Exemplo n.º 1
    def list_verbose(self):
        """list available templates and their help text
        textwrapper = TextWrapper(
            initial_indent="   ", subsequent_indent="   ")
        cats = list_sorted_templates(scope=self.allowed_packages)
        if cats:
            for title, items in cats.items():
                print "\n"+ title
                print "-" * len(title)
                # Hard-coded for now, since 'add' is the only one
                if title == 'Local Commands':
                    print '\nadd: Allows the addition of further templates'\
                          ' from the following list'
                    print '     to an existing package\n'
                    print '\nLocal Templates'
                    print '-----------------'
                for temp in items:
                    print "\n%s: %s\n" % (temp['name'], temp['summary'])
                    if temp['help']:
                        wrap_help_paras(textwrapper, temp['help'])
            print self.texts['not_here_warning']

        return 0
Exemplo n.º 2
def list_verbose():
    """List templates verbosely, with full help."""
    textwrapper = TextWrapper(
            initial_indent="   ", subsequent_indent="   ")
    cats = list_sorted_templates()

    for title, items in cats.items():
        print "\n"+ title
        print "-" * len(title)
        for temp in items:
            print "\n%s: %s\n" % (temp['name'], temp['summary'])
            if temp['help']:
                wrap_help_paras(textwrapper, temp['help'])
Exemplo n.º 3
    def list_verbose(self):
        """list available templates and their help text

        method must exit by raising error or calling sys.exit
        textwrapper = TextWrapper(initial_indent="   ", subsequent_indent="   ")
        cats = list_sorted_templates()

        for title, items in cats.items():
            print "\n" + title
            print "-" * len(title)
            for temp in items:
                print "\n%s: %s\n" % (temp["name"], temp["summary"])
                if temp["help"]:
                    wrap_help_paras(textwrapper, temp["help"])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def list_verbose(self):
        """list available templates and their help text

        method must exit by raising error or calling sys.exit
        textwrapper = TextWrapper(
            initial_indent="   ", subsequent_indent="   ")
        cats = list_sorted_templates()

        for title, items in cats.items():
            print "\n"+ title
            print "-" * len(title)
            for temp in items:
                print "\n%s: %s\n" % (temp['name'], temp['summary'])
                if temp['help']:
                    wrap_help_paras(textwrapper, temp['help'])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def check_vars(self, vars, cmd):
        Override of templer.core.base.BaseTemplate.check_vars

        Add the possibility to specify if a variable will
          be questioned in the commande prompt or not
            class MyTemplate(AffiniticTemplate):
                vars = copy.deepcopy(BasicNamespace.vars)
                get_var(vars, 'version').questionable = False
        if not hasattr(cmd, '_deleted_once'):
            del vars['package']
            cmd._deleted_once = True

        # if we need to notify users of anything before they start this
        # whole process, we can do it here.

        # Copied and modified from PasteScript's check_vars--
        # the method there wasn't hookable for the things
        # we need -- question posing, validation, etc.
        # Admittedly, this could be merged into PasteScript,
        # but it was decided it was easier to limit scope of
        # these changes to ZopeSkel, as other projects may
        # use PasteScript in very different ways.

        cmd._deleted_once = 1      # don't re-del package

        textwrapper = TextWrapper(
            initial_indent="|  ",
            subsequent_indent="|  ",

        # now, mostly copied direct from paster
        expect_vars = self.read_vars(cmd)
        if not expect_vars:
            # Assume that variables aren't defined
            return vars
        converted_vars = {}
        errors = []

        config = get_zopeskel_prefs()
        # pastescript allows one to request more than one template (multiple
        # -t options at the command line) so we will get a list of templates
        # from the cmd's options property
        requested_templates = cmd.options.templates
        for var in expect_vars:
            for template in requested_templates:
                if config.has_option(template, var.name):
                    var.default = config.get(template, var.name)
                # Not found in template section, now look explicitly
                # in DEFAULT section
                if config.has_option('DEFAULT', var.name):
                    var.default = config.get('DEFAULT', var.name)

        self.override_package_names_defaults(vars, expect_vars)
        unused_vars = vars.copy()

        for var in expect_vars:
            response = self.null_value_marker
            if var.name not in unused_vars:
                if cmd.interactive \
                   and (not hasattr(var, 'questionable')
                        or var.questionable == True):
                    prompt = var.pretty_description()
                    while response is self.null_value_marker:
                        response = cmd.challenge(prompt, var.default,
                        if response == '?':
                            help = var.further_help().strip() % converted_vars
                            wrap_help_paras(textwrapper, help)
                            response = self.null_value_marker

                        if hasattr(var, 'required') \
                           and var.required == True \
                           and response.strip() == '':
                            print "You must answer to this question!"
                            response = self.null_value_marker

                        if response is not self.null_value_marker:
                                response = var.validate(response)
                            except ValidationException, e:
                                print e
                                response = self.null_value_marker
                elif var.default is NoDefault:
                    errors.append('Required variable missing: %s'
                                  % var.full_description())
                    response = var.validate(var.default)
                response = var.validate(unused_vars.pop(var.name))

            converted_vars[var.name] = response
            # if a variable has structures associated, we will insert them
            # in the template required_structures property at this time, let's
            # test first to see if we need to do anything.
            if var._is_structural:
                self._set_structure_from_var(var, str(response))

            # filter the vars for mode.
            if var.name == 'expert_mode':
                expert_mode = converted_vars['expert_mode']
                hidden = self._filter_for_modes(expert_mode, expect_vars)

            self.process_dependents_vars(vars, var, response, expect_vars)