Exemplo n.º 1
 def loss_2nd(y_true, y_pred):
     b_ = K.ones_like(y_true)
     betas = K.ones_like(y_true)
     betas = tf.fill(tf.shape(betas), beta)
     b_ = tf.where(tf.not_equal(y_true, 0), betas, b_)
     x = K.square((y_true - y_pred) * b_)
     t = K.sum(
     return K.mean(t)
Exemplo n.º 2
def fp_score(y_true, y_pred, threshold=0.1):

    fp_3d = K.concatenate([
        K.cast(K.expand_dims(K.flatten(K.abs(y_true - K.ones_like(y_true)))),
            K.expand_dims(K.flatten(K.greater(y_pred, K.constant(threshold)))),
        K.cast(K.ones_like(K.expand_dims(K.flatten(y_pred))), 'bool')

    fp = K.sum(K.cast(K.all(fp_3d, axis=1), 'int32'))

    return fp
    def call(self, y):
        # Sanity Check
        if isinstance(y, list):
            raise ValueError('TSG layer has only 1 input')
        # y = tf_print(y, [y], message='{}: The unconstrained action is:'.format(y.name.split('/')[0]), summarize=-1)
        y = check_numerics(y, 'Problem with input y')

        # Calculate A.c
        Ac = tensordot(self.A_graph, self.c_graph, 1)

        # Calculate b - Ac
        bMinusAc = self.b_graph - Ac

        # Calculate y - c
        yMinusc = y - self.c_graph

        # Calculate A.(y - c)
        ADotyMinusc = K.sum((self.A_graph * expand_dims(yMinusc, -2)), axis=2)

        # Do elem-wise division
        intersection_points = bMinusAc / (ADotyMinusc + K.epsilon()
                                          )  # Do we need the K.epsilon()?

        # Enforce 0 <= intersection_points <= 1 because the point must lie between c and y
        greater_1 = K.greater(intersection_points,
        candidate_alpha = K.switch(greater_1,
                                   K.ones_like(intersection_points) + 1,

        less_0 = K.less(candidate_alpha, K.zeros_like(intersection_points))
        candidate_alpha = K.switch(less_0,
                                   K.ones_like(intersection_points) + 1,

        # Find farthest intersection point from y to get projection point
        alpha = K.min(candidate_alpha, axis=-1, keepdims=True)

        # If it is an interior point, y itself is the projection point
        interior_point = K.greater(alpha, K.ones_like(alpha))
        alpha = K.switch(interior_point, K.ones_like(alpha), alpha)
        # alpha = tf_print(alpha, [alpha], message="{}: The value of alpha is: ".format(alpha.name.split('/')[0]))

        # Return \alpha.y + (1 - \alpha).c
        z = alpha * y + ((1 - alpha) * self.c_graph)
        # z = tf_print(z, [z], message='{}: The constrained action is:'.format(z.name.split('/')[0]), summarize=-1)

        return z
Exemplo n.º 4
def weighted_bce_dice_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true = K.cast(y_true, 'float32')
    y_pred = K.cast(y_pred, 'float32')
    # if we want to get same size of output, kernel size must be odd number
    if K.int_shape(y_pred)[1] == 128:
        kernel_size = 11
    elif K.int_shape(y_pred)[1] == 256:
        kernel_size = 21
    elif K.int_shape(y_pred)[1] == 512:
        kernel_size = 21
    elif K.int_shape(y_pred)[1] == 1024:
        kernel_size = 41
        raise ValueError('Unexpected image size')
    averaged_mask = K.pool2d(y_true,
                             pool_size=(kernel_size, kernel_size),
                             strides=(1, 1),
    border = K.cast(K.greater(averaged_mask, 0.005), 'float32') * K.cast(
        K.less(averaged_mask, 0.995), 'float32')
    weight = K.ones_like(averaged_mask)
    w0 = K.sum(weight)
    weight += border * 2
    w1 = K.sum(weight)
    weight *= (w0 / w1)
    loss = weighted_bce_loss(y_true, y_pred, weight) + (
        1 - weighted_dice_coeff(y_true, y_pred, weight))
    return loss
Exemplo n.º 5
    def build_predictor(self, predict_activation=None):
        """ Construct the predictor network from the list of layers

        After the last layer in self.predictorLayers_, a final Dense layer is added
        that with self.predDim_ units (i.e. outputs the prediction)

            predict_activation: activation function for the final dense layer


        if len(self.predictorLayers_) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Must add at least one predictor hidden layer")

        pred_in = self._build_decoder_inputs()
        h = self._edit_decoder_inputs(pred_in)
        for hid in self.predictorLayers_:
            h = hid(h)

        y_pred = Dense(units=self.predDim_,
        log_var_y = Dense(self.predDim_, name='log_var_y')(h)

        if not self.learnUncertainty_:
            log_var_y = Lambda(lambda lv: 0 * lv + K.ones_like(lv) * K.log(K.variable(self.predVar_)))(log_var_y)

        self.predictor_ = Model(inputs=pred_in, outputs=[y_pred, log_var_y], name='predictor')
Exemplo n.º 6
def focal(y_true, y_pred, alpha=0.25, gamma=2.0, axis=None):
    """Compute the focal loss given the target tensor and the predicted tensor.

    As defined in https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.02002

        y_true: Tensor of target data with shape (B, N, num_classes).
        y_pred: Tensor of predicted data with shape (B, N, num_classes).
        alpha: Scale the focal weight with alpha.
        gamma: Take the power of the focal weight with gamma.

        The focal loss of y_pred w.r.t. y_true.
    if axis is None:
        axis = 1 if K.image_data_format(
        ) == 'channels_first' else K.ndim(y_pred) - 1

    # compute the focal loss
    alpha_factor = K.ones_like(y_true) * alpha
    alpha_factor = tf.where(K.equal(y_true, 1), alpha_factor, 1 - alpha_factor)
    focal_weight = tf.where(K.equal(y_true, 1), 1 - y_pred, y_pred)
    focal_weight = alpha_factor * focal_weight**gamma

    cls_loss = focal_weight * K.binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred)

    return K.sum(cls_loss, axis=axis)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def call(self, inputs, output_shape=None):
        updates, mask = inputs[0], inputs[1]

        mask = tf.cast(mask, 'int32')
        input_shape = tf.shape(updates, out_type='int32')
        #  calculation new shape
        if output_shape is None:
            output_shape = (input_shape[0], input_shape[1] * self.size[0],
                            input_shape[2] * self.size[1], input_shape[3])

        # calculation indices for batch, height, width and feature maps
        one_like_mask = K.ones_like(mask, dtype='int32')
        batch_shape = K.concatenate([[input_shape[0]], [1], [1], [1]], axis=0)
        batch_range = K.reshape(tf.range(output_shape[0], dtype='int32'),
        b = one_like_mask * batch_range
        y = mask // (output_shape[2] * output_shape[3])
        x = (mask // output_shape[3]) % output_shape[2]
        feature_range = tf.range(output_shape[3], dtype='int32')
        f = one_like_mask * feature_range

        # transpose indices & reshape update values to one dimension
        updates_size = tf.size(updates)
        indices = K.transpose(
            K.reshape(K.stack([b, y, x, f]), [4, updates_size]))
        values = K.reshape(updates, [updates_size])
        ret = tf.scatter_nd(indices, values, output_shape)
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_updates(self, loss, params):
        grads = self.get_gradients(loss, params)
        self.updates = [K.update_add(self.iterations, 1)]

        lr = self.lr
        if self.initial_decay > 0:
            lr = lr * (1. / (1. + self.decay *
                             K.cast(self.iterations, K.dtype(self.decay))))

        t = K.cast(self.iterations, K.floatx()) + 1

        # Applies bounds on actual learning rate
        step_size = lr * (K.sqrt(1. - K.pow(self.beta_2, t)) /
                          (1. - K.pow(self.beta_1, t)))

        final_lr = self.final_lr * lr / self.base_lr
        lower_bound = final_lr * (1. - 1. / (self.gamma * t + 1.))
        upper_bound = final_lr * (1. + 1. / (self.gamma * t))

        ms = [K.zeros(K.int_shape(p), dtype=K.dtype(p)) for p in params]
        vs = [K.zeros(K.int_shape(p), dtype=K.dtype(p)) for p in params]
        if self.amsbound:
            vhats = [K.zeros(K.int_shape(p), dtype=K.dtype(p)) for p in params]
            vhats = [K.zeros(1) for _ in params]
        self.weights = [self.iterations] + ms + vs + vhats

        for p, g, m, v, vhat in zip(params, grads, ms, vs, vhats):
            # apply weight decay
            if self.weight_decay != 0.:
                g += self.weight_decay * K.stop_gradient(p)

            m_t = (self.beta_1 * m) + (1. - self.beta_1) * g
            v_t = (self.beta_2 * v) + (1. - self.beta_2) * K.square(g)

            if self.amsbound:
                vhat_t = K.maximum(vhat, v_t)
                denom = (K.sqrt(vhat_t) + self.epsilon)
                self.updates.append(K.update(vhat, vhat_t))
                denom = (K.sqrt(v_t) + self.epsilon)

            # Compute the bounds
            step_size_p = step_size * K.ones_like(denom)
            step_size_p_bound = step_size_p / denom
            bounded_lr_t = m_t * K.minimum(
                K.maximum(step_size_p_bound, lower_bound), upper_bound)

            p_t = p - bounded_lr_t

            self.updates.append(K.update(m, m_t))
            self.updates.append(K.update(v, v_t))
            new_p = p_t

            # Apply constraints.
            if getattr(p, 'constraint', None) is not None:
                new_p = p.constraint(new_p)

            self.updates.append(K.update(p, new_p))
        return self.updates
Exemplo n.º 9
    def focal_loss(y_true, y_pred):
        # Define espislon so that the backpropagation will not result int NaN
        # for 0 divisor case
        epsilon = K.epsilon()
        # Add the epsilon to prediction value
        # y_pred = y_pred + epsilon
        # Clip the prediction value
        y_pred = K.clip(y_pred, epsilon, 1.0 - epsilon)

        alpha_factor = K.ones_like(y_true) * alpha

        # Calculate p_t
        p_t = tf.where(K.equal(y_true, 1), alpha_factor, 1 - alpha_factor)

        # Calculate alpha_t
        alpha_t = tf.where(K.equal(y_true, 1), alpha_factor, 1 - alpha_factor)
        # Calculate cross entropy
        cross_entropy = -K.log(p_t)
        weight = alpha_t * K.pow((1 - p_t), gamma)
        # Calculate focal loss
        loss = weight * cross_entropy
        # Sum the losses in mini_batch
        loss = K.sum(loss, axis=1)

        return loss
Exemplo n.º 10
    def call(self, inputs, mask=None, training=None):
        inputs, relatives, memories, bias_context, bias_relative = inputs
        full = K.concatenate([memories, inputs], axis=1)      # (batch, prev_len + seq_len, units)
        w_q = K.dot(inputs, self.kernel_q)                    # (batch, seq_len, units)
        w_kv = K.dot(full, self.kernel_kv)                    # (batch, prev_len + seq_len, units * 2)
        w_r = K.dot(relatives, self.kernel_r)                 # (batch, prev_len + seq_len, units)
        if self.use_bias:
            w_q = K.bias_add(w_q, self.bias_q)
            w_kv = K.bias_add(w_kv, self.bias_kv)
            w_r = K.bias_add(w_r, self.bias_r)
        if self.activation is not None:
            w_q = self.activation(w_q)
            w_kv = self.activation(w_kv)
            w_r = self.activation(w_r)

        w_k = w_kv[:, :, :self.units]                         # (batch, prev_len + seq_len, units)
        w_v = w_kv[:, :, self.units:]                         # (batch, prev_len + seq_len, units)

        w_qc = K.bias_add(w_q, bias_context)
        w_qc = self._reshape_to_batches(w_qc)                 # (batch * n_head, seq_len, units_head)
        w_k = self._reshape_to_batches(w_k)                   # (batch * n_head, prev_len + seq_len, units_head)
        a_context = K.batch_dot(w_qc, w_k, axes=2)            # (batch * n_head, seq_len, prev_len + seq_len)

        w_qr = K.bias_add(w_q, bias_relative)
        w_qr = self._reshape_to_batches(w_qr)                 # (batch * n_head, seq_len, units_head)
        w_r = self._reshape_to_batches(w_r)                   # (batch * n_head, prev_len + seq_len, units_head)
        a_relative = K.batch_dot(w_qr, w_r, axes=2)           # (batch * n_head, seq_len, prev_len + seq_len)
        a_relative = self._relative_shift(a_relative)         # (batch * n_head, seq_len, prev_len + seq_len)

        att = (a_context + a_relative) / K.sqrt(K.constant(self.units_head, dtype=K.floatx()))
        exp = K.exp(att - K.max(att, axis=-1, keepdims=True))

        q_len, k_len = K.shape(w_q)[1], K.shape(w_k)[1]
        indices = K.expand_dims(K.arange(0, k_len), axis=0)
        upper = K.expand_dims(K.arange(k_len - q_len, k_len), axis=-1)
        exp *= K.expand_dims(K.cast(indices <= upper, K.floatx()), axis=0)
        if mask is not None and mask[0] is not None:
            mask = K.cast(mask[0], K.floatx())
            mask = K.concatenate([K.ones_like(memories[:, :, 0]), mask], axis=1)
            exp *= K.expand_dims(self._reshape_mask(mask), axis=1)

        att = exp / K.sum(exp, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        if self.att_drop_layer is not None:
            att = self.att_drop_layer(att, training=training)
        w_v = self._reshape_to_batches(w_v)                   # (batch * n_head, prev_len + seq_len, units_head)
        w_o = K.batch_dot(att, w_v)                           # (batch * n_head, seq_len, units_head)

        w_o = self._reshape_from_batches(w_o)                 # (batch, seq_len, units)
        w_o = K.dot(w_o, self.kernel_o)                       # (batch, seq_len, units)
        if self.use_bias:
            w_o = K.bias_add(w_o, self.bias_o)
        if self.activation is not None:
            w_o = self.activation(w_o)

        # Add shape information to tensor when using `tf.keras`
        input_shape = K.int_shape(inputs)
        if input_shape[1] is not None:
            w_o = K.reshape(w_o, (-1,) + input_shape[1:])
        return w_o
Exemplo n.º 11
    def mycrossentropy(y_true, y_pred, e=0.1):
        loss1 = K.categorical_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred)

        loss2 = K.categorical_crossentropy(
            K.ones_like(y_pred) / nb_classes,
            y_pred)  # K.ones_like(y_pred) / nb_classes

        return (1 - e) * loss1 + e * loss2
Exemplo n.º 12
def inverse_root_via_eigenvalues(m):
    ev, v = tf.linalg.eigh(m)
    epsillon = 1e-8  # for numerical stability - clip
    ev = tf.where(ev > epsillon, x=ev, y=K.ones_like(ev))
    v = tf.where(ev > epsillon, x=v, y=K.zeros_like(v))
    u = v
    ev_inv_root = tf.math.reciprocal(tf.math.sqrt(ev))
    res = tf.matmul(tf.matmul(u, tf.diag(ev_inv_root)), tf.transpose(v))
    return res
Exemplo n.º 13
 def loss_2nd(y_true, y_pred):
     b_ = K.ones_like(y_true)
     b_[y_true != 0] = beta
     x = K.square((y_true - y_pred) * b_)
     t = K.sum(
     return K.mean(t)
Exemplo n.º 14
def myCrossEntropy(y_true, y_pred, e=0.3):
    loss = K.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred)
    loss0 = K.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(K.zeros_like(y_true), y_pred)
    loss1 = K.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(K.ones_like(y_true), y_pred)
    loss2 = K.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(K.ones_like(y_true) * 2, y_pred)
    loss3 = K.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(K.ones_like(y_true) * 3, y_pred)
    loss4 = K.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(K.ones_like(y_true) * 4, y_pred)
    loss5 = K.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(K.ones_like(y_true) * 5, y_pred)
    loss6 = K.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(K.ones_like(y_true) * 6, y_pred)
    loss7 = K.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(K.ones_like(y_true) * 7, y_pred)
    loss8 = K.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(K.ones_like(y_true) * 8, y_pred)
    loss9 = K.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(K.ones_like(y_true) * 9, y_pred)
    return ((100.0 - 5.765 - 1.359 - 1.000 - 1.348 - 1.554 - 1.995 - 3.042 -
             6.347 - 10.431 - 17.632) * loss + 5.765 * loss0 + 1.359 * loss1 +
            1.000 * loss2 + 1.348 * loss3 + 1.553 * loss4 + 1.995 * loss5 +
            3.042 * loss6 + 6.347 * loss7 + 10.421 * loss8 + 17.632 * loss9)
Exemplo n.º 15
def YOLOEval(yolo_outputs,
    '''Returns evaluated filtered boxes based on given input.'''
    num_layers = len(yolo_outputs)
    anchor_mask = [[6, 7, 8], [3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2]
                   ] if num_layers == 3 else [[3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3]]
    input_shape = K.shape(yolo_outputs[0])[1:3] * 32
    boxes = []
    box_scores = []

    for i in range(num_layers):
        _boxes, _box_scores = YOLOBoxesAndScores(yolo_outputs[i],
                                                 num_classes, input_shape,


    boxes = K.concatenate(boxes, axis=0)
    box_scores = K.concatenate(box_scores, axis=0)

    mask = box_scores >= score_threshold
    max_boxes_tensor = K.constant(max_boxes, dtype='int32')

    boxes_, scores_, classes_ = [], [], []

    for i in range(num_classes):
        _class_boxes = tf.boolean_mask(boxes, mask[:, i])
        _class_boxes_scores = tf.boolean_mask(box_scores[:, i], mask[:, i])

        _nms_index = tf.image.non_max_suppression(_class_boxes,

        _class_boxes = K.gather(_class_boxes, _nms_index)
        _class_boxes_scores = K.gather(_class_boxes_scores, _nms_index)
        _classes = K.ones_like(_class_boxes_scores, dtype='int32') * i


    boxes_ = K.concatenate(boxes_, axis=0)
    scores_ = K.concatenate(scores_, axis=0)
    classes_ = K.concatenate(classes_, axis=0)

    return boxes_, scores_, classes_
 def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred, loss_weights = loss_weights): # Verified
     zero_index = K.zeros_like(y_true[:, 0]) 
     ones_index = K.ones_like(y_true[:, 0]) 
     # Classifier
     labels = y_true[:, 0] 
     class_preds = y_pred[:, 0] 
     bi_crossentropy_loss = -labels * K.log(class_preds) - (1 - labels) * K.log(1 - class_preds) 
     classify_valid_index = tf.where(K.less(y_true[:, 0], 0), zero_index, ones_index) 
     classify_keep_num = K.cast(tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(classify_valid_index), tf.float32) * SAMPLE_KEEP_RATIO, dtype = tf.int32) 
     # For classification problem, only pick 70% of the valid samples. 
     classify_loss_sum = bi_crossentropy_loss * tf.cast(classify_valid_index, bi_crossentropy_loss.dtype) 
     classify_loss_sum_filtered, _ = tf.nn.top_k(classify_loss_sum, k = classify_keep_num) 
     classify_loss = tf.where(K.equal(classify_keep_num, 0), tf.constant(0, dtype = tf.float32), K.mean(classify_loss_sum_filtered)) 
     # Bounding box regressor
     rois = y_true[:, 1: 5] 
     roi_preds = y_pred[:, 1: 5] 
     roi_raw_mean_square_error = K.sum(K.square(rois - roi_preds), axis = 1) # mse
     # roi_raw_smooth_l1_loss = K.mean(tf.where(K.abs(rois - roi_preds) < 1, 0.5 * K.square(rois - roi_preds), K.abs(rois - roi_preds) - 0.5)) # L1 Smooth Loss 
     roi_valid_index = tf.where(K.equal(K.abs(y_true[:, 0]), 1), ones_index, zero_index) 
     roi_keep_num = K.cast(tf.reduce_sum(roi_valid_index), dtype = tf.int32) 
     roi_valid_mean_square_error = roi_raw_mean_square_error * tf.cast(roi_valid_index, roi_raw_mean_square_error.dtype)
     roi_filtered_mean_square_error, _ = tf.nn.top_k(roi_valid_mean_square_error, k = roi_keep_num) 
     roi_loss = tf.where(K.equal(roi_keep_num, 0), tf.constant(0, dtype = tf.float32), K.mean(roi_filtered_mean_square_error)) 
     # roi_valid_smooth_l1_loss = roi_raw_smooth_l1_loss * roi_valid_index
     # roi_filtered_smooth_l1_loss, _ = tf.nn.top_k(roi_valid_smooth_l1_loss, k = roi_keep_num) 
     # roi_loss = K.mean(roi_filtered_smooth_l1_loss) 
     # Landmark regressor
     pts = y_true[:, 5: 17] 
     pt_preds = y_pred[:, 5: 17] 
     pts_raw_mean_square_error  = K.sum(K.square(pts - pt_preds), axis = 1) # mse 
     # pts_raw_smooth_l1_loss = K.mean(tf.where(K.abs(pts - pt_preds) < 1, 0.5 * K.square(pts - pt_preds), K.abs(pts - pt_preds) - 0.5)) # L1 Smooth Loss 
     pts_valid_index = tf.where(K.equal(y_true[:, 0], -2), ones_index, zero_index) 
     pts_keep_num = K.cast(tf.reduce_sum(pts_valid_index), dtype = tf.int32) 
     pts_valid_mean_square_error = pts_raw_mean_square_error * tf.cast(pts_valid_index, tf.float32) 
     pts_filtered_mean_square_error, _ = tf.nn.top_k(pts_valid_mean_square_error, k = pts_keep_num) 
     pts_loss = tf.where(K.equal(pts_keep_num, 0), tf.constant(0, dtype = tf.float32), K.mean(pts_filtered_mean_square_error)) 
     # pts_valid_smooth_l1_loss = pts_raw_smooth_l1_loss * pts_valid_index
     # pts_filtered_smooth_l1_loss, _ = tf.nn.top_k(pts_valid_smooth_l1_loss, k = pts_keep_num) 
     # pts_loss = K.mean(pts_filtered_smooth_l1_loss)
     loss = classify_loss * loss_weights[0] + roi_loss * loss_weights[1] + pts_loss * loss_weights[2]
     return loss 
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _generate_dropout_mask(self, inputs, training=None):
        if 0 < self.dropout < 1:
            ones = K.ones_like(K.squeeze(inputs[:, 0:1, :], axis=1))

            def dropped_inputs():
                return K.dropout(ones, self.dropout)

            self._dropout_mask = [
                K.in_train_phase(dropped_inputs, ones, training=training)
                for _ in range(4)
            self._dropout_mask = None
Exemplo n.º 18
 def initialize_control_tensors(self, halting):
     Initializes constants and some step-tracking variables
     during the first call of the layer (since for the Universal Transformer
     all the following calls are supposed to be with inputs of identical
     self.zeros_like_halting = K.zeros_like(halting,
     self.ones_like_halting = K.ones_like(halting, name='ones_like_halting')
     self.remainder = self.ones_like_halting
     self.active_steps = self.zeros_like_halting
     self.halt_budget = self.ones_like_halting - self.halt_epsilon
Exemplo n.º 19
def yolo_eval(
        yolo_outputs,  #通过nms生成相对大小的预测框
    """Evaluate YOLO model on given input and return filtered boxes."""
    num_layers = len(yolo_outputs)
    anchor_mask = [[6, 7, 8], [3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2]] if num_layers == 3 else [[
        3, 4, 5
    ], [1, 2, 3]]  # default setting
    input_shape = K.shape(yolo_outputs[0])[1:3] * 32
    boxes = []
    box_scores = []
    for l in range(num_layers):
        _boxes, _box_scores = yolo_boxes_and_scores(yolo_outputs[l],
                                                    num_classes, input_shape,
    boxes = K.concatenate(boxes, axis=0)
    box_scores = K.concatenate(box_scores, axis=0)

    mask = box_scores >= score_threshold
    max_boxes_tensor = K.constant(max_boxes, dtype='int32')
    boxes_ = []
    scores_ = []
    classes_ = []
    for c in range(num_classes):
        # TODO: use keras backend instead of tf.
        class_boxes = tf.boolean_mask(boxes, mask[:, c])
        class_box_scores = tf.boolean_mask(box_scores[:, c], mask[:, c])
        nms_index = tf.image.non_max_suppression(class_boxes,
        class_boxes = K.gather(class_boxes, nms_index)
        class_box_scores = K.gather(class_box_scores, nms_index)
        classes = K.ones_like(class_box_scores, 'int32') * c
    boxes_ = K.concatenate(boxes_, axis=0)
    scores_ = K.concatenate(scores_, axis=0)
    classes_ = K.concatenate(classes_, axis=0)

    return boxes_, scores_, classes_
Exemplo n.º 20
def _time_distributed_dense(x,
    """Apply `y . w + b` for every temporal slice y of x.

    # Arguments
        x: input tensor.
        w: weight matrix.
        b: optional bias vector.
        dropout: wether to apply dropout (same dropout mask
            for every temporal slice of the input).
        input_dim: integer; optional dimensionality of the input.
        output_dim: integer; optional dimensionality of the output.
        timesteps: integer; optional number of timesteps.
        training: training phase tensor or boolean.

    # Returns
        Output tensor.
    if not input_dim:
        input_dim = K.shape(x)[2]
    if not timesteps:
        timesteps = K.shape(x)[1]
    if not output_dim:
        output_dim = K.int_shape(w)[1]

    if dropout is not None and 0. < dropout < 1.:
        # apply the same dropout pattern at every timestep
        ones = K.ones_like(K.reshape(x[:, 0, :], (-1, input_dim)))
        dropout_matrix = K.dropout(ones, dropout)
        expanded_dropout_matrix = K.repeat(dropout_matrix, timesteps)
        x = K.in_train_phase(x * expanded_dropout_matrix, x, training=training)

    # collapse time dimension and batch dimension together
    x = K.reshape(x, (-1, input_dim))
    x = K.dot(x, w)
    if b is not None:
        x = K.bias_add(x, b)
    # reshape to 3D tensor
    if K.backend() == 'tensorflow':
        x = K.reshape(x, K.stack([-1, timesteps, output_dim]))
        x.set_shape([None, None, output_dim])
        x = K.reshape(x, (-1, timesteps, output_dim))
    return x
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _generate_recurrent_dropout_mask(self, inputs, training=None):
        if 0 < self.recurrent_dropout < 1:
            ones = K.ones_like(K.reshape(inputs[:, 0, 0], (-1, 1)))
            ones = K.tile(ones, (1, self.units))

            def dropped_inputs():
                return K.dropout(ones, self.dropout)

            self._recurrent_dropout_mask = [
                K.in_train_phase(dropped_inputs, ones, training=training)
                for _ in range(4)
            self._recurrent_dropout_mask = None
Exemplo n.º 22
 def call(self, x, **kwargs):
     if (self.size is None) or (self.mode == 'sum'):
         self.size = int(x.shape[-1])
     batch_size, seq_len = K.shape(x)[0], K.shape(x)[1]
     position_j = 1. / K.pow(
         10000., 2 * K.arange(self.size / 2, dtype='float32') / self.size)
     position_j = K.expand_dims(position_j, 0)
     # K.arange不支持变长,只好用这种方法生成
     position_i = K.cumsum(K.ones_like(x[:, :, 0]), 1) - 1
     position_i = K.expand_dims(position_i, 2)
     position_ij = K.dot(position_i, position_j)
     position_ij = K.concatenate(
         [K.cos(position_ij), K.sin(position_ij)], 2)
     if self.mode == 'sum':
         return position_ij + x
     elif self.mode == 'concat':
         return K.concatenate([position_ij, x], 2)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def call(self, x, mask=None):
        if (self.size == None) or (self.mode == 'sum'):
            self.size = int(x.shape[-1])

        position_j = 1. / \
                     K.pow(10000., 2 * K.arange(self.size / 2, dtype='float32') / self.size)
        position_j = K.expand_dims(position_j, 0)

        position_i = tf.cumsum(K.ones_like(x[:, :, 0]), 1) - 1
        position_i = K.expand_dims(position_i, 2)
        position_ij = K.dot(position_i, position_j)
        outputs = K.concatenate([K.cos(position_ij), K.sin(position_ij)], 2)

        if self.mode == 'sum':
            if self.scale:
                outputs = outputs * self.size**0.5
            return x + outputs
        elif self.mode == 'concat':
            return K.concatenate([outputs, x], 2)
Exemplo n.º 24
def contingency_table(y, z):
    """Note:  if y and z are not rounded to 0 or 1, they are ignored
    y = K.cast(K.round(y), K.floatx())
    z = K.cast(K.round(z), K.floatx())

    def count_matches(y, z):
        return K.sum(K.cast(y, K.floatx()) * K.cast(z, K.floatx()))

    ones = K.ones_like(y)
    zeros = K.zeros_like(y)
    y_ones = K.equal(y, ones)
    y_zeros = K.equal(y, zeros)
    z_ones = K.equal(z, ones)
    z_zeros = K.equal(z, zeros)

    tp = count_matches(y_ones, z_ones)
    tn = count_matches(y_zeros, z_zeros)
    fp = count_matches(y_zeros, z_ones)
    fn = count_matches(y_ones, z_zeros)
    return (tp, tn, fp, fn)
 def precision(y_true, y_pred):
     y_true = K.ones_like(y_true)
     true_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true * y_pred, 0, 1)))
     predicted_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_pred, 0, 1)))
     precision = true_positives / (predicted_positives + K.epsilon())
     return precision
 def recall(y_true, y_pred):
     y_true = K.ones_like(y_true)
     true_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true * y_pred, 0, 1)))
     all_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true, 0, 1)))
     recall = true_positives / (all_positives + K.epsilon())
     return recall
Exemplo n.º 27
  def call(self, inputs, states, training=None):
    if 0 < self.dropout < 1 and self._dropout_mask is None:
      self._dropout_mask = _generate_dropout_mask(
    if (0 < self.recurrent_dropout < 1 and
        self._recurrent_dropout_mask is None):
      self._recurrent_dropout_mask = _generate_dropout_mask(

    # dropout matrices for input units
    dp_mask = self._dropout_mask
    # dropout matrices for recurrent units
    rec_dp_mask = self._recurrent_dropout_mask

    h_tm1 = states[0]  # previous memory state
    c_tm1 = states[1]  # previous carry state

    if 0 < self.dropout < 1.:
      inputs_i = inputs * dp_mask[0]
      inputs_f = inputs * dp_mask[1]
      inputs_c = inputs * dp_mask[2]
      inputs_o = inputs * dp_mask[3]
      inputs_i = inputs
      inputs_f = inputs
      inputs_c = inputs
      inputs_o = inputs

    if 0 < self.recurrent_dropout < 1.:
      h_tm1_i = h_tm1 * rec_dp_mask[0]
      h_tm1_f = h_tm1 * rec_dp_mask[1]
      h_tm1_c = h_tm1 * rec_dp_mask[2]
      h_tm1_o = h_tm1 * rec_dp_mask[3]
      h_tm1_i = h_tm1
      h_tm1_f = h_tm1
      h_tm1_c = h_tm1
      h_tm1_o = h_tm1

    x_i = self.input_conv(inputs_i, self.kernel_i, self.bias_i,
    x_f = self.input_conv(inputs_f, self.kernel_f, self.bias_f,
    x_c = self.input_conv(inputs_c, self.kernel_c, self.bias_c,
    x_o = self.input_conv(inputs_o, self.kernel_o, self.bias_o,
    h_i = self.recurrent_conv(h_tm1_i,
    h_f = self.recurrent_conv(h_tm1_f,
    h_c = self.recurrent_conv(h_tm1_c,
    h_o = self.recurrent_conv(h_tm1_o,

    i = self.recurrent_activation(x_i + h_i)
    f = self.recurrent_activation(x_f + h_f)
    c = f * c_tm1 + i * self.activation(x_c + h_c)
    o = self.recurrent_activation(x_o + h_o)
    h = o * self.activation(c)

    if 0 < self.dropout + self.recurrent_dropout:
      if training is None:
        h._uses_learning_phase = True

    return h, [h, c]
    def call(self, inputs, states, training=None):
        # assert isinstance(inputs, list)

        inputs_x, input_t = inputs
        if 0 < self.dropout < 1 and self._dropout_mask is None:
            self._dropout_mask = _generate_dropout_mask(K.ones_like(inputs_x),

        if 0 < self.recurrent_dropout < 1 and self._dropout_mask is None:
            self._recurrent_dropout_mask = _generate_dropout_mask(

        dp_mask = self._dropout_mask
        rec_dp_mask = self._recurrent_dropout_mask

        h_tm1 = states[0]  # h_(t-1)
        c_tm1 = states[1]  # c_(t-1)

        if 0 < self.dropout < 1:
            inputs_i = inputs_x * dp_mask[0]
            inputs_f = inputs_x * dp_mask[1]
            inputs_c = inputs_x * dp_mask[2]
            inputs_o = inputs_x * dp_mask[3]
            inputs_t = inputs_x * dp_mask[4]

            inputs_i = inputs_x
            inputs_f = inputs_x
            inputs_c = inputs_x
            inputs_o = inputs_x
            inputs_t = inputs_x

        # x相关的所有数据
        x_i = K.dot(inputs_i, self.kernel_i)
        x_f = K.dot(inputs_f, self.kernel_f)
        x_c = K.dot(inputs_c, self.kernel_c)
        x_o = K.dot(inputs_o, self.kernel_o)
        x_t = K.dot(inputs_t, self.kernel_t)

        if self.use_bias:
            x_i = K.bias_add(x_i, self.bias_i)
            x_f = K.bias_add(x_f, self.bias_f)
            x_c = K.bias_add(x_c, self.bias_c)
            x_o = K.bias_add(x_o, self.bias_o)
            x_t = K.bias_add(x_t, self.bias_t)

        if 0 < self.recurrent_dropout < 1:
            h_tm1_i = h_tm1 * rec_dp_mask[0]
            h_tm1_f = h_tm1 * rec_dp_mask[1]
            h_tm1_c = h_tm1 * rec_dp_mask[2]
            h_tm1_o = h_tm1 * rec_dp_mask[3]

            h_tm1_i = h_tm1
            h_tm1_f = h_tm1
            h_tm1_c = h_tm1
            h_tm1_o = h_tm1

        # 计算各个门控单元的过程
        i = self.recurrent_activation(x_i +
                                      K.dot(h_tm1_i, self.recurrent_kernel_i))
        f = self.recurrent_activation(x_f +
                                      K.dot(h_tm1_f, self.recurrent_kernel_f))
        t = self.recurrent_activation(
            x_t +
            self.recurrent_activation(K.dot(input_t, self.kernel_time_t)))
        c = f * c_tm1 + i * self.activation(
            x_c + K.dot(h_tm1_c, self.recurrent_kernal_c)) * t
        o = self.recurrent_activation(x_o +
                                      K.dot(h_tm1_o, self.recurrent_kernel_o) +
                                      K.dot(input_t, self.kernel_time_o))

        h = self.activation(c) * o
        if 0 < self.dropout + self.recurrent_dropout:
            if training is None:
                h._use_learning_phase = True
        return h, [h, c]
Exemplo n.º 29
    def _attend_over_memory(self, inputs, count, ns, position, memory, ws):
        inputs = K.dot(inputs, ws["input_kernel"])
        inputs = K.bias_add(inputs, ws["input_bias"])

        rp_out, rp_neighbor1, rp_neighbor2 = self._make_relative_position_table(
            count, position)
        rpe_out = self._make_relative_position_embedding(rp_out, ws)
        rpe_neighbor1 = self._make_relative_position_embedding(
            rp_neighbor1, ws)
        rpe_neighbor2 = self._make_relative_position_embedding(
            rp_neighbor2, ws)

        memory_plus_inputs = K.concatenate(
            [memory, K.expand_dims(inputs, axis=1)], axis=1)
        ns_plus_one = K.concatenate([ns, K.ones_like(count)])
        position_plus_count = K.concatenate([position, count])

        context_layer, neighbor_score = self._attention_layer(
            memory_plus_inputs, ns_plus_one, rpe_out, rpe_neighbor1,
            rpe_neighbor2, ws)

        beta1, beta2 = array_ops.split(ws["layer_norm_beta"], 2, axis=0)
        mlp_b1, mlp_b2 = array_ops.split(ws["mlp_bias"], 2, axis=0)

        context_layer = inputs + context_layer
        context_layer = K.l2_normalize(
            context_layer - K.mean(context_layer, axis=-1, keepdims=True),
        context_layer = context_layer * ws["layer_norm_gamma"][:, :self.units]
        context_layer = K.bias_add(context_layer, beta1)

        mlp_layer = K.dot(context_layer, ws["mlp_kernel"][:, :self.units])
        mlp_layer = K.bias_add(mlp_layer, mlp_b1)
        mlp_layer = self.mlp_activation(mlp_layer)
        mlp_layer = K.dot(mlp_layer, ws["mlp_kernel"][:, self.units:])
        mlp_layer = K.bias_add(mlp_layer, mlp_b2)

        context_layer = context_layer + mlp_layer
        context_layer = K.l2_normalize(
            context_layer - K.mean(context_layer, axis=-1, keepdims=True),
        context_layer = context_layer * ws["layer_norm_gamma"][:, self.units:]
        context_layer = K.bias_add(context_layer, beta2)

        # inductive bias for neighbor score, which encourage old memories being compressed
        neighbor_score += K.exp((count - position) / 10000.0)

        cpos = K.expand_dims(K.cast(K.argmax(neighbor_score), tf.float32))
        un_memory_plus_inputs = memory_plus_inputs * K.expand_dims(ns_plus_one)
        un_position_plus_count = position_plus_count * ns_plus_one

        range = ws["range"]
        left = K.cast(range <= cpos, tf.float32)
        right = K.cast(range >= cpos, tf.float32)

        next_ns = ns_plus_one[:, :-1] * left + ns_plus_one[:, 1:] * right

        next_position = (un_position_plus_count[:, :-1] * left +
                         un_position_plus_count[:, 1:] * right) / K.maximum(
                             1.0, next_ns)

        next_memory = (un_memory_plus_inputs[:, :-1, :] * K.expand_dims(left) +
                       un_memory_plus_inputs[:, 1:, :] * K.expand_dims(right)
                       ) / K.maximum(1.0, K.expand_dims(next_ns))

        return context_layer, next_ns, next_position, next_memory
Exemplo n.º 30
 def variable_repeat(x):
     # matrix with ones, shaped as (batch, steps, 1)
     step_matrix = K.ones_like(x[0][:, :, :1])
     # latent vars, shaped as (batch, 1, latent_dim)
     latent_matrix = K.expand_dims(x[1], axis=1)
     return K.batch_dot(step_matrix, latent_matrix)
  def call(self, inputs, states, training=None):
    if 0 < self.dropout < 1 and self._dropout_mask is None:
      self._dropout_mask = _generate_dropout_mask(
    if (0 < self.recurrent_dropout < 1 and
        self._recurrent_dropout_mask is None):
      self._recurrent_dropout_mask = _generate_dropout_mask(

    # dropout matrices for input units
    dp_mask = self._dropout_mask
    # dropout matrices for recurrent units
    rec_dp_mask = self._recurrent_dropout_mask

    h_tm1 = states[0]  # previous memory state
    c_tm1 = states[1]  # previous carry state

    if 0 < self.dropout < 1.:
      inputs_i = inputs * dp_mask[0]
      inputs_f = inputs * dp_mask[1]
      inputs_c = inputs * dp_mask[2]
      inputs_o = inputs * dp_mask[3]
      inputs_i = inputs
      inputs_f = inputs
      inputs_c = inputs
      inputs_o = inputs

    if 0 < self.recurrent_dropout < 1.:
      h_tm1_i = h_tm1 * rec_dp_mask[0]
      h_tm1_f = h_tm1 * rec_dp_mask[1]
      h_tm1_c = h_tm1 * rec_dp_mask[2]
      h_tm1_o = h_tm1 * rec_dp_mask[3]
      h_tm1_i = h_tm1
      h_tm1_f = h_tm1
      h_tm1_c = h_tm1
      h_tm1_o = h_tm1

    x_i = self.input_conv(inputs_i, self.kernel_i, self.bias_i,
    x_f = self.input_conv(inputs_f, self.kernel_f, self.bias_f,
    x_c = self.input_conv(inputs_c, self.kernel_c, self.bias_c,
    x_o = self.input_conv(inputs_o, self.kernel_o, self.bias_o,
    h_i = self.recurrent_conv(h_tm1_i,
    h_f = self.recurrent_conv(h_tm1_f,
    h_c = self.recurrent_conv(h_tm1_c,
    h_o = self.recurrent_conv(h_tm1_o,

    i = self.recurrent_activation(x_i + h_i)
    f = self.recurrent_activation(x_f + h_f)
    c = f * c_tm1 + i * self.activation(x_c + h_c)
    o = self.recurrent_activation(x_o + h_o)
    h = o * self.activation(c)

    if 0 < self.dropout + self.recurrent_dropout:
      if training is None:
        h._uses_learning_phase = True

    return h, [h, c]