reply_markup=json.dumps(keyboard)) if msg["text"] == "/quit" or msg["text"] == "/quit@" + bot.getBotUsername( ): if msg["from"]["id"] == 43804645: bot.sendMessage(msg["chat"]["id"], "Bye!") bot.quit = True else: bot.sendMessage(msg["chat"]["id"], "You don't have permission!") if msg["text"] == "/test keyboard": keyboard = { "keyboard": [[ "1⃣", "2⃣", "3⃣", "4⃣", "5⃣", "6⃣", "7⃣", "8⃣", "9⃣", "0⃣", "XD" ], ["q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p"], ["/help", "/quit", "/test keyboard"]] } bot.sendMessage(msg["chat"]["id"], "Sending custom keyboard!", reply_markup=json.dumps(keyboard)) def new_chat_participant(msg): print("Welcome @" + msg["new_chat_participant"]["username"] + " to " + msg["chat"]["title"]) bot = telegbot() bot.on_receive_message = receive_message bot.on_new_chat_participant = new_chat_participant
def new_chat_title(msg): logger.msg(msg) def new_chat_photo(msg): logger.msg(msg) def delete_chat_photo(msg): logger.msg(msg) def group_chat_created(msg): logger.msg(msg) bot = telegbot('TOKEN') bot.on_receive_message = receive_message bot.on_new_chat_participant = new_chat_participant bot.on_left_chat_participant = left_chat_participant bot.on_receive_audio = receive_audio bot.on_receive_document = receive_document bot.on_receive_photo = receive_photo bot.on_receive_sticker = receive_sticker bot.on_receive_video = receive_video bot.on_receive_contact = receive_contact bot.on_receive_location = receive_location bot.on_new_chat_title = new_chat_title bot.on_new_chat_photo = new_chat_photo bot.on_delete_chat_photo = delete_chat_photo bot.on_group_chat_created = group_chat_created
return # old logger.msg(msg) if msg["text"] == "/help" or msg["text"] == "/help@" + bot.getBotUsername(): keyboard = {"keyboard": [["/help"], ["/quit"], ["/test keyboard"]]} bot.sendMessage(msg["chat"]["id"], "Commands: (in custom keyboard)", reply_markup=json.dumps(keyboard)) if msg["text"] == "/quit" or msg["text"] == "/quit@" + bot.getBotUsername(): if msg["from"]["id"] == 43804645: bot.sendMessage(msg["chat"]["id"], "Bye!") bot.quit = True else: bot.sendMessage(msg["chat"]["id"], "You don't have permission!") if msg["text"] == "/test keyboard": keyboard = { "keyboard": [ ["1⃣", "2⃣", "3⃣", "4⃣", "5⃣", "6⃣", "7⃣", "8⃣", "9⃣", "0⃣", "XD"], ["q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p"], ["/help", "/quit", "/test keyboard"], ] } bot.sendMessage(msg["chat"]["id"], "Sending custom keyboard!", reply_markup=json.dumps(keyboard)) def new_chat_participant(msg): print("Welcome @" + msg["new_chat_participant"]["username"] + " to " + msg["chat"]["title"]) bot = telegbot() bot.on_receive_message = receive_message bot.on_new_chat_participant = new_chat_participant