Exemplo n.º 1
        def create_column_controls(self, column_headers):
            Adds fields to the form for extra columns found in the spreadsheet. Returns a list of dictionaries
            containing the column label and the names of the fields
            column_controls = []
            for header in column_headers:
                header_key = slugify_with(header)

                include_field = forms.BooleanField(label=' ', required=False)
                include_field_name = 'column_%s_include' % header_key
                label_field = forms.CharField(label=' ', initial=header.title())
                label_field_name = 'column_%s_label' % header_key
                type_field = forms.ChoiceField(label=' ', choices=VALUE_TYPE_CHOICES, required=True)
                type_field_name = 'column_%s_type' % header_key

                fields = []
                fields.append((include_field_name, include_field))
                fields.append((label_field_name, label_field))
                fields.append((type_field_name, type_field))

                self.form.fields = OrderedDict(self.form.fields.items() + fields)


            return column_controls
Exemplo n.º 2
        def create_column_controls(self, column_headers):
            Adds fields to the form for extra columns found in the spreadsheet. Returns a list of dictionaries
            containing the column label and the names of the fields
            column_controls = []
            for header in column_headers:
                header_key = slugify_with(header)

                include_field = forms.BooleanField(label=' ', required=False)
                include_field_name = 'column_%s_include' % header_key
                label_field = forms.CharField(label=' ', initial=header.title())
                label_field_name = 'column_%s_label' % header_key
                type_field = forms.ChoiceField(label=' ', choices=VALUE_TYPE_CHOICES, required=True)
                type_field_name = 'column_%s_type' % header_key

                fields = []
                fields.append((include_field_name, include_field))
                fields.append((label_field_name, label_field))
                fields.append((type_field_name, type_field))

                self.form.fields = OrderedDict(self.form.fields.items() + fields)


            return column_controls
Exemplo n.º 3
        def pre_save(self, task):
            extra_fields = []
            cleaned_data = self.form.cleaned_data

            # enumerate the columns which the user has chosen to include as fields
            for column in self.column_controls:
                if cleaned_data[column['include_field']]:
                    label = cleaned_data[column['label_field']]
                    label = label.strip()
                    value_type = cleaned_data[column['type_field']]
                    org = self.derive_org()

                    field_key = slugify_with(label)

                    existing_field = ContactField.get_by_label(org, label)
                    if existing_field:
                        field_key = existing_field.key

                    extra_fields.append(dict(key=field_key, header=column['header'], label=label, type=value_type))

            # update the extra_fields in the task's params
            params = json.loads(task.import_params)
            params['extra_fields'] = extra_fields
            task.import_params = json.dumps(params)

            return task
Exemplo n.º 4
            def clean(self):
                # don't allow users to specify field keys or labels
                re_col_name_field = re.compile(r'column_\w+_label')
                for key, value in self.data.items():
                    if re_col_name_field.match(key):
                        field_label = value
                        field_key = slugify_with(value)

                        if not ContactField.is_valid_label(field_label):
                            raise ValidationError(_("Field names can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hypens"))

                        if field_key in RESERVED_CONTACT_FIELDS:
                            raise ValidationError(_("%s is a reserved name for contact fields") % value)
                return self.cleaned_data
Exemplo n.º 5
            def clean(self):
                # don't allow users to specify field keys or labels
                re_col_name_field = re.compile(r'column_\w+_label')
                for key, value in self.data.items():
                    if re_col_name_field.match(key):
                        field_label = value
                        field_key = slugify_with(value)

                        if not ContactField.is_valid_label(field_label):
                            raise ValidationError(_("Field names can only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hypens"))

                        if field_key in RESERVED_CONTACT_FIELDS:
                            raise ValidationError(_("%s is a reserved name for contact fields") % value)
                return self.cleaned_data
Exemplo n.º 6
        def pre_save(self, task):
            extra_fields = []
            cleaned_data = self.form.cleaned_data

            # enumerate the columns which the user has chosen to include as fields
            for column in self.column_controls:
                if cleaned_data[column['include_field']]:
                    label = cleaned_data[column['label_field']]
                    value_type = cleaned_data[column['type_field']]
                    field_key = slugify_with(label)
                    extra_fields.append(dict(key=field_key, header=column['header'], label=label, type=value_type))

            # update the extra_fields in the task's params
            params = json.loads(task.import_params)
            params['extra_fields'] = extra_fields
            task.import_params = json.dumps(params)

            return task