Exemplo n.º 1
 def loss_function(y_true, y_pred):
     if isinstance(transform, str) and transform.lower() == 'disc':
         return losses.discriminative_instance_loss(y_true, y_pred)
     if isinstance(transform, str) and transform.lower() == 'watershed-cont':
         return MSE(y_true, y_pred)
     if focal:
         return losses.weighted_focal_loss(
             y_true, y_pred, gamma=gamma, n_classes=n_classes)
     return losses.weighted_categorical_crossentropy(
         y_true, y_pred, n_classes=n_classes)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def loss():
        loss = 0
        image_batch, targets_init_batch, targets_time_batch, actions_time_batch, mask_time_batch, dynamic_mask_time_batch = batch

        # Initial step, from the real observation: representation + prediction networks
        representation_batch, value_batch, policy_batch = network.initial_model(np.array(image_batch))

        # Only update the element with a policy target
        target_value_batch, _, target_policy_batch = zip(*targets_init_batch)
        mask_policy = list(map(lambda l: bool(l), target_policy_batch))
        target_policy_batch = list(filter(lambda l: bool(l), target_policy_batch))
        policy_batch = tf.boolean_mask(policy_batch, mask_policy)

        # Compute the loss of the first pass
        loss += tf.math.reduce_mean(loss_value(target_value_batch, value_batch, network.value_support_size))
        loss += tf.math.reduce_mean(
            tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=policy_batch, labels=target_policy_batch))

        # Recurrent steps, from action and previous hidden state.
        for actions_batch, targets_batch, mask, dynamic_mask in zip(actions_time_batch, targets_time_batch,
                                                                    mask_time_batch, dynamic_mask_time_batch):
            target_value_batch, target_reward_batch, target_policy_batch = zip(*targets_batch)

            # Only execute BPTT for elements with an action
            representation_batch = tf.boolean_mask(representation_batch, dynamic_mask)
            target_value_batch = tf.boolean_mask(target_value_batch, mask)
            target_reward_batch = tf.boolean_mask(target_reward_batch, mask)
            # Creating conditioned_representation: concatenate representations with actions batch
            actions_batch = tf.one_hot(actions_batch, network.action_size)

            # Recurrent step from conditioned representation: recurrent + prediction networks
            conditioned_representation_batch = tf.concat((representation_batch, actions_batch), axis=1)
            representation_batch, reward_batch, value_batch, policy_batch = network.recurrent_model(

            # Only execute BPTT for elements with a policy target
            target_policy_batch = [policy for policy, b in zip(target_policy_batch, mask) if b]
            mask_policy = list(map(lambda l: bool(l), target_policy_batch))
            target_policy_batch = tf.convert_to_tensor([policy for policy in target_policy_batch if policy])
            policy_batch = tf.boolean_mask(policy_batch, mask_policy)

            # Compute the partial loss
            l = (tf.math.reduce_mean(loss_value(target_value_batch, value_batch, network.value_support_size)) +
                 MSE(target_reward_batch, tf.squeeze(reward_batch)) +
                     tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=policy_batch, labels=target_policy_batch)))

            # Scale the gradient of the loss by the average number of actions unrolled
            gradient_scale = 1. / len(actions_time_batch)
            loss += scale_gradient(l, gradient_scale)

            # Half the gradient of the representation
            representation_batch = scale_gradient(representation_batch, 0.5)

        return loss
Exemplo n.º 3
def mse_loss(logits, labels):
    """Mse loss."""
    return tf.reduce_mean(MSE(logits, labels))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _semantic_loss(y_pred, y_true):
     if n_classes > 1:
         return panoptic_weight * losses.weighted_categorical_crossentropy(
             y_pred, y_true, n_classes=n_classes)
     return panoptic_weight * MSE(y_pred, y_true)