Exemplo n.º 1
def _PendingCount(graph, to_ops, from_ops, colocate_gradients_with_ops):
    """Initialize the pending count for ops between two lists of Operations.

  'pending_count[op._id]' indicates the number of backprop inputs
  to this operation.

    graph: a Graph.
    to_ops: list of Operations.
    from_ops: list of Operations.
    colocate_gradients_with_ops: Python bool.  See docstring of gradients().

    A tuple containing: (1) a list of integers indexed by operation id,
    indicating the number of backprop inputs to this operation, and (2)
    a ControlFlowState object which is not None if the ops between from_ops
    and to_ops contain control flow loops.
    # Mark reachable ops from from_ops.
    reached_ops = [False] * (graph._last_id + 1)
    for op in to_ops:
        reached_ops[op._id] = True
    _MarkReachedOps(from_ops, reached_ops)

    # Mark between ops.
    between_ops = [False] * (graph._last_id + 1)
    between_op_list = []
    queue = collections.deque()
    while queue:
        op = queue.popleft()
        # We are interested in this op.
        if reached_ops[op._id]:
            between_ops[op._id] = True
            # Clear the boolean so we won't add the inputs again.
            reached_ops[op._id] = False
            for inp in op.inputs:

    # 'loop_state' is None if there are no while loops.
    loop_state = control_flow_ops.MaybeCreateControlFlowState(
        between_op_list, between_ops, colocate_gradients_with_ops)

    # Initialize pending count for between ops.
    pending_count = [0] * (graph._last_id + 1)
    for op in between_op_list:
        for x in op.inputs:
            if between_ops[x.op._id]:
                pending_count[x.op._id] += 1

    return pending_count, loop_state
Exemplo n.º 2
def _PendingCount(to_ops, from_ops, colocate_gradients_with_ops, func_graphs,
  """Initialize the pending count for ops between two lists of Operations.

  'pending_count[op]' indicates the number of backprop inputs
  to this operation.

    to_ops: list of Operations.
    from_ops: list of Operations.
    colocate_gradients_with_ops: Python bool.  See docstring of gradients().
    func_graphs: list of FuncGraphs. This method will traverse through
      these functions if they capture from_ops or any reachable ops. This is
      useful if to_ops occur in a function and from_ops are in an outer function
      or graph.
    xs: list of Tensors.

    A tuple containing: (1) the subset of to_ops reachable from from_ops by a
    path of zero or more backpropagatable tensors, (2) a mapping from operation
    to the number of backprop inputs to that op, and (3) a ControlFlowState
    object which is not None if the ops between from_ops and to_ops contain
    control flow loops.
  # Mark reachable ops from from_ops.
  reached_ops = set()
  _MarkReachedOps(from_ops, reached_ops, func_graphs)
  # X in reached_ops iff X is reachable from from_ops by a path of zero or more
  # backpropagatable tensors.

  reachable_to_ops = set(op for op in to_ops if op in reached_ops)

  # Mark between ops.
  between_ops = set()
  between_op_list = []
  queue = collections.deque()
  while queue:
    op = queue.popleft()
    # We are interested in this op.
    if op in reached_ops:
      # Clear the boolean so we won't add the inputs again.
      for inp in _NonEagerInputs(op, xs):
  # X in between_ops iff X is on a path of zero or more backpropagatable tensors
  # between from_ops and to_ops

  # 'loop_state' is None if there are no while loops.
  loop_state = control_flow_ops.MaybeCreateControlFlowState(
      between_op_list, between_ops, colocate_gradients_with_ops)

  # Initialize pending count for between ops.
  pending_count = collections.defaultdict(int)
  for op in between_op_list:
    for x in _NonEagerInputs(op, xs):
      if x.op in between_ops:
        pending_count[x.op] += 1

  return reachable_to_ops, pending_count, loop_state