Exemplo n.º 1
    def _on_message(self, client, userdata, message):
        self.statistics['MessagesReceived'] += 1
        content = TBUtility.decode(message)
        #print("[MqttConnector] content", content)
        # Check if message topic exists in mappings "i.e., I'm posting telemetry/attributes" ---------------------------
        topic_handlers = [regex for regex in self.__mapping_sub_topics if fullmatch(regex, message.topic)]
        # for regex in self.__mapping_sub_topics:
        #     print("[MqttConnector] self.__mapping_sub_topics",regex)

        if topic_handlers:
            # Note: every topic may be associated to one or more converter. This means that a single MQTT message
            # may produce more than one message towards ThingsBoard. This also means that I cannot return after
            # the first successful conversion: I got to use all the available ones.
            # I will use a flag to understand whether at least one converter succeeded
            request_handled = False

            for topic in topic_handlers:
                available_converters = self.__mapping_sub_topics[topic]
                for converter in available_converters:
                        converted_content = converter.convert(message.topic, content)
                        #print("[MqttConnector] converted_content", converted_content)

                        if converted_content:
                            request_handled = True
                            self.__gateway.send_to_storage(self.name, converted_content)
                            self.statistics['MessagesSent'] += 1
                            self.__log.debug("Successfully converted message from topic %s", message.topic)
                    except Exception as e:

            if not request_handled:
                self.__log.error('Cannot find converter for the topic:"%s"! Client: %s, User data: %s',

            # Note: if I'm in this branch, this was for sure a telemetry/attribute push message
            # => Execution must end here both in case of failure and success
            return None

        # Check if message topic exists in connection handlers "i.e., I'm connecting a device" -------------------------
        topic_handlers = [regex for regex in self.__connect_requests_sub_topics if fullmatch(regex, message.topic)]
        if topic_handlers:
            for topic in topic_handlers:
                handler = self.__connect_requests_sub_topics[topic]

                found_device_name = None
                found_device_type = 'default'

                # Get device name, either from topic or from content
                if handler.get("deviceNameTopicExpression"):
                    device_name_match = search(handler["deviceNameTopicExpression"], message.topic)
                    if device_name_match is not None:
                        found_device_name = device_name_match.group(0)
                elif handler.get("deviceNameJsonExpression"):
                    found_device_name = TBUtility.get_value(handler["deviceNameJsonExpression"], content)

                # Get device type (if any), either from topic or from content
                if handler.get("deviceTypeTopicExpression"):
                    device_type_match = search(handler["deviceTypeTopicExpression"], message.topic)
                    found_device_type = device_type_match.group(0) if device_type_match is not None else handler["deviceTypeTopicExpression"]
                elif handler.get("deviceTypeJsonExpression"):
                    found_device_type = TBUtility.get_value(handler["deviceTypeJsonExpression"], content)

                if found_device_name is None:
                    self.__log.error("Device name missing from connection request")

                # Note: device must be added even if it is already known locally: else ThingsBoard
                # will not send RPCs and attribute updates
                self.__log.info("Connecting device %s of type %s", found_device_name, found_device_type)
                self.__gateway.add_device(found_device_name, {"connector": self}, device_type=found_device_type)

            # Note: if I'm in this branch, this was for sure a connection message
            # => Execution must end here both in case of failure and success
            return None

        # Check if message topic exists in disconnection handlers "i.e., I'm disconnecting a device" -------------------
        topic_handlers = [regex for regex in self.__disconnect_requests_sub_topics if fullmatch(regex, message.topic)]
        if topic_handlers:
            for topic in topic_handlers:
                handler = self.__disconnect_requests_sub_topics[topic]

                found_device_name = None
                found_device_type = 'default'

                # Get device name, either from topic or from content
                if handler.get("deviceNameTopicExpression"):
                    device_name_match = search(handler["deviceNameTopicExpression"], message.topic)
                    if device_name_match is not None:
                        found_device_name = device_name_match.group(0)
                elif handler.get("deviceNameJsonExpression"):
                    found_device_name = TBUtility.get_value(handler["deviceNameJsonExpression"], content)

                # Get device type (if any), either from topic or from content
                if handler.get("deviceTypeTopicExpression"):
                    device_type_match = search(handler["deviceTypeTopicExpression"], message.topic)
                    if device_type_match is not None:
                        found_device_type = device_type_match.group(0)
                elif handler.get("deviceTypeJsonExpression"):
                    found_device_type = TBUtility.get_value(handler["deviceTypeJsonExpression"], content)

                if found_device_name is None:
                    self.__log.error("Device name missing from disconnection request")

                if found_device_name in self.__gateway.get_devices():
                    self.__log.info("Disconnecting device %s of type %s", found_device_name, found_device_type)
                    self.__log.info("Device %s was not connected", found_device_name)


            # Note: if I'm in this branch, this was for sure a disconnection message
            # => Execution must end here both in case of failure and success
            return None

        # Check if message topic exists in attribute request handlers "i.e., I'm asking for a shared attribute" --------
        topic_handlers = [regex for regex in self.__attribute_requests_sub_topics if fullmatch(regex, message.topic)]
        if topic_handlers:
                for topic in topic_handlers:
                    handler = self.__attribute_requests_sub_topics[topic]

                    found_device_name = None
                    found_attribute_name = None

                    # Get device name, either from topic or from content
                    if handler.get("deviceNameTopicExpression"):
                        device_name_match = search(handler["deviceNameTopicExpression"], message.topic)
                        if device_name_match is not None:
                            found_device_name = device_name_match.group(0)
                    elif handler.get("deviceNameJsonExpression"):
                        found_device_name = TBUtility.get_value(handler["deviceNameJsonExpression"], content)

                    # Get attribute name, either from topic or from content
                    if handler.get("attributeNameTopicExpression"):
                        attribute_name_match = search(handler["attributeNameTopicExpression"], message.topic)
                        if attribute_name_match is not None:
                            found_attribute_name = attribute_name_match.group(0)
                    elif handler.get("attributeNameJsonExpression"):
                        found_attribute_name = TBUtility.get_value(handler["attributeNameJsonExpression"], content)

                    if found_device_name is None:
                        self.__log.error("Device name missing from attribute request")

                    if found_attribute_name is None:
                        self.__log.error("Attribute name missing from attribute request")

                    self.__log.info("Will retrieve attribute %s of %s", found_attribute_name, found_device_name)
                        lambda data, *args: self.notify_attribute(


            except Exception as e:

            # Note: if I'm in this branch, this was for sure an attribute request message
            # => Execution must end here both in case of failure and success
            return None

        # Check if message topic exists in RPC handlers ----------------------------------------------------------------
        # The gateway is expecting for this message => no wildcards here, the topic must be evaluated as is
        if message.topic in self.__gateway.rpc_requests_in_progress:
            self.__gateway.rpc_with_reply_processing(message.topic, content)
            return None

        self.__log.debug("Received message to topic \"%s\" with unknown interpreter data: \n\n\"%s\"",
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _on_message(self, client, userdata, message):
     content = TBUtility.decode(message)
     TBDeviceMqttClient._on_decoded_message(self, content, message)
     self._on_decoded_message(content, message)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _on_message(self, client, userdata, message):
     content = TBUtility.decode(message)
     super()._on_decoded_message(content, message)
     self._on_decoded_message(content, message)