Exemplo n.º 1
def get_titration_fit():
    model_y_vals = []
    model_x_vals = np.linspace(0, 1.01*max(concs), 50)
    fitfunc = None

    if (not model == None):
        if (axis == 'Bax'):
            for conc in model_x_vals:
                model.parameters['tBid_0'].value = float(outer_conc_str)
                model.parameters['Bax_0'].value = conc
    # Only do fitting if there is model object passed
        # Fitting
        if (fittype == 'linear'):
            # define fitting function
            m = Parameter(1)
            b = Parameter(0)
            def linear(x): return ((m()*x) + b())
            fit(linear, [m, b], np.array(data_arr), np.array(concs))
            #print(bid_conc_str + "nm cBid: k=" + str(k()) + ", n=" + str(n())) 
            fitfunc = linear
            #(slope, intercept) = np.polyfit(log_concs, log_k0, 1)
            #k0_fit = np.polyval([slope, intercept], log_concs)
            #print "slope: ", slope, ", intercept: ", intercept
            #plot(log_concs, k0_fit, '-')
        elif (fittype == 'power'):
            # define fitting function
            k = Parameter(1)
            n = Parameter(0.4)
            def powerlaw(x): return (k()*(x**n()))
            fit(powerlaw, [k, n], np.array(data_arr), np.array(concs))
            #print(bid_conc_str + "nm cBid: k=" + str(k()) + ", n=" + str(n())) 
            fitfunc = powerlaw
            #(slope, intercept) = np.polyfit(log_concs, log_k0, 1)
            #k0_fit = np.polyval([slope, intercept], log_concs)
            print("exponent: %d" % n())
            #plot(log_concs, k0_fit, '-')
            if (axis == 'Bax'):
                print(outer_conc_str + "nm cBid: exponent=" + str(n()))
        elif (fittype == 'hill' or fittype == 'hillexp'):
            # define fitting function
            km = Parameter(85)
            vmax = Parameter(0.0005)
            nh = Parameter(1)
            b = data_arr[0]
            def michaelis_menten(x): return \
                    ((vmax()*(x**nh()))/((km()**nh()) + (x**nh())) + b)
            #def line(x): return (m()*x)+b()

            # Perform the fit
            if (fittype == 'hillexp'):
                fit(michaelis_menten, [km, vmax, nh], np.array(data_arr),
                fit(michaelis_menten, [km, vmax], np.array(data_arr),

            if (axis == 'Bax'):
                kcat = vmax() / float(tbid_conc_str)
                print('%s nm cBid: Km=%f, Vmax=%f, kcat=%f, nh=%f' %
                      (outer_conc_str, km(), vmax(), kcat(), nh()))
            fitfunc = michaelis_menten
        elif (fittype == None):
            raise Exception("Fitting function must be 'hill', "
                            "'hillexp', 'power', or None")

        # Plot data
        data_marker = 's-' if fittype==None else 's'
        data_legend = outer_conc_str + " " + outer_axis if fittype==None \
                                                        else '_nolegend_'

        if (loglogplot):
            plt.loglog(concs, data_arr, data_marker + col, label=data_legend)
            rise1 = np.log(data_arr[2]) - np.log(data_arr[1])
            run1 = np.log(concs[2]) - np.log(concs[1])
            slope1 = rise1 / run1
            #print "riserise
            #print "run = " + str(run)
            rise2 = np.log(data_arr[3]) - np.log(data_arr[2])
            run2 = np.log(concs[3]) - np.log(concs[2])
            slope2 = rise2 / run2
            print(outer_conc_str + 'nm ' + outer_axis +
                    ': Slope1,2=' + str(slope1) + ', ' + str(slope2)) # TODO
            plt.plot(concs, data_arr, data_marker + col, label=data_legend)

        # Plot fit
        if (not model == None):
            plt.plot(model_x_vals, model_y_vals, '-'+col,
                    label=outer_conc_str + " " + outer_axis)

        if (fitfunc):
            # Show fit error
            mse_val = mse(fitfunc, np.array(data_arr), np.array(concs))
            #print ("mse_val = " + str(mse_val))
            total_mse += mse_val
            # TODO: Magic numbers 0 and 300
            fit_x_vals = np.linspace(0, 1.01*max(concs), 50)
            fit_y_vals = map(fitfunc, fit_x_vals)
            if (loglogplot):
                plt.loglog(fit_x_vals, fit_y_vals, '-'+col,
                        label=outer_conc_str + " " + outer_axis)
                plt.plot(fit_x_vals, fit_y_vals, '-'+col,
                            label=outer_conc_str + " " + outer_axis) 
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_timecourse_fit(timecourse, fittype='biphasic'):
    """Get a fit curve for a timecourse.

    timecourse : pandas.Series
        The timecourse to be fit.
    fittype : string
        One of the following:
            * `singleexp`. Single exponential.
            * `biphasic`. Two-phase exponential (see Schwarz).
            * `explin`. Exponential plus linear term (default).
            * `doubleexp`. Sum of two exponentials
            * `expexp`. Exponential raised to an exponential.

    FitResult object
        Contains the (time, val) coordinates for the fitted curve as well
        as the mean squared error and parameter values.

    # Initial parameter guesses
    k = Parameter(0.0025)
    k2 = Parameter(0.00025)
    fmax = Parameter(4)
    fmax2 = Parameter(0.4)
    m = Parameter(0.01)

    #vi = Parameter( (timecourse.values[1]-timecourse.values[0])/900)
    vi = Parameter(0.0005)
    vf = Parameter(0.0005)
    # Based on a complete guess of 2500 sec for the half-life
    tau = Parameter(2.8e-4)

    # Define fitting function
    def biphasic(t):    return (vf()*t) + ( (vi() - vf()) *
                                            ((1 - np.exp(-tau()*t))/tau()) )
    def single_exp(t):  return ((fmax()*(1 - np.exp(-k()*t))))
    def exp_lin(t):     return ((fmax()*(1 - np.exp(-k()*t))) + (m()*t))
    def double_exp(t):  return ((fmax()*(1 - np.exp(-k()*t)))  +
                                (fmax2()*(1 - np.exp(-k2()*t))))
    def exp_exp(t):     return ((fmax()*(1 - np.exp((1- np.exp(-k()*t))   ))))

    parameters = None
    # Run the fit
    if (fittype == 'biphasic'):
        fit(biphasic, [vi, vf, tau], timecourse.values,
        fitfunc = biphasic
        parameters = {'vi': vi(), 'vf': vf(), 'tau': tau()}
    elif (fittype == 'singleexp'):
        fit(single_exp, [k, fmax], timecourse.values, timecourse.keys().values)
        fitfunc = single_exp
        parameters = {'k': k(), 'fmax':fmax()}
    elif (fittype == 'explin'):
        fit(exp_lin, [k, fmax, m], timecourse.values, timecourse.keys().values)
        fitfunc = exp_lin
        parameters = {'k': k(), 'fmax':fmax(), 'm':m()}
    elif (fittype == 'doubleexp'):
        fit(double_exp, [k, fmax, k2, fmax2],
            timecourse.values, timecourse.keys().values)
        fitfunc = double_exp
        parameters = {'k': k(), 'fmax':fmax(), 'k2':k2(), 'fmax':fmax2()}
    elif (fittype == 'expexp'):
        fit(exp_exp, [k, fmax], timecourse.values, timecourse.keys().values)
        fitfunc = exp_exp
        parameters = {'k': k(), 'fmax':fmax()}
        raise Exception('unknown fit type')

    # Calculate the mean squared error of the fit
    mse_val = mse(fitfunc, timecourse.values, timecourse.keys().values)

    # Return time/value pairs for fit curve, along with the error
    fit_time = np.linspace(0, max(timecourse.keys().values), 200)
    fit_vals = map(fitfunc, fit_time) 
    return FitResult(fit_time, fit_vals, mse_val, parameters)