Exemplo n.º 1
def ajax_search(request, template_name='plan/common/json_plans.txt'):
    """Display all testplans"""
    # Define the default sub module
    SUB_MODULE_NAME = 'plans'

    # If it's not a search the page will be blank
    tps = TestPlan.objects.none()
    query_result = False
    # if it's a search request the page will be fill
    if request.REQUEST.items():
        search_form = SearchPlanForm(request.REQUEST)
        if request.REQUEST.get('product'):
        if search_form.is_valid():
            # Detemine the query is the user's plans and change the sub module value
            if request.REQUEST.get('author__email__startswith') and len(search_form.changed_data) == 1:
                if request.user.is_authenticated():
                    if request.REQUEST['author__email__startswith'] == request.user.username \
                    or request.REQUEST['author__email__startswith'] == request.user.email:
                        user_email = request.REQUEST['author__email__startswith']
                        tps = TestPlan.objects.filter(Q(author__email__startswith=user_email)
                                                    | Q(owner__email__startswith=user_email)).distinct()
                tps = TestPlan.list(search_form.cleaned_data)
                tps = tps.select_related('author', 'type', 'product')

            query_result = True

            # We want to get the number of cases and runs, without doing
            # lots of per-test queries.
            # Ideally we would get the case/run counts using m2m field tricks
            # in the ORM
            # Unfortunately, Django's select_related only works on ForeignKey
            # relationships, not on ManyToManyField attributes
            # See http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/6432

            # SQLAlchemy can handle this kind of thing in several ways.
            # Unfortunately we're using Django

            # The cleanest way I can find to get it into one query is to
            # use QuerySet.extra()
            # See http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/querysets
            tps = tps.extra(select={
                'num_cases': RawSQL.num_cases,
                'num_runs': RawSQL.num_runs,
                'num_children': RawSQL.num_plans,
        # Set search active plans only by default
        # I wish to use 'default' argument, as the same as in ModelForm
        # But it does not seem to work
        search_form = SearchPlanForm(initial={'is_active': True})
    #columnIndexNameMap is required for correct sorting behavior, 5 should be product, but we use run.build.product
    columnIndexNameMap = { 0: '', 1: 'plan_id', 2: 'name', 3: 'author__username', 4: 'owner__username',
                          5: 'product', 6: 'default_product_version', 7: 'type', 8: 'num_cases',
                          9: 'num_runs', 10: ''}
    return ajax_response(request, tps, columnIndexNameMap, jsonTemplatePath='plan/common/json_plans.txt')
Exemplo n.º 2
def all(request, template_name='plan/all.html'):
    """Display all testplans"""
    # Define the default sub module
    SUB_MODULE_NAME = 'plans'

    # If it's not a search the page will be blank
    tps = TestPlan.objects.none()
    query_result = False
    order_by = request.REQUEST.get('order_by', 'create_date')
    asc = bool(request.REQUEST.get('asc', None))
    # if it's a search request the page will be fill
    if request.REQUEST.items():
        search_form = SearchPlanForm(request.REQUEST)
        if request.REQUEST.get('product'):

        if search_form.is_valid():
            # Detemine the query is the user's plans and change the sub module value
            if request.REQUEST.get('author'):
                if request.user.is_authenticated():
                    if request.REQUEST['author'] == request.user.username \
                    or request.REQUEST['author'] == request.user.email:
                        SUB_MODULE_NAME = "my_plans"

            query_result = True
            # build a QuerySet:
            tps = TestPlan.list(search_form.cleaned_data)
            tps = tps.select_related('author', 'type', 'product')

            # We want to get the number of cases and runs, without doing
            # lots of per-test queries.
            # Ideally we would get the case/run counts using m2m field tricks
            # in the ORM
            # Unfortunately, Django's select_related only works on ForeignKey
            # relationships, not on ManyToManyField attributes
            # See http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/6432

            # SQLAlchemy can handle this kind of thing in several ways.
            # Unfortunately we're using Django

            # The cleanest way I can find to get it into one query is to
            # use QuerySet.extra()
            # See http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/querysets
            tps = tps.extra(select={
                'num_cases': RawSQL.num_cases,
                'num_runs': RawSQL.num_runs,
                'num_children': RawSQL.num_plans,
            tps = order_plan_queryset(tps, order_by, asc)
        # Set search active plans only by default
        # I wish to use 'default' argument, as the same as in ModelForm
        # But it does not seem to work
        search_form = SearchPlanForm(initial={'is_active': True})

    if request.REQUEST.get('action') == 'clone_case':
        template_name = 'case/clone_select_plan.html'
        tps = tps.order_by('name')

    if request.REQUEST.get('t') == 'ajax':
        return HttpResponse(serializers.serialize(
            request.REQUEST.get('f', 'json'),
            extras=('num_cases','num_runs', 'num_children', 'get_url_path')

    if request.REQUEST.get('t') == 'html':
        if request.REQUEST.get('f') == 'preview':
            template_name = 'plan/preview.html'

    query_url = remove_from_request_path(request, 'order_by')
    if asc:
        query_url = remove_from_request_path(query_url, 'asc')
        query_url = '%s&asc=True' % query_url
    page_type = request.REQUEST.get('page_type', 'pagination')
    query_url_page_type = remove_from_request_path(request, 'page_type')
    if query_url_page_type:
        query_url_page_type = remove_from_request_path(query_url_page_type, 'page')
    return direct_to_template(request, template_name, {
        'module': MODULE_NAME,
        'sub_module': SUB_MODULE_NAME,
        'test_plans' : tps,
        'query_result' : query_result,
        'search_plan_form' : search_form,
        'query_url': query_url,
        'query_url_page_type': query_url_page_type,
        'page_type': page_type