Exemplo n.º 1
def process_template_noComp(mother,genericMother,rdfGraph,tdag):
	for predicate, daughter in rdfGraph.predicate_objects(mother):

		# Conflate (if applicable) the daughters of the mother if possible and create pretty names.
		despecifiedD = conflate(daughter,rdfGraph)
		prettyDName = prettyName(despecifiedD)
		prettyPredName = prettyName(predicate)

		if despecifiedD.encode('utf-8') == "http://purl.org/linguistics/jcgood/component#component":

			# Need to skip source information, probably better solution out there
			if is_metadata(predicate):

			# Here we need some special logic to make sure that (components especially)
			# Have their potentially shared nodes "split" up so that each component points
			# to its own nodes rather than shared nodes. This is only a problem for
			# generic and/or conflatable nodes which may not be unique.
			elif is_generic(predicate,tdag) or conflatable(daughter,rdfGraph):

				# I don't understand why but, somehow, the invocation of this boolean
				# detects cases of duplicatable nodes not yet properly handled. This seems
				# to be an accident, but a useful one. So, I am keeping it.
				if tdag.has_node(prettyDName,daughter):
					prettyDName = tdag.has_node(prettyDName,daughter)
					print "Warning ", prettyDName, daughter, mother, "may be a case of a duplicatable node not yet properly handled. Examine the template using it and the class function in tdag and add a case for this if graph does not properly duplicate nodes."
					prettyDName = tdag.add_node(prettyDName,daughter,mother,predicate)
				# The method used here is from the original pygraph, and does not involve labeled edges
				if tdag.has_edge((genericMother, prettyDName), prettyPredName):
					# Now we are using the special tdag methods to add an edge with a label for multiple arcs from/to same nodes
					tdag.add_edge((genericMother, prettyDName), label=prettyPredName)
				# Now send the rest of the template, after conflation of this layer, back through the function.
				process_template_noComp(daughter, prettyDName, rdfGraph, tdag)
			# Not a generic/conflatable node. So, we don't add anything but, instead, just cycle through unless it's a component
			else: process_template_noComp(daughter, genericMother, rdfGraph, tdag)
	# We've been passing the same tdag around adding nodes and edges.
	# It should be all built up by now. So, we return it.
	return tdag
Exemplo n.º 2
def process_template(mother,genericMother,rdfGraph,tdag):
	for predicate, daughter in rdfGraph.predicate_objects(mother):

		# Conflate (if applicable) the daughters of the mother if possible and create pretty names.
		despecifiedD = conflate(daughter,rdfGraph)
		prettyDName = prettyName(despecifiedD)
		prettyPredName = prettyName(predicate)

		# Here is a hack to deal with the fact that, at least for Tiene, associates can criss-cross
		# This results in infinite recursion. So, we need special treatment
		if is_associate(predicate):
			# If I'm already in the graph, just add my edge if it's not already there.
			if daughter in tdag.components:
				prettyDName = tdag.add_node(prettyDName,daughter,mother,predicate)
				if tdag.has_edge((genericMother, prettyDName), prettyPredName):
					# Now we are using the special tdag methods to add an edge with a label for multiple arcs from/to same nodes
					tdag.add_edge((genericMother, prettyDName), label=prettyPredName)

			# Otherwise, add me per usual	
				prettyDName = tdag.add_node(prettyDName,daughter,mother,predicate)
				tdag.add_edge((genericMother, prettyDName), label=prettyPredName)
				process_template(daughter, prettyDName, rdfGraph, tdag)
		# Need to skip source information, probably better solution out there
		elif is_metadata(predicate):

		# Here we need some special logic to make sure that (components especially)
		# Have their potentially shared nodes "split" up so that each component points
		# to its own nodes rather than shared nodes. This is only a problem for
		# generic and/or conflatable nodes which may not be unique.
		elif is_generic(predicate,tdag) or conflatable(daughter,rdfGraph):

			# I don't understand why but, somehow, the invocation of this boolean
			# detects cases of duplicatable nodes not yet properly handled. This seems
			# to be an accident, but a useful one. So, I am keeping it.
			if tdag.has_node(prettyDName,daughter):
				prettyDName = tdag.has_node(prettyDName,daughter)
				#print "Warning ", daughter, "may be a case of a duplicatable node not yet properly handled. Examine the template using it and the class function in tdag and add a case for this if graph does not properly duplicate nodes. A known raising of this error which is not a problem occurs when a component with an Associate is also a filler for a lexicoconstructional template."
				prettyDName = tdag.add_node(prettyDName,daughter,mother,predicate)
			# The method used here is from the original pygraph, and does not involve labeled edges
			if tdag.has_edge((genericMother, prettyDName), prettyPredName):
				# Now we are using the special tdag methods to add an edge with a label for multiple arcs from/to same nodes
				tdag.add_edge((genericMother, prettyDName), label=prettyPredName)
			# Now send the rest of the template, after conflation of this layer, back through the function.
			process_template(daughter, prettyDName, rdfGraph, tdag)
		# Not a generic/conflatable node. So, we don't add anything but, instead, just cycle through.
		else: process_template(daughter, genericMother, rdfGraph, tdag)
	# We've been passing the same tdag around adding nodes and edges.
	# It should be all built up by now. So, we return it.
	return tdag