Exemplo n.º 1
def test_add_weighted_income_bins():
    dfx = pd.DataFrame(data=DATA, columns=['expanded_income', 's006', 'label'])
    dfb = add_weighted_income_bins(dfx, num_bins=100)
    bin_labels = dfb['bins'].unique()
    default_labels = set(range(1, 101))
    for lab in bin_labels:
        assert lab in default_labels
    # custom labels
    dfb = add_weighted_income_bins(dfx, weight_by_income_measure=True)
    assert 'bins' in dfb
    custom_labels = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
    dfb = add_weighted_income_bins(dfx, labels=custom_labels)
    assert 'bins' in dfb
    bin_labels = dfb['bins'].unique()
    for lab in bin_labels:
        assert lab in custom_labels
Exemplo n.º 2
def dropq_dist_table(resdf, groupby, result_type, suffix):
    Create and return dropq distribution table.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    res = resdf
    c04470_s = 'c04470' + suffix
    c00100_s = 'c00100' + suffix
    c09600_s = 'c09600' + suffix
    standard_s = 'standard' + suffix
    s006_s = 's006' + suffix
    returns_ided_s = 'num_returns_ItemDed' + suffix
    returns_sded_s = 'num_returns_StandardDed' + suffix
    returns_amt_s = 'num_returns_AMT' + suffix
    res[c04470_s] = res[c04470_s].where(
        ((res[c00100_s] > 0) & (res[c04470_s] > res[standard_s])), 0)
    res[returns_ided_s] = res[s006_s].where(
        ((res[c00100_s] > 0) & (res[c04470_s] > 0)), 0)
    res[returns_sded_s] = res[s006_s].where(
        ((res[c00100_s] > 0) & (res[standard_s] > 0)), 0)
    res[returns_amt_s] = res[s006_s].where(res[c09600_s] > 0, 0)
    if groupby == "weighted_deciles":
        dframe = add_weighted_income_bins(res, num_bins=10)
    elif groupby == "small_income_bins":
        dframe = add_income_bins(res, compare_with="soi")
    elif groupby == "large_income_bins":
        dframe = add_income_bins(res, compare_with="tpc")
    elif groupby == "webapp_income_bins":
        dframe = add_income_bins(res, compare_with="webapp")
        err = ("groupby must be either 'weighted_deciles' or "
               "'small_income_bins' or 'large_income_bins' or "
        raise ValueError(err)
    pd.options.display.float_format = '{:8,.0f}'.format
    if result_type == "weighted_sum":
        dframe = weighted(dframe, [col + suffix for col in STATS_COLUMNS])
        gby_bins = dframe.groupby('bins', as_index=False)
        gp_mean = gby_bins[[col + suffix for col in TABLE_COLUMNS]].sum()
        gp_mean.drop('bins', axis=1, inplace=True)
        sum_row = get_sums(dframe)[[col + suffix for col in TABLE_COLUMNS]]
    elif result_type == "weighted_avg":
        gp_mean = weighted_avg_allcols(dframe,
                                       [col + suffix for col in TABLE_COLUMNS])
        all_sums = get_sums(dframe, not_available=True)
        sum_row = all_sums[[col + suffix for col in TABLE_COLUMNS]]
        err = ("result_type must be either 'weighted_sum' or "
        raise ValueError(err)
    return gp_mean.append(sum_row)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def write_decile_table(dfx, tfile, tkind='Totals'):
     Write to tfile the tkind decile table using dfx DataFrame.
     dfx = add_weighted_income_bins(dfx, num_bins=10,
     gdfx = dfx.groupby('bins', as_index=False)
     rtns_series = gdfx.apply(unweighted_sum, 's006')
     xinc_series = gdfx.apply(weighted_sum, 'expanded_income')
     itax_series = gdfx.apply(weighted_sum, 'iitax')
     ptax_series = gdfx.apply(weighted_sum, 'payrolltax')
     htax_series = gdfx.apply(weighted_sum, 'lumpsum_tax')
     ctax_series = gdfx.apply(weighted_sum, 'combined')
     # write decile table to text file
     row = 'Weighted Tax {} by Expanded-Income Decile\n'
     rowfmt = '{}{}{}{}{}{}\n'
     row = rowfmt.format('    Returns',
                         '    ExpInc',
                         '    IncTax',
                         '    PayTax',
                         '     LSTax',
                         '    AllTax')
     row = rowfmt.format('       (#m)',
                         '      ($b)',
                         '      ($b)',
                         '      ($b)',
                         '      ($b)',
                         '      ($b)')
     rowfmt = '{:9.1f}{:10.1f}{:10.1f}{:10.1f}{:10.1f}{:10.1f}\n'
     for decile in range(0, 10):
         row = '{:2d}'.format(decile)
         row += rowfmt.format(rtns_series[decile] * 1e-6,
                              xinc_series[decile] * 1e-9,
                              itax_series[decile] * 1e-9,
                              ptax_series[decile] * 1e-9,
                              htax_series[decile] * 1e-9,
                              ctax_series[decile] * 1e-9)
     row = ' A'
     row += rowfmt.format(rtns_series.sum() * 1e-6,
                          xinc_series.sum() * 1e-9,
                          itax_series.sum() * 1e-9,
                          ptax_series.sum() * 1e-9,
                          htax_series.sum() * 1e-9,
                          ctax_series.sum() * 1e-9)
Exemplo n.º 4
def dropq_diff_table(df1, df2, groupby, res_col, diff_col, suffix, wsum):
    Create and return dropq difference table.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
    if groupby == "weighted_deciles":
        gdf = add_weighted_income_bins(df2, num_bins=10)
    elif groupby == "small_income_bins":
        gdf = add_income_bins(df2, compare_with="soi")
    elif groupby == "large_income_bins":
        gdf = add_income_bins(df2, compare_with="tpc")
    elif groupby == "webapp_income_bins":
        gdf = add_income_bins(df2, compare_with="webapp")
        err = ("groupby must be either 'weighted_deciles' or "
               "'small_income_bins' or 'large_income_bins' or "
        raise ValueError(err)
    # Difference in plans
    # Positive values are the magnitude of the tax increase
    # Negative values are the magnitude of the tax decrease
    df2[res_col + suffix] = df2[diff_col + suffix] - df1[diff_col]
    diffs = means_and_comparisons(res_col + suffix,
                                  gdf.groupby('bins', as_index=False),
                                  wsum + EPSILON)
    sum_row = get_sums(diffs)[diffs.columns]
    diffs = diffs.append(sum_row)  # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
    pd.options.display.float_format = '{:8,.0f}'.format
    srs_inc = ["{0:.2f}%".format(val * 100) for val in diffs['perc_inc']]
    diffs['perc_inc'] = pd.Series(srs_inc, index=diffs.index)
    srs_cut = ["{0:.2f}%".format(val * 100) for val in diffs['perc_cut']]
    diffs['perc_cut'] = pd.Series(srs_cut, index=diffs.index)
    srs_change = [
        "{0:.2f}%".format(val * 100) for val in diffs['share_of_change']
    diffs['share_of_change'] = pd.Series(srs_change, index=diffs.index)
    # columns containing weighted values relative to the binning mechanism
    non_sum_cols = [x for x in diffs.columns if 'mean' in x or 'perc' in x]
    for col in non_sum_cols:
        diffs.loc['sums', col] = 'n/a'
    return diffs
Exemplo n.º 5
def drop_records(df1, df2, mask):
    Modify df1 and df2 by adding statistical fuzz for data privacy.

    df1: Pandas DataFrame
        contains results for the standard plan X and X'.

    df2: Pandas DataFrame
        contains results for the user-specified plan (Plan Y).

    mask: boolean numpy array
        contains info about whether or not each element of X and X' are same

    fuzzed_df1: Pandas DataFrame

    fuzzed_df2: Pandas DataFrame

    This function groups both DataFrames based on the web application's
    income groupings (both weighted decile and income bins), and then
    pseudo-randomly picks three records to 'drop' within each bin.
    We keep track of the three dropped records in both group-by
    strategies and then use these 'flag' columns to modify all
    columns of interest, creating new '_dec' columns for
    statistics based on weighted deciles and '_bin' columns for
    statitistics based on income bins.  Lastly we calculate
    individual income tax differences, payroll tax differences, and
    combined tax differences between the baseline and reform
    for the two groupings.
    # perform all statistics on (Y + X') - X

    # Group first
    df2['mask'] = mask
    df1['mask'] = mask

    df2 = add_weighted_income_bins(df2)
    df1 = add_weighted_income_bins(df1)
    gp2_dec = df2.groupby('bins')

    df2 = add_income_bins(df2, bins=WEBAPP_INCOME_BINS)
    df1 = add_income_bins(df1, bins=WEBAPP_INCOME_BINS)
    gp2_bin = df2.groupby('bins')

    # Transform to get the 'flag' column (3 choices to drop in each bin)
    df2['flag_dec'] = gp2_dec['mask'].transform(chooser)
    df2['flag_bin'] = gp2_bin['mask'].transform(chooser)

    # first calculate all of X'
    columns_to_make_noisy = set(TABLE_COLUMNS) | set(STATS_COLUMNS)
    # these don't exist yet
    for col in columns_to_make_noisy:
        df2[col + '_dec'] = (df2[col] * df2['flag_dec'] -
                             df1[col] * df2['flag_dec'] + df1[col])
        df2[col + '_bin'] = (df2[col] * df2['flag_bin'] -
                             df1[col] * df2['flag_bin'] + df1[col])

    # Difference in plans
    # Positive values are the magnitude of the tax increase
    # Negative values are the magnitude of the tax decrease
    df2['tax_diff_dec'] = df2['iitax_dec'] - df1['iitax']
    df2['tax_diff_bin'] = df2['iitax_bin'] - df1['iitax']
    df2['payrolltax_diff_dec'] = df2['payrolltax_dec'] - df1['payrolltax']
    df2['payrolltax_diff_bin'] = df2['payrolltax_bin'] - df1['payrolltax']
    df2['combined_diff_dec'] = df2['combined_dec'] - df1['combined']
    df2['combined_diff_bin'] = df2['combined_bin'] - df1['combined']

    return df1, df2