Exemplo n.º 1
    def message(self, x, e=None):
        x_i = self.get_i(x)  # Features of self
        x_j = self.get_j(x)  # Features of neighbours

        # Features of outgoing edges are simply the edge features
        e_ij = e

        # Features of incoming edges j -> i are obtained by transposing the edge features.
        # Since TF does not allow transposing sparse matrices with rank > 2, we instead
        # re-order a tf.range(n_edges) and use it as indices to re-order the edge
        # features.
        # The following two instructions are the sparse equivalent of
        #     tf.transpose(E, perm=(1, 0, 2))
        # where E has shape (N, N, S).
        reorder_idx = gen_sparse_ops.sparse_reorder(
            tf.stack([self.index_i, self.index_j], axis=-1),
            (self.n_nodes, self.n_nodes),
        e_ji = tf.gather(e, reorder_idx)

        # Concatenate the features and feed to first MLP
        stack_ij = tf.concat([x_i, x_j, e_ij, e_ji],
                             axis=-1)  # Shape: (n_edges, F + F + S + S)

        for stack_conv in range(0, len(self.stack_models)):
            stack_ij = self.stack_models[stack_conv](stack_ij)
            stack_ij = self.stack_model_acts[stack_conv](stack_ij)

        return stack_ij
Exemplo n.º 2
    def build(self, input_shape):
        self.n_inputs = input_shape[-1]
        self.out_2D_shape = [
            input_shape[1] - 4 * self.kernel_radius,
            input_shape[2] - 2 * self.kernel_radius
        self.one_kernel_indices = self.MakeHexMaskIndices(self.kernel_radius)
        self.var_ind_not_ordered = self.MakeVariableIndices(
            self.kernel_radius, self.num_outputs, self.n_inputs)
        tmp_ones = tf.ones([self.var_ind_not_ordered.shape[0]])
        self.variable_indices, _ = gen_sparse_ops.sparse_reorder(
            self.var_ind_not_ordered, tmp_ones, [
                self.kernel_radius * 4 + 1, self.kernel_radius * 2 + 1,
                self.n_inputs, self.num_outputs
        #self.hex_mask = tf.constant(
        #    self.MakeHexMask(self.kernel_radius).reshape([self.kernel_radius*4+1,self.kernel_radius*2+1,1,1]) ,
        #                            dtype=tf.float32 )

        mask_ = self.MakeHexMask(int((self.out_2D_shape[1] - 1) / 2))
        i_cut = int(0.5 *
                    ((mask_.shape[1] - 1) / 2 * 4 + 1 - self.out_2D_shape[0]))

        mask_ = mask_[i_cut:-i_cut, :]
        for coord in self.ignore_out:
            # somehow, giving tuple coordinates directly doesn't work when loading model
            mask_[tuple(coord)] = 0.0
        mask_ = tf.constant(mask_.reshape(
            [self.out_2D_shape[0], self.out_2D_shape[1], 1]),
        self.out_mask = mask_

        self.zeros_matrix = tf.constant(tf.ones([
            self.kernel_radius * 4 + 1, self.kernel_radius * 2 + 1,
            self.n_inputs, self.num_outputs

        self.sparse_weights = tf.Variable(self.winitializer(
        self.offset = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, 1, 1, self.num_outputs]),

        if type(self.activation) == str:
            self.activation = keras.activations.get(self.activation)
Exemplo n.º 3
def add_self_loops_indices(indices, N=None):
    Given the indices of a square SparseTensor, adds the diagonal entries (i, i)
    and returns the reordered indices.
    :param indices: Tensor of rank 2, the indices to a SparseTensor.
    :param N: the size of the N x N SparseTensor indexed by the indices. If `None`,
    N is calculated as the maximum entry in the indices plus 1.
    :return: Tensor of rank 2, the indices to a SparseTensor.
    N = tf.reduce_max(indices) + 1 if N is None else N
    row, col = indices[..., 0], indices[..., 1]
    mask = tf.ensure_shape(row != col, row.shape)
    sl_indices = tf.range(N, dtype=row.dtype)[:, None]
    sl_indices = tf.repeat(sl_indices, 2, -1)
    indices = tf.concat((indices[mask], sl_indices), 0)
    dummy_values = tf.ones_like(indices[:, 0])
    indices, _ = gen_sparse_ops.sparse_reorder(indices, dummy_values, (N, N))
    return indices