Exemplo n.º 1
def test_colors():
    # these must work
    teek.Color(1, 2, 255)
    teek.Color(1, 2, 0)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        teek.Color(1, 2, 256)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        teek.Color(1, 2, -1)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        teek.Color(1, 2, 3, 4)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    blue1 = teek.Color(0, 0, 255)
    blue2 = teek.Color('blue')
    white = teek.Color('white')

    assert repr(blue1).startswith("<Color '#0000ff': ")
    assert repr(blue2).startswith("<Color 'blue': ")
    assert blue1 == blue2
    assert blue1 != 'Woot Woot!'
    assert hash(blue1) == hash(blue2)
    assert hash(blue1) != hash(white)

    the_dict = {blue1: 'hi'}
    assert the_dict[blue1] == 'hi'
    assert the_dict[blue2] == 'hi'  # __hash__ works correctly
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_item_config_usage():
    canvas = teek.Canvas(teek.Window())
    rect = canvas.create_rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200, dash='-')

    assert rect.config['dash'] == '-'
    assert rect.config['fill'] is None
    rect.config['fill'] = 'blue'
    assert rect.config['fill'] == teek.Color('blue')
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_color(fake_dialog_command):
    with fake_dialog_command('tk_chooseColor', {}, '#ffffff'):
        assert teek.dialog.color() == teek.Color('white')

    window = teek.Window()
    with fake_dialog_command(
            'tk_chooseColor', {
                '-title': 'toot',
                '-initialcolor': teek.Color('maroon').to_tcl(),
                '-parent': window.toplevel.to_tcl()
            }, '#ffffff'):
        assert teek.dialog.color(
        ) == teek.Color('white')

    with fake_dialog_command('tk_chooseColor', {}, ''):
        assert teek.dialog.color() is None
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_menuitem_objects():
    item = teek.MenuItem("Click me",
                         activeforeground=teek.Color(1, 2, 3))
    assert repr(item) == ("<MenuItem('Click me', <built-in function print>): "
                          "type='command', not added to a menu yet>")

    menu = teek.Menu([item])
    assert repr(item) == ("<MenuItem('Click me', <built-in function print>): "
                          "type='command', added to a menu>")

    # the menu should cache the item
    assert menu[0] is item
    assert menu[0] is menu[0]
Exemplo n.º 5
import teek

window = teek.Window("Text Widget Demo")

text = teek.Text(window)
text.pack(fill='both', expand=True)
text.insert(text.start, "hello world")

hello_tag = text.get_tag('hello_tag')
hello_tag['foreground'] = teek.Color('red')
hello_tag.add(text.start, text.start.forward(chars=5))

world_tag = text.get_tag('world_tag')
world_tag['foreground'] = teek.Color('green')
world_tag.add(text.end.back(chars=5), text.end)

# move cursor after hello
text.marks['insert'] = text.start.forward(chars=5)

Exemplo n.º 6
def test_tags():
    text = teek.Text(teek.Window())
    text.insert(text.start, "asd toot boo")

    assert {tag.name for tag in text.get_all_tags()} == {'sel'}
    assert text.get_tag('asd').name == 'asd'

    # do any tag Tcl call that ensures the asd tag exists

    assert {tag.name for tag in text.get_all_tags()} == {'sel', 'asd'}

    for tag in [text.get_tag('asd'), text.get_tag('sel')]:
        assert tag is text.get_tag(tag.name)  # returns same tag obj every time

        tag.add((1, 4), (1, 8))
        assert tag.ranges() == [((1, 4), (1, 8))]
        flatten = itertools.chain.from_iterable
        assert all(
            isinstance(index, type(text.start))
            for index in flatten(tag.ranges()))

        assert tag.nextrange((1, 0)) == ((1, 4), (1, 8))
        assert tag.nextrange((1, 0), (1, 4)) is None
        for index in tag.nextrange((1, 0)):
            assert isinstance(index, type(text.start))

        assert tag.ranges() == []

        tag.add((1, 4), (1, 8))
        tag.remove((0, 0), (100, 200))
        assert tag.ranges() == []

    # all tags must have the same options
    option_frozensets = set()
    for tag in text.get_all_tags():
    assert len(option_frozensets) == 1  # they are unique

    # because nothing else covers this
    assert len(text.get_tag('asd')) == len(list(option_frozensets)[0])

    toot = text.get_tag('toot')
    toot.add((1, 4), text.end)
    assert toot.ranges() != []
    assert toot not in text.get_all_tags()
    assert toot.ranges() == []
    assert toot not in text.get_all_tags()

    # if it's set to a string, it must still be a Color object when getting
    toot['foreground'] = 'black'
    assert toot in text.get_all_tags()
    assert isinstance(toot['foreground'], teek.Color)
    assert toot['foreground'] == teek.Color(0, 0, 0)

    toot['foreground'] = teek.Color('blue')
    assert toot['foreground'] == teek.Color('blue')

    # misc other tag properties
    assert toot == toot
    assert toot != teek.Text(teek.Window()).get_tag('toot')  # different widget
    assert toot != 123
    assert hash(toot) == hash(toot)
    assert repr(toot) == "<Text widget tag 'toot'>"
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        del toot['foreground']

    tag_names = {'sel', 'asd', 'toot'}
    for tag_name in tag_names:
        text.get_tag(tag_name).add((1, 4), (1, 8))
    assert {tag.name for tag in text.get_all_tags((1, 6))} == tag_names