Exemplo n.º 1
def directory(**kwargs):
    """Asks the user to choose a directory, and return a path to it.

    This calls :man:`tk_chooseDirectory(3tk)`, and returns ``None`` if the user

    .. note::
        By default, the user can choose a directory that doesn't exist yet.
        This behaviour is documented in :man:`tk_chooseDirectory(3tk)`. If you
        want the user to choose an existing directory, use ``mustexist=True``.
    result = teek.tcl_call(str, 'tk_chooseDirectory', *_options(kwargs))
    if not result:
        return None
    return os.path.abspath(result)
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_tag_names(widget, string):
    # TODO: add search to teek
    start = teek.tcl_call(widget.TextIndex, widget, 'search', string, '1.0')
    end = start.forward(chars=len(string))
    tags = set(widget.get_all_tags(start))

    # must be same tags in the whole text
    index = start
    while index < end:
        assert set(widget.get_all_tags(index)) == tags
        index = index.forward(chars=1)

    return {
        for tag in tags if tag.name.startswith('soup-')
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_tk_class_names(all_widgets):
    for widget in all_widgets:
        if not isinstance(widget, teek.Window):
            winfo_result = teek.tcl_call(str, 'winfo', 'class', widget)
            assert winfo_result == type(widget).tk_class_name

    # special cases
    assert teek.Widget.tk_class_name is None
    assert teek.Window.tk_class_name is None

    class LolWidget(teek.Widget):

    class LolLabel(teek.Label):

    assert LolWidget.tk_class_name is None
    assert LolLabel.tk_class_name == 'TLabel'
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, *args):
        if len(args) == 3:
            for name, value in zip(['red', 'green', 'blue'], args):
                if value not in range(256):
                    raise ValueError("invalid %s value: %r" % (name, value))
            self._color_string = '#%02x%02x%02x' % args
        elif len(args) == 1:
            self._color_string = args[0]
            # python raises TypeError for wrong number of arguments
            raise TypeError("use {0}(red, green, blue) or {0}(color_string)"

        # any widget will do, i'm using the '.' root window because it
        # always exists
        rgb = teek.tcl_call([int], 'winfo', 'rgb', '.', self._color_string)

        # tk uses 16-bit colors for some reason, but most people are more
        # familiar with 8-bit colors so we'll shift away the "useless" bits
        self._rgb = tuple(value >> 8 for value in rgb)
        assert len(self._rgb) == 3
Exemplo n.º 5
    def faker(name, return_value=None):
        called = []

        def command_func(*args):
            return return_value

        fake = teek.create_command(command_func, [], extra_args_type=str)

        teek.tcl_call(None, 'rename', name, name + '_real')
            teek.tcl_call(None, 'rename', fake, name)
            yield called
            except teek.TclError:
            teek.tcl_call(None, 'rename', name + '_real', name)
Exemplo n.º 6
def _messagebox(type, title, message, detail=None, **kwargs):
    kwargs['type'] = type
    kwargs['title'] = title
    kwargs['message'] = message
    if detail is not None:
        kwargs['detail'] = detail

    if type == 'ok':
        teek.tcl_call(None, 'tk_messageBox', *_options(kwargs))
        return None
    if type == 'okcancel':
        return teek.tcl_call(str, 'tk_messageBox', *_options(kwargs)) == 'ok'
    if type == 'retrycancel':
        return (
            teek.tcl_call(str, 'tk_messageBox', *_options(kwargs)) == 'retry')
    if type == 'yesno':
        return teek.tcl_call(str, 'tk_messageBox', *_options(kwargs)) == 'yes'

    # for anything else, return a string
    return teek.tcl_call(str, 'tk_messageBox', *_options(kwargs))
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_create_command_arbitrary_args(capsys, handy_callback):
    def callback(a, b, *args):
        assert a == 1
        assert isinstance(a, int)
        assert b == 'lol'
        assert list(args) == expected_args

    command = teek.create_command(callback, [int, str], extra_args_type=float)

    expected_args = [1.2, 3.4, 5.6]
    teek.tcl_call(None, command, '1', 'lol', '1.2', '3.4', '5.6')
    expected_args = []
    teek.tcl_call(None, command, '1', 'lol')
    assert callback.ran == 2

    teek.tcl_call(None, command, '1')
    output, errors = capsys.readouterr()
    assert not output
    assert errors.endswith(
        'TypeError: expected at least 2 arguments, got 1 arguments\n')
Exemplo n.º 8
 def redither(self):
     """See ``imageName redither`` in :man:`photo(3tk)`."""
     teek.tcl_call(None, self, 'redither')
Exemplo n.º 9
 def get(self, x, y):
     """Returns the :class:`.Color` of the pixel at (x,y)."""
     r, g, b = teek.tcl_call([int], self, 'get', x, y)
     return Color(r, g, b)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def read(self, filename, **kwargs):
     """See ``imageName read filename`` in :man:`photo(3tk)`."""
     teek.tcl_call(None, self, 'read', filename, *_options(kwargs))
Exemplo n.º 11
 def blank(self):
     """See ``imageName blank`` in :man:`photo(3tk)`."""
     teek.tcl_call(None, self, 'blank')
Exemplo n.º 12
 def height(self):
     """See :attr:`width`."""
     return teek.tcl_call(int, 'image', 'height', self)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def getter(self):
     return teek.tcl_call(type_spec, "font", "actual", self, "-" + option)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def get_all_images(cls):
     """Return all existing images as a list of :class:`.Image` objects."""
     return teek.tcl_call([cls], 'image', 'names')
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: base.py Projeto: rdbende/teek
 def call_bind(returntype, *args):
     return teek.tcl_call(returntype, 'bind', bindtag, *args)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def get(self):
     """Returns the value of the variable."""
     return teek.tcl_call(type(self).type_spec, 'set', self._name)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_eval_and_call(handy_commands, capfd):
    assert teek.tcl_eval(None, 'if {1 == 2} {puts omg}') is None
    assert teek.tcl_eval(str, 'list a b c') == 'a b c'
    assert teek.tcl_eval(int, 'expr 22 / 7') == 3
    assert teek.tcl_eval(int, 'returnEmptyString') is None
    assert round(teek.tcl_eval(float, 'expr 22 / 7.0'), 2) == 3.14
    assert teek.tcl_eval([int], 'list 1 2 3') == [1, 2, 3]
    assert teek.tcl_eval([str], 'list { a} {b } { c }') == [' a', 'b ', ' c ']
    assert (teek.tcl_eval((str, int, str, int), 'list a 1 b 2') ==
            ('a', 1, 'b', 2))
    assert teek.tcl_eval([int], 'list 0b11111111 0o377 0xff') == [255] * 3
    assert teek.tcl_eval(
        {'a': int, 'c': bool}, 'dict create a 1 b 2') == {'a': 1, 'b': '2'}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        teek.tcl_eval(int, 'returnArg lel')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        teek.tcl_eval((str, str), 'list a b c')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        teek.tcl_eval([int], 'list 1 2 3 yay')

    bools = ['true false', 'tru fal', 'yes no', 'y n', 'on off', '1 0']
    for yes, no in map(str.split, bools):
        assert teek.tcl_call(bool, 'returnArg', yes.upper()) is True
        assert teek.tcl_call(bool, 'returnArg', no.upper()) is False
        assert teek.tcl_call(bool, 'returnArg', yes.lower()) is True
        assert teek.tcl_call(bool, 'returnArg', no.lower()) is False
    assert teek.tcl_eval(bool, 'returnEmptyString') is None

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        teek.tcl_eval(bool, 'returnArg lolwut')

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        teek.tcl_call(None, 'puts', object())

    assert capfd.readouterr() == ('', '')
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        teek.tcl_eval(object(), 'puts hello')

    # tcl seems to use sometimes lf and sometimes crlf, lol
    output, errors = capfd.readouterr()
    assert output.replace('\r\n', '\n') == 'hello\n'
    assert not errors

    # forced to string converting relies on this
    test_data = [
        ('ab', 'ab'),
        ('a b', 'a b'),
        (['a', 'b'], 'a b'),
        ([' a', 'b '], '{ a} {b }'),
        (['a ', ' b'], '{a } { b}'),
        (['a', 'b c'], 'a {b c}'),
        (('a', 'b c'), 'a {b c}'),
        (CustomSequence(), '{a b c} 123'),
    for before, after in test_data:
        assert teek.tcl_call(str, 'format', '%s', before) == after

    # test conversion to strings when teek.tcl_calling
    assert teek.tcl_call(
        str, 'list', True, 5, 3.14, [1, 2], {3: 4}, ('lol', 'wut'),
    ) == '1 5 3.14 {1 2} {3 4} {lol wut}'

    # special case: Tcl empty string is None in python
    teek.tcl_eval(None, 'proc returnEmpty {} { return {} }')

    class BrokenFromTcl:

        oh_no = False

        def from_tcl(cls, tcl_string):
            cls.oh_no = True
            raise RuntimeError("NO!! THIS WASNT SUPPSOED TO RUN!!!")

    assert teek.tcl_call(BrokenFromTcl, 'returnEmpty') is None
    assert not BrokenFromTcl.oh_no

    assert capfd.readouterr() == ('', '')
Exemplo n.º 18
 def measure(self, text):
     Calls ``font measure`` documented in :man:`font(3tk)`, and returns an
     return teek.tcl_call(int, "font", "measure", self, text)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def _set(self, option, value):
     teek.tcl_call(None, self._tab.widget.parent, 'tab', self._tab.widget,
                   '-' + option, value)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def setter(self, value):
     if not isinstance(self, NamedFont):
         raise AttributeError(
             "cannot change options of non-named fonts, but you can use "
             "the_font.to_named_font() to create a mutable font object")
     teek.tcl_call(None, "font", "configure", self, "-" + option, value)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def _config_entrycommand_caller(self, returntype, subcommand, *args):
     assert subcommand in {'cget', 'configure'}
     return teek.tcl_call(returntype, self._menu, 'entry' + subcommand,
                          self._index, *args)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def write(self, filename, **kwargs):
        """See ``imageName write`` in :man:`photo(3tk)`.

        .. seealso:: Use :meth:`get_bytes` if you don't want to create a file.
        teek.tcl_call(None, self, 'write', filename, *_options(kwargs))
Exemplo n.º 23
    def in_use(self):
        """True if any widget uses this image, or False if not.

        This calls ``image inuse`` documented in :man:`image(3tk)`.
        return teek.tcl_call(bool, 'image', 'inuse', self)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def _get(self, option):
     return teek.tcl_call(self._types.get(option,
                                          str), self._tab.widget.parent,
                          'tab', self._tab.widget, '-' + option)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def get_all_named_fonts(cls):
     """Returns a list of all :class:`.NamedFont` objects."""
     return list(map(cls, teek.tcl_call([str], 'font', 'names')))
Exemplo n.º 26
 def _list_options(self):
     for option in teek.tcl_call({}, self._tab.widget.parent, 'tab',
         yield option.lstrip('-')
Exemplo n.º 27
def windowingsystem():
    return teek.tcl_call(str, 'tk', 'windowingsystem')