Exemplo n.º 1
def run():
    parm = Policy()
    assert parm.current_year == 2013
    recs = Records(data=TAX_DTA, weights=WEIGHTS, start_year=2009)
    calc = Calculator(policy=parm, records=recs)
    assert calc.current_year == 2013
    totaldf = calc.calc_all_test()
    totaldf = totaldf.T.groupby(level=0).first().T  # drop duplicates
    exp_results_file = os.path.join(CUR_PATH, '../../exp_results.csv.gz')
    exp_results = pd.read_csv(exp_results_file, compression='gzip')
    exp_set = set(exp_results.columns)  # fix-up to bad colname in exp_results
    cur_set = set(totaldf.columns)

    assert(exp_set == cur_set)

    for label in exp_results.columns:
        lhs = exp_results[label].values.reshape(len(exp_results))
        rhs = totaldf[label].values.reshape(len(exp_results))
        res = np.allclose(lhs, rhs, atol=1e-02)
        if not res:
            print('Problem found in: ', label)
Exemplo n.º 2
def run():
    Run each function defined in Calculator.calc_all_test method using
    'puf.csv' input and writing ouput to a CSV file named 'results_puf.csv'.
    # create a Policy object containing current-law policy (clp) parameters
    clp = Policy()

    # create a Records object (puf) containing puf.csv input records
    tax_dta = pd.read_csv('puf.csv')
    blowup_factors = './taxcalc/StageIFactors.csv'
    weights = './taxcalc/WEIGHTS.csv'
    puf = Records(tax_dta, blowup_factors, weights)

    # create a Calculator object using clp policy and puf records
    calc = Calculator(policy=clp, records=puf)

    # save calculated test results in output dataframe (odf)
    odf = calc.calc_all_test()
    odf = odf.T.groupby(level=0).first().T

    # write test output to csv file named 'results_puf.csv'
    odf.to_csv('results_puf.csv', float_format='%1.3f',
               sep=',', header=True, index=False)