Exemplo n.º 1
  def _decode(self, image_buffer, image_format):
    """Decodes the image buffer.

      image_buffer: The tensor representing the encoded image tensor.
      image_format: The image format for the image in `image_buffer`. If image
        format is `raw`, all images are expected to be in this format, otherwise
        this op can decode a mix of `jpg` and `png` formats.

      A tensor that represents decoded image of self._shape, or
      (?, ?, self._channels) if self._shape is not specified.
    def decode_image():
      """Decodes a png or jpg based on the headers."""
      return image_ops.decode_image(image_buffer, self._channels)

    def decode_raw():
      """Decodes a raw image."""
      return parsing_ops.decode_raw(image_buffer, out_type=self._dtype)

    pred_fn_pairs = {
            math_ops.equal(image_format, 'raw'),
            math_ops.equal(image_format, 'RAW')): decode_raw,
    image = control_flow_ops.case(
        pred_fn_pairs, default=decode_image, exclusive=True)

    image.set_shape([None, None, self._channels])
    if self._shape is not None:
      image = array_ops.reshape(image, self._shape)

    return image
Exemplo n.º 2
def rot90(image, k=1, name=None):
  """Rotate an image counter-clockwise by 90 degrees.

    image: A 3-D tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]`.
    k: A scalar integer. The number of times the image is rotated by 90 degrees.
    name: A name for this operation (optional).

    A rotated 3-D tensor of the same type and shape as `image`.
  with ops.name_scope(name, 'rot90', [image, k]) as scope:
    image = ops.convert_to_tensor(image, name='image')
    _Check3DImage(image, require_static=False)
    k = ops.convert_to_tensor(k, dtype=dtypes.int32, name='k')
    k = math_ops.mod(k, 4)

    def _rot90():
      return array_ops.transpose(array_ops.reverse_v2(image, [1]),
                                 [1, 0, 2])
    def _rot180():
      return array_ops.reverse_v2(image, [0, 1])
    def _rot270():
      return array_ops.reverse_v2(array_ops.transpose(image, [1, 0, 2]),
    cases = [(math_ops.equal(k, 1), _rot90),
             (math_ops.equal(k, 2), _rot180),
             (math_ops.equal(k, 3), _rot270)]

    ret = control_flow_ops.case(cases, default=lambda: image, exclusive=True,
    ret.set_shape([None, None, image.get_shape()[2]])
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 3
  def _decode(self, image_buffer, image_format):
    """Decodes the image buffer.

      image_buffer: T tensor representing the encoded image tensor.
      image_format: The image format for the image in `image_buffer`.

      A decoder image.
    def decode_png():
      return image_ops.decode_png(image_buffer, self._channels)
    def decode_raw():
      return parsing_ops.decode_raw(image_buffer, dtypes.uint8)
    def decode_jpg():
      return image_ops.decode_jpeg(image_buffer, self._channels)

    image = control_flow_ops.case({
        math_ops.logical_or(math_ops.equal(image_format, 'png'),
                            math_ops.equal(image_format, 'PNG')): decode_png,
        math_ops.logical_or(math_ops.equal(image_format, 'raw'),
                            math_ops.equal(image_format, 'RAW')): decode_raw,
    }, default=decode_jpg, exclusive=True)

    image.set_shape([None, None, self._channels])
    if self._shape is not None:
      image = array_ops.reshape(image, self._shape)

    return image
  def _testReturnValues(self, fn_true, fn_false, expected_value_true,
                        expected_value_false, strict=False,
                        check_cond=True, feed_dict=None):
    if feed_dict is None: feed_dict = {}

    condition = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.bool)
    output_cond = control_flow_ops.cond(condition, fn_true, fn_false,
    output_case = control_flow_ops.case([(condition, fn_true)], fn_false,

    with self.test_session() as sess:
      true_feed_dict = {condition: True}
      result_cond, result_case = sess.run([output_cond, output_case],
      self.assertAllEqualNested(result_cond, expected_value_true)
      if check_cond:
        self.assertAllEqualNested(result_case, expected_value_true)
      false_feed_dict = {condition: False}
      result_cond, result_case = sess.run([output_cond, output_case],
      self.assertAllEqualNested(result_cond, expected_value_false)
      if check_cond:
        self.assertAllEqualNested(result_case, expected_value_false)
Exemplo n.º 5
  def test_inv_update_thunks(self):
    """Ensures inverse update ops run once per global_step."""
    with self._graph.as_default(), self.test_session() as sess:
      fisher_estimator = estimator.FisherEstimator(
          damping_fn=lambda: 0.2,

      # Construct op that updates one inverse per global step.
      global_step = training_util.get_or_create_global_step()
      inv_matrices = [
          for fisher_factor in self.layer_collection.get_factors()
          for matrix in fisher_factor._inverses_by_damping.values()
      inv_update_op_thunks = fisher_estimator.inv_update_thunks
      inv_update_op = control_flow_ops.case(
          [(math_ops.equal(global_step, i), thunk)
           for i, thunk in enumerate(inv_update_op_thunks)])
      increment_global_step = global_step.assign_add(1)

      initial_inv_values = sess.run(inv_matrices)

      # Ensure there's one update per inverse matrix. This is true as long as
      # there's no fan-in/fan-out or parameter re-use.
      self.assertEqual(len(inv_matrices), len(inv_update_op_thunks))

      # Test is no-op if only 1 invariance matrix.
      assert len(inv_matrices) > 1

      # Assign each covariance matrix a value other than the identity. This
      # ensures that the inverse matrices are updated to something different as
      # well.
      cov_matrices = [
          for fisher_factor in self.layer_collection.get_factors()
          cov_matrix.assign(2 * linalg_ops.eye(int(cov_matrix.shape[0])))
          for cov_matrix in cov_matrices

      for i in range(len(inv_matrices)):
        # Compare new and old inverse values
        new_inv_values = sess.run(inv_matrices)
        is_inv_equal = [
            np.allclose(initial_inv_value, new_inv_value)
            for (initial_inv_value,
                 new_inv_value) in zip(initial_inv_values, new_inv_values)
        num_inv_equal = sum(is_inv_equal)

        # Ensure exactly one inverse matrix changes per step.
        self.assertEqual(num_inv_equal, len(inv_matrices) - i)

        # Run all inverse update ops.
Exemplo n.º 6
 def testCase_dict(self):
   x = constant_op.constant(2)
   conditions = {
       math_ops.equal(x, 1): lambda: constant_op.constant(2),
       math_ops.equal(x, 2): lambda: constant_op.constant(4)
   output = control_flow_ops.case(conditions, exclusive=True)
   self.assertEqual(4, self.evaluate(output))
 def testCase_withoutDefault_oneCondition(self):
   x = array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtypes.int32, shape=[])
   conditions = [(math_ops.equal(x, 1), lambda: constant_op.constant(2))]
   output = control_flow_ops.case(conditions, exclusive=True)
   with self.test_session() as sess:
     self.assertEqual(sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 1}), 2)
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors.InvalidArgumentError, "Input error:"):
       sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 4})
Exemplo n.º 8
def piecewise_constant(x, boundaries, values, name=None):
  """ Piecewise constant from boundaries and interval values.

  Example: use a learning rate that's 1.0 for the first 100000 steps, 0.5
    for steps 100001 to 110000, and 0.1 for any additional steps.

  global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
  boundaries = [100000, 110000]
  values = [1.0, 0.5, 0.1]
  learning_rate = tf.train.piecewise_constant(global_step, boundaries, values)

  # Later, whenever we perform an optimization step, we increment global_step.

    x: A 0-D scalar `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`,
      `float64`, `uint8`, `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `int64`.
    boundaries: A list of `Tensor`s or `int`s or `float`s with strictly
      increasing entries, and with all elements having the same type as `x`.
    values: A list of `Tensor`s or float`s or `int`s that specifies the values
      for the intervals defined by `boundaries`. It should have one more element
      than `boundaries`, and all elements should have the same type.
    name: A string. Optional name of the operation. Defaults to

    A 0-D Tensor. Its value is `values[0]` when `x <= boundaries[0]`,
    `values[1]` when `x > boundaries[0]` and `x <= boundaries[1]`, ...,
    and values[-1] when `x > boundaries[-1]`.

  with ops.name_scope(name, 'PiecewiseConstant',
                      [x, boundaries, values, name]) as name:
    x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x)
    # Avoid explicit conversion to x's dtype. This could result in faulty
    # comparisons, for example if floats are converted to integers.
    boundaries = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(boundaries)
    if not all(b.dtype == x.dtype for b in boundaries):
      raise ValueError('boundaries must have the same dtype as x.')
    # TODO(rdipietro): Ensure that boundaries' elements are strictly increasing.
    values = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(values)
    if not all(v.dtype == values[0].dtype for v in values):
      raise ValueError('values must have elements all with the same dtype.')

    pred_fn_pairs = {}
    pred_fn_pairs[x <= boundaries[0]] = lambda: values[0]
    pred_fn_pairs[x > boundaries[-1]] = lambda: values[-1]
    for low, high, v in zip(boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:], values[1:-1]):
      # Need to bind v here; can do this with lambda v=v: ...
      pred = (x > low) & (x <= high)
      pred_fn_pairs[pred] = lambda v=v: v

    # The default isn't needed here because our conditions are mutually
    # exclusive and exhaustive, but tf.case requires it.
    default = lambda: values[0]
    return control_flow_ops.case(pred_fn_pairs, default, exclusive=True)
 def testCase_withDefault(self):
   x = array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtypes.int32, shape=[])
   conditions = [(math_ops.equal(x, 1), lambda: constant_op.constant(2)),
                 (math_ops.equal(x, 2), lambda: constant_op.constant(4))]
   default = lambda: constant_op.constant(6)
   output = control_flow_ops.case(conditions, default, exclusive=True)
   with self.test_session() as sess:
     self.assertEqual(sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 1}), 2)
     self.assertEqual(sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 2}), 4)
     self.assertEqual(sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 3}), 6)
Exemplo n.º 10
  def _decode(self, image_buffer, image_format):
    """Decodes the image buffer.

      image_buffer: The tensor representing the encoded image tensor.
      image_format: The image format for the image in `image_buffer`. If image
        format is `raw`, all images are expected to be in this format, otherwise
        this op can decode a mix of `jpg` and `png` formats.

      A tensor that represents decoded image of self._shape, or
      (?, ?, self._channels) if self._shape is not specified.

    def decode_image():
      """Decodes a image based on the headers."""
      return math_ops.cast(
          image_ops.decode_image(image_buffer, channels=self._channels),

    def decode_jpeg():
      """Decodes a jpeg image with specified '_dct_method'."""
      return math_ops.cast(
              dct_method=self._dct_method), self._dtype)

    def check_jpeg():
      """Checks if an image is jpeg."""
      # For jpeg, we directly use image_ops.decode_jpeg rather than decode_image
      # in order to feed the jpeg specify parameter 'dct_method'.
      return control_flow_ops.cond(

    def decode_raw():
      """Decodes a raw image."""
      return parsing_ops.decode_raw(image_buffer, out_type=self._dtype)

    pred_fn_pairs = {
            math_ops.equal(image_format, 'raw'),
            math_ops.equal(image_format, 'RAW')): decode_raw,
    image = control_flow_ops.case(
        pred_fn_pairs, default=check_jpeg, exclusive=True)

    image.set_shape([None, None, self._channels])
    if self._shape is not None:
      image = array_ops.reshape(image, self._shape)

    return image
  def test_singleton_strict(self):
    fn_tensor = lambda: constant_op.constant(1)
    fn_list = lambda: [constant_op.constant(2)]
    fn_tuple = lambda: (constant_op.constant(3),)

    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
      control_flow_ops.cond(constant_op.constant(True), fn_tensor, fn_list,

    with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
      control_flow_ops.cond(constant_op.constant(True), fn_list, fn_tuple,

    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
      control_flow_ops.case([(constant_op.constant(True), fn_tensor)], fn_list,

    with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
      control_flow_ops.case([(constant_op.constant(True), fn_list)], fn_tuple,
  def _testShape(self, fn_true, fn_false, expected_shape,
    condition = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.bool)
    output_cond = control_flow_ops.cond(condition, fn_true, fn_false,

    output_case = control_flow_ops.case([(condition, fn_true)], fn_false,
Exemplo n.º 13
 def testCase_multiple_matches_exclusive(self):
   x = array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtypes.int32, shape=[])
   conditions = [(math_ops.equal(x, 1), lambda: constant_op.constant(2)),
                 (math_ops.equal(x, 2), lambda: constant_op.constant(4)),
                 (math_ops.equal(x, 2), lambda: constant_op.constant(6))]
   default = lambda: constant_op.constant(8)
   output = control_flow_ops.case(conditions, default, exclusive=True)
   with self.test_session() as sess:
     self.assertEqual(sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 1}), 2)
     self.assertEqual(sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 3}), 8)
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors.InvalidArgumentError, "Input error:"):
       sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 2})
Exemplo n.º 14
  def _decode(self, image_buffer, image_format):
    """Decodes the image buffer.

      image_buffer: The tensor representing the encoded image tensor.
      image_format: The image format for the image in `image_buffer`.

      A tensor that represents decoded image of self._shape, or
      (?, ?, self._channels) if self._shape is not specified.

    def decode_png():
      return image_ops.decode_png(
          image_buffer, self._channels, dtype=self._dtype)

    def decode_raw():
      return parsing_ops.decode_raw(image_buffer, out_type=self._dtype)

    def decode_jpg():
      if self._dtype != dtypes.uint8:
        raise ValueError(
            'jpeg decoder can only be used to decode to tf.uint8 but %s was '
            'requested for a jpeg image.' % self._dtype)
      return image_ops.decode_jpeg(image_buffer, self._channels)

    # For RGBA images JPEG is not a valid decoder option.
    if self._channels > 3:
      pred_fn_pairs = {
              math_ops.equal(image_format, 'raw'),
              math_ops.equal(image_format, 'RAW')): decode_raw,
      default_decoder = decode_png
      pred_fn_pairs = {
              math_ops.equal(image_format, 'png'),
              math_ops.equal(image_format, 'PNG')): decode_png,
              math_ops.equal(image_format, 'raw'),
              math_ops.equal(image_format, 'RAW')): decode_raw,
      default_decoder = decode_jpg

    image = control_flow_ops.case(
        pred_fn_pairs, default=default_decoder, exclusive=True)

    image.set_shape([None, None, self._channels])
    if self._shape is not None:
      image = array_ops.reshape(image, self._shape)

    return image
Exemplo n.º 15
 def testCase_multiple_matches_exclusive(self):
     x = array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtypes.int32, shape=[])
     conditions = [(math_ops.equal(x, 1), lambda: constant_op.constant(2)),
                   (math_ops.equal(x, 2), lambda: constant_op.constant(4)),
                   (math_ops.equal(x, 2), lambda: constant_op.constant(6))]
     default = lambda: constant_op.constant(8)
     output = control_flow_ops.case(conditions, default, exclusive=True)
     with self.test_session() as sess:
         self.assertEqual(sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 1}), 2)
         self.assertEqual(sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 3}), 8)
         with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
                 "More than one condition evaluated as True"):
             sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 2})
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _testShape(self, fn_true, fn_false, expected_shape, strict=False):
        condition = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.bool)
        output_cond = control_flow_ops.cond(condition,

        output_case = control_flow_ops.case([(condition, fn_true)],
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_cov_update_thunks(self):
        """Ensures covariance update ops run once per global_step."""
        with self._graph.as_default(), self.test_session() as sess:
            fisher_estimator = estimator.FisherEstimatorRoundRobin(

            # Construct an op that executes one covariance update per step.
            global_step = training_util.get_or_create_global_step()
            (cov_variable_thunks, cov_update_op_thunks, _,
             _) = fisher_estimator.create_ops_and_vars_thunks()
            for thunk in cov_variable_thunks:
            cov_matrices = [
                for fisher_factor in self.layer_collection.get_factors()
            cov_update_op = control_flow_ops.case([
                (math_ops.equal(global_step, i), thunk)
                for i, thunk in enumerate(cov_update_op_thunks)
            increment_global_step = global_step.assign_add(1)

            initial_cov_values = sess.run(cov_matrices)

            # Ensure there's one update per covariance matrix.
            self.assertEqual(len(cov_matrices), len(cov_update_op_thunks))

            # Test is no-op if only 1 covariance matrix.
            assert len(cov_matrices) > 1

            for i in range(len(cov_matrices)):
                # Compare new and old covariance values
                new_cov_values = sess.run(cov_matrices)
                is_cov_equal = [
                    np.allclose(initial_cov_value, new_cov_value)
                    for (initial_cov_value, new_cov_value
                         ) in zip(initial_cov_values, new_cov_values)
                num_cov_equal = sum(is_cov_equal)

                # Ensure exactly one covariance matrix changes per step.
                self.assertEqual(num_cov_equal, len(cov_matrices) - i)

                # Run all covariance update ops.
Exemplo n.º 18
  def _decode(self, image_buffer, image_format):
    """Decodes the image buffer.

      image_buffer: The tensor representing the encoded image tensor.
      image_format: The image format for the image in `image_buffer`. If image
        format is `raw`, all images are expected to be in this format, otherwise
        this op can decode a mix of `jpg` and `png` formats.

      A tensor that represents decoded image of self._shape, or
      (?, ?, self._channels) if self._shape is not specified.

    def decode_image():
      """Decodes a image based on the headers."""
      return image_ops.decode_image(image_buffer, channels=self._channels)

    def decode_jpeg():
      """Decodes a jpeg image with specified '_dct_method'."""
      return image_ops.decode_jpeg(
          image_buffer, channels=self._channels, dct_method=self._dct_method)

    def check_jpeg():
      """Checks if an image is jpeg."""
      # For jpeg, we directly use image_ops.decode_jpeg rather than decode_image
      # in order to feed the jpeg specify parameter 'dct_method'.
      return control_flow_ops.cond(

    def decode_raw():
      """Decodes a raw image."""
      return parsing_ops.decode_raw(image_buffer, out_type=self._dtype)

    pred_fn_pairs = {
            math_ops.equal(image_format, 'raw'),
            math_ops.equal(image_format, 'RAW')): decode_raw,
    image = control_flow_ops.case(
        pred_fn_pairs, default=check_jpeg, exclusive=True)

    image.set_shape([None, None, self._channels])
    if self._shape is not None:
      image = array_ops.reshape(image, self._shape)

    return image
Exemplo n.º 19
 def testConvertCase(self):
   """Tests that a v1 case() construction converts properly."""
   with ops.Graph().as_default():
     with variable_scope.variable_scope("", use_resource=False):
       x = variable_scope.get_variable("x", initializer=1.0)
       y = variable_scope.get_variable("y", initializer=2.0)
       _ = control_flow_ops.case([(gen_math_ops.less(x, y), lambda: x)],
                                 default=lambda: y)
     with session_lib.Session() as sess:
       variable_graph_def = sess.graph.as_graph_def()
       constant_graph_def = (
               sess, variable_graph_def, ["case/cond/Merge"]))
           constant_graph_def, """
           node {
             name: "x" op: "Const"
             attr { key: "dtype" value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
             attr {
               key: "value"
               value { tensor { dtype: DT_FLOAT tensor_shape{} float_val: 1 }}}
           node {
             name: "y" op: "Const"
             attr { key: "dtype" value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
             attr {
               key: "value"
               value { tensor { dtype: DT_FLOAT tensor_shape{} float_val: 2 }}}
           node {name: "x/read" op: "Identity" input: "x"}
           node {name: "y/read" op: "Identity" input: "y"}
           node {name: "Less" op: "Less" input: "x/read" input: "y/read"}
           node {name: "case/cond/pred_id" op: "Identity" input: "Less"}
           node {
             name: "case/cond/Switch_1" op: "Switch"
             input: "case/cond/pred_id" input: "x/read"
           node {
             name: "case/cond/Switch_2" op: "Switch"
             input: "case/cond/pred_id" input: "y/read"
           node {
             name: "case/cond/Merge" op: "Merge"
             input: "case/cond/Switch_2" input: "case/cond/Switch_1:1"
             attr {key: "T" value {type: DT_FLOAT}}
Exemplo n.º 20
  def test_cov_update_thunks(self):
    """Ensures covariance update ops run once per global_step."""
    with self._graph.as_default(), self.test_session() as sess:
      fisher_estimator = estimator.FisherEstimatorRoundRobin(

      # Construct an op that executes one covariance update per step.
      global_step = training_util.get_or_create_global_step()
      (cov_variable_thunks, cov_update_op_thunks, _,
       _) = fisher_estimator.create_ops_and_vars_thunks()
      for thunk in cov_variable_thunks:
      cov_matrices = [
          for fisher_factor in self.layer_collection.get_factors()
      cov_update_op = control_flow_ops.case(
          [(math_ops.equal(global_step, i), thunk)
           for i, thunk in enumerate(cov_update_op_thunks)])
      increment_global_step = global_step.assign_add(1)

      initial_cov_values = sess.run(cov_matrices)

      # Ensure there's one update per covariance matrix.
      self.assertEqual(len(cov_matrices), len(cov_update_op_thunks))

      # Test is no-op if only 1 covariance matrix.
      assert len(cov_matrices) > 1

      for i in range(len(cov_matrices)):
        # Compare new and old covariance values
        new_cov_values = sess.run(cov_matrices)
        is_cov_equal = [
            np.allclose(initial_cov_value, new_cov_value)
            for (initial_cov_value,
                 new_cov_value) in zip(initial_cov_values, new_cov_values)
        num_cov_equal = sum(is_cov_equal)

        # Ensure exactly one covariance matrix changes per step.
        self.assertEqual(num_cov_equal, len(cov_matrices) - i)

        # Run all covariance update ops.
Exemplo n.º 21
    def control_map_fn(x, y):

      def multiply():
        return x * 2

      def divide():
        return x // 2

      pred_fn_pairs = {
          math_ops.logical_or(math_ops.equal(y, 2), math_ops.equal(y, 3)):

      return control_flow_ops.case(
          pred_fn_pairs, default=multiply, exclusive=True)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _decode(self, image_buffer, image_format):
        """Decodes the image buffer.

      image_buffer: The tensor representing the encoded image tensor.
      image_format: The image format for the image in `image_buffer`.

      A tensor that represents decoded image of self._shape, or
      (?, ?, self._channels) if self._shape is not specified.
        def decode_png():
            return image_ops.decode_png(image_buffer, self._channels)

        def decode_raw():
            return parsing_ops.decode_raw(image_buffer, dtypes.uint8)

        def decode_jpg():
            return image_ops.decode_jpeg(image_buffer, self._channels)

        # For RGBA images JPEG is not a valid decoder option.
        if self._channels > 3:
            pred_fn_pairs = {
                math_ops.logical_or(math_ops.equal(image_format, 'raw'),
                                    math_ops.equal(image_format, 'RAW')):
            default_decoder = decode_png
            pred_fn_pairs = {
                math_ops.logical_or(math_ops.equal(image_format, 'png'),
                                    math_ops.equal(image_format, 'PNG')):
                math_ops.logical_or(math_ops.equal(image_format, 'raw'),
                                    math_ops.equal(image_format, 'RAW')):
            default_decoder = decode_jpg

        image = control_flow_ops.case(pred_fn_pairs,

        image.set_shape([None, None, self._channels])
        if self._shape is not None:
            image = array_ops.reshape(image, self._shape)

        return image
Exemplo n.º 23
 def testCase_withoutDefault(self):
     x = array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtypes.int32, shape=[])
     conditions = [(math_ops.equal(x, 1), lambda: constant_op.constant(2)),
                   (math_ops.equal(x, 2), lambda: constant_op.constant(4)),
                   (math_ops.equal(x, 3), lambda: constant_op.constant(6))]
     output = control_flow_ops.case(conditions, exclusive=True)
     with self.test_session() as sess:
         self.assertEqual(sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 1}), 2)
         self.assertEqual(sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 2}), 4)
         self.assertEqual(sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 3}), 6)
         with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
                 r"\[None of the conditions evaluated as True. "
                 r"Conditions: \(Equal:0, Equal_1:0, Equal_2:0\), Values:\] "
                 r"\[0 0 0\]"):
             sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 4})
Exemplo n.º 24
 def testCase_withoutDefault(self):
   x = array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtypes.int32, shape=[])
   conditions = [(math_ops.equal(x, 1), lambda: constant_op.constant(2)),
                 (math_ops.equal(x, 2), lambda: constant_op.constant(4)),
                 (math_ops.equal(x, 3), lambda: constant_op.constant(6))]
   output = control_flow_ops.case(conditions, exclusive=True)
   with self.test_session() as sess:
     self.assertEqual(sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 1}), 2)
     self.assertEqual(sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 2}), 4)
     self.assertEqual(sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 3}), 6)
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
         r"\[None of the conditions evaluated as True. "
         r"Conditions: \(Equal:0, Equal_1:0, Equal_2:0\), Values:\] "
         r"\[0 0 0\]"):
       sess.run(output, feed_dict={x: 4})
Exemplo n.º 25
                def conditional_decoding(keys_to_tensors):
                    """See base class."""
                    image_buffer = keys_to_tensors['image/encoded']
                    image_format = keys_to_tensors['image/format']

                    def decode_png():
                        return image_ops.decode_png(image_buffer, 3)

                    def decode_jpg():
                        return image_ops.decode_jpeg(image_buffer, 3)

                    image = control_flow_ops.case(
                        {math_ops.equal(image_format, 'png'): decode_png},
                    image = array_ops.reshape(image, image_shape)
                    return image
Exemplo n.º 26
                def conditional_decoding(keys_to_tensors):
                    """See base class."""
                    image_buffer = keys_to_tensors['image/encoded']
                    image_format = keys_to_tensors['image/format']

                    def decode_png():
                        return image_ops.decode_png(image_buffer, 3)

                    def decode_jpg():
                        return image_ops.decode_jpeg(image_buffer, 3)

                    image = control_flow_ops.case(
                        {math_ops.equal(image_format, 'png'): decode_png},
                    image = array_ops.reshape(image, image_shape)
                    return image
Exemplo n.º 27
    def decayed_lr(x, boundaries, values, name):
        """Helper to recompute learning rate; most helpful in eager-mode."""
        with ops.name_scope(name, "PiecewiseConstant",
                            [x, boundaries, values, name]) as name:
            boundaries = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(boundaries)
            values = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(values)
            x_recomp = ops.convert_to_tensor(x)
            # Avoid explicit conversion to x's dtype. This could result in faulty
            # comparisons, for example if floats are converted to integers.
            for i, b in enumerate(boundaries):
                if b.dtype.base_dtype != x_recomp.dtype.base_dtype:
                    # We can promote int32 boundaries to int64 without loss of precision.
                    # This covers the most common case where the user passes in boundaries
                    # as an array of Python integers.
                    if (b.dtype.base_dtype == dtypes.int32
                            and x_recomp.dtype.base_dtype == dtypes.int64):
                        b = math_ops.cast(b, x_recomp.dtype.base_dtype)
                        boundaries[i] = b
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Boundaries (%s) must have the same dtype as x (%s)."
                            % (b.dtype.base_dtype, x_recomp.dtype.base_dtype))
            # TODO(rdipietro): Ensure that boundaries' elements strictly increases.
            for v in values[1:]:
                if v.dtype.base_dtype != values[0].dtype.base_dtype:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Values must have elements all with the same dtype (%s vs %s)."
                        % (values[0].dtype.base_dtype, v.dtype.base_dtype))
            pred_fn_pairs = []
                (x_recomp <= boundaries[0], lambda: values[0]))
                (x_recomp > boundaries[-1], lambda: values[-1]))
            for low, high, v in zip(boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:],
                # Need to bind v here; can do this with lambda v=v: ...
                pred = (x_recomp > low) & (x_recomp <= high)
                pred_fn_pairs.append((pred, lambda v=v: v))

            # The default isn't needed here because our conditions are mutually
            # exclusive and exhaustive, but tf.case requires it.
            default = lambda: values[0]
            return control_flow_ops.case(pred_fn_pairs,
Exemplo n.º 28
 def testConvertV2ResourceCase(self):
   """Tests that a v2 case() with resource variables converts properly."""
   with ops.Graph().as_default():
     with variable_scope.variable_scope("", use_resource=True):
       x = variable_scope.get_variable("x", initializer=1.0)
       y = variable_scope.get_variable("y", initializer=2.0)
       _ = control_flow_ops.case([(gen_math_ops.less(x, y), lambda: x)],
                                 default=lambda: y)
     with session_lib.Session() as sess:
       variable_graph_def = sess.graph.as_graph_def()
       constant_graph_def = (
               sess, variable_graph_def, ["case/cond"]))
           constant_graph_def, """
           node {name: "x" op: "Const"}
           node {name: "y" op: "Const"}
           node {
             name: "case/cond" op: "If" input: "Less" input: "x" input: "y"
             attr {key: "Tcond" value {type: DT_BOOL}}
             attr {key: "Tin" value {list {type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_FLOAT}}}
             attr {key: "Tout" value {list {type: DT_FLOAT}}}
           library {
             function {
               signature {
                 name: "case_cond_false_frozen_0"
                 input_arg {name: "placeholder" type: DT_FLOAT}
                 input_arg {name: "readvariableop_y" type: DT_FLOAT}
                 output_arg {name: "readvariableop" type: DT_FLOAT}
             function {
               signature {
                 name: "case_cond_true_frozen_0"
                 input_arg {name: "placeholder" type: DT_FLOAT}
                 input_arg {name: "readvariableop_x" type: DT_FLOAT}
                 output_arg {name: "readvariableop" type: DT_FLOAT}
Exemplo n.º 29
            def compute_piecewise():
                pred_fn_pairs = []
                    (x_recomp <= boundaries[0], lambda: values[0]))
                    (x_recomp > boundaries[-1], lambda: values[-1]))
                for low, high, v in zip(boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:],
                    # Need to bind v here; can do this with lambda v=v: ...
                    pred = (x_recomp > low) & (x_recomp <= high)
                    pred_fn_pairs.append((pred, lambda v=v: v))

                # The default isn't needed here because our conditions are mutually
                # exclusive and exhaustive, but tf.case requires it.
                default = lambda: values[0]
                return control_flow_ops.case(pred_fn_pairs,
Exemplo n.º 30
  def testGraphWithSwitch(self):
    """Freezes a graph which contains a Switch with type RESOURCE_DT."""
    with ops.Graph().as_default():
      with variable_scope.variable_scope("", use_resource=True):
        x = variable_scope.get_variable("var_x", initializer=1.0)
        y = variable_scope.get_variable("var_y", initializer=2.0)
        f1 = lambda: variable_scope.get_variable("var_f1", initializer=17.0)
        f2 = lambda: variable_scope.get_variable("var_f2", initializer=23.0)
        cond_node = control_flow_ops.case([(gen_math_ops.less(x, y), f1)],
        _ = math_ops_lib.multiply(cond_node, 2.0, name="output_node")

        with session.Session() as sess:
          variable_graph_def = sess.graph.as_graph_def()

          constant_graph_def = graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(
              sess, variable_graph_def, ["output_node"])

Exemplo n.º 31
  def _testReturnValues(self, fn_true, fn_false, expected_value_true,
                        expected_value_false, strict=False,
    condition = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.bool)
    output_cond = control_flow_ops.cond(condition, fn_true, fn_false,
    output_case = control_flow_ops.case([(condition, fn_true)], fn_false,

    with self.test_session() as sess:
      result_cond, result_case = sess.run([output_cond, output_case],
                                          feed_dict={condition: True})
      self.assertAllEqualNested(result_cond, expected_value_true)
      if check_cond:
        self.assertAllEqualNested(result_case, expected_value_true)
      result_cond, result_case = sess.run([output_cond, output_case],
                                          feed_dict={condition: False})
      self.assertAllEqualNested(result_cond, expected_value_false)
      if check_cond:
        self.assertAllEqualNested(result_case, expected_value_false)
Exemplo n.º 32
  def decayed_lr(x, boundaries, values, name):
    """Helper to recompute learning rate; most helpful in eager-mode."""
    with ops.name_scope(name, "PiecewiseConstant",
                        [x, boundaries, values, name]) as name:
      boundaries = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(boundaries)
      values = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(values)
      x_recomp = ops.convert_to_tensor(x)
      # Avoid explicit conversion to x's dtype. This could result in faulty
      # comparisons, for example if floats are converted to integers.
      for i, b in enumerate(boundaries):
        if b.dtype.base_dtype != x_recomp.dtype.base_dtype:
          # We can promote int32 boundaries to int64 without loss of precision.
          # This covers the most common case where the user passes in boundaries
          # as an array of Python integers.
          if (b.dtype.base_dtype == dtypes.int32 and
              x_recomp.dtype.base_dtype == dtypes.int64):
            b = math_ops.cast(b, x_recomp.dtype.base_dtype)
            boundaries[i] = b
            raise ValueError(
                "Boundaries (%s) must have the same dtype as x (%s)." %
                (b.dtype.base_dtype, x_recomp.dtype.base_dtype))
      # TODO(rdipietro): Ensure that boundaries' elements strictly increases.
      for v in values[1:]:
        if v.dtype.base_dtype != values[0].dtype.base_dtype:
          raise ValueError(
              "Values must have elements all with the same dtype (%s vs %s)." %
              (values[0].dtype.base_dtype, v.dtype.base_dtype))
      pred_fn_pairs = []
      pred_fn_pairs.append((x_recomp <= boundaries[0], lambda: values[0]))
      pred_fn_pairs.append((x_recomp > boundaries[-1], lambda: values[-1]))
      for low, high, v in zip(boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:], values[1:-1]):
        # Need to bind v here; can do this with lambda v=v: ...
        pred = (x_recomp > low) & (x_recomp <= high)
        pred_fn_pairs.append((pred, lambda v=v: v))

      # The default isn't needed here because our conditions are mutually
      # exclusive and exhaustive, but tf.case requires it.
      default = lambda: values[0]
      return control_flow_ops.case(pred_fn_pairs, default, exclusive=True)
  def __call__(self, step):
    with ops.name_scope_v2(self.name or "PiecewiseConstant"):
      boundaries = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(self.boundaries)
      values = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(self.values)
      x_recomp = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2(step)
      for i, b in enumerate(boundaries):
        if b.dtype.base_dtype != x_recomp.dtype.base_dtype:
          # We cast the boundaries to have the same type as the step
          b = math_ops.cast(b, x_recomp.dtype.base_dtype)
          boundaries[i] = b
      pred_fn_pairs = []
      pred_fn_pairs.append((x_recomp <= boundaries[0], lambda: values[0]))
      pred_fn_pairs.append((x_recomp > boundaries[-1], lambda: values[-1]))
      for low, high, v in zip(boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:], values[1:-1]):
        # Need to bind v here; can do this with lambda v=v: ...
        pred = (x_recomp > low) & (x_recomp <= high)
        pred_fn_pairs.append((pred, lambda v=v: v))

      # The default isn't needed here because our conditions are mutually
      # exclusive and exhaustive, but tf.case requires it.
      default = lambda: values[0]
      return control_flow_ops.case(pred_fn_pairs, default, exclusive=True)
Exemplo n.º 34
def piecewise_linear_schedule(global_step, boundaries, values, name=None):
    if global_step is None:
        raise ValueError("global_step is required for piecewise_linear_schedule.")
    assert len(boundaries) == len(values), "boundaries length ({}) should equal values length ({})".format(len(boundaries), len(values))

    with ops.name_scope(name, "piecewise_linear_schedule",
                      [global_step, boundaries, values]) as name:
        x = math_ops.cast(global_step, tf.float32)
        pred_fn_pairs = []
        pred_fn_pairs.append((x <= boundaries[0], lambda: values[0]))
        pred_fn_pairs.append((x > boundaries[-1], lambda: values[-1]))
        for low, high, low_v, high_v in zip(boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:], values[:-1], values[1:]):
            # Need to bind v here; can do this with lambda v=v: ...
            pred = (x > low) & (x <= high)
            r = (x - low) / (high - low)
            v = r * high_v + (1-r) * low_v
            pred_fn_pairs.append((pred, lambda v=v: v))

        # The default isn't needed here because our conditions are mutually
        # exclusive and exhaustive, but tf.case requires it.
        default = lambda: values[0]
        return control_flow_ops.case(pred_fn_pairs, default, exclusive=True)
Exemplo n.º 35
  def _decode(self, image_buffer, image_format):
    """Decodes the image buffer.

      image_buffer: T tensor representing the encoded image tensor.
      image_format: The image format for the image in `image_buffer`.

      A decoder image.
    def decode_png():
      return image_ops.decode_png(image_buffer, self._channels)
    def decode_jpg():
      return image_ops.decode_jpeg(image_buffer, self._channels)

    image = control_flow_ops.case({
        math_ops.equal(image_format, 'png'): decode_png,
    }, default=decode_jpg, exclusive=True)

    if self._shape is not None:
      image = array_ops.reshape(image, self._shape)
    return image
Exemplo n.º 36
def rot90(image, k=1, name=None):
    """Rotate an image counter-clockwise by 90 degrees.

    image: A 3-D tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]`.
    k: A scalar integer. The number of times the image is rotated by 90 degrees.
    name: A name for this operation (optional).

    A rotated 3-D tensor of the same type and shape as `image`.
    with ops.name_scope(name, 'rot90', [image, k]) as scope:
        image = ops.convert_to_tensor(image, name='image')
        _Check3DImage(image, require_static=False)
        k = ops.convert_to_tensor(k, dtype=dtypes.int32, name='k')
        k = math_ops.mod(k, 4)

        def _rot90():
            return array_ops.transpose(
                array_ops.reverse(image, [False, True, False]), [1, 0, 2])

        def _rot180():
            return array_ops.reverse(image, [True, True, False])

        def _rot270():
            return array_ops.reverse(array_ops.transpose(image, [1, 0, 2]),
                                     [False, True, False])

        cases = [(math_ops.equal(k, 1), _rot90), (math_ops.equal(k,
                                                                 2), _rot180),
                 (math_ops.equal(k, 3), _rot270)]

        ret = control_flow_ops.case(cases,
                                    default=lambda: image,
        ret.set_shape([None, None, image.get_shape()[2]])
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 37
    def control_map_fn(x, y):

      def multiply():
        return x * 2

      def divide():
        return x // 2

      def defaults_two():
        return control_flow_ops.cond(
            math_ops.equal(math_ops.mod(x, 2), 0),

      pred_fn_pairs = {
          math_ops.logical_or(math_ops.equal(y, 2), math_ops.equal(y, 3)):

      return control_flow_ops.case(
          pred_fn_pairs, default=multiply, exclusive=True)
Exemplo n.º 38
  def _decode(self, image_buffer, image_format):
    """Decodes the image buffer.

      image_buffer: T tensor representing the encoded image tensor.
      image_format: The image format for the image in `image_buffer`.

      A decoder image.
    def decode_png():
      return image_ops.decode_png(image_buffer, self._channels)
    def decode_jpg():
      return image_ops.decode_jpeg(image_buffer, self._channels)

    image = control_flow_ops.case({
        math_ops.equal(image_format, 'png'): decode_png,
    }, default=decode_jpg, exclusive=True)

    if self._shape is not None:
      image = array_ops.reshape(image, self._shape)
    return image
Exemplo n.º 39
    def compute_damping():
      """"Adapts damping parameter based on "reduction ratio".

      Reduction ratio captures how closely the quadratic approximation to the
      loss function approximates the actual loss within a trust region. The
      damping update tries to make the damping as small as possible while
      maintaining the property that the quadratic model remains a good local
      approximation to the loss function.

        An Op to assign newly computed damping value to `self._damping`.
      prev_batch_loss = self._loss_fn(prev_batch)
      with ops.control_dependencies([prev_batch_loss]):
        rho_assign = self._rho.assign(
            (prev_batch_loss - self._prev_loss) / self._q_model_change)
        with ops.control_dependencies([rho_assign]):
          new_damping = control_flow_ops.case(
              [(self._rho < 0.25, lambda: self.damping / self._omega),
               (self._rho > 0.75, lambda: self.damping * self._omega)],
              lambda: self.damping)
          with ops.control_dependencies([new_damping]):
            new_damping_min = math_ops.maximum(new_damping, self._min_damping)
            return control_flow_ops.group(self._damping.assign(new_damping_min))
Exemplo n.º 40
    def _decode(self, image_buffer, image_format):
        """Decodes the image buffer.

      image_buffer: T tensor representing the encoded image tensor.
      image_format: The image format for the image in `image_buffer`.

      A decoder image.
        def decode_png():
            return image_ops.decode_png(image_buffer, self._channels)

        def decode_raw():
            return parsing_ops.decode_raw(image_buffer, dtypes.uint8)

        def decode_jpg():
            return image_ops.decode_jpeg(image_buffer, self._channels)

        image = control_flow_ops.case(
                math_ops.logical_or(math_ops.equal(image_format, 'png'),
                                    math_ops.equal(image_format, 'PNG')):
                math_ops.logical_or(math_ops.equal(image_format, 'raw'),
                                    math_ops.equal(image_format, 'RAW')):

        image.set_shape([None, None, self._channels])
        if self._shape is not None:
            image = array_ops.reshape(image, self._shape)

        return image
    def _decode(self, image_buffer, image_format, image_height, image_width):
        """Decodes the image buffer.

          image_buffer: The tensor representing the encoded image tensor.
          image_format: The image format for the image in `image_buffer`. If image
            format is `raw`, all images are expected to be in this format, otherwise
            this op can decode a mix of `jpg` and `png` formats.

          A tensor that represents decoded image of self._shape, or
          (?, ?, self._channels) if self._shape is not specified.

        def decode_image():
            """Decodes a png or jpg based on the headers."""
            return image_ops.decode_image(image_buffer, self._channels)

        def decode_raw():
            """Decodes a raw image."""
            return parsing_ops.decode_raw(image_buffer, out_type=self._dtype)

        pred_fn_pairs = {
                math_ops.equal(image_format, 'raw'),
                math_ops.equal(image_format, 'RAW')): decode_raw,

        if self._dtype == dtypes.uint8:
            image = control_flow_ops.case(pred_fn_pairs, default=decode_image, exclusive=True)
            image = decode_raw()

        image = array_ops.reshape(image, tf.stack([image_height, image_width, 3]))

        return image
Exemplo n.º 42
    def compute_damping():
      """"Adapts damping parameter based on "reduction ratio".

      Reduction ratio captures how closely the quadratic approximation to the
      loss function approximates the actual loss within a trust region. The
      damping update tries to make the damping as small as possible while
      maintaining the property that the quadratic model remains a good local
      approximation to the loss function.

        An Op to assign newly computed damping value to `self._damping`.
      prev_batch_loss = self._loss_fn(prev_batch)
      with ops.control_dependencies([prev_batch_loss]):
        rho_assign = self._rho.assign(
            (prev_batch_loss - self._prev_loss) / self._q_model_change)
        with ops.control_dependencies([rho_assign]):
          new_damping = control_flow_ops.case(
              [(self._rho < 0.25, lambda: self.damping / self._omega),
               (self._rho > 0.75, lambda: self.damping * self._omega)],
              lambda: self.damping)
          with ops.control_dependencies([new_damping]):
            new_damping_min = math_ops.maximum(new_damping, self._min_damping)
            return control_flow_ops.group(self._damping.assign(new_damping_min))
Exemplo n.º 43
def piecewise_constant(x, boundaries, values, name=None):
    """Piecewise constant from boundaries and interval values.

    Example: use a exploration rate that's 1.0 for the first 100000 steps, 0.5 for steps
    100001 to 110000, and 0.1 for any additional steps.

    timestep = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
    boundaries = [100000, 110000]
    values = [1.0, 0.5, 0.1]
    exploration_rate = tf.train.piecewise_constant(timestep, boundaries, values)

    # Later, whenever we perform an optimization step, we increment timestep.

        x: A 0-D scalar `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`,
            `float64`, `uint8`, `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `int64`.
        boundaries: A list of `Tensor`s or `int`s or `float`s with strictly
            increasing entries, and with all elements having the same type as `x`.
        values: A list of `Tensor`s or float`s or `int`s that specifies the values
            for the intervals defined by `boundaries`. It should have one more element
            than `boundaries`, and all elements should have the same type.
        name: A string. Optional name of the operation. Defaults to 'PiecewiseConstant'.

        A 0-D Tensor. Its value is `values[0]` when `x <= boundaries[0]`,
            `values[1]` when `x > boundaries[0]` and `x <= boundaries[1]`, ...,
            and values[-1] when `x > boundaries[-1]`.

        ValueError: if types of `x` and `buondaries` do not match, or types of all
        `values` do not match.
    with get_name_scope(name=name,
                        values=[x, boundaries, values, name]) as name:
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x)
        # Avoid explicit conversion to x's dtype. This could result in faulty
        # comparisons, for example if floats are converted to integers.
        boundaries = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(boundaries)
        for b in boundaries:
            if b.dtype != x.dtype:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Boundaries (%s) must have the same dtype as x (%s)." %
                    (b.dtype, x.dtype))
        values = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(values)
        for v in values[1:]:
            if v.dtype != values[0].dtype:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Values must have elements all with the same dtype (%s vs %s)."
                    % (values[0].dtype, v.dtype))

        pred_fn_pairs = {}
        pred_fn_pairs[x <= boundaries[0]] = lambda: values[0]
        pred_fn_pairs[x > boundaries[-1]] = lambda: values[-1]
        for low, high, v in zip(boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:], values[1:-1]):
            # Need to bind v here; can do this with lambda v=v: ...
            pred = (x > low) & (x <= high)
            pred_fn_pairs[pred] = lambda v=v: v

        # The default isn't needed here because our conditions are mutually
        # exclusive and exhaustive, but tf.case requires it.
        default = lambda: values[0]
        return control_flow_ops.case(pred_fn_pairs, default, exclusive=True)
Exemplo n.º 44
  def testConvertV2UnconvertedResourceNestedCase(self):
    """Tests unconverted variable propagation through nested functions."""
    with ops.Graph().as_default():
      with variable_scope.variable_scope("", use_resource=True):
        x = variable_scope.get_variable("x", initializer=1.0)
        y = variable_scope.get_variable("y", initializer=2.0)
        z = variable_scope.get_variable("z", initializer=3.0)
        # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
        _ = control_flow_ops.case(
            [(gen_math_ops.less(x, y), lambda: x)],
            default=lambda: control_flow_ops.case(
                [(gen_math_ops.less(z, y), lambda: z)], default=lambda: y))
        # pylint: enable=g-long-lambda
      with session_lib.Session() as sess:
        variable_graph_def = sess.graph.as_graph_def()
        constant_graph_def = (
                variable_graph_def, ["case/cond"],
            constant_graph_def, """
            node {name: "x" op: "Const"}
            node {name: "y" op: "VarHandleOp"}
            node {name: "z" op: "Const"}

            node {name: "Less/ReadVariableOp" op: "Identity" input: "x"}
            node {name: "Less/ReadVariableOp_1" op: "ReadVariableOp" input: "y"}

            node {
              name: "case/cond" op: "If"
              input: "x" input: "z" input: "y"
              attr {
                key: "Tin"
                value {list
                  {type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_RESOURCE}}}
              attr {
                key: "_read_only_resource_inputs"
                value {list {i: 1 i: 2 i: 3}}}
              attr {key: "then_branch"
                    value {func {name: "case_cond_true_frozen_0"}}}
              attr {key: "else_branch"
                    value {func {name: "case_cond_false_frozen_0"}}}
              attr {key: "output_shapes" value {list {shape {}}}}
            library {
              function {
                signature {
                  name: "case_cond_true_frozen_0"
                  input_arg {name: "placeholder" type: DT_FLOAT}
                  input_arg {name: "placeholder_1" type: DT_RESOURCE}
                  input_arg {name: "readvariableop_x" type: DT_FLOAT}
                  output_arg {name: "readvariableop" type: DT_FLOAT}
                  is_stateful: true

                node_def {name: "ReadVariableOp" op: "Identity"
                  input: "readvariableop_x"}}

              function {
                signature {
                  name: "case_cond_false_frozen_0"
                  input_arg {name: "placeholder" type: DT_FLOAT}
                  input_arg {name: "less_readvariableop_1_y" type: DT_RESOURCE}
                  input_arg {name: "less_readvariableop_z" type: DT_FLOAT}
                  output_arg {name: "case_cond_identity" type: DT_FLOAT}
                  is_stateful: true

                node_def {name: "Less/ReadVariableOp_1" op: "ReadVariableOp"
                  input: "less_readvariableop_1_y"}

                node_def {name: "Less/ReadVariableOp" op: "Identity"
                  input: "less_readvariableop_z"}

                node_def {name: "case/cond" op: "If"
                  input: "less_readvariableop_z"
                  input: "less_readvariableop_1_y"
                  attr {
                    key: "Tin"
                    value {list {type: DT_FLOAT type: DT_RESOURCE}}}
                  attr {key: "then_branch"
                        value {func {name: "case_cond_true_frozen_1"}}}
                  attr {key: "else_branch"
                        value {func {name: "case_cond_false_frozen_1"}}}
                  attr {
                    key: "_read_only_resource_inputs"
                    value {list {i: 1 i: 2}}}}}

              function {
                signature {
                  name: "case_cond_false_frozen_1"
                  input_arg {name: "placeholder" type: DT_FLOAT}
                  input_arg {name: "readvariableop_y" type: DT_RESOURCE}
                  output_arg {name: "readvariableop" type: DT_FLOAT}
                  is_stateful: true

                node_def {name: "ReadVariableOp" op: "ReadVariableOp"
                  input: "readvariableop_y"}}

              function {
                signature {
                  name: "case_cond_true_frozen_1"
                  input_arg {name: "placeholder" type: DT_RESOURCE}
                  input_arg {name: "readvariableop_z" type: DT_FLOAT}
                  output_arg {name: "readvariableop" type: DT_FLOAT}
                  is_stateful: true

                node_def {name: "ReadVariableOp" op: "Identity"
                  input: "readvariableop_z"}}}""")
Exemplo n.º 45
    def step(self, time, inputs, state, name=None):
        """Perform a decoding step.

      time: scalar `int32` tensor.
      inputs: A (structure of) input tensors.
      state: A (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.
      name: Name scope for any created operations.

      `(outputs, next_state, next_inputs, finished)`.
        batch_size = self._batch_size
        beam_width = self._beam_width
        end_token = self._end_token
        length_penalty_weight = self._length_penalty_weight

        with ops.name_scope(name, "BeamSearchDecoderStep",
                            (time, inputs, state)):
            cell_state = state.cell_state
            inputs = nest.map_structure(
                lambda inp: self._merge_batch_beams(inp, s=inp.shape[2:]),
            cell_state = nest.map_structure(self._maybe_merge_batch_beams,
                                            cell_state, self._cell.state_size)
            cell_outputs, next_cell_state = self._cell(inputs, cell_state)
            cell_outputs = nest.map_structure(
                lambda out: self._split_batch_beams(out, out.shape[1:]),
            next_cell_state = nest.map_structure(self._maybe_split_batch_beams,

            if self._output_layer is not None:
                cell_outputs = self._output_layer(cell_outputs)

            mask = array_ops.one_hot(end_token,
            # reduce_ratio = [0, 1e10, 6.1, 5.5, 3, 2, 1, 0.5]
            reduce_ratio = [0, 1e10]
            pred_fn_pairs = []

            def foo(i):
                return lambda: cell_outputs - mask * reduce_ratio[i]

            for i in range(1, len(reduce_ratio)):
                pred_fn_pairs.append((math_ops.equal(time, i), foo(i)))
            cell_outputs = control_flow_ops.case(pred_fn_pairs=pred_fn_pairs,
                                                 default=lambda: cell_outputs,

            beam_search_output, beam_search_state = _beam_search_step(

            finished = beam_search_state.finished
            sample_ids = beam_search_output.predicted_ids
            next_inputs = control_flow_ops.cond(
                math_ops.reduce_all(finished), lambda: self._start_inputs,
                lambda: self._embedding_fn(sample_ids))

        return (beam_search_output, beam_search_state, next_inputs, finished)
Exemplo n.º 46
    def test_inv_update_thunks(self):
        """Ensures inverse update ops run once per global_step."""
        with self._graph.as_default(), self.test_session() as sess:
            fisher_estimator = estimator.FisherEstimator(

            # Construct op that updates one inverse per global step.
            global_step = training_util.get_or_create_global_step()
            (cov_variable_thunks, _, inv_variable_thunks, inv_update_op_thunks
             ) = fisher_estimator.create_ops_and_vars_thunks()
            for thunk in cov_variable_thunks:
            for thunk in inv_variable_thunks:
            inv_matrices = [
                for fisher_factor in self.layer_collection.get_factors() for
                matrix in fisher_factor._matpower_by_exp_and_damping.values()
            inv_update_op = control_flow_ops.case([
                (math_ops.equal(global_step, i), thunk)
                for i, thunk in enumerate(inv_update_op_thunks)
            increment_global_step = global_step.assign_add(1)

            initial_inv_values = sess.run(inv_matrices)

            # Ensure there's one update per inverse matrix. This is true as long as
            # there's no fan-in/fan-out or parameter re-use.
            self.assertEqual(len(inv_matrices), len(inv_update_op_thunks))

            # Test is no-op if only 1 invariance matrix.
            assert len(inv_matrices) > 1

            # Assign each covariance matrix a value other than the identity. This
            # ensures that the inverse matrices are updated to something different as
            # well.
            cov_matrices = [
                for fisher_factor in self.layer_collection.get_factors()
                cov_matrix.assign(2 * linalg_ops.eye(int(cov_matrix.shape[0])))
                for cov_matrix in cov_matrices

            for i in range(len(inv_matrices)):
                # Compare new and old inverse values
                new_inv_values = sess.run(inv_matrices)
                is_inv_equal = [
                    np.allclose(initial_inv_value, new_inv_value)
                    for (initial_inv_value, new_inv_value
                         ) in zip(initial_inv_values, new_inv_values)
                num_inv_equal = sum(is_inv_equal)

                # Ensure exactly one inverse matrix changes per step.
                self.assertEqual(num_inv_equal, len(inv_matrices) - i)

                # Run all inverse update ops.
Exemplo n.º 47
def piecewise_constant(x, boundaries, values, name=None):
    """Piecewise constant from boundaries and interval values.

  Example: use a learning rate that's 1.0 for the first 100000 steps, 0.5
    for steps 100001 to 110000, and 0.1 for any additional steps.

  global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
  boundaries = [100000, 110000]
  values = [1.0, 0.5, 0.1]
  learning_rate = tf.train.piecewise_constant(global_step, boundaries, values)

  # Later, whenever we perform an optimization step, we increment global_step.

    x: A 0-D scalar `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`,
      `float64`, `uint8`, `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `int64`.
    boundaries: A list of `Tensor`s or `int`s or `float`s with strictly
      increasing entries, and with all elements having the same type as `x`.
    values: A list of `Tensor`s or float`s or `int`s that specifies the values
      for the intervals defined by `boundaries`. It should have one more element
      than `boundaries`, and all elements should have the same type.
    name: A string. Optional name of the operation. Defaults to

    A 0-D Tensor. Its value is `values[0]` when `x <= boundaries[0]`,
    `values[1]` when `x > boundaries[0]` and `x <= boundaries[1]`, ...,
    and values[-1] when `x > boundaries[-1]`.

    ValueError: if types of `x` and `boundaries` do not match, or types of all
        `values` do not match or
        the number of elements in the lists does not match.
    if len(boundaries) != len(values) - 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "The length of boundaries should be 1 less than the length of values"
    with ops.name_scope(name, "PiecewiseConstant",
                        [x, boundaries, values, name]) as name:
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x)
        # Avoid explicit conversion to x's dtype. This could result in faulty
        # comparisons, for example if floats are converted to integers.
        boundaries = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(boundaries)
        for i, b in enumerate(boundaries):
            if b.dtype.base_dtype != x.dtype.base_dtype:
                # We can promote int32 boundaries to int64 without loss of precision.
                # This covers the most common case where the user passes in boundaries
                # as an array of Python integers.
                if (b.dtype.base_dtype == dtypes.int32
                        and x.dtype.base_dtype == dtypes.int64):
                    b = math_ops.cast(b, x.dtype.base_dtype)
                    boundaries[i] = b
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Boundaries (%s) must have the same dtype as x (%s)." %
                        (b.dtype.base_dtype, x.dtype.base_dtype))
        # TODO(rdipietro): Ensure that boundaries' elements are strictly increasing.
        values = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(values)
        for v in values[1:]:
            if v.dtype.base_dtype != values[0].dtype.base_dtype:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Values must have elements all with the same dtype (%s vs %s)."
                    % (values[0].dtype.base_dtype, v.dtype.base_dtype))
        pred_fn_pairs = {}
        pred_fn_pairs[x <= boundaries[0]] = lambda: values[0]
        pred_fn_pairs[x > boundaries[-1]] = lambda: values[-1]
        for low, high, v in zip(boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:], values[1:-1]):
            # Need to bind v here; can do this with lambda v=v: ...
            pred = (x > low) & (x <= high)
            pred_fn_pairs[pred] = lambda v=v: v

        # The default isn't needed here because our conditions are mutually
        # exclusive and exhaustive, but tf.case requires it.
        default = lambda: values[0]
        return control_flow_ops.case(pred_fn_pairs, default, exclusive=True)
Exemplo n.º 48
def piecewise_constant(x, boundaries, values, name=None):
  """Piecewise constant from boundaries and interval values.

  Example: use a learning rate that's 1.0 for the first 100000 steps, 0.5
    for steps 100001 to 110000, and 0.1 for any additional steps.

  global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
  boundaries = [100000, 110000]
  values = [1.0, 0.5, 0.1]
  learning_rate = tf.train.piecewise_constant(global_step, boundaries, values)

  # Later, whenever we perform an optimization step, we increment global_step.

    x: A 0-D scalar `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`,
      `float64`, `uint8`, `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `int64`.
    boundaries: A list of `Tensor`s or `int`s or `float`s with strictly
      increasing entries, and with all elements having the same type as `x`.
    values: A list of `Tensor`s or float`s or `int`s that specifies the values
      for the intervals defined by `boundaries`. It should have one more element
      than `boundaries`, and all elements should have the same type.
    name: A string. Optional name of the operation. Defaults to

    A 0-D Tensor. Its value is `values[0]` when `x <= boundaries[0]`,
    `values[1]` when `x > boundaries[0]` and `x <= boundaries[1]`, ...,
    and values[-1] when `x > boundaries[-1]`.

    ValueError: if types of `x` and `boundaries` do not match, or types of all
        `values` do not match or
        the number of elements in the lists does not match.
  if len(boundaries) != len(values) - 1:
    raise ValueError(
        "The length of boundaries should be 1 less than the length of values")
  with ops.name_scope(name, "PiecewiseConstant",
                      [x, boundaries, values, name]) as name:
    x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x)
    # Avoid explicit conversion to x's dtype. This could result in faulty
    # comparisons, for example if floats are converted to integers.
    boundaries = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(boundaries)
    for i, b in enumerate(boundaries):
      if b.dtype.base_dtype != x.dtype.base_dtype:
        # We can promote int32 boundaries to int64 without loss of precision.
        # This covers the most common case where the user passes in boundaries
        # as an array of Python integers.
        if (b.dtype.base_dtype == dtypes.int32 and
            x.dtype.base_dtype == dtypes.int64):
          b = math_ops.cast(b, x.dtype.base_dtype)
          boundaries[i] = b
          raise ValueError(
              "Boundaries (%s) must have the same dtype as x (%s)." % (
                  b.dtype.base_dtype, x.dtype.base_dtype))
    # TODO(rdipietro): Ensure that boundaries' elements are strictly increasing.
    values = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(values)
    for v in values[1:]:
      if v.dtype.base_dtype != values[0].dtype.base_dtype:
        raise ValueError(
            "Values must have elements all with the same dtype (%s vs %s)." % (
                values[0].dtype.base_dtype, v.dtype.base_dtype))
    pred_fn_pairs = []
    pred_fn_pairs.append((x <= boundaries[0], lambda: values[0]))
    pred_fn_pairs.append((x > boundaries[-1], lambda: values[-1]))
    for low, high, v in zip(boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:], values[1:-1]):
      # Need to bind v here; can do this with lambda v=v: ...
      pred = (x > low) & (x <= high)
      pred_fn_pairs.append((pred, lambda v=v: v))

    # The default isn't needed here because our conditions are mutually
    # exclusive and exhaustive, but tf.case requires it.
    default = lambda: values[0]
    return control_flow_ops.case(pred_fn_pairs, default, exclusive=True)