.moleculeName in molecule_filter:
                self.log.info('Loading opacity %s into model',opacity.moleculeName)
                self.opacity_dict[opacity.moleculeName] = opacity       
            self.log.info('Loading opacity %s into model',opacity.moleculeName)
            self.opacity_dict[opacity.moleculeName] = opacity   

    def search_hdf5_molecules(self):
        Find molecules with HDF5 opacities in set path

        molecules: :obj`list`
            List of molecules with HDF5 opacities
        from glob import glob
        import os    
        from taurex.opacity.hdf5opacity import HDF5Opacity
        glob_path = [os.path.join(self._opacity_path,'*.h5'),os.path.join(self._opacity_path,'*.hdf5')]
        file_list = [f for glist in glob_path for f in glob(glist)]
        return [HDF5Opacity(f,interpolation_mode=self._default_interpolation,in_memory=False).moleculeName for f in file_list ]

    def search_pickle_molecules(self):
        Find molecules with ``.pickle`` opacities in set path

        molecules: :obj`list`
            List of molecules with ``.pickle`` opacities

        from glob import glob
        import os    
        glob_path = os.path.join(self._opacity_path,'*.pickle')
        file_list = [f for f in glob(glob_path)]
        return [pathlib.Path(f).stem.split('.')[0] for f in file_list ]

    def search_exotransmit_molecules(self):
        Find molecules with Exo-Transmit opacities in set path

        molecules: :obj`list`
            List of molecules with ExoTransmit opacities

        from glob import glob
        import os    
        glob_path = os.path.join(self._opacity_path,'*.dat')
        file_list = [f for f in glob(glob_path)]
        return [pathlib.Path(f).stem[4:] for f in file_list ]

    def search_radis_molecules(self):
        Searches for molecules in HITRAN

        molecules: :obj`list`
            List of molecules available in HITRAN, if radis is enabled,
            otherwise an empty list

        trans = { '1':'H2O',    '2':'CO2',   '3':'O3',      '4':'N2O',   '5':'CO',    '6':'CH4',   '7':'O2',     
            '9':'SO2',   '10':'NO2',  '11':'NH3',    '12':'HNO3', '13':'OH',   '14':'HF',   '15':'HCl',   '16':'HBr',
            '17':'HI',    '18':'ClO',  '19':'OCS',    '20':'H2CO', '21':'HOCl',    '23':'HCN',   '24':'CH3Cl',
            '25':'H2O2',  '26':'C2H2', '27':'C2H6',   '28':'PH3',  '29':'COF2', '30':'SF6',  '31':'H2S',   '32':'HCOOH',
            '33':'HO2',   '34':'O',    '35':'ClONO2', '36':'NO+',  '37':'HOBr', '38':'C2H4',  '40':'CH3Br',
            '41':'CH3CN', '42':'CF4',  '43':'C4H2',   '44':'HC3N',   '46':'CS',   '47':'SO3'}
        if self._radis:
            return list(trans.values())
            return []
    def find_list_of_molecules(self):
        from glob import glob
        import os
        from taurex.opacity import PickleOpacity
        pickles = []
        hedef = []
        exo = []
        if self._opacity_path is not None:
            pickles = self.search_pickle_molecules()
            hedef = self.search_hdf5_molecules()
            exo = self.search_exotransmit_molecules()
        return list(set(pickles+hedef+exo+self.search_radis_molecules()))
    def load_opacity_from_path(self,path,molecule_filter=None):
        Searches path for molecular cross-section files, creates and loads them into the cache
        ``.pickle`` will be loaded as :class:`~taurex.opacity.pickleopacity.PickleOpacity`

        path : str
            Path to search for molecular cross-section files
        molecule_filter : :obj:`list` of str , optional
            If provided, the opacity will only be loaded
            if its molecule is in this list. Mostly used by the 
            :func:`__getitem__` for filtering

        from glob import glob
        import os
        from taurex.opacity import PickleOpacity
        from taurex.opacity.hdf5opacity import HDF5Opacity
        from taurex.opacity.exotransmit import ExoTransmitOpacity
        glob_path = [os.path.join(path,'*.h5'),os.path.join(path,'*.hdf5'),os.path.join(path,'*.pickle'),os.path.join(path,'*.dat')]
        file_list = [f for glist in glob_path for f in glob(glist)]
        self.log.debug('File list %s',file_list)
        for files in file_list:
            op = None
            if files.lower().endswith(('.hdf5', '.h5')):
                op = HDF5Opacity(files,interpolation_mode=self._default_interpolation,in_memory=False)
                if molecule_filter is not None:
                        if not op.moleculeName in molecule_filter:
                if op.moleculeName in self.opacity_dict.keys():
                del op

                op = HDF5Opacity(files,interpolation_mode=self._default_interpolation,in_memory=self._memory_mode)

            elif files.endswith('pickle'):
                splits = pathlib.Path(files).stem.split('.')
                if molecule_filter is not None:
                        if not splits[0] in molecule_filter:
                if splits[0] in self.opacity_dict.keys():
                op = PickleOpacity(files,interpolation_mode=self._default_interpolation)
                op._molecule_name = splits[0]
            elif files.endswith('dat'):
                mol_name = pathlib.Path(files).stem[4:]
                if molecule_filter is not None:
                        if not mol_name in molecule_filter:
                if mol_name in self.opacity_dict.keys():
                op = ExoTransmitOpacity(files,interpolation_mode=self._default_interpolation)
            if op is not None:

    def load_opacity(self,opacities=None,opacity_path=None,molecule_filter=None):
        Main function to use when loading molecular opacities. Handles both 
        cross sections and paths. Handles lists of either so lists of 
        :class:`~taurex.opacity.opacity.Opacity` objects or lists of paths can be used
        to load multiple files/objects

        opacities : :class:`~taurex.opacity.opacity.Opacity` or :obj:`list` of :class:`~taurex.opacity.opacity.Opacity` , optional
            Object(s) to include in cache
        opacity_path : str or :obj:`list` of str, optional
            search path(s) to look for molecular opacities
        molecule_filter : :obj:`list` of str , optional
            If provided, the opacity will only be loaded
            if its molecule is in this list. Mostly used by the 
            :func:`__getitem__` for filtering

        from taurex.opacity import Opacity
        if opacity_path is None:
            opacity_path = self._opacity_path

        if opacities is not None:
            if isinstance(opacities,(list,)):
                self.log.debug('Opacity passed is list')
                for opacity in opacities:
            elif isinstance(opacities,Opacity):
                self.log.error('Unknown type %s passed into opacities, should be a list, single \
                     opacity or None if reading a path',type(opacities))
                raise Exception('Unknown type passed into opacities')
        elif opacity_path is not None:

            if isinstance(opacity_path,str):
            elif isinstance(opacity_path,(list,)):
                for path in opacity_path:
    def clear_cache(self):
        Clears all currently loaded cross-sections
        self.opacity_dict = {}
Exemplo n.º 3
class OpacityCache(Singleton):
    Implements a lazy load of opacities. A singleton that
    loads and caches xsections as they are needed. Calling

    >>> opt = OpacityCache()
    >>> opt2 = OpacityCache()

    Reveals that:

    >>> opt == opt2

    Importantly this class will automatically search directories for cross-sections
    set using the :func:`set_opacity_path` method:

    >>> opt.set_opacity_path('path/to/crossections')

    Multiple paths can be set as well

    >>> opt.set_opacity_path(['/path/to/crosssections','/another/path/to/crosssections'])

    To get the cross-section object for a particular molecule use the square bracket operator:

    >>> opt['H2O']
    <taurex.opacity.pickleopacity.PickleOpacity at 0x107a60be0>

    This returns a :class:`~taurex.opacity.opacity.Opacity` object for you to compute H2O cross sections from.
    When called for the first time, a directory search is performed and, if found, the appropriate cross-section is loaded. Subsequent calls will immediately
    return the already loaded object:

    >>> h2o_a = opt['H2O']
    >>> h2o_b = opt['H2O']
    >>> h2o_a == h2o_b

    If you have any plugins that include new opacity formats, the cache
    will automatically detect them. 


    Lastly you can manually add an opacity directly for a molecule
    into the cache:

    >>> new_h2o = MyNewOpacityFormat()
    >>> new_h2o.molecule
    >>> opt.add_opacity(new_h2o)
    >>> opt['H2O']
    <MyNewOpacityFormat at 0x107a60be0>


    Now TauREx3 will use it instead in all calculations!

    def init(self):
        self.opacity_dict = {}
        self._opacity_path = None
        self.log = Logger('OpacityCache')
        self._force_active = []

    def set_opacity_path(self, opacity_path):
        Set the path(s) that will be searched for opacities.
        Opacities in this path must be of supported types:

            - HDF5 opacities
            - ``.pickle`` opacities
            - ExoTransmit opacities.


        opacity_path : str or :obj:`list` of str, optional
            search path(s) to look for molecular opacities


        import os

        GlobalCache()['xsec_path'] = opacity_path

        if not os.path.isdir(opacity_path):
            self.log.error('PATH: %s does not exist!!!', opacity_path)
            raise NotADirectoryError
        self.log.debug('Path set to %s', opacity_path)

    def enable_radis(self, enable):
        Enables/Disables use of RADIS to fill in missing molecules
        using HITRAN.

        .. warning::
            This is extremely unstable and crashes frequently.
            It is also very slow as it requires
            the computation of the Voigt profile for every temperature.
            We recommend leaving it as False unless necessary.

        enable: bool
            Whether to enable RADIS functionality (default = False)


        GlobalCache()['enable_radis'] = enable

    def set_radis_wavenumber(self, wn_start, wn_end, wn_points):
        GlobalCache()['radius_grid'] = wn_start, wn_end, wn_points


    def set_memory_mode(self, in_memory):
        If using the HDF5 opacities, whether to stream
        opacities from file (slower, less memory) or load
        them into memory (faster, more memory)

        in_memory: bool
            Whether HDF5 files should be streamed (False)
            or loaded into memory (True, default)


        GlobalCache()['xsec_in_memory'] = in_memory

    def force_active(self, molecules):
        Allows some molecules to be forced as active.
        Useful when using other radiative codes to do the calculation

        molecules: obj:`list`
            List of molecules

        self._force_active = molecules

    def set_interpolation(self, interpolation_mode):
        Sets the interpolation mode for all currently loaded (and future loaded) cross-sections

        Can either be ``linear`` for linear interpolation of both temeprature and pressure:

        >>> OpacityCache().set_interpolation('linear')

        or ``exp`` for natural exponential interpolation of temperature
        and linear for pressure

        >>> OpacityCache().set_interpolation('exp')

        interpolation_mode: str
            Either ``linear`` for bilinear interpolation or ``exp`` for exp-linear interpolation

        GlobalCache()['xsec_interpolation'] = interpolation_mode

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        For a molecule return the relevant :class:`~taurex.opacity.opacity.Opacity` object.

        key : str
            molecule name

            Cross-section object desired
            If molecule could not be loaded/found

        if key in self.opacity_dict:
            return self.opacity_dict[key]
            #Try a load of the opacity
            #If we have it after a load then good job boys
            if key in self.opacity_dict:
                return self.opacity_dict[key]
                #Otherwise throw an error
                self.log.error('Opacity for molecule %s could not be loaded',
                    'It could not be found in the local dictionary %s',
                self.log.error('Or paths %s', GlobalCache()['xsec_path'])
                self.log.error('Try loading it manually/ putting it in a path')
                raise Exception('Opacity could not be loaded')

    def add_opacity(self, opacity, molecule_filter=None):

        Adds a :class:`~taurex.opacity.opacity.Opacity` object to the cache to then be
        used by Taurex 3

        opacity : :class:`~taurex.opacity.opacity.Opacity`
            Opacity object to add to the cache
        molecule_filter : :obj:`list` of str , optional
            If provided, the opacity object will only be included
            if its molecule is in the list. Mostly used by the 
            :func:`__getitem__` for filtering

        self.log.info('Reading opacity %s', opacity.moleculeName)
        if opacity.moleculeName in self.opacity_dict:
                'Opacity with name %s already in opactiy dictionary %s skipping',
                opacity.moleculeName, self.opacity_dict.keys())
        if molecule_filter is not None:
            if opacity.moleculeName in molecule_filter:
                self.log.info('Loading opacity %s into model',
                self.opacity_dict[opacity.moleculeName] = opacity
            self.log.info('Loading opacity %s into model',
            self.opacity_dict[opacity.moleculeName] = opacity

    def find_list_of_molecules(self):
        from glob import glob
        import os
        from taurex.parameter.classfactory import ClassFactory
        opacity_klasses = ClassFactory().opacityKlasses

        molecules = []

        for c in opacity_klasses:
            molecules.extend([x[0] for x in c.discover()])

        forced = self._force_active or []
        return set(molecules + forced + list(self.opacity_dict.keys()))

    def load_opacity_from_path(self, path, molecule_filter=None):
        Searches path for molecular cross-section files, creates and loads them into the cache
        ``.pickle`` will be loaded as :class:`~taurex.opacity.pickleopacity.PickleOpacity`

        path : str
            Path to search for molecular cross-section files
        molecule_filter : :obj:`list` of str , optional
            If provided, the opacity will only be loaded
            if its molecule is in this list. Mostly used by the 
            :func:`__getitem__` for filtering

        from taurex.parameter.classfactory import ClassFactory

        cf = ClassFactory()

        opacity_klass_list = sorted(cf.opacityKlasses,
                                    key=lambda x: x.priority())

        for c in opacity_klass_list:

            for mol, args in c.discover():
                self.log.debug('Klass: %s %s', mol, args)
                op = None
                if mol in molecule_filter and mol not in self.opacity_dict:
                    if not isinstance(args, (
                        args = [args]
                    op = c(*args)

                if op is not None and op.moleculeName not in self.opacity_dict:
                    self.add_opacity(op, molecule_filter=molecule_filter)
                op = None  # Ensure garbage collection when run once

    def load_opacity(self,
        Main function to use when loading molecular opacities. Handles both 
        cross sections and paths. Handles lists of either so lists of 
        :class:`~taurex.opacity.opacity.Opacity` objects or lists of paths can be used
        to load multiple files/objects

        opacities : :class:`~taurex.opacity.opacity.Opacity` or :obj:`list` of :class:`~taurex.opacity.opacity.Opacity` , optional
            Object(s) to include in cache
        opacity_path : str or :obj:`list` of str, optional
            search path(s) to look for molecular opacities
        molecule_filter : :obj:`list` of str , optional
            If provided, the opacity will only be loaded
            if its molecule is in this list. Mostly used by the 
            :func:`__getitem__` for filtering

        from taurex.opacity import Opacity

        if opacity_path is None:
            opacity_path = GlobalCache()['xsec_path']

        if opacities is not None:
            if isinstance(opacities, (list, )):
                self.log.debug('Opacity passed is list')
                for opacity in opacities:
                    self.add_opacity(opacity, molecule_filter=molecule_filter)
            elif isinstance(opacities, Opacity):
                self.add_opacity(opacities, molecule_filter=molecule_filter)
                    'Unknown type %s passed into opacities, should be a list, single \
                     opacity or None if reading a path', type(opacities))
                raise Exception('Unknown type passed into opacities')
            # if isinstance(opacity_path, str):
            #     self.load_opacity_from_path(opacity_path, molecule_filter=molecule_filter)
            # elif isinstance(opacity_path, (list,)):
            #     for path in opacity_path:
            #         self.load_opacity_from_path(path, molecule_filter=molecule_filter)

    def clear_cache(self):
        Clears all currently loaded cross-sections
        self.opacity_dict = {}