Exemplo n.º 1
  def testEngineFactorySingletonPattern(self):
    # Call monitorsdb.engineFactory()
    engine = monitorsdb.engineFactory()

    # Call monitorsdb.engineFactory() again and assert singleton
    engine2 = monitorsdb.engineFactory()
    self.assertIs(engine2, engine)

    # Call monitorsdb.engineFactory() in different process, assert new
    # instance
    originalEngineId = id(engine)
    engine3 = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=1).apply(_forkedEngineId)
    self.assertNotEqual(id(engine3), originalEngineId)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def testEngineFactorySingletonPattern(self):
        # Call monitorsdb.engineFactory()
        engine = monitorsdb.engineFactory()

        # Call monitorsdb.engineFactory() again and assert singleton
        engine2 = monitorsdb.engineFactory()
        self.assertIs(engine2, engine)

        # Call monitorsdb.engineFactory() in different process, assert new
        # instance
        originalEngineId = id(engine)
        engine3 = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=1).apply(_forkedEngineId)
        self.assertNotEqual(id(engine3), originalEngineId)
def addErrorFlag(table, uid, name=None):
  Adds issue to table.

  :param table: A database table
  :type table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table
  :param uid: a unique issue id
  :type uid: string
  :param name: name of issue
  :type name: string
    name = name if name is not None else uid
    ins = table.insert().prefix_with("IGNORE", dialect="mysql").values(
        uid=uid, name=name, should_report=False)
    g_logger.debug("Added new issue flag for %s", name)
Exemplo n.º 4
  def testTransientErrorRetryDecorator(self):
    # Setup proxy.  We'll patch config later, so we need to cache the values
    # so that the original proxy may be restarted with the original params
    config = monitorsdb.MonitorsDbConfig()

    originalHost = config.get("repository", "host")
    originalPort = config.getint("repository", "port")

    def _startProxy():
      p = startProxy(originalHost, originalPort, 6033)
      return p

    proxy = _startProxy()
    self.addCleanup(proxy.send, "kill")

    # Patch monitorsdb config with local proxy
    with ConfigAttributePatch(
          (("repository", "host", ""),
           ("repository", "port", "6033"))):

      # Force refresh of engine singleton
      monitorsdb._EngineSingleton._pid = None
      engine = monitorsdb.engineFactory()

      # First, make sure valid query returns expected results
      res = engine.execute("select 1")
      self.assertEqual(res.scalar(), 1)

      def _killProxyTryRestartProxyAndTryAgain(n=[]):
        if not n:
          # Kill the proxy on first attempt
            engine.execute("select 1")
            self.fail("Proxy did not terminate as expected...")
          except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError:
        elif len(n) == 1:
          # Restore proxy in second attempt
          newProxy = _startProxy()
          self.addCleanup(newProxy.send, "kill")

        res = engine.execute("select 2")

        return res

      # Try again w/ retry decorator
      result = _killProxyTryRestartProxyAndTryAgain()

      # Verify that the expected value is eventually returned
      self.assertEqual(result.scalar(), 2)
 def _dispatchNotificationWithTransactionAwareRetries():
   with monitorsdb.engineFactory().begin() as conn:
     """ Wrap dispatchNotification() in a transaction, in case there is an
     error that prevents the notification being dispatched.  In such a
     case we DO NOT want to save the notification so that it may be
     re-attempted later
     if cls._recordNotification(conn, checkFn, excType, excValue):
       dispatchNotification(self, checkFn, excType, excValue, excTraceback)
def addErrorFlag(table, uid, name=None):
  Adds issue to table.

  :param table: A database table
  :type table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table
  :param uid: a unique issue id
  :type uid: string
  :param name: name of issue
  :type name: string
  name = name if name is not None else uid
  ins = table.insert().prefix_with("IGNORE", dialect="mysql").values(
  g_logger.debug("Added new issue flag for %s", name)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def testTransientErrorRetryDecorator(self):
        # Setup proxy.  We'll patch config later, so we need to cache the values
        # so that the original proxy may be restarted with the original params
        config = monitorsdb.MonitorsDbConfig()

        originalHost = config.get("repository", "host")
        originalPort = config.getint("repository", "port")

        def _startProxy():
            p = startProxy(originalHost, originalPort, 6033)
            return p

        proxy = _startProxy()
        self.addCleanup(proxy.send, "kill")

        # Patch monitorsdb config with local proxy
        with ConfigAttributePatch(config.CONFIG_NAME, config.baseConfigDir,
                                  (("repository", "host", ""),
                                   ("repository", "port", "6033"))):

            # Force refresh of engine singleton
            monitorsdb._EngineSingleton._pid = None
            engine = monitorsdb.engineFactory()

            # First, make sure valid query returns expected results
            res = engine.execute("select 1")
            self.assertEqual(res.scalar(), 1)

            def _killProxyTryRestartProxyAndTryAgain(n=[]):
                if not n:
                    # Kill the proxy on first attempt
                        engine.execute("select 1")
                        self.fail("Proxy did not terminate as expected...")
                    except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError:
                elif len(n) == 1:
                    # Restore proxy in second attempt
                    newProxy = _startProxy()
                    self.addCleanup(newProxy.send, "kill")

                res = engine.execute("select 2")

                return res

            # Try again w/ retry decorator
            result = _killProxyTryRestartProxyAndTryAgain()

            # Verify that the expected value is eventually returned
            self.assertEqual(result.scalar(), 2)
def removeErrorFlag(table, uid):
  Removes issue with uid from table.

  :param table: A database table
  :type table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table
  :param uid: a unique issue id
  :type uid: string
  cmd = table.delete().where(table.c.uid == uid)
  result = monitorsdb.engineFactory().execute(cmd)
  if result.rowcount > 0:
    g_logger.debug("Removed issue flag: %s", uid)
def removeErrorFlag(table, uid):
  Removes issue with uid from table.

  :param table: A database table
  :type table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table
  :param uid: a unique issue id
  :type uid: string
    cmd = table.delete().where(table.c.uid == uid)
    result = monitorsdb.engineFactory().execute(cmd)
    if result.rowcount > 0:
        g_logger.debug("Removed issue flag: %s", uid)
Exemplo n.º 10
  def testEngineFactorySingletonPattern(self, sqlalchemyMock):
    # Explicitly spec out sqlalchemy.create_engine()
    firstCall = Mock(spec_set=sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine)
    secondCall = Mock(spec_set=sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine)
    sqlalchemyMock.create_engine.side_effect = iter([firstCall, secondCall])

    # Call monitorsdb.engineFactory()
    engine = monitorsdb.engineFactory()
    self.assertIs(engine, firstCall)

    # Call monitorsdb.engineFactory() again and assert singleton
    engine2 = monitorsdb.engineFactory()
    self.assertIs(engine2, firstCall)
    self.assertEqual(sqlalchemyMock.create_engine.call_count, 1)

    # Call monitorsdb.engineFactory() in different process, assert new
    # instance
    with patch("taurus_monitoring.monitorsdb.os", autospec=True) as osMock:
      osMock.getpid.return_value = monitorsdb._EngineSingleton._pid + 1
      engine3 = monitorsdb.engineFactory()
      self.assertIs(engine3, secondCall)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def testEngineFactorySingletonPattern(self, sqlalchemyMock):
        # Explicitly spec out sqlalchemy.create_engine()
        firstCall = Mock(spec_set=sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine)
        secondCall = Mock(spec_set=sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine)
        sqlalchemyMock.create_engine.side_effect = iter(
            [firstCall, secondCall])

        # Call monitorsdb.engineFactory()
        engine = monitorsdb.engineFactory()
        self.assertIs(engine, firstCall)

        # Call monitorsdb.engineFactory() again and assert singleton
        engine2 = monitorsdb.engineFactory()
        self.assertIs(engine2, firstCall)
        self.assertEqual(sqlalchemyMock.create_engine.call_count, 1)

        # Call monitorsdb.engineFactory() in different process, assert new
        # instance
        with patch("taurus_monitoring.monitorsdb.os", autospec=True) as osMock:
            osMock.getpid.return_value = monitorsdb._EngineSingleton._pid + 1
            engine3 = monitorsdb.engineFactory()
            self.assertIs(engine3, secondCall)
def containsErrorFlag(table, uid):
  Checks whether issue(s) with specified uid is(are) present in
  specified table.

  :param table: A database table
  :type table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table
  :param uid: a unique issue id
  :type uid: string
  :returns: True is there exist any row(s) in the table having specified uid,
            False otherwise
  :rtype: Boolean
    sel = table.select().where(table.c.uid == uid)
    issues = monitorsdb.engineFactory().execute(sel).fetchall()
    return len(issues) > 0
def containsErrorFlag(table, uid):
  Checks whether issue(s) with specified uid is(are) present in
  specified table.

  :param table: A database table
  :type table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table
  :param uid: a unique issue id
  :type uid: string
  :returns: True is there exist any row(s) in the table having specified uid,
            False otherwise
  :rtype: Boolean
  sel = table.select().where(table.c.uid == uid)
  issues = monitorsdb.engineFactory().execute(sel).fetchall()
  return len(issues) > 0
  def clearAllNotificationsInteractiveConsoleScriptEntryPoint(cls):
    """ Interactive utility for manually clearing out all notifications.
    Meant to be used as a console script entry point, defined in setup.py.

    User will be prompted with a stern warning to delete notifications, and
    required to enter "Yes-" followed by a random integer.

    engine = monitorsdb.engineFactory()
    expectedAnswer = "Yes-%s" % (random.randint(1, 30),)

    answer = raw_input(
      "Attention!  You are about to do something irreversible, and potentially"
      " dangerous.\n"
      "To back out immediately without making any changes, feel free to type "
      "anything but \"{}\" in the prompt below, and press return.\n"
      "Should you choose to continue, all notifications in the DATABASE \"{}\""
      "will be PERMANENTLY DELETED.\n"
      "Are you sure you want to continue? "
      .format(expectedAnswer, engine))

    if answer.strip() != expectedAnswer:
      print "Aborting - Wise choice, my friend. Bye."

    # Disable `No value passed for parameter 'dml' in function call
    # (no-value-for-parameter)` warnings
    # pylint: disable=E1120

    cmd = monitorDispatcherTable.delete()

    def _executeWithRetries():


    print "Notifications deleted."
 def _executeWithRetries():
Exemplo n.º 16
def _forkedEngineId():
  """ Get engine and return id.  Needs to be in global namespace for
  multiprocessing.Pool().apply() to work properly
  return id(monitorsdb.engineFactory())
Exemplo n.º 17
def _forkedEngineId():
    """ Get engine and return id.  Needs to be in global namespace for
  multiprocessing.Pool().apply() to work properly
    return id(monitorsdb.engineFactory())