Exemplo n.º 1
def augmentate(image, for_classify=False):
    if not for_classify:
        return tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)

    threshold = tf.constant(0.1)

    r = tf.random.uniform([], 0.0, 1.0)
    image = tf.cond(greater(threshold,
                            r), lambda: tf.image.flip_left_right(image),
                    lambda: tf.identity(image))

    r = tf.random.uniform([], 0.0, 1.0)
    image = tf.cond(
        greater(threshold, r),
        lambda: tf.contrib.image.rotate(image, (r - 0.05) * 3.14 * 900 / 180),
        lambda: tf.identity(image))

    def crop_with_resize(image):
        image = tf.image.random_crop(image, [128, 128, 3])
        return tf.image.resize_images(image, [160, 160],

    def crop_with_pad(image):
        image = tf.image.random_crop(image, [128, 128, 3])
        return tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image, 160, 160)

    r = tf.random.uniform([], 0.0, 1.0)
    image = tf.cond(
        tf.logical_and(greater(threshold, r), greater(r, threshold / 2)),
        lambda: crop_with_resize(image), lambda: tf.identity(image))
    image = tf.cond(greater(threshold / 2, r), lambda: crop_with_pad(image),
                    lambda: tf.identity(image))

    r = tf.random.uniform([], 0.0, 1.0)
    image = tf.cond(greater(threshold / 4,
                            r), lambda: tf.image.random_brightness(image, 0.4),
                    lambda: tf.identity(image))

    r = tf.random.uniform([], 0.0, 1.0)
    image = tf.cond(greater(threshold / 4, r),
                    lambda: tf.image.random_contrast(image, 0.5, 1.8),
                    lambda: tf.identity(image))

    r = tf.random.uniform([], 0.0, 1.0)
    image = tf.cond(greater(threshold / 4,
                            r), lambda: tf.image.random_hue(image, 0.1),
                    lambda: tf.identity(image))

    r = tf.random.uniform([], 0.0, 1.0)
    image = tf.cond(greater(threshold / 4, r),
                    lambda: tf.image.random_saturation(image, 0.8, 1.1),
                    lambda: tf.identity(image))

    return image
def adaptive_wing_loss(labels, output):
    alpha = 2.1
    omega = 14
    epsilon = 1
    theta = 0.5
    with tf.name_scope('adaptive_wing_loss'):
        x = output - labels
        theta_over_epsilon_tensor = tf.fill(tf.shape(labels), theta/epsilon)
        A = omega*(1/(1+pow(theta_over_epsilon_tensor, alpha-labels)))*(alpha-labels)*pow(theta_over_epsilon_tensor, alpha-labels-1)*(1/epsilon)
        C = theta*A-omega*log(1+pow(theta_over_epsilon_tensor, alpha-labels))
        absolute_x = abs(x)
        losses = tf.where(greater(theta, absolute_x), omega*log(1+pow(absolute_x/epsilon, alpha-labels)), A*absolute_x-C)
        loss = reduce_mean(reduce_sum(losses, axis=[1, 2]), axis=0)
        return loss
Exemplo n.º 3
        def body(i, extras, n_set, current_val, seg):
            def case1(i, extras, n_set, current_val: tf.Tensor, seg):
                # current_val += 0
                extras -= 1
                n_set += 1
                seg = tf.sparse.add(
                    tf.SparseTensor(indices=[[0, i]],
                                    dense_shape=[1, n]))
                return extras, n_set, current_val, seg

            def case2(i, extras, n_set, current_val, seg):
                current_val += 1
                n_set -= n_set
                n_set += 1
                seg = tf.sparse.add(
                    tf.SparseTensor(indices=[[0, i]],
                                    dense_shape=[1, n]))
                return extras, n_set, current_val, seg

            def case3(i, extras, n_set, current_val, seg):
                # current_val += 0
                n_set += 1
                seg = tf.sparse.add(
                    tf.SparseTensor(indices=[[0, i]],
                                    dense_shape=[1, n]))
                return extras, n_set, current_val, seg

            extras, n_set, current_val, seg = tf.cond(
                logical_and(greater(extras, 0), equal(n_set, y)),
                lambda: case1(i, extras, n_set, current_val, seg),
                lambda: tf.cond(
                    greater_equal(n_set, y), lambda: case2(
                        i, extras, n_set, current_val, seg), lambda: case3(
                            i, extras, n_set, current_val, seg)))
            return b(i), extras, n_set, current_val, seg
Exemplo n.º 4
    def decode_and_preprocess_func(file, label=None):
        image = tf.image.decode_and_crop_jpeg(file, [29, 9, 160, 160])
        #image = tf.image.resize_images(image, [128, 128], tf.image.ResizeMethod.BICUBIC)
        if augmentation:
            image = augmentate(image, for_classify)

        image.set_shape((160, 160, 3))
        image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32)

        if augmentation and for_classify:
            r = tf.random.uniform([], 0.0, 1.0)
            image = tf.cond(greater(tf.constant(0.1), r),
                            lambda: tf.image.per_image_standardization(image),
                            lambda: image / 127.5 - 1)
            image = image / 127.5 - 1

        if for_classify:
            return image, label
            return image, image
Exemplo n.º 5
    def basis2(self, x):
        #         b_2_k = K.variable(np.zeros(x.shape[0], ))

        k_1 = tf.constant(self.breakpoints[self.k - 1], dtype=tf.float32)
        #         print(k_1.shape)
        k = tf.constant(self.breakpoints[self.k], dtype=tf.float32)

        def f1():
            return tfm.add(
                tfm.subtract(tfm.divide(tfm.multiply(x, x), 2),
                             tfm.multiply(k_1, x)),
                tfm.divide(tfm.multiply(k_1, k_1), 2))

        def f2():
            val1 = tfm.divide(
                tfm.multiply(tfm.subtract(k, k_1), tfm.subtract(k, k_1)), 2)
            val2 = tfm.multiply(tfm.subtract(k, k_1), tfm.subtract(x, k))
            val = tfm.add(val1, val2)
            return val

        b2ks = [0] * x.shape[0]
        for i in range(x.shape[0]):
            b2ks[i] = tf.cond(
                tfm.logical_and(tfm.greater(x[i, 0], k_1),
                                tfm.less(x[i, 0], k)), lambda: f1(),
                lambda: f2())

#             print(b2ks[i].shape)

        b_2_k = K.concatenate(b2ks)
        #         if tfm.greater(x, k_1) and tfm.less(x, k):

        #         elif tfm.less(k, x):

        return tfm.multiply(self.w[self.i][self.k - 1], b_2_k)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def decode_and_preprocess_func(file, label=None):
        image = tf.image.decode_and_crop_jpeg(file, [29, 9, 160, 160])
        #image = tf.image.resize_images(image, [128, 128], tf.image.ResizeMethod.BICUBIC)
        if aug_level:
            image = augmentate(image, level=aug_level)

        image.set_shape((160, 160, 3))
        image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32)

        if aug_level == 'enhanced':
            r = tf.random.uniform([], 0.0, 1.0)
            image = tf.cond(greater(tf.constant(0.1), r),
                            lambda: tf.image.per_image_standardization(image),
                            lambda: image / 127.5 - 1)
            image = image / 127.5 - 1

        if consumer == 'classifier':
            return image, label
        elif consumer == 'vae':
            return image, image
        elif consumer == 'translator':
            return image, label
Exemplo n.º 7
def dice_whole_tumor(y_true, y_pred):
    mask_true, mask_pred = get_one_hot_from_output(y_true, y_pred)
    mask_true = tfmth.greater(mask_true, 0)
    mask_pred = tfmth.greater(mask_pred, 0)
    return dice_coefficient(mask_true, mask_pred)
Exemplo n.º 8
def tf_ssim(x, y, is_normalized=False):
    k1 = 0.01
    k2 = 0.03
    L = 1.0 if is_normalized else 255.0
    c1 = np.power(k1 * L, 2)
    c2 = np.power(k2 * L, 2)
    c3 = c2 / 2
    k1 = 0.01
    k2 = 0.03
    L = 1.0 if is_normalized else 255.0
    c1 = tf_pow(multiply(k1, L), 2.0)
    c2 = tf_pow(multiply(k2, L), 2.0)
    c3 = divide(c2, 2.0)

    # if type(x) is np.ndarray:
    #      x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, dtype=tf.float32)
    # if type(y) is np.ndarray:
    #      y = tf.convert_to_tensor(y, dtype=tf.float32)
    ux = x.mean()
    uy = y.mean()
    ux = tf_mean(x)
    uy = tf_mean(y)
    std_x = x.std()
    std_y = y.std()
    std_x = tf_std(x)
    std_y = tf_std(y)
    xy = (x - ux) * (y - uy)
    std_xy = xy.mean()
    xy = multiply(subtract(x, ux), subtract(y, uy))
    std_xy = tf_mean(xy)
    l_xy = (2 * ux * uy + c1) / (np.power(ux, 2) + np.power(uy, 2) + c1)
    l_son = add(multiOperation(multiply, 2.0, ux, uy), c1)
    l_mom = multiOperation(add, tf_pow(ux, 2.0), tf_pow(uy, 2.0), c1)
    l_xy = divide(l_son, l_mom)
    c_xy = (2 * std_x * std_y + c2) / (np.power(std_x, 2) + np.power(std_y, 2) + c2)
    c_son = add(multiOperation(multiply, 2.0, std_x, std_y), c2)
    c_mom = multiOperation(add, tf_pow(std_x, 2.0), tf_pow(std_y, 2.0), c2)
    c_xy = divide(c_son, c_mom)
    s_xy = (std_xy + c3) / (std_x * std_y + c3)
    s_son = add(std_xy, c3)
    s_mom = add(multiply(std_x, std_y), c3)
    s_xy = divide(s_son, s_mom)

    one = tf.constant(1.0)
    _ssim = multiOperation(multiply, l_xy, c_xy, s_xy)
    _result = tf.cond(greater(_ssim, one), lambda: one, lambda: _ssim)

    return _result