Exemplo n.º 1
 def when_multiple_values():
     """When input data contains multiple values."""
     bucket_width = range_ / tf.cast(bucket_count, tf.float64)
     offsets = data - min_
     bucket_indices = tf.cast(tf.floor(offsets / bucket_width),
     clamped_indices = tf.minimum(bucket_indices, bucket_count - 1)
     # Use float64 instead of float32 to avoid accumulating floating point error
     # later in tf.reduce_sum when summing more than 2^24 individual `1.0` values.
     # See https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/51419 for details.
     one_hots = tf.one_hot(clamped_indices,
     bucket_counts = tf.cast(
         tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=one_hots, axis=0),
     edges = tf.linspace(min_, max_, bucket_count + 1)
     # Ensure edges[-1] == max_, which TF's linspace implementation does not
     # do, leaving it subject to the whim of floating point rounding error.
     edges = tf.concat([edges[:-1], [max_]], 0)
     left_edges = edges[:-1]
     right_edges = edges[1:]
     return tf.transpose(
         a=tf.stack([left_edges, right_edges, bucket_counts]))
Exemplo n.º 2
def histogram_continuous(name,
    """histogram for continuous data .

        name (str): name for this summary
        data (Tensor): A `Tensor` of any shape.
        bucket_min (float|None): represent bucket min value,
            if None value of tf.reduce_min(data) will be used
        bucket_max (float|None): represent bucket max value,
            if None value tf.reduce_max(data) will be used
        bucket_count (int):  positive `int`. The output will have this many buckets.
        step (None|tf.Variable):  step value for this summary. this defaults to
        description (str): Optional long-form description for this summary
    summary_metadata = metadata.create_summary_metadata(
        display_name=None, description=description)
    summary_scope = (getattr(tf.summary.experimental, 'summary_scope', None)
                     or tf.summary.summary_scope)
    with summary_scope(
            values=[data, bucket_min, bucket_max, bucket_count,
                    step]) as (tag, _):
        with tf.name_scope('buckets'):
            data = tf.cast(tf.reshape(data, shape=[-1]), tf.float64)
            if bucket_min is None:
                bucket_min = tf.reduce_min(data)
            if bucket_max is None:
                bucket_max = tf.reduce_min(data)
            range_ = bucket_max - bucket_min
            bucket_width = range_ / tf.cast(bucket_count, tf.float64)
            offsets = data - bucket_min
            bucket_indices = tf.cast(tf.floor(offsets / bucket_width),
            clamped_indices = tf.clip_by_value(bucket_indices, 0,
                                               bucket_count - 1)
            one_hots = tf.one_hot(clamped_indices, depth=bucket_count)
            bucket_counts = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=one_hots,
            edges = tf.linspace(bucket_min, bucket_max, bucket_count + 1)
            edges = tf.concat([edges[:-1], [bucket_max]], 0)
            edges = tf.cast(edges, tf.float64)
            left_edges = edges[:-1]
            right_edges = edges[1:]
            tensor = tf.transpose(
                a=tf.stack([left_edges, right_edges, bucket_counts]))
        return tf.summary.write(tag=tag,
Exemplo n.º 3
def scalar(name, data, step=None, description=None):
  """Write a scalar summary.

    name: A name for this summary. The summary tag used for TensorBoard will
      be this name prefixed by any active name scopes.
    data: A real numeric scalar value, convertible to a `float32` Tensor.
    step: Explicit `int64`-castable monotonic step value for this summary. If
      omitted, this defaults to `tf.summary.experimental.get_step()`, which must
      not be None.
    description: Optional long-form description for this summary, as a
      constant `str`. Markdown is supported. Defaults to empty.

    True on success, or false if no summary was written because no default
    summary writer was available.

    ValueError: if a default writer exists, but no step was provided and
      `tf.summary.experimental.get_step()` is None.
  summary_metadata = metadata.create_summary_metadata(
      display_name=None, description=description)
  with tf.summary.summary_scope(
      name, 'scalar_summary', values=[data, step]) as (tag, _):
    return tf.summary.write(tag=tag,
                            tensor=tf.cast(data, tf.float32),
Exemplo n.º 4
def _buckets(data, bucket_count=None):
    """Create a TensorFlow op to group data into histogram buckets.

    data: A `Tensor` of any shape. Must be castable to `float64`.
    bucket_count: Optional positive `int` or scalar `int32` `Tensor`.
    A `Tensor` of shape `[k, 3]` and type `float64`. The `i`th row is
    a triple `[left_edge, right_edge, count]` for a single bucket.
    The value of `k` is either `bucket_count` or `1` or `0`.
    if bucket_count is None:
        bucket_count = DEFAULT_BUCKET_COUNT
    with tf.name_scope('buckets'):
        tf.debugging.assert_type(bucket_count, tf.int32)
        data = tf.reshape(data, shape=[-1])  # flatten
        data = tf.cast(data, tf.float64)
        is_empty = tf.equal(tf.size(input=data), 0)

        def when_empty():
            return tf.constant([], shape=(0, 3), dtype=tf.float64)

        def when_nonempty():
            min_ = tf.reduce_min(input_tensor=data)
            max_ = tf.reduce_max(input_tensor=data)
            range_ = max_ - min_
            is_singular = tf.equal(range_, 0)

            def when_nonsingular():
                bucket_width = range_ / tf.cast(bucket_count, tf.float64)
                offsets = data - min_
                bucket_indices = tf.cast(tf.floor(offsets / bucket_width),
                clamped_indices = tf.minimum(bucket_indices, bucket_count - 1)
                one_hots = tf.one_hot(clamped_indices, depth=bucket_count)
                bucket_counts = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=one_hots,
                edges = tf.linspace(min_, max_, bucket_count + 1)
                # Ensure edges[-1] == max_, which TF's linspace implementation does not
                # do, leaving it subject to the whim of floating point rounding error.
                edges = tf.concat([edges[:-1], [max_]], 0)
                left_edges = edges[:-1]
                right_edges = edges[1:]
                return tf.transpose(
                    a=tf.stack([left_edges, right_edges, bucket_counts]))

            def when_singular():
                center = min_
                bucket_starts = tf.stack([center - 0.5])
                bucket_ends = tf.stack([center + 0.5])
                bucket_counts = tf.stack(
                    [tf.cast(tf.size(input=data), tf.float64)])
                return tf.transpose(
                    a=tf.stack([bucket_starts, bucket_ends, bucket_counts]))

            return tf.cond(is_singular, when_singular, when_nonsingular)

        return tf.cond(is_empty, when_empty, when_nonempty)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def when_singular():
   center = min_
   bucket_starts = tf.stack([center - 0.5])
   bucket_ends = tf.stack([center + 0.5])
   bucket_counts = tf.stack([tf.cast(tf.size(input=data), tf.float64)])
   return tf.transpose(
       a=tf.stack([bucket_starts, bucket_ends, bucket_counts]))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def when_nonsingular():
   bucket_width = range_ / tf.cast(bucket_count, tf.float64)
   offsets = data - min_
   bucket_indices = tf.cast(tf.floor(offsets / bucket_width),
   clamped_indices = tf.minimum(bucket_indices, bucket_count - 1)
   one_hots = tf.one_hot(clamped_indices, depth=bucket_count)
   bucket_counts = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=one_hots, axis=0),
   edges = tf.linspace(min_, max_, bucket_count + 1)
   # Ensure edges[-1] == max_, which TF's linspace implementation does not
   # do, leaving it subject to the whim of floating point rounding error.
   edges = tf.concat([edges[:-1], [max_]], 0)
   left_edges = edges[:-1]
   right_edges = edges[1:]
   return tf.transpose(a=tf.stack(
       [left_edges, right_edges, bucket_counts]))
Exemplo n.º 7
def histogram_discrete(name,
    """histogram for discrete data.

        name (str): name for this summary
        data (Tensor): A `Tensor` integers of any shape.
        bucket_min (int): represent bucket min value
        bucket_max (int): represent bucket max value
            bucket count is calculate as `bucket_max - bucket_min + 1`
            and output will have this many buckets.
        step (None|tf.Variable):  step value for this summary. this defaults to
        description (str): Optional long-form description for this summary
    summary_metadata = metadata.create_summary_metadata(
        display_name=None, description=description)
    summary_scope = (getattr(tf.summary.experimental, 'summary_scope', None)
                     or tf.summary.summary_scope)
    with summary_scope(name,
                       values=[data, bucket_min, bucket_max,
                               step]) as (tag, _):
        with tf.name_scope('buckets'):
            bucket_count = bucket_max - bucket_min + 1
            data = data - bucket_min
            one_hots = tf.one_hot(tf.reshape(data, shape=[-1]),
            bucket_counts = tf.cast(
                tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=one_hots, axis=0), tf.float64)
            edge = tf.cast(tf.range(bucket_count), tf.float64)
            # histogram can not draw when left_edge == right_edge
            left_edge = edge - 1e-12
            right_edge = edge + 1e-12
            tensor = tf.transpose(
                a=tf.stack([left_edge, right_edge, bucket_counts]))

        return tf.summary.write(tag=tag,
Exemplo n.º 8
 def when_single_value():
     """When input data contains a single unique value."""
     # Left and right edges are the same for single value input.
     edges = tf.fill([bucket_count], max_)
     # Bucket counts are 0 except the last bucket (if bucket_count > 0),
     # which is `data_size`. Ensure that the resulting counts vector has
     # length `bucket_count` always, including the bucket_count==0 case.
     zeroes = tf.fill([bucket_count], 0)
     bucket_counts = tf.cast(
         tf.concat([zeroes[:-1], [data_size]], 0)[:bucket_count],
     return tf.transpose(a=tf.stack([edges, edges, bucket_counts]))
Exemplo n.º 9
def scalar(name, data, step, description=None):
    """Write a scalar summary.

    name: A name for this summary. The summary tag used for TensorBoard will
      be this name prefixed by any active name scopes.
    data: A real numeric scalar value, convertible to a `float32` Tensor.
    step: Required `int64`-castable monotonic step value.
    description: Optional long-form description for this summary, as a
      constant `str`. Markdown is supported. Defaults to empty.

    True on success, or false if no summary was written because no default
    summary writer was available.
    summary_metadata = metadata.create_summary_metadata(
        display_name=None, description=description)
    with tf.summary.summary_scope(name, 'scalar_summary',
                                  values=[data, step]) as (tag, _):
        return tf.summary.write(tag=tag,
                                tensor=tf.cast(data, tf.float32),
Exemplo n.º 10
def _buckets(data, bucket_count=None):
    """Create a TensorFlow op to group data into histogram buckets.

      data: A `Tensor` of any shape. Must be castable to `float64`.
      bucket_count: Optional non-negative `int` or scalar `int32` `Tensor`,
        defaults to 30.
      A `Tensor` of shape `[k, 3]` and type `float64`. The `i`th row is
      a triple `[left_edge, right_edge, count]` for a single bucket.
      The value of `k` is either `bucket_count` or `0` (when input data
      is empty).
    if bucket_count is None:
        bucket_count = DEFAULT_BUCKET_COUNT
    with tf.name_scope("buckets"):
        tf.debugging.assert_type(bucket_count, tf.int32)
        # Treat a negative bucket count as zero.
        bucket_count = tf.math.maximum(0, bucket_count)
        data = tf.reshape(data, shape=[-1])  # flatten
        data = tf.cast(data, tf.float64)
        data_size = tf.size(input=data)
        is_empty = tf.logical_or(tf.equal(data_size, 0),
                                 tf.less_equal(bucket_count, 0))

        def when_empty():
            """When input data is empty or bucket_count is zero.

            1. If bucket_count is specified as zero, an empty tensor of shape
              (0, 3) will be returned.
            2. If the input data is empty, a tensor of shape (bucket_count, 3)
              of all zero values will be returned.
            return tf.zeros((bucket_count, 3), dtype=tf.float64)

        def when_nonempty():
            min_ = tf.reduce_min(input_tensor=data)
            max_ = tf.reduce_max(input_tensor=data)
            range_ = max_ - min_
            has_single_value = tf.equal(range_, 0)

            def when_multiple_values():
                """When input data contains multiple values."""
                bucket_width = range_ / tf.cast(bucket_count, tf.float64)
                offsets = data - min_
                bucket_indices = tf.cast(tf.floor(offsets / bucket_width),
                clamped_indices = tf.minimum(bucket_indices, bucket_count - 1)
                # Use float64 instead of float32 to avoid accumulating floating point error
                # later in tf.reduce_sum when summing more than 2^24 individual `1.0` values.
                # See https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/51419 for details.
                one_hots = tf.one_hot(clamped_indices,
                bucket_counts = tf.cast(
                    tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=one_hots, axis=0),
                edges = tf.linspace(min_, max_, bucket_count + 1)
                # Ensure edges[-1] == max_, which TF's linspace implementation does not
                # do, leaving it subject to the whim of floating point rounding error.
                edges = tf.concat([edges[:-1], [max_]], 0)
                left_edges = edges[:-1]
                right_edges = edges[1:]
                return tf.transpose(
                    a=tf.stack([left_edges, right_edges, bucket_counts]))

            def when_single_value():
                """When input data contains a single unique value."""
                # Left and right edges are the same for single value input.
                edges = tf.fill([bucket_count], max_)
                # Bucket counts are 0 except the last bucket (if bucket_count > 0),
                # which is `data_size`. Ensure that the resulting counts vector has
                # length `bucket_count` always, including the bucket_count==0 case.
                zeroes = tf.fill([bucket_count], 0)
                bucket_counts = tf.cast(
                    tf.concat([zeroes[:-1], [data_size]], 0)[:bucket_count],
                return tf.transpose(a=tf.stack([edges, edges, bucket_counts]))

            return tf.cond(has_single_value, when_single_value,

        return tf.cond(is_empty, when_empty, when_nonempty)
Exemplo n.º 11
def scalar(name, data, step=None, description=None):
    """Write a scalar summary.

    See also `tf.summary.image`, `tf.summary.histogram`, `tf.summary.SummaryWriter`.

    Writes simple numeric values for later analysis in TensorBoard.  Writes go to
    the current default summary writer. Each summary point is associated with an
    integral `step` value. This enables the incremental logging of time series
    data.  A common usage of this API is to log loss during training to produce
    a loss curve.

    For example:

    test_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer('test/logdir')
    with test_summary_writer.as_default():
        tf.summary.scalar('loss', 0.345, step=1)
        tf.summary.scalar('loss', 0.234, step=2)
        tf.summary.scalar('loss', 0.123, step=3)

    Multiple independent time series may be logged by giving each series a unique
    `name` value.

    See [Get started with TensorBoard](https://www.tensorflow.org/tensorboard/get_started)
    for more examples of effective usage of `tf.summary.scalar`.

    In general, this API expects that data points are logged iwth a monotonically
    increasing step value. Duplicate points for a single step or points logged out
    of order by step are not guaranteed to display as desired in TensorBoard.

      name: A name for this summary. The summary tag used for TensorBoard will
        be this name prefixed by any active name scopes.
      data: A real numeric scalar value, convertible to a `float32` Tensor.
      step: Explicit `int64`-castable monotonic step value for this summary. If
        omitted, this defaults to `tf.summary.experimental.get_step()`, which must
        not be None.
      description: Optional long-form description for this summary, as a
        constant `str`. Markdown is supported. Defaults to empty.

      True on success, or false if no summary was written because no default
      summary writer was available.

      ValueError: if a default writer exists, but no step was provided and
        `tf.summary.experimental.get_step()` is None.
    summary_metadata = metadata.create_summary_metadata(
        display_name=None, description=description)
    # TODO(https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard/issues/2109): remove fallback
    summary_scope = (getattr(tf.summary.experimental, "summary_scope", None)
                     or tf.summary.summary_scope)
    with summary_scope(name, "scalar_summary", values=[data,
                                                       step]) as (tag, _):
        return tf.summary.write(
            tensor=tf.cast(data, tf.float32),