def next_base2(x, strict_positive=False, stochastic=False, min=1e-8, binom_n=64): with tf.name_scope('next_base2'): x_start = x if strict_positive: sign = 1 else: sign = tf.sign(x) if stochastic: # x_next_base2 = tf.floor(tf.log(tf.abs(x+eps))/tf.log(2.0)) x_next_base2 = tf.floor( tf.log(tf.maximum(tf.abs(x), min)) / tf.log(2.0)) x_perc_missing = tf.abs(x) / 2**x_next_base2 - 1 # w_add = where_binarize[0,1]->{0,1}(x+exs) print("next_base2: stochastic-mode '" + str(stochastic) + "'") if stochastic == "binomial" or stochastic == "binom": memory_size = binom_n w_add = sample_binomial(x_perc_missing, memory_size, S('binom.log_eps')) / memory_size tf.summary.histogram("w_add", w_add) else: w_add = tf.where( tf.random.uniform(x.get_shape().as_list()) <= x_perc_missing, tf.ones_like(x), tf.zeros_like(x)) x_next_base2 += w_add else: x_next_base2 = tf.ceil( tf.log(tf.maximum(tf.abs(x), min)) / tf.log(2.0)) return pass_gradient(x_start, lambda x: sign * 2**x_next_base2, name='next_base2')
def __init__(self, data_dir): self.data_dir = data_dir # download and extract filepath = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "train.tfrecords") if not tf.gfile.Exists(self.data_dir): tf.gfile.MakeDirs(self.data_dir) if not tf.gfile.Exists(filepath): print("Downloading to " + filepath) print("Please wait...") download(self.data_dir)
def get_accuracy(local): # get needed global variables hks, scaffold, test_size, correct_prediction_test, print_orig, S = local[ "hks"], local["scaffold"], local["test_size"], local[ "correct_prediction_test"], local["print_orig"], local["S"] accuracy_res = 0 # steps = 0 i = 0 with tf.train.SingularMonitoredSession( scaffold=scaffold, hooks=hks, # list of all hooks checkpoint_dir=None if S("log.optimistic_restore") else S( "log.dir") # restores checkpoint ) as sess: print(80 * '#') print('#' + 34 * ' ' + ' TESTING ' + 35 * ' ' + '#') print(80 * '#') pbar = tqdm(total=test_size) while not sess.should_stop(): correct = i += correct.shape[0] pbar.update(correct.shape[0]) accuracy_current = np.sum(correct) accuracy_res += accuracy_current pbar.set_description( "∅-Acc %f, current Acc %f" % ((accuracy_res / i), accuracy_current / correct.shape[0])) # pbar.set_postfix("current Acc %f" % accuracy_current) print("Total Accuracy:", accuracy_res / i, i) pbar.close() # for easier grepping using bash-scripts print_orig(accuracy_res / i)
def optimistic_restore(save_file, graph=tf.get_default_graph()): print("optimistic_restore") reader = tf.train.NewCheckpointReader(save_file) saved_shapes = reader.get_variable_to_shape_map() var_names = sorted([(,':')[0]) for var in tf.global_variables() if':')[0] in saved_shapes]) restore_vars = [] for var_name, saved_var_name in var_names: curr_var = graph.get_tensor_by_name(var_name) var_shape = curr_var.get_shape().as_list() if var_shape == saved_shapes[saved_var_name]: restore_vars.append(curr_var) opt_saver = tf.train.Saver(restore_vars) return opt_saver
def get_filenames(self): if S("dataset_join_train_val"): if self.subset == 'train': print([ os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'train.tfrecords'), os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'validation.tfrecords') ]) print( "joining training and validation set. (leaving only testset for testing" ) return [ os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'train.tfrecords'), os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'validation.tfrecords') ] if self.subset in ['train', 'validation', 'eval']: return [os.path.join(self.data_dir, self.subset + '.tfrecords')] else: raise ValueError('Invalid data subset "%s"' % self.subset)
def attention_predict(local): # get needed global variables hks, scaffold, test_size, print_orig, net_test, data, S, make_accuracy = local[ "hks"], local["scaffold"], local["test_size"], local[ "print_orig"], local["net_test"], local["data"], local["S"], local[ "make_accuracy"] # convert last spatial layer to mask # resnet50_v2 # last_spatial = net_test.op.inputs[1].op.inputs[0].op.inputs[0].op.inputs[0].op.inputs[0] # resnet18_slim last_spatial = net_test.op.inputs[0].op.inputs[0].op.inputs[0].op.inputs[ 0].op.inputs[0].op.inputs[0] print(last_spatial) # fl_weight = net_test.op.inputs[1].op.inputs[0].op.inputs[0].op.inputs[1] # fl_bias = net_test.op.inputs[1].op.inputs[0].op.inputs[1] # with tf.variable_scope("attention_psb"): # last_spatial = tf.nn.conv2d(last_spatial,tf.reshape(fl_weight,[1,1]+fl_weight.shape.as_list()),strides=[1]*4,padding="SAME", name="additional_psb") + fl_bias fraction = S("attention.fraction") img_shape = data[0].shape.as_list()[1:3] mask_shape = last_spatial.shape.as_list()[1:3] if S("attention.mode") != "neuron": if S("attention.spatial_mode") == "random": mask_np = 1.0 * (np.random.random([1] + mask_shape + [1]) < fraction) mask = tf.constant(mask_np, tf.float32) elif S("attention.spatial_mode") == "center": mask_np = np.zeros([1] + mask_shape + [1]) mask_np[0, 3, 3, 0] = 1 mask = tf.constant(mask_np, tf.float32) if S("attention.spatial_mode") == "max_activation": activation_per_pixel = tf.reduce_max(last_spatial, axis=-1, keepdims=True) image_max = tf.reduce_max(last_spatial, axis=[1, 2, 3], keepdims=True) mask = tf.cast(tf.equal(activation_per_pixel, image_max), tf.float32) elif S("attention.spatial_mode") == "mean_activation": activation_per_pixel = tf.reduce_mean(last_spatial, axis=-1, keepdims=True) image_mean = tf.reduce_mean(last_spatial, axis=[1, 2, 3], keepdims=True) mask = tf.cast(activation_per_pixel > image_mean * fraction, tf.float32) elif S("attention.spatial_mode") == "mean_entropy": pixelwise_ce = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy( last_spatial, last_spatial, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE) pixelwise_ce = tf.expand_dims(pixelwise_ce, axis=-1) mask = tf.cast( pixelwise_ce > tf.reduce_mean(pixelwise_ce, axis=[1, 2], keepdims=True) * fraction, tf.float32) elif S("attention.spatial_mode") == "max_entropy": pixelwise_ce = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy( last_spatial, last_spatial, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE) activation_per_pixel = pixelwise_ce image_max = tf.reduce_max(pixelwise_ce, axis=[1, 2], keepdims=True) pixelwise_ce = tf.expand_dims(pixelwise_ce, axis=-1) image_max = tf.expand_dims(image_max, axis=-1) mask = tf.cast(tf.equal(pixelwise_ce, image_max), tf.float32) if S("attention.spatial_surround") > 1: mask = tf.layers.max_pooling2d( mask, pool_size=S("attention.spatial_surround"), padding="same", strides=1) # top k patches # # k = 8 # k = 15 # # pixelwise_ce = tf.layers.average_pooling2d(pixelwise_ce,pool_size=3,padding="valid",strides=1) # tf.summary.image("mask",reduce_img(data[0]*mask_scaled+data[0]*(1-mask_scaled)*0.5)) # tf.summary.image("entropy",reduce_img(pixelwise_ce)) # ce_shape = pixelwise_ce.shape.as_list()[1:3] # pixelwise_ce = tf.layers.flatten(pixelwise_ce) # top_k_val, top_k_ind = tf.nn.top_k(pixelwise_ce,k) # mask = tf.reduce_sum([ # tf.one_hot(top_k_ind[:,i],depth=pixelwise_ce.shape.as_list()[-1]) # for i in range(k) # ], axis=0) # mask = tf.reshape(mask,[-1]+ce_shape+[1]) # plot mask mask_scaled = tf.image.resize_images( mask, img_shape, method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR) tf.summary.image( "mask", reduce_img(data[0] * mask_scaled + data[0] * (1 - mask_scaled) * 0.3)) # initialize mask-counter if S("attention.mode") == "spatial" or S( "attention.mode") == "spatial_old": mask_sum = tf.reduce_sum(mask) mask_total = tf.reduce_sum(mask * 0 + 1) elif S("attention.mode") == "channels": mask_sum = 0 mask_total = 0 # fold batch norms, replace weights, ... if S("util.tfl") == "tf_mod": print("manipulating original graph") fold_batch_norms.FoldBatchNorms(tf.get_default_graph(), is_training=False) if S("attention.mode") == "neuron": mask_sum = GLOBAL["m_sum"] mask_total = GLOBAL["m_total"] accuracy_test_masked, correct_prediction_test = make_accuracy( net_test, data) else: # reuse model (tf_resnet_official) with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=True): # for tf_resnet_official logits_masked = GLOBAL["keras_model"]( GLOBAL["keras_model_preprocess"](data[0])) net_test_masked = logits_masked # reuse model (keras) # logits_masked = GLOBAL["keras_model"](GLOBAL["keras_model_preprocess"](data[0])) # net_test_masked = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(logits_masked[:,0]*0,1),logits_masked],axis=-1) accuracy_test_masked, correct_prediction_test = make_accuracy( net_test_masked, data) # new settings transformation_template = S("attention.transform") if transformation_template == "psb": S("binom.sample_size", set=S("attention.sample_size")) S("util.variable.transformation", set=GLOBAL["transformation_templates"][transformation_template]) S("util.variable.transformation.template_name", set=transformation_template) # fold batch norms, replace weights, ... if S("util.tfl") == "tf_mod": print("manipulating attention graph") fold_batch_norms.FoldBatchNorms(tf.get_default_graph(), is_training=False) print("decide which graph to use per layer") from util.fold_batch_norms import _FindRestFilters, _CloneWithNewOperands graph = tf.get_default_graph() matches = _FindRestFilters(graph, False) print( "Replacing", len(matches), "Conv|Mul|DepthwiseConv2dNative-Filters (without a suceeding BatchNorm)" ) for match in matches: scope, sep, _ = match['layer_op'].name.rpartition('/') model_name = S("model.classification_models.model") + "/" if not scope.startswith(model_name): continue with graph.as_default(), graph.name_scope(scope + sep): with graph.name_scope(scope + sep + '_masked' + sep): weight = match['weight_tensor'] input_tensor = match['input_tensor'] if not len(input_tensor.shape.as_list()) == 4: continue kernel_size = weight.shape.as_list()[0] if not input_tensor_orig = input_tensor else: input_tensor_orig = graph.get_tensor_by_name([len(model_name):]) output_tensor = match['output_tensor'] output_tensor_orig = graph.get_tensor_by_name([len(model_name):]) img_shape_in = input_tensor.shape.as_list()[1:3] img_shape_out = output_tensor.shape.as_list()[1:3] # add mask to input (and redefine borders) if S("attention.mode") == "spatial_old": mask_scaled2 = tf.image.resize_images( mask, img_shape_in, method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR) new_input_tensor = input_tensor * mask_scaled2 + input_tensor_orig * ( 1 - mask_scaled2) new_layer_tensor = _CloneWithNewOperands( match['layer_op'], new_input_tensor, weight, False) elif S("attention.mode") == "spatial": mask_scaled2 = tf.image.resize_images( mask, img_shape_out, method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR) output_tensor_new = _CloneWithNewOperands( match['layer_op'], input_tensor, weight, False) # just for rerouting new_layer_tensor = output_tensor_new * mask_scaled2 + output_tensor_orig * ( 1 - mask_scaled2) elif S("attention.mode") == "channels": if not weight_p = GLOBAL["weights_p"][( "/".join("/")[0:-1]) + "/var/p_1:0").replace("kernel", "_psb")] else: weight_p = GLOBAL["weights_p"][ "/".join("/")[1:-1]) + "/var/p_1:0"] weight_p_mean = tf.reduce_mean(weight_p, axis=[0, 1, 2], keepdims=True) weight_p_mean_total = tf.reduce_mean(weight_p, keepdims=True) mask_channels = tf.cast( weight_p_mean > weight_p_mean_total, tf.float32) # mask_channels = tf.transpose(mask_channels,[2,0,1,3]) output_tensor_new = _CloneWithNewOperands( match['layer_op'], input_tensor, weight, False) # just for rerouting new_layer_tensor = output_tensor_new * mask_channels + output_tensor_orig * ( 1 - mask_channels) mask_sum += tf.reduce_sum(mask_channels) mask_total += tf.reduce_sum(0 * mask_channels + 1) # reroute tensor to output depending on sampling mode nodes_modified_count = common.RerouteTensor( new_layer_tensor, output_tensor) if kernel_size > 1: pass # tf.summary.image("mask",reduce_img(input_tensor*mask_scaled2)) # tf.summary.image("img_masked",reduce_img(new_input_tensor)) # tf.summary.image("input_tensor_all",[ # # tf.reduce_max((new_input_tensor[0]-input_tensor_orig[0])*mask_scaled2[0],axis=-1,keepdims=True), # # tf.reduce_max(input_tensor[0],axis=-1,keepdims=True), # tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(input_tensor[0]-input_tensor_orig[0]),axis=-1,keepdims=True), # tf.reduce_max(mask_scaled2[0],axis=-1,keepdims=True), # tf.reduce_max(input_tensor_orig[0],axis=-1,keepdims=True), # tf.reduce_max(input_tensor[0],axis=-1,keepdims=True), # tf.reduce_max(new_input_tensor[0],axis=-1,keepdims=True) # ], max_outputs=4) if nodes_modified_count == 0: raise ValueError( 'Folding batch norms failed, %s had no outputs.' % match['output_tensor'].name) # for new summaries hks.append( CustomSummarySaverHook( save_steps=1, # save_steps=1, summary_op=tf.summary.merge_all(), output_dir=S("log.dir") + "_test" # output_dir=S("log.dir") )) correct_prediction_test_mask = correct_prediction_test correct_prediction_test = local["correct_prediction_test"] accuracy_res = 0 mask_sum_np, mask_total_np = 0, 0 # steps = 0 i = 0 with tf.train.SingularMonitoredSession( scaffold=scaffold, hooks=hks, # list of all hooks checkpoint_dir=None if S("log.optimistic_restore") else S( "log.dir") # restores checkpoint ) as sess: print(80 * '#') print('#' + 34 * ' ' + ' TESTING ' + 35 * ' ' + '#') print(80 * '#') pbar = tqdm(total=test_size) while not sess.should_stop(): print("run", i) correct, mask_sum_np_c, mask_total_np_c = [correct_prediction_test_mask, mask_sum, mask_total]) mask_sum_np += mask_sum_np_c mask_total_np += mask_total_np_c i += correct.shape[0] pbar.update(correct.shape[0]) accuracy_current = np.sum(correct) accuracy_res += accuracy_current pbar.set_description( "∅-Acc %f, current Acc %f, mask-proportion %f" % ((accuracy_res / i), accuracy_current / correct.shape[0], mask_sum_np / mask_total_np if mask_total_np > 0 else "nothing masked")) # pbar.set_postfix("current Acc %f" % accuracy_current) # print("Total Accuracy:",accuracy_res / i, i) print("Total Proportion:", mask_sum_np / mask_total_np, mask_sum_np, mask_total_np) pbar.close() # for easier grepping using bash-scripts print_orig(mask_sum_np / mask_total_np) print_orig(accuracy_res / i)
def get_accuracy_for_batches(local): # get needed global variables hks, scaffold, test_size, net_test, data, print_orig, S, GLOBAL = local[ "hks"], local["scaffold"], local["test_size"], local[ "net_test"], local["data"], local["print_orig"], local["S"], local[ "GLOBAL"] def make_accuracy(net, data): with tf.name_scope('accuracy'): with tf.name_scope("output"): logits = tf.identity(net, name='logits') labels = tf.identity(data[1], name='labels') with tf.name_scope("metrics"): # accuracy with tf.name_scope('correct_prediction'): correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(net, 1), tf.cast(labels, tf.int64)) correct_prediction = tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(correct_prediction) tf.summary.scalar("accuracy", accuracy) return correct_prediction num_patches = GLOBAL["patches"] data = data[0], tf.split(data[1], num_patches)[0] # get network result without softmax with tf.name_scope("patches_collect"): avg_pool = net_test.op.inputs[1].op.inputs[0].op.inputs[0].op.inputs[ 0].op last_spatial = net_test.op.inputs[1].op.inputs[0].op.inputs[ 0].op.inputs[0].op.inputs[0] patches_concat = tf.concat(tf.split(last_spatial, num_patches), axis=2) patches_concat_test = tf.concat(tf.split(data[0], num_patches), axis=2) tf.summary.image("patches_concat_in", patches_concat_test) tf.summary.image("patches_concat_out", tf.reduce_max(patches_concat, axis=-1, keepdims=True)) avg_new = tf.reduce_mean(patches_concat, axis=[1, 2], name="avg_new") # avg_new = tf.reduce_max(patches_concat, axis=[1,2],name="avg_new") avg_new = tf.concat([avg_new] * num_patches, axis=0) nodes_modified_count = common.RerouteTensor(avg_new, avg_pool.outputs[0]) if nodes_modified_count == 0: raise ValueError('Replacing failed.') net_test = tf.split(net_test, num_patches)[0] correct_prediction_test = make_accuracy(net_test, data) accuracy_res = 0 # steps = 0 i = 0 # for new summaries hks.append( CustomSummarySaverHook( save_steps=1, # save_steps=1, summary_op=tf.summary.merge_all(), output_dir=S("log.dir") + "_test" # output_dir=S("log.dir") )) with tf.train.SingularMonitoredSession( scaffold=scaffold, hooks=hks, # list of all hooks checkpoint_dir=None if S("log.optimistic_restore") else S( "log.dir") # restores checkpoint ) as sess: print(80 * '#') print('#' + 34 * ' ' + ' TESTING ' + 35 * ' ' + '#') print(80 * '#') pbar = tqdm(total=test_size) while not sess.should_stop(): # print([1])) correct = i += correct.shape[0] pbar.update(correct.shape[0]) accuracy_current = np.sum(correct) accuracy_res += accuracy_current pbar.set_description( "∅-Acc %f, current Acc %f" % ((accuracy_res / i), accuracy_current / correct.shape[0])) # pbar.set_postfix("current Acc %f" % accuracy_current) print("Total Accuracy:", accuracy_res / i, i) pbar.close() # for easier grepping using bash-scripts print_orig(accuracy_res / i)
def save_preact_img_stats(local): # globals().update(local) data, S, loss_test, hks, scaffold = local["data"], local["S"], local[ "loss_test"], local["hks"], local["scaffold"] print("getting preactivations tensors") preact_tensors = [ o.inputs[0] for o in tf.get_default_graph().get_operations() if"Relu") ] # and tf.gradients(o.inputs[0],data[0])[0] is not None] # preact_tensors = [preact_tensors[0],preact_tensors[-1]] # print(preact_tensors) # print("getting gradients of these") # preact_tensors_grads = [tf.gradients(loss_test,o) for o in preact_tensors] print("initializing tensors") preact_mean = [ np.zeros([S("batches.size")] + o.shape.as_list()[1:]) for o in preact_tensors ] preact_var = [ np.zeros([S("batches.size")] + o.shape.as_list()[1:]) for o in preact_tensors ] APPROX_ERROR = True APPROX_ERROR_ABSOLUTE = False if APPROX_ERROR: print("loading activations of real network") with open( "preacts_" + (S("model.classification_models.model") if S("model.type") == "model.classification_models" else S("model.type")) + "_real.bin", "rb") as f: #img_np, preact_mean, preact_var, preact_grad = pickle.load(f) img_np_real, preact_mean_real, preact_var_real = pickle.load(f) # preact_mean_real = [preact_mean_real[0],preact_mean_real[-1]] # preact_var_real = [preact_var_real[0],preact_var_real[-1]] # get last spatial layer + entropy + mask print(preact_tensors[-1]) last_spatial = preact_tensors[-1] pixelwise_ce = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy( last_spatial, last_spatial, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE) pixelwise_ce = tf.expand_dims(pixelwise_ce, axis=-1) mask = tf.cast( pixelwise_ce > tf.reduce_mean(pixelwise_ce, axis=[1, 2], keepdims=True), tf.float32) print("ESTIMATING !!!!") with tf.train.SingularMonitoredSession( scaffold=scaffold, hooks=hks, # list of all hooks checkpoint_dir=None if S("log.optimistic_restore") else S( "log.dir") # restores checkpoint ) as sess: # loop_size = 1 # loop_size = 100 # loop_size = 4 is_real = S("util.variable.transformation" ) == GLOBAL["transformation_templates"]["real"] if is_real: APPROX_ERROR = False loop_size = 100 if not is_real else 1 # loop_size = 10 if not is_real else 1 # loop_size = 1 if not is_real else 1 image_np =[0]) entropy_np = mask_np = pbar = tqdm(total=loop_size) # estimate mean preacts_np = [Welford() for i in range(len(preact_tensors))] preact_mean, preact_var = [], [] for i in range(loop_size): preacts = for j, p in enumerate(preacts): if APPROX_ERROR: p_real = preact_mean_real[j] if APPROX_ERROR_ABSOLUTE: preacts_np[j](np.abs((p_real - p))) else: preacts_np[j](np.abs((p_real - p) / (p + 1e-7))) else: if np.isnan(p).any(): print(str(j) + "contains nan") preacts_np[j](p) pbar.update(1) for j, p in enumerate(preacts_np): if np.isnan(p.mean).any(): print(str(j) + "(mean) contains nan") preact_mean.append(p.mean) preact_var.append(p.var) typename = "real" if is_real else "binom" + str( S("binom.sample_size")) + "_sample" + str(loop_size) with open( "preacts_" + (S("model.classification_models.model") if S("model.type") == "model.classification_models" else S("model.type")) + "_" + typename + ".bin", "wb") as f: save_tensors = [ image_np, preact_mean, preact_var, entropy_np, mask_np ] #,preact_mean_grad] pickle.dump(save_tensors, f) pbar.close()