def increment_mccf(A, B, X, y, nu=0.125, l=0.01, boundary='constant'):
    Incremental Multi-Channel Correlation Filter (MCCF)
    # number of images; number of channels, height and width
    n, k, hx, wx = X.shape
    x_shape = (hx, wx)

    # height and width of desired responses
    _, hy, wy = y.shape
    y_shape = (hy, wy)

    # extended shape
    ext_h = hx + hy - 1
    ext_w = wx + wy - 1
    ext_shape = (ext_h, ext_w)
    # extended dimensionality
    ext_d = ext_h * ext_w

    # extend desired response
    ext_y = pad(y, ext_shape)
    # fft of extended desired response
    fft_ext_y = fft2(ext_y)

    # auto and cross spectral energy matrices
    sXX = 0
    sXY = 0
    # for each training image and desired response
    for x in X:
        # extend image
        ext_x = pad(x, ext_shape, boundary=boundary)
        # fft of extended image
        fft_ext_x = fft2(ext_x)

        # store extended image fft as sparse diagonal matrix
        diag_fft_x = spdiags(fft_ext_x.reshape((k, -1)),
                             -np.arange(0, k) * ext_d, ext_d * k, ext_d).T
        # vectorize extended desired response fft
        diag_fft_y = fft_ext_y.ravel()

        # update auto and cross spectral energy matrices
        sXX += diag_fft_x.conj()
        sXY += diag_fft_x.conj()

    # combine old and new auto and cross spectral energy matrices
    sXY = (1 - nu) * A + nu * sXY
    sXX = (1 - nu) * B + nu * sXX
    # solve ext_d independent k x k linear systems (with regularization)
    # to obtain desired extended multi-channel correlation filter
    fft_ext_f = spsolve(sXX + l * speye(sXX.shape[-1]), sXY)
    # reshape extended filter to extended image shape
    fft_ext_f = fft_ext_f.reshape((k, ext_h, ext_w))

    # compute filter inverse fft
    ext_f = np.real(ifftshift(ifft2(fft_ext_f), axes=(-2, -1)))
    # crop extended filter to match desired response shape
    f = crop(ext_f, y_shape)

    return f, sXY, sXX
Exemplo n.º 2
def learn_kcf(x, y, kernel_correlation=gaussian_correlation, l=0.01,
              boundary='constant', **kwargs):
    Kernelized Correlation Filter (KCF).

    x : ``(channels, height, width)`` `ndarray`
        Template image.
    y : ``(1, height, width)`` `ndarray`
        Desired response.
    kernel_correlation: `callable`, optional
        Callable implementing a particular type of kernel correlation i.e.
        gaussian, polynomial or linear.
    l: `float`, optional
        Regularization parameter.
    boundary: str {`constant`, `symmetric`}, optional
        Determines how the image is padded.

    alpha: ``(channels, height, width)`` `ndarray`
        Kernelized Correlation Filter (KFC) associated to the template image.

    .. [1] J. F. Henriques, R. Caseiro, P. Martins, J. Batista. "High-Speed
    Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters". TPAMI, 2015.
    # extended shape
    x_shape = np.asarray(x.shape[-2:])
    y_shape = np.asarray(y.shape[-2:])
    ext_shape = x_shape + y_shape - 1
    # extend desired response
    ext_x = pad(x, ext_shape, boundary=boundary)
    ext_y = pad(y, ext_shape)
    # ffts of extended auto kernel correlation and extended desired response
    fft_ext_kxx = fft2(kernel_correlation(ext_x, ext_x, **kwargs))
    fft_ext_y = fft2(ext_y)
    # extended kernelized correlation filter
    ext_alpha = np.real(ifftshift(ifft2(fft_ext_y / (fft_ext_kxx + l)),
                                  axes=(-2, -1)))
    return crop(ext_alpha, y_shape), crop(x, y_shape)
def increment_mosse(A, B, X, y, nu=0.5, l=0.01, boundary='constant'):
    Incremental Minimum Output Sum od Squared Errors (iMOSSE) filter
    # number of images, number of channels, height and width
    n, k, hx, wx = X.shape
    x_shape = (hx, wx)

    # height and width of desired responses
    _, hy, wy = y.shape
    y_shape = (hy, wy)

    # extended shape
    ext_h = hx + hy - 1
    ext_w = wx + wy - 1
    ext_shape = (ext_h, ext_w)

    # extend desired response
    ext_y = pad(y, ext_shape)
    # fft of extended desired response
    fft_ext_y = fft2(ext_y)

    # auto and cross spectral energy matrices
    sXX = 0
    sXY = 0
    # for each training image and desired response
    for x in X:
        # extend image
        ext_x = pad(x, ext_shape, boundary=boundary)
        # fft of extended image
        fft_ext_x = fft2(ext_x)

        # update auto and cross spectral energy matrices
        sXX += fft_ext_x.conj() * fft_ext_x
        sXY += fft_ext_x.conj() * fft_ext_y

    # combine old and new auto and cross spectral energy matrices
    sXY = (1 - nu) * A + nu * sXY
    sXX = (1 - nu) * B + nu * sXX
    # compute desired correlation filter
    fft_ext_f = sXY / (sXX + l)
    # reshape extended filter to extended image shape
    fft_ext_f = fft_ext_f.reshape((k, ext_h, ext_w))

    # compute filter inverse fft
    ext_f = np.real(ifftshift(ifft2(fft_ext_f), axes=(-2, -1)))
    # crop extended filter to match desired response shape
    f = crop(ext_f, y_shape)

    return f, sXY, sXX
def learn_mosse(X, y, l=0.01, boundary='constant'):
    Minimum Output Sum od Squared Errors (MOSSE) filter.

    X : ``(n_images, n_channels, height, width)`` `ndarray`
        Training images.
    y : ``(1, height, width)`` `ndarray`
        Desired response.
    l: `float`, optional
        Regularization parameter.
    boundary: str {`constant`, `symmetric`}, optional
        Determines how the image is padded.

    mosse: ``(1, height, width)`` `ndarray`
        Minimum Output Sum od Squared Errors (MOSSE) filter associated to
        the training images.

    .. [1] David S. Bolme, J. Ross Beveridge,  Bruce A. Draper and Yui Man Lui.
    "High-Speed Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters". CVPR, 2010.
    # number of images, number of channels, height and width
    n, k, hx, wx = X.shape

    # height and width of desired responses
    _, hy, wy = y.shape
    y_shape = (hy, wy)

    # extended shape
    ext_h = hx + hy - 1
    ext_w = wx + wy - 1
    ext_shape = (ext_h, ext_w)

    # extend desired response
    ext_y = pad(y, ext_shape)
    # fft of extended desired response
    fft_ext_y = fft2(ext_y)

    # auto and cross spectral energy matrices
    sXX = 0
    sXY = 0
    # for each training image and desired response
    for x in X:
        # extend image
        ext_x = pad(x, ext_shape, boundary=boundary)
        # fft of extended image
        fft_ext_x = fft2(ext_x)

        # update auto and cross spectral energy matrices
        sXX += fft_ext_x.conj() * fft_ext_x
        sXY += fft_ext_x.conj() * fft_ext_y

    # compute desired correlation filter
    fft_ext_f = sXY / (sXX + l)
    # reshape extended filter to extended image shape
    fft_ext_f = fft_ext_f.reshape((k, ext_h, ext_w))

    # compute filter inverse fft
    ext_f = np.real(ifftshift(ifft2(fft_ext_f), axes=(-2, -1)))
    # crop extended filter to match desired response shape
    f = crop(ext_f, y_shape)

    return f, sXY, sXX
def learn_mccf(X, y, l=0.01, boundary='constant'):
    Multi-Channel Correlation Filter (MCCF).

    X : ``(n_images, n_channels, height, width)`` `ndarray`
        Training images.
    y : ``(1, height, width)`` `ndarray`
        Desired response.
    l: `float`, optional
        Regularization parameter.
    boundary: str {`constant`, `symmetric`}, optional
        Determines how the image is padded.

    mccf: ``(1, height, width)`` `ndarray`
        Multi-Channel Correlation Filter (MCCF) filter associated to the
        training images.

    .. [1] Hamed Kiani Galoogahi, Terence Sim,  Simon Lucey. "Multi-Channel
    Correlation Filters". ICCV, 2013.
    # number of images; number of channels, height and width
    n, k, hx, wx = X.shape

    # height and width of desired responses
    _, hy, wy = y.shape
    y_shape = (hy, wy)

    # extended shape
    ext_h = hx + hy - 1
    ext_w = wx + wy - 1
    ext_shape = (ext_h, ext_w)
    # extended dimensionality
    ext_d = ext_h * ext_w

    # extend desired response
    ext_y = pad(y, ext_shape)
    # fft of extended desired response
    fft_ext_y = fft2(ext_y)

    # auto and cross spectral energy matrices
    sXX = 0
    sXY = 0
    # for each training image and desired response
    for x in X:
        # extend image
        ext_x = pad(x, ext_shape, boundary=boundary)
        # fft of extended image
        fft_ext_x = fft2(ext_x)

        # store extended image fft as sparse diagonal matrix
        diag_fft_x = spdiags(fft_ext_x.reshape((k, -1)),
                             -np.arange(0, k) * ext_d, ext_d * k, ext_d).T
        # vectorize extended desired response fft
        diag_fft_y = fft_ext_y.ravel()

        # update auto and cross spectral energy matrices
        sXX += diag_fft_x.conj()
        sXY += diag_fft_x.conj()

    # solve ext_d independent k x k linear systems (with regularization)
    # to obtain desired extended multi-channel correlation filter
    fft_ext_f = spsolve(sXX + l * speye(sXX.shape[-1]), sXY)
    # reshape extended filter to extended image shape
    fft_ext_f = fft_ext_f.reshape((k, ext_h, ext_w))

    # compute filter inverse fft
    ext_f = np.real(ifftshift(ifft2(fft_ext_f), axes=(-2, -1)))
    # crop extended filter to match desired response shape
    f = crop(ext_f, y_shape)

    return f, sXY, sXX