Exemplo n.º 1
def _get_diff_for_monotonic_comparison(x):
  """Gets the difference x[1:] - x[:-1]."""
  x = array_ops.reshape(x, [-1])
  if not is_numeric_tensor(x):
    raise TypeError('Expected x to be numeric, instead found: %s' % x)

  # If x has less than 2 elements, there is nothing to compare.  So return [].
  is_shorter_than_two = math_ops.less(array_ops.size(x), 2)
  short_result = lambda: ops.convert_to_tensor([], dtype=x.dtype)

  # With 2 or more elements, return x[1:] - x[:-1]
  s_len = array_ops.shape(x) - 1
  diff = lambda: array_ops.strided_slice(x, [1], [1] + s_len)- array_ops.strided_slice(x, [0], s_len)
  return control_flow_ops.cond(is_shorter_than_two, short_result, diff)
Exemplo n.º 2
  def _inverse(self, y):
    # To derive the inverse mapping note that:
    #   y[i] = exp(x[i]) / normalization
    # and
    #   y[end] = 1 / normalization.
    # Thus:
    # x[i] = log(exp(x[i])) - log(y[end]) - log(normalization)
    #      = log(exp(x[i])/normalization) - log(y[end])
    #      = log(y[i]) - log(y[end])
    shape = (np.asarray(y.shape.as_list(), dtype=np.int32)
             if y.shape.is_fully_defined()
             else array_ops.shape(y, name="shape"))
    ndims = distribution_util.prefer_static_rank(y)

    # Do this first to make sure CSE catches that it'll happen again in
    # _inverse_log_det_jacobian.
    x = math_ops.log(y)

    # We now extract the last coordinate of the rightmost dimension.
    # Our trick is to slice from [0,0,...,shape[-1]-1] to shape[:-1]+[1].
    begin = array_ops.one_hot(indices=ndims-1,
                              on_value=shape[-1]-np.array(1, dtype=shape.dtype),
    size = array_ops.concat([shape[:-1], np.asarray([1], dtype=shape.dtype)], 0)
    log_normalization = -array_ops.strided_slice(x, begin, begin + size)

    # Here we slice out all but the last coordinate; see above for idea.
    begin = array_ops.zeros_like(shape)
    size = array_ops.concat([shape[:-1], [shape[-1] - 1]], 0)
    x = array_ops.strided_slice(x, begin, begin + size)

    x += log_normalization

    if self._static_event_ndims == 0:
      x = array_ops.squeeze(x, squeeze_dims=[ndims-1])

    # Set shape hints.
    if y.shape.ndims is not None:
      shape = y.shape.as_list()
      if self._static_event_ndims == 0:
        shape = shape[:-1]
      elif shape[-1] is not None:
        shape[-1] -= 1
      shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(shape)

    return x
Exemplo n.º 3
  def test3DNegativeStride(self):
    for dtype in self.numeric_types:
      with self.test_session():
        i = array_ops.placeholder(dtype, shape=[3, 4, 10])
        with self.test_scope():
          o = array_ops.strided_slice(i, [2, 2, 6], [0, 0, 2], [-1, -1, -2])
        params = {
          i: [[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
               [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0],
               [5, 3, 1, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8, 0],
               [4, 5, 2, 4, 3, 7, 6, 8, 9, 4]],
              [[5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5],
               [4, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 5, 3, 4, 5],
               [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 8, 7],
               [7, 1, 7, 1, 8, 1, 8, 1, 3, 1]],
              [[7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5],
               [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2],
               [9, 8, 7, 9, 8, 7, 9, 8, 7, 9],
               [9, 9, 5, 5, 6, 6, 3, 3, 6, 6]]]
        result = o.eval(feed_dict=params)

        self.assertAllEqual([[[9, 8],
                              [1, 1]],
                             [[2, 4],
                              [5, 7]]], result)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _flip_vector_to_matrix_dynamic(vec, batch_shape):
  """flip_vector_to_matrix with dynamic shapes."""
  # Shapes associated with batch_shape
  batch_rank = array_ops.size(batch_shape)

  # Shapes associated with vec.
  vec = ops.convert_to_tensor(vec, name="vec")
  vec_shape = array_ops.shape(vec)
  vec_rank = array_ops.rank(vec)
  vec_batch_rank = vec_rank - 1

  m = vec_batch_rank - batch_rank
  # vec_shape_left = [M1,...,Mm] or [].
  vec_shape_left = array_ops.strided_slice(vec_shape, [0], [m])
  # If vec_shape_left = [], then condensed_shape = [1] since reduce_prod([]) = 1
  # If vec_shape_left = [M1,...,Mm], condensed_shape = [M1*...*Mm]
  condensed_shape = [math_ops.reduce_prod(vec_shape_left)]
  k = array_ops.gather(vec_shape, vec_rank - 1)
  new_shape = array_ops.concat(0, (batch_shape, [k], condensed_shape))

  def _flip_front_dims_to_back():
    # Permutation corresponding to [N1,...,Nn] + [k, M1,...,Mm]
    perm = array_ops.concat(
        0, (math_ops.range(m, vec_rank), math_ops.range(0, m)))
    return array_ops.transpose(vec, perm=perm)

  x_flipped = control_flow_ops.cond(
      math_ops.less(0, m),
      lambda: array_ops.expand_dims(vec, -1))

  return array_ops.reshape(x_flipped, new_shape)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _my_metric_op(predictions, labels):
   # For the case of binary classification, the 2nd column of "predictions"
   # denotes the model predictions.
   labels = math_ops.to_float(labels)
   predictions = array_ops.strided_slice(
       predictions, [0, 1], [-1, 2], end_mask=1)
   labels = math_ops.cast(labels, predictions.dtype)
   return math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.multiply(predictions, labels))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def testConcatSlice(self):
   r1 = test_ops.stub_resource_handle_op(container="a", shared_name="b")
   r2 = test_ops.stub_resource_handle_op(container="a", shared_name="c")
   c = array_ops.stack([r1, r2])
   s = array_ops.strided_slice(c, [1], [2])
   with self.assertRaises(errors.AlreadyExistsError):
Exemplo n.º 7
 def testInt64GPU(self):
   if not test_util.is_gpu_available():
     self.skipTest("No GPU available")
   with self.test_session(use_gpu=True, force_gpu=True):
     x = constant_op.constant([1., 2., 3.])
     begin = constant_op.constant([2], dtype=dtypes.int64)
     end = constant_op.constant([3], dtype=dtypes.int64)
     strides = constant_op.constant([1], dtype=dtypes.int64)
     s = array_ops.strided_slice(x, begin, end, strides)
     self.assertAllEqual([3.], self.evaluate(s))
Exemplo n.º 8
  def testStridedSlice(self):
    self._testNAry(lambda x: array_ops.strided_slice(*x),
                   [np.array([[], [], []], dtype=np.float32),
                    np.array([1, 0], dtype=np.int32),
                    np.array([3, 0], dtype=np.int32),
                    np.array([1, 1], dtype=np.int32)],
                   expected=np.array([[], []], dtype=np.float32))

    if np.int64 in self.int_types:
          lambda x: array_ops.strided_slice(*x), [
              np.array([[], [], []], dtype=np.float32), np.array(
                  [1, 0], dtype=np.int64), np.array([3, 0], dtype=np.int64),
              np.array([1, 1], dtype=np.int64)
          expected=np.array([[], []], dtype=np.float32))

    self._testNAry(lambda x: array_ops.strided_slice(*x),
                   [np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]],
                    np.array([1, 1], dtype=np.int32),
                    np.array([3, 3], dtype=np.int32),
                    np.array([1, 1], dtype=np.int32)],
                   expected=np.array([[5, 6], [8, 9]], dtype=np.float32))

    self._testNAry(lambda x: array_ops.strided_slice(*x),
                   [np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]],
                    np.array([0, 2], dtype=np.int32),
                    np.array([2, 0], dtype=np.int32),
                    np.array([1, -1], dtype=np.int32)],
                   expected=np.array([[3, 2], [6, 5]], dtype=np.float32))

    self._testNAry(lambda x: x[0][0:2, array_ops.newaxis, ::-1],
                   [np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]],
                   expected=np.array([[[3, 2, 1]], [[6, 5, 4]]],

    self._testNAry(lambda x: x[0][1, :, array_ops.newaxis],
                   [np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]],
                   expected=np.array([[4], [5], [6]], dtype=np.float32))
Exemplo n.º 9
  def _objective(self, x):
    """Rosenbrock function. (Carl Edward Rasmussen, 2001-07-21).

    f(x) = sum_{i=1:D-1} 100*(x(i+1) - x(i)^2)^2 + (1-x(i))^2

      x: a Variable
      f: a tensor (objective value)

    d = array_ops.size(x)
    s = math_ops.add(
        100 * math_ops.square(
                array_ops.strided_slice(x, [1], [d]),
                math_ops.square(array_ops.strided_slice(x, [0], [d - 1])))),
            math_ops.subtract(1.0, array_ops.strided_slice(x, [0], [d - 1]))))
    return math_ops.reduce_sum(s)
Exemplo n.º 10
  def training_graph(self,
    """Constructs a TF graph for training a random forest.

      input_data: A tensor or SparseTensor or placeholder for input data.
      input_labels: A tensor or placeholder for labels associated with
      data_spec: A list of tf.dtype values specifying the original types of
        each column.
      **tree_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to each tree's training_graph.

      The last op in the random forest training graph.
    data_spec = [constants.DATA_FLOAT] if data_spec is None else data_spec
    tree_graphs = []
    for i in range(self.params.num_trees):
      with ops.device(self.device_assigner.get_device(i)):
        seed = self.params.base_random_seed
        if seed != 0:
          seed += i
        # If using bagging, randomly select some of the input.
        tree_data = input_data
        tree_labels = input_labels
        if self.params.bagging_fraction < 1.0:
          # TODO(thomaswc): This does sampling without replacment.  Consider
          # also allowing sampling with replacement as an option.
          batch_size = array_ops.strided_slice(
              array_ops.shape(input_data), [0], [1])
          r = random_ops.random_uniform(batch_size, seed=seed)
          mask = math_ops.less(
              r, array_ops.ones_like(r) * self.params.bagging_fraction)
          gather_indices = array_ops.squeeze(
              array_ops.where(mask), squeeze_dims=[1])
          # TODO(thomaswc): Calculate out-of-bag data and labels, and store
          # them for use in calculating statistics later.
          tree_data = array_ops.gather(input_data, gather_indices)
          tree_labels = array_ops.gather(input_labels, gather_indices)
        if self.params.bagged_features:
          tree_data = self._bag_features(i, tree_data)

        initialization = self.trees[i].tree_initialization()

        with ops.control_dependencies([initialization]):
                  tree_data, tree_labels, seed, data_spec=data_spec,

    return control_flow_ops.group(*tree_graphs, name='train')
  def _check_shapes_dynamic(self, operator, v, diag):
    """Return (v, diag) with Assert dependencies, which check shape."""
    checks = []
    with ops.name_scope("check_shapes", values=[operator, v, diag]):
      s_v = array_ops.shape(v)
      r_op = operator.rank()
      r_v = array_ops.rank(v)
      if diag is not None:
        s_d = array_ops.shape(diag)
        r_d = array_ops.rank(diag)

      # Check tensor rank.
          v, r_op, message="v is not the same rank as operator."))
      if diag is not None:
            diag, r_op - 1, message="diag is not the same rank as operator."))

      # Check batch shape
          operator.batch_shape(), array_ops.strided_slice(s_v, [0], [r_v - 2]),
          message="v does not have same batch shape as operator."))
      if diag is not None:
            operator.batch_shape(), array_ops.strided_slice(
                s_d, [0], [r_d - 1]),
            message="diag does not have same batch shape as operator."))

      # Check event shape
          operator.vector_space_dimension(), array_ops.gather(s_v, r_v - 2),
          message="v does not have same event shape as operator."))
      if diag is not None:
            array_ops.gather(s_v, r_v - 1), array_ops.gather(s_d, r_d - 1),
            message="diag does not have same event shape as v."))

      v = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(checks, v)
      if diag is not None:
        diag = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(checks, diag)
      return v, diag
Exemplo n.º 12
  def test1DNegtiveStride(self):
    for dtype in self.numeric_types:
      with self.test_session():
        i = array_ops.placeholder(dtype, shape=[10])
        with self.test_scope():
          o = array_ops.strided_slice(i, [6], [2], [-2])
        params = {
          i: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
        result = o.eval(feed_dict=params)

        self.assertAllEqual([6, 4], result)
Exemplo n.º 13
  def tree_initialization(self):
    def _init_tree():
      return state_ops.scatter_update(self.variables.tree, [0], [[-1, -1]]).op

    def _nothing():
      return control_flow_ops.no_op()

    return control_flow_ops.cond(
                array_ops.strided_slice(self.variables.tree, [0, 0], [1, 1])),
            -2), _init_tree, _nothing)
Exemplo n.º 14
  def test2DDegenerateNegativeStride(self):
    for dtype in self.numeric_types:
      with self.test_session():
        i = array_ops.placeholder(dtype, shape=[2, 3])
        with self.test_scope():
          o = array_ops.strided_slice(i, [0, 0], [-1, 3], [-1, 1])
        params = {
            i: [[0, 1, 2],
                [3, 4, 5]]
        result = o.eval(feed_dict=params)

        self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.TensorShape((0, 3)), result.shape)
 def _get_identity_operator(self, v):
   """Get an `OperatorPDIdentity` to play the role of `D` in `VDV^T`."""
   with ops.name_scope("get_identity_operator", values=[v]):
     if v.get_shape().is_fully_defined():
       v_shape = v.get_shape().as_list()
       v_batch_shape = v_shape[:-2]
       r = v_shape[-1]
       id_shape = v_batch_shape + [r, r]
       v_shape = array_ops.shape(v)
       v_rank = array_ops.rank(v)
       v_batch_shape = array_ops.strided_slice(v_shape, [0], [v_rank - 2])
       r = array_ops.gather(v_shape, v_rank - 1)  # Last dim of v
       id_shape = array_ops.concat_v2((v_batch_shape, [r, r]), 0)
     return operator_pd_identity.OperatorPDIdentity(
         id_shape, v.dtype, verify_pd=self._verify_pd)
Exemplo n.º 16
  def batch_shape(self, name="batch_shape"):
    """Shape of batches associated with this operator.

    If this operator represents the batch matrix `A` with
    `A.shape = [N1,...,Nn, k, k]`, the `batch_shape` is `[N1,...,Nn]`.

      name:  A name scope to use for ops added by this method.

      `int32` `Tensor`
    # Derived classes get this "for free" once .shape() is implemented.
    with ops.name_scope(self.name):
      with ops.name_scope(name, values=self.inputs):
        return array_ops.strided_slice(self.shape(), [0], [self.rank() - 2])
Exemplo n.º 17
def _StridedSliceGradGrad(op, grad):
    """Gradient for StridedSliceGrad op."""
    begin = op.inputs[1]
    end = op.inputs[2]
    strides = op.inputs[3]

    return None, None, None, None, array_ops.strided_slice(
Exemplo n.º 18
def _StridedSliceGradGrad(op, grad):
  """Gradient for StridedSliceGrad op."""
  begin = op.inputs[1]
  end = op.inputs[2]
  strides = op.inputs[3]

  return None, None, None, None, array_ops.strided_slice(
Exemplo n.º 19
    def batch_shape(self, name="batch_shape"):
        """Shape of batches associated with this operator.

    If this operator represents the batch matrix `A` with
    `A.shape = [N1,...,Nn, k, k]`, the `batch_shape` is `[N1,...,Nn]`.

      name:  A name scope to use for ops added by this method.

      `int32` `Tensor`
        # Derived classes get this "for free" once .shape() is implemented.
        with ops.name_scope(self.name):
            with ops.name_scope(name, values=self.inputs):
                return array_ops.strided_slice(self.shape(), [0],
                                               [self.rank() - 2])
Exemplo n.º 20
 def _get_identity_operator(self, v):
     """Get an `OperatorPDIdentity` to play the role of `D` in `VDV^T`."""
     with ops.name_scope("get_identity_operator", values=[v]):
         if v.get_shape().is_fully_defined():
             v_shape = v.get_shape().as_list()
             v_batch_shape = v_shape[:-2]
             r = v_shape[-1]
             id_shape = v_batch_shape + [r, r]
             v_shape = array_ops.shape(v)
             v_rank = array_ops.rank(v)
             v_batch_shape = array_ops.strided_slice(
                 v_shape, [0], [v_rank - 2])
             r = array_ops.gather(v_shape, v_rank - 1)  # Last dim of v
             id_shape = array_ops.concat(0, (v_batch_shape, [r, r]))
         return operator_pd_identity.OperatorPDIdentity(
             id_shape, v.dtype, verify_pd=self._verify_pd)
  def testStridedSliceGradWithNonConstAxis(self):
    if test.is_gpu_available(cuda_only=True):
      x = random_ops.truncated_normal([1, 784], seed=0)
      conv = _two_layer_model(x)
      end = array_ops.placeholder(dtype='int32')
      shape = array_ops.shape(conv)
      end_val = [1, 2, 3, 4]
      s = array_ops.strided_slice(
          conv, [0, 0, 0, 0], end_val, strides=[1, 2, 3, 1])
      s_grad = array_ops.strided_slice_grad(shape, [0, 0, 0, 0], end,
                                            [1, 2, 3, 1], s)
      output = array_ops.identity(s_grad)

      with session.Session() as sess:
        output_val_ref = sess.run(output, feed_dict={end: end_val})

      with session.Session(config=_get_config()) as sess:
        metadata = config_pb2.RunMetadata()
        output_val = sess.run(
            output, run_metadata=metadata, feed_dict={
                end: end_val

      nodes = []
      num_transposes = 0
      for node in metadata.cost_graph.node:
        if node.name.startswith('LayoutOptimizerTranspose'):
          num_transposes += 1

      # Four transposes were initially added in the Expand phase of
      # LayoutOptimizer; two of them are cancelled out in the Collapse phase.
      expected_num_transposes = 2
      self.assertEqual(expected_num_transposes, num_transposes)
      self.assertIn('LayoutOptimizerTransposeNHWCToNCHW-Conv2D-0', nodes)
      self.assertAllClose(output_val_ref, output_val, atol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 22
def extract_batch_shape(x, num_event_dims, name="extract_batch_shape"):
    """Extract the batch shape from `x`.

  Assuming `x.shape = batch_shape + event_shape`, when `event_shape` has
  `num_event_dims` dimensions.  This `Op` returns the batch shape `Tensor`.

    x: `Tensor` with rank at least `num_event_dims`.  If rank is not high enough
      this `Op` will fail.
    num_event_dims:  `int32` scalar `Tensor`.  The number of trailing dimensions
      in `x` to be considered as part of `event_shape`.
    name:  A name to prepend to created `Ops`.

    batch_shape:  `1-D` `int32` `Tensor`
    with ops.name_scope(name, values=[x]):
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        return array_ops.strided_slice(array_ops.shape(x), [0],
                                       [array_ops.rank(x) - num_event_dims])
Exemplo n.º 23
def extract_batch_shape(x, num_event_dims, name="extract_batch_shape"):
  """Extract the batch shape from `x`.

  Assuming `x.shape = batch_shape + event_shape`, when `event_shape` has
  `num_event_dims` dimensions.  This `Op` returns the batch shape `Tensor`.

    x: `Tensor` with rank at least `num_event_dims`.  If rank is not high enough
      this `Op` will fail.
    num_event_dims:  `int32` scalar `Tensor`.  The number of trailing dimensions
      in `x` to be considered as part of `event_shape`.
    name:  A name to prepend to created `Ops`.

    batch_shape:  `1-D` `int32` `Tensor`
  with ops.name_scope(name, values=[x]):
    x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
    return array_ops.strided_slice(
        array_ops.shape(x), [0], [array_ops.rank(x) - num_event_dims])
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test3D(self):
        for dtype in self.numeric_types:
            with self.test_session():
                i = array_ops.placeholder(dtype, shape=[3, 3, 10])
                with self.test_scope():
                    o = array_ops.strided_slice(i, [0, 2, 2], [2, 3, 6],
                                                [1, 1, 2])
                params = {
                    i: [[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
                         [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0],
                         [5, 3, 1, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8, 0]],
                        [[5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5],
                         [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                         [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 8, 7]],
                        [[7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5],
                         [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2],
                         [9, 8, 7, 9, 8, 7, 9, 8, 7, 9]]]
                result = o.eval(feed_dict=params)

                self.assertAllEqual([[[1, 9]], [[6, 4]]], result)
  def testStridedSliceWithNonConstAxis(self):
    if test.is_gpu_available(cuda_only=True):
      x = random_ops.truncated_normal([1, 784], seed=0)
      conv = _two_layer_model(x)
      end = array_ops.placeholder(dtype='int32')
      s = array_ops.strided_slice(conv, [0, 0, 0, 0], end, strides=[1, 2, 3, 1])
      output = array_ops.identity(s)

      end_val = [1, 2, 3, 4]
      with session.Session() as sess:
        output_val_ref = sess.run(output, feed_dict={end: end_val})

      with session.Session(config=_get_config()) as sess:
        metadata = config_pb2.RunMetadata()
        output_val = sess.run(
            output, run_metadata=metadata, feed_dict={
                end: end_val

      nodes = []
      num_transposes = 0
      for node in metadata.cost_graph.node:
        if _is_transpose(node.name):
          num_transposes += 1

      # Four transposes were initially added in the Expand phase of
      # LayoutOptimizer; two of them are cancelled out in the Collapse phase.
      expected_num_transposes = 2
      self.assertEqual(expected_num_transposes, num_transposes)
      self._assert_trans_nhwc_to_nchw('Conv2D-0', nodes)
      self._assert_trans_nchw_to_nhwc('StridedSlice-0-0', nodes)
      self._assert_vec_nhwc_to_nchw('StridedSlice-2', nodes)
      self.assertIn('StridedSlice-1-LayoutOptimizer', nodes)
      self.assertIn('StridedSlice-3-LayoutOptimizer', nodes)
      self.assertAllClose(output_val_ref, output_val, atol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 26
  def testStridedSliceWithNonConstAxis(self):
    if test.is_gpu_available(cuda_only=True):
      x = random_ops.truncated_normal([1, 784], seed=0)
      conv = _two_layer_model(x)
      end = array_ops.placeholder(dtype='int32')
      s = array_ops.strided_slice(conv, [0, 0, 0, 0], end, strides=[1, 2, 3, 1])
      output = array_ops.identity(s)

      end_val = [1, 2, 3, 4]
      with session.Session() as sess:
        output_val_ref = sess.run(output, feed_dict={end: end_val})

      with session.Session(config=_get_config()) as sess:
        metadata = config_pb2.RunMetadata()
        output_val = sess.run(
            output, run_metadata=metadata, feed_dict={
                end: end_val

      nodes = []
      num_transposes = 0
      for node in metadata.cost_graph.node:
        if _is_transpose(node.name):
          num_transposes += 1

      # Four transposes were initially added in the Expand phase of
      # LayoutOptimizer; two of them are cancelled out in the Collapse phase.
      expected_num_transposes = 2
      self.assertEqual(expected_num_transposes, num_transposes)
      self._assert_trans_nhwc_to_nchw('Conv2D-0', nodes)
      self._assert_trans_nchw_to_nhwc('StridedSlice-0-0', nodes)
      self._assert_vec_nhwc_to_nchw('StridedSlice-2', nodes)
      self.assertIn('StridedSlice-1-LayoutOptimizer', nodes)
      self.assertIn('StridedSlice-3-LayoutOptimizer', nodes)
      self.assertAllClose(output_val_ref, output_val, atol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def training_graph(self,
        """Constructs a TF graph for training a random forest.

      input_data: A tensor or dict of string->Tensor for input data.
      input_labels: A tensor or placeholder for labels associated with
      num_trainers: Number of parallel trainers to split trees among.
      trainer_id: Which trainer this instance is.
      **tree_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to each tree's training_graph.

      The last op in the random forest training graph.

      NotImplementedError: If trying to use bagging with sparse features.
        processed_dense_features, processed_sparse_features, data_spec = (

        if input_labels is not None:
            labels = data_ops.ParseLabelTensorOrDict(input_labels)

        data_spec = data_spec or self.get_default_data_spec(input_data)

        tree_graphs = []
        trees_per_trainer = self.params.num_trees / num_trainers
        tree_start = int(trainer_id * trees_per_trainer)
        tree_end = int((trainer_id + 1) * trees_per_trainer)
        for i in range(tree_start, tree_end):
            with ops.device(self.variables.device_dummies[i].device):
                seed = self.params.base_random_seed
                if seed != 0:
                    seed += i
                # If using bagging, randomly select some of the input.
                tree_data = processed_dense_features
                tree_labels = labels
                if self.params.bagging_fraction < 1.0:
                    # TODO(gilberth): Support bagging for sparse features.
                    if processed_sparse_features is not None:
                        raise NotImplementedError(
                            'Bagging not supported with sparse features.')
                    # TODO(thomaswc): This does sampling without replacement.  Consider
                    # also allowing sampling with replacement as an option.
                    batch_size = array_ops.strided_slice(
                        array_ops.shape(processed_dense_features), [0], [1])
                    r = random_ops.random_uniform(batch_size, seed=seed)
                    mask = math_ops.less(
                        array_ops.ones_like(r) * self.params.bagging_fraction)
                    gather_indices = array_ops.squeeze(array_ops.where(mask),
                    # TODO(thomaswc): Calculate out-of-bag data and labels, and store
                    # them for use in calculating statistics later.
                    tree_data = array_ops.gather(processed_dense_features,
                    tree_labels = array_ops.gather(labels, gather_indices)
                if self.params.bagged_features:
                    if processed_sparse_features is not None:
                        raise NotImplementedError(
                            'Feature bagging not supported with sparse features.'
                    tree_data = self._bag_features(i, tree_data)


        return control_flow_ops.group(*tree_graphs, name='train')
Exemplo n.º 28
  def testSlice(self):
    tf_val = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32, shape=(4,))[0:2]
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual([None, None], c_val.as_list())

    # begin:end
    tf_val = constant_op.constant([10, 20, 30])[1:3]
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual([20, 30], c_val.as_list())

    # begin:end:stride
    tf_val = array_ops.strided_slice(
        constant_op.constant([10, 20, 30]), [1], [3], strides=[2])
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual([20], c_val.as_list())

    # [1, 2, 16, 37, None, 48]
    tf_val_orig = array_ops.concat(
        [[1, 2, 16, 37], array_ops.placeholder(
            dtypes.int32, shape=(1,)), [48]], 0)

    # begin: no end
    tf_val = tf_val_orig[2:]
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual([16, 37, None, 48], c_val.as_list())

    # begin::negative slice
    tf_val = tf_val_orig[2::-1]
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual([16, 2, 1], c_val.as_list())

    # :end:negative slice
    tf_val = tf_val_orig[:1:-2]
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual([48, 37], c_val.as_list())

    # begin:end:negative slice
    tf_val = tf_val_orig[3:1:-1]
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual([37, 16], c_val.as_list())

    # begin:negative end:slice
    tf_val = tf_val_orig[1:-3:1]
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual([2, 16], c_val.as_list())

    # negative begin::slice
    tf_val = tf_val_orig[-3::1]
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual([37, None, 48], c_val.as_list())

    # negative begin::negative slice
    tf_val = tf_val_orig[-3::-1]
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual([37, 16, 2, 1], c_val.as_list())

    # negative begin:negative end:negative slice
    tf_val = tf_val_orig[-3:-5:-1]
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual([37, 16], c_val.as_list())

    # Do not support shape inference for additional arguments
    tf_val = constant_op.constant([10, 20, 30])[...]
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual([None, None, None], c_val.as_list())

    # Do not support shape inference for tensor slices.
    tf_val = constant_op.constant([10, 20, 30])[
        array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32, shape=()):]
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), c_val)

    # Do not support shape inference for higher rank
    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
      tf_val = constant_op.constant([[10], [20], [30]])[:, 0:]
      c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
Exemplo n.º 29
def frame(signal,
    """Expands `signal`'s `axis` dimension into frames of `frame_length`.

  Slides a window of size `frame_length` over `signal`'s `axis` dimension
  with a stride of `frame_step`, replacing the `axis` dimension with
  `[frames, frame_length]` frames.

  If `pad_end` is True, window positions that are past the end of the `axis`
  dimension are padded with `pad_value` until the window moves fully past the
  end of the dimension. Otherwise, only window positions that fully overlap the
  `axis` dimension are produced.

  For example:

  # A batch size 3 tensor of 9152 audio samples.
  audio = tf.random.normal([3, 9152])

  # Compute overlapping frames of length 512 with a step of 180 (frames overlap
  # by 332 samples). By default, only 50 frames are generated since the last
  # 152 samples do not form a full frame.
  frames = tf.signal.frame(audio, 512, 180)
  frames.shape.assert_is_compatible_with([3, 50, 512])

  # When pad_end is enabled, the final frame is kept (padded with zeros).
  frames = tf.signal.frame(audio, 512, 180, pad_end=True)
  frames.shape.assert_is_compatible_with([3, 51, 512])

    signal: A `[..., samples, ...]` `Tensor`. The rank and dimensions
      may be unknown. Rank must be at least 1.
    frame_length: The frame length in samples. An integer or scalar `Tensor`.
    frame_step: The frame hop size in samples. An integer or scalar `Tensor`.
    pad_end: Whether to pad the end of `signal` with `pad_value`.
    pad_value: An optional scalar `Tensor` to use where the input signal
      does not exist when `pad_end` is True.
    axis: A scalar integer `Tensor` indicating the axis to frame. Defaults to
      the last axis. Supports negative values for indexing from the end.
    name: An optional name for the operation.

    A `Tensor` of frames with shape `[..., frames, frame_length, ...]`.

    ValueError: If `frame_length`, `frame_step`, `pad_value`, or `axis` are not
    with ops.name_scope(name, "frame",
                        [signal, frame_length, frame_step, pad_value]):
        signal = ops.convert_to_tensor(signal, name="signal")
        frame_length = ops.convert_to_tensor(frame_length, name="frame_length")
        frame_step = ops.convert_to_tensor(frame_step, name="frame_step")
        axis = ops.convert_to_tensor(axis, name="axis")


        result_shape = _infer_frame_shape(signal, frame_length, frame_step,
                                          pad_end, axis)

        # Axis can be negative. Convert it to positive.
        signal_rank = array_ops.rank(signal)
        axis = math_ops.range(signal_rank)[axis]

        signal_shape = array_ops.shape(signal)
        outer_dimensions, length_samples, inner_dimensions = array_ops.split(
            signal_shape, [axis, 1, signal_rank - 1 - axis])
        length_samples = array_ops.reshape(length_samples, [])
        num_outer_dimensions = array_ops.size(outer_dimensions)
        num_inner_dimensions = array_ops.size(inner_dimensions)

        # If padding is requested, pad the input signal tensor with pad_value.
        if pad_end:
            pad_value = ops.convert_to_tensor(pad_value, signal.dtype)

            # Calculate number of frames, using double negatives to round up.
            num_frames = -(-length_samples // frame_step)

            # Pad the signal by up to frame_length samples based on how many samples
            # are remaining starting from last_frame_position.
            pad_samples = math_ops.maximum(
                frame_length + frame_step * (num_frames - 1) - length_samples)

            # Pad the inner dimension of signal by pad_samples.
            paddings = array_ops.concat([
                array_ops.zeros([num_outer_dimensions, 2],
                                dtype=pad_samples.dtype), [[0, pad_samples]],
                array_ops.zeros([num_inner_dimensions, 2],
            ], 0)
            signal = array_ops.pad(signal, paddings, constant_values=pad_value)

            signal_shape = array_ops.shape(signal)
            length_samples = signal_shape[axis]
            num_frames = math_ops.maximum(
                0, 1 + (length_samples - frame_length) // frame_step)

        subframe_length = util_ops.gcd(frame_length, frame_step)
        subframes_per_frame = frame_length // subframe_length
        subframes_per_hop = frame_step // subframe_length
        num_subframes = length_samples // subframe_length

        slice_shape = array_ops.concat([
            outer_dimensions, [num_subframes * subframe_length],
        ], 0)
        subframe_shape = array_ops.concat([
            outer_dimensions, [num_subframes, subframe_length],
        ], 0)
        subframes = array_ops.reshape(
            array_ops.strided_slice(signal, array_ops.zeros_like(signal_shape),
                                    slice_shape), subframe_shape)

        # frame_selector is a [num_frames, subframes_per_frame] tensor
        # that indexes into the appropriate frame in subframes. For example:
        # [[0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2, 2], [4, 4, 4, 4]]
        frame_selector = array_ops.reshape(
            math_ops.range(num_frames) * subframes_per_hop, [num_frames, 1])

        # subframe_selector is a [num_frames, subframes_per_frame] tensor
        # that indexes into the appropriate subframe within a frame. For example:
        # [[0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3]]
        subframe_selector = array_ops.reshape(
            math_ops.range(subframes_per_frame), [1, subframes_per_frame])

        # Adding the 2 selector tensors together produces a [num_frames,
        # subframes_per_frame] tensor of indices to use with tf.gather to select
        # subframes from subframes. We then reshape the inner-most
        # subframes_per_frame dimension to stitch the subframes together into
        # frames. For example: [[0, 1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6, 7]].
        selector = frame_selector + subframe_selector

        frames = array_ops.reshape(
            array_ops.gather(subframes, selector, axis=axis),
                outer_dimensions, [num_frames, frame_length], inner_dimensions
            ], 0))

        if result_shape:
        return frames
Exemplo n.º 30
  def training_graph(self,
    """Constructs a TF graph for training a random forest.

      input_data: A tensor or dict of string->Tensor for input data.
      input_labels: A tensor or placeholder for labels associated with
      num_trainers: Number of parallel trainers to split trees among.
      trainer_id: Which trainer this instance is.
      **tree_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to each tree's training_graph.

      The last op in the random forest training graph.

      NotImplementedError: If trying to use bagging with sparse features.
    processed_dense_features, processed_sparse_features, data_spec = (

    if input_labels is not None:
      labels = data_ops.ParseLabelTensorOrDict(input_labels)

    data_spec = data_spec or self.get_default_data_spec(input_data)

    tree_graphs = []
    trees_per_trainer = self.params.num_trees / num_trainers
    tree_start = int(trainer_id * trees_per_trainer)
    tree_end = int((trainer_id + 1) * trees_per_trainer)
    for i in range(tree_start, tree_end):
      with ops.device(self.variables.device_dummies[i].device):
        seed = self.params.base_random_seed
        if seed != 0:
          seed += i
        # If using bagging, randomly select some of the input.
        tree_data = processed_dense_features
        tree_labels = labels
        if self.params.bagging_fraction < 1.0:
          # TODO(gilberth): Support bagging for sparse features.
          if processed_sparse_features is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Bagging not supported with sparse features.')
          # TODO(thomaswc): This does sampling without replacement.  Consider
          # also allowing sampling with replacement as an option.
          batch_size = array_ops.strided_slice(
              array_ops.shape(processed_dense_features), [0], [1])
          r = random_ops.random_uniform(batch_size, seed=seed)
          mask = math_ops.less(
              r, array_ops.ones_like(r) * self.params.bagging_fraction)
          gather_indices = array_ops.squeeze(
              array_ops.where(mask), squeeze_dims=[1])
          # TODO(thomaswc): Calculate out-of-bag data and labels, and store
          # them for use in calculating statistics later.
          tree_data = array_ops.gather(processed_dense_features, gather_indices)
          tree_labels = array_ops.gather(labels, gather_indices)
        if self.params.bagged_features:
          if processed_sparse_features is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Feature bagging not supported with sparse features.')
          tree_data = self._bag_features(i, tree_data)


    return control_flow_ops.group(*tree_graphs, name='train')
Exemplo n.º 31
  def _log_prob(self, x):
    if self.cholesky_input_output_matrices:
      x_sqrt = x
      # Complexity: O(nbk^3)
      x_sqrt = linalg_ops.cholesky(x)

    batch_shape = self.batch_shape()
    event_shape = self.event_shape()
    ndims = array_ops.rank(x_sqrt)
    # sample_ndims = ndims - batch_ndims - event_ndims
    sample_ndims = ndims - array_ops.shape(batch_shape)[0] - 2
    sample_shape = array_ops.strided_slice(
        array_ops.shape(x_sqrt), [0], [sample_ndims])

    # We need to be able to pre-multiply each matrix by its corresponding
    # batch scale matrix.  Since a Distribution Tensor supports multiple
    # samples per batch, this means we need to reshape the input matrix `x`
    # so that the first b dimensions are batch dimensions and the last two
    # are of shape [dimension, dimensions*number_of_samples]. Doing these
    # gymnastics allows us to do a batch_solve.
    # After we're done with sqrt_solve (the batch operation) we need to undo
    # this reshaping so what we're left with is a Tensor partitionable by
    # sample, batch, event dimensions.

    # Complexity: O(nbk^2) since transpose must access every element.
    scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = x_sqrt
    perm = array_ops.concat((math_ops.range(sample_ndims, ndims),
                             math_ops.range(0, sample_ndims)), 0)
    scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = array_ops.transpose(scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt, perm)
    shape = array_ops.concat(
        (batch_shape, (math_ops.cast(
            self.dimension, dtype=dtypes.int32), -1)),
    scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = array_ops.reshape(scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt, shape)

    # Complexity: O(nbM*k) where M is the complexity of the operator solving
    # a vector system.  E.g., for OperatorPDDiag, each solve is O(k), so
    # this complexity is O(nbk^2). For OperatorPDCholesky, each solve is
    # O(k^2) so this step has complexity O(nbk^3).
    scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = self.scale_operator_pd.sqrt_solve(

    # Undo make batch-op ready.
    # Complexity: O(nbk^2)
    shape = array_ops.concat((batch_shape, event_shape, sample_shape), 0)
    scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = array_ops.reshape(scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt, shape)
    perm = array_ops.concat((math_ops.range(ndims - sample_ndims, ndims),
                             math_ops.range(0, ndims - sample_ndims)), 0)
    scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = array_ops.transpose(scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt, perm)

    # Write V = SS', X = LL'. Then:
    # tr[inv(V) X] = tr[inv(S)' inv(S) L L']
    #              = tr[inv(S) L L' inv(S)']
    #              = tr[(inv(S) L) (inv(S) L)']
    #              = sum_{ik} (inv(S) L)_{ik}^2
    # The second equality follows from the cyclic permutation property.
    # Complexity: O(nbk^2)
    trace_scale_inv_x = math_ops.reduce_sum(
        reduction_indices=[-2, -1])

    # Complexity: O(nbk)
    half_log_det_x = math_ops.reduce_sum(

    # Complexity: O(nbk^2)
    log_prob = ((self.df - self.dimension - 1.) * half_log_det_x -
                0.5 * trace_scale_inv_x -

    # Set shape hints.
    # Try to merge what we know from the input then what we know from the
    # parameters of this distribution.
    if x.get_shape().ndims is not None:
    if (log_prob.get_shape().ndims is not None and
        self.get_batch_shape().ndims is not None and
        self.get_batch_shape().ndims > 0):

    return log_prob
Exemplo n.º 32
 def _event_shape_tensor(self):
     s = self.scale_operator_pd.shape()
     return array_ops.strided_slice(s,
                                    array_ops.shape(s) - 2,
Exemplo n.º 33
def _slice_helper(tensor, slice_spec, var=None):
    """Copied from array_ops._slice_helper, will be merged back later."""
    if isinstance(slice_spec, bool) or \
    (isinstance(slice_spec, ops.Tensor) and slice_spec.dtype == dtypes.bool) or \
    (isinstance(slice_spec, np.ndarray) and slice_spec.dtype == bool):
        return array_ops.boolean_mask(tensor=tensor, mask=slice_spec)

    if not isinstance(slice_spec, (list, tuple)):
        slice_spec = [slice_spec]

    begin, end, strides = [], [], []
    index = 0

    new_axis_mask, shrink_axis_mask = 0, 0
    begin_mask, end_mask = 0, 0
    ellipsis_mask = 0
    for s in slice_spec:
        if isinstance(s, slice):
            if s.start is not None and not _is_undefined_dimension(s.start):
                begin_mask |= (1 << index)
            if s.stop is not None and not _is_undefined_dimension(s.stop):
                end_mask |= (1 << index)
            if s.step is not None and not _is_undefined_dimension(s.step):
        elif s is Ellipsis:
            ellipsis_mask |= (1 << index)
        elif s is array_ops.newaxis:
            new_axis_mask |= (1 << index)
            end.append(s + 1)
            shrink_axis_mask |= (1 << index)
        index += 1

    # stack possibly involves no tensors, so we must use op_scope correct graph.
    with ops.name_scope(None,
                        'strided_slice', [tensor] + begin + end + strides,
                        skip_on_eager=False) as name:
        if begin:
            packed_begin, packed_end, packed_strides = (
                array_ops.stack(begin), array_ops.stack(end),
            if (packed_begin.dtype == dtypes.int64
                    or packed_end.dtype == dtypes.int64
                    or packed_strides.dtype == dtypes.int64):
                if packed_begin.dtype != dtypes.int64:
                    packed_begin = math_ops.cast(packed_begin, dtypes.int64)
                if packed_end.dtype != dtypes.int64:
                    packed_end = math_ops.cast(packed_end, dtypes.int64)
                if packed_strides.dtype != dtypes.int64:
                    packed_strides = math_ops.cast(packed_strides,
            var_empty = constant_op.constant([], dtype=dtypes.int32)
            packed_begin = packed_end = packed_strides = var_empty
        return array_ops.strided_slice(tensor,
Exemplo n.º 34
 def my_net(a, b, c):
     a = array_ops.broadcast_to(a, shape=[1024])
     b = array_ops.strided_slice(b, [0], [8192], [8])
     c = array_ops.pad(c, paddings=[[256, 256]])
     out = a + b + c
     return [out]
Exemplo n.º 35
    def testSlice(self):
        tf_val = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32, shape=(4, ))[0:2]
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual([None, None], c_val.as_list())

        # begin:end
        tf_val = constant_op.constant([10, 20, 30])[1:3]
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual([20, 30], c_val.as_list())

        # begin:end:stride
        tf_val = array_ops.strided_slice(constant_op.constant([10, 20, 30]),
                                         [1], [3],
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual([20], c_val.as_list())

        # [1, 2, 16, 37, None, 48]
        tf_val_orig = array_ops.concat(
            [[1, 2, 16, 37],
             array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32, shape=(1, )), [48]], 0)

        # begin: no end
        tf_val = tf_val_orig[2:]
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual([16, 37, None, 48], c_val.as_list())

        # begin::negative slice
        tf_val = tf_val_orig[2::-1]
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual([16, 2, 1], c_val.as_list())

        # :end:negative slice
        tf_val = tf_val_orig[:1:-2]
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual([48, 37], c_val.as_list())

        # begin:end:negative slice
        tf_val = tf_val_orig[3:1:-1]
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual([37, 16], c_val.as_list())

        # begin:negative end:slice
        tf_val = tf_val_orig[1:-3:1]
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual([2, 16], c_val.as_list())

        # negative begin::slice
        tf_val = tf_val_orig[-3::1]
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual([37, None, 48], c_val.as_list())

        # negative begin::negative slice
        tf_val = tf_val_orig[-3::-1]
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual([37, 16, 2, 1], c_val.as_list())

        # negative begin:negative end:negative slice
        tf_val = tf_val_orig[-3:-5:-1]
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual([37, 16], c_val.as_list())

        # Do not support shape inference for additional arguments
        tf_val = constant_op.constant([10, 20, 30])[...]
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual([None, None, None], c_val.as_list())

        # Do not support shape inference for tensor slices.
        tf_val = constant_op.constant(
            [10, 20, 30])[array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32, shape=()):]
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), c_val)

        # Do not support shape inference for higher rank
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            tf_val = constant_op.constant([[10], [20], [30]])[:, 0:]
            c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
Exemplo n.º 36
 def _event_shape(self):
   s = self.scale_operator_pd.shape()
   return array_ops.strided_slice(s, array_ops.shape(s) - 2,
Exemplo n.º 37
    def _log_prob(self, x):
        if self.cholesky_input_output_matrices:
            x_sqrt = x
            # Complexity: O(nbk^3)
            x_sqrt = linalg_ops.cholesky(x)

        batch_shape = self.batch_shape_tensor()
        event_shape = self.event_shape_tensor()
        ndims = array_ops.rank(x_sqrt)
        # sample_ndims = ndims - batch_ndims - event_ndims
        sample_ndims = ndims - array_ops.shape(batch_shape)[0] - 2
        sample_shape = array_ops.strided_slice(array_ops.shape(x_sqrt), [0],

        # We need to be able to pre-multiply each matrix by its corresponding
        # batch scale matrix. Since a Distribution Tensor supports multiple
        # samples per batch, this means we need to reshape the input matrix `x`
        # so that the first b dimensions are batch dimensions and the last two
        # are of shape [dimension, dimensions*number_of_samples]. Doing these
        # gymnastics allows us to do a batch_solve.
        # After we're done with sqrt_solve (the batch operation) we need to undo
        # this reshaping so what we're left with is a Tensor partitionable by
        # sample, batch, event dimensions.

        # Complexity: O(nbk**2) since transpose must access every element.
        scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = x_sqrt
        perm = array_ops.concat([
            math_ops.range(sample_ndims, ndims),
            math_ops.range(0, sample_ndims)
        ], 0)
        scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = array_ops.transpose(scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt,
        shape = array_ops.concat(
             (math_ops.cast(self.dimension, dtype=dtypes.int32), -1)), 0)
        scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = array_ops.reshape(scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt, shape)

        # Complexity: O(nbM*k) where M is the complexity of the operator solving
        # a vector system. E.g., for OperatorPDDiag, each solve is O(k), so
        # this complexity is O(nbk**2). For OperatorPDCholesky, each solve is
        # O(k**2) so this step has complexity O(nbk^3).
        scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = self.scale_operator_pd.sqrt_solve(

        # Undo make batch-op ready.
        # Complexity: O(nbk**2)
        shape = array_ops.concat([batch_shape, event_shape, sample_shape], 0)
        scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = array_ops.reshape(scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt, shape)
        perm = array_ops.concat([
            math_ops.range(ndims - sample_ndims, ndims),
            math_ops.range(0, ndims - sample_ndims)
        ], 0)
        scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt = array_ops.transpose(scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt,

        # Write V = SS', X = LL'. Then:
        # tr[inv(V) X] = tr[inv(S)' inv(S) L L']
        #              = tr[inv(S) L L' inv(S)']
        #              = tr[(inv(S) L) (inv(S) L)']
        #              = sum_{ik} (inv(S) L)_{ik}**2
        # The second equality follows from the cyclic permutation property.
        # Complexity: O(nbk**2)
        trace_scale_inv_x = math_ops.reduce_sum(
            math_ops.square(scale_sqrt_inv_x_sqrt), axis=[-2, -1])

        # Complexity: O(nbk)
        half_log_det_x = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.log(

        # Complexity: O(nbk**2)
        log_prob = ((self.df - self.dimension - 1.) * half_log_det_x -
                    0.5 * trace_scale_inv_x - self.log_normalization())

        # Set shape hints.
        # Try to merge what we know from the input then what we know from the
        # parameters of this distribution.
        if x.get_shape().ndims is not None:
        if (log_prob.get_shape().ndims is not None
                and self.batch_shape.ndims is not None
                and self.batch_shape.ndims > 0):

        return log_prob
Exemplo n.º 38
def frame(signal, frame_length, frame_step, pad_end=False, pad_value=0, axis=-1,
  """Expands `signal`'s `axis` dimension into frames of `frame_length`.

  Slides a window of size `frame_length` over `signal`'s `axis` dimension
  with a stride of `frame_step`, replacing the `axis` dimension with
  `[frames, frame_length]` frames.

  If `pad_end` is True, window positions that are past the end of the `axis`
  dimension are padded with `pad_value` until the window moves fully past the
  end of the dimension. Otherwise, only window positions that fully overlap the
  `axis` dimension are produced.

  For example:

  pcm = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 9152])
  frames = tf.signal.frame(pcm, 512, 180)
  magspec = tf.abs(tf.spectral.rfft(frames, [512]))
  image = tf.expand_dims(magspec, 3)

    signal: A `[..., samples, ...]` `Tensor`. The rank and dimensions
      may be unknown. Rank must be at least 1.
    frame_length: The frame length in samples. An integer or scalar `Tensor`.
    frame_step: The frame hop size in samples. An integer or scalar `Tensor`.
    pad_end: Whether to pad the end of `signal` with `pad_value`.
    pad_value: An optional scalar `Tensor` to use where the input signal
      does not exist when `pad_end` is True.
    axis: A scalar integer `Tensor` indicating the axis to frame. Defaults to
      the last axis. Supports negative values for indexing from the end.
    name: An optional name for the operation.

    A `Tensor` of frames with shape `[..., frames, frame_length, ...]`.

    ValueError: If `frame_length`, `frame_step`, `pad_value`, or `axis` are not
  with ops.name_scope(name, "frame", [signal, frame_length, frame_step,
    signal = ops.convert_to_tensor(signal, name="signal")
    frame_length = ops.convert_to_tensor(frame_length, name="frame_length")
    frame_step = ops.convert_to_tensor(frame_step, name="frame_step")
    axis = ops.convert_to_tensor(axis, name="axis")


    result_shape = _infer_frame_shape(signal, frame_length, frame_step, pad_end,

    # Axis can be negative. Convert it to positive.
    signal_rank = array_ops.rank(signal)
    axis = math_ops.range(signal_rank)[axis]

    signal_shape = array_ops.shape(signal)
    outer_dimensions, length_samples, inner_dimensions = array_ops.split(
        signal_shape, [axis, 1, signal_rank - 1 - axis])
    length_samples = array_ops.reshape(length_samples, [])
    num_outer_dimensions = array_ops.size(outer_dimensions)
    num_inner_dimensions = array_ops.size(inner_dimensions)

    # If padding is requested, pad the input signal tensor with pad_value.
    if pad_end:
      pad_value = ops.convert_to_tensor(pad_value, signal.dtype)

      # Calculate number of frames, using double negatives to round up.
      num_frames = -(-length_samples // frame_step)

      # Pad the signal by up to frame_length samples based on how many samples
      # are remaining starting from last_frame_position.
      pad_samples = math_ops.maximum(
          0, frame_length + frame_step * (num_frames - 1) - length_samples)

      # Pad the inner dimension of signal by pad_samples.
      paddings = array_ops.concat(
          [array_ops.zeros([num_outer_dimensions, 2], dtype=pad_samples.dtype),
           [[0, pad_samples]],
           array_ops.zeros([num_inner_dimensions, 2], dtype=pad_samples.dtype)],
      signal = array_ops.pad(signal, paddings, constant_values=pad_value)

      signal_shape = array_ops.shape(signal)
      length_samples = signal_shape[axis]
      num_frames = math_ops.maximum(
          0, 1 + (length_samples - frame_length) // frame_step)

    subframe_length = util_ops.gcd(frame_length, frame_step)
    subframes_per_frame = frame_length // subframe_length
    subframes_per_hop = frame_step // subframe_length
    num_subframes = length_samples // subframe_length

    slice_shape = array_ops.concat([outer_dimensions,
                                    [num_subframes * subframe_length],
                                    inner_dimensions], 0)
    subframe_shape = array_ops.concat([outer_dimensions,
                                       [num_subframes, subframe_length],
                                       inner_dimensions], 0)
    subframes = array_ops.reshape(array_ops.strided_slice(
        signal, array_ops.zeros_like(signal_shape),
        slice_shape), subframe_shape)

    # frame_selector is a [num_frames, subframes_per_frame] tensor
    # that indexes into the appropriate frame in subframes. For example:
    # [[0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2, 2], [4, 4, 4, 4]]
    frame_selector = array_ops.reshape(
        math_ops.range(num_frames) * subframes_per_hop, [num_frames, 1])

    # subframe_selector is a [num_frames, subframes_per_frame] tensor
    # that indexes into the appropriate subframe within a frame. For example:
    # [[0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3]]
    subframe_selector = array_ops.reshape(
        math_ops.range(subframes_per_frame), [1, subframes_per_frame])

    # Adding the 2 selector tensors together produces a [num_frames,
    # subframes_per_frame] tensor of indices to use with tf.gather to select
    # subframes from subframes. We then reshape the inner-most
    # subframes_per_frame dimension to stitch the subframes together into
    # frames. For example: [[0, 1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6, 7]].
    selector = frame_selector + subframe_selector

    frames = array_ops.reshape(
        array_ops.gather(subframes, selector, axis=axis),
        array_ops.concat([outer_dimensions, [num_frames, frame_length],
                          inner_dimensions], 0))

    if result_shape:
    return frames