Exemplo n.º 1
def class_balanced_cross_entropy_loss(output, label):
    """Define the class balanced cross entropy loss to train the network
    output: Output of the network
    label: Ground truth label
    Tensor that evaluates the loss

    labels = tf.cast(tf.greater(label, 0.5), tf.float32)

    num_labels_pos = tf.reduce_sum(labels)
    num_labels_neg = tf.reduce_sum(1.0 - labels)
    num_total = num_labels_pos + num_labels_neg

    output_gt_zero = tf.cast(tf.greater_equal(output, 0), tf.float32)
    loss_val = tf.multiply(output, (labels - output_gt_zero)) - tf.log(
        1 + tf.exp(output - 2 * tf.multiply(output, output_gt_zero)))

    loss_pos = tf.reduce_sum(-tf.multiply(labels, loss_val))
    loss_neg = tf.reduce_sum(-tf.multiply(1.0 - labels, loss_val))

    final_loss = num_labels_neg / num_total * loss_pos + num_labels_pos / num_total * loss_neg

    return final_loss
Exemplo n.º 2
  def call(self, x):
    """Execute this layer on input tensors.

    x: list of Tensor 
      should be [atom_features(batch_size*max_n_atoms*n_embedding), 

      new embeddings for atoms, same shape as x[0]
    atom_features = x[0]
    distance_matrix = x[1]
    distance_matrix_mask = x[2]
    outputs = tf.multiply(
        (tf.tensordot(distance_matrix, self.W_df, [[3], [0]]) + self.b_df),
            tf.tensordot(atom_features, self.W_cf, [[2], [0]]) + self.b_cf,
    # for atom i in a molecule m, this step multiplies together distance info of atom pair(i,j)
    # and embeddings of atom j(both gone through a hidden layer)
    outputs = tf.tensordot(outputs, self.W_fc, [[3], [0]])
    outputs = tf.multiply(outputs, tf.expand_dims(distance_matrix_mask, axis=3))
    # masking the outputs tensor for pair(i,i) and all paddings
    outputs = self.activation(outputs)
    outputs = tf.reduce_sum(outputs, axis=2) + atom_features
    # for atom i, sum the influence from all other atom j in the molecule

    return outputs
Exemplo n.º 3
    def cross_entropy(u, label_u, alpha=0.5, normed=False):

        label_ip = tf.cast(
            tf.matmul(label_u, tf.transpose(label_u)), tf.float32)
        s = tf.clip_by_value(label_ip, 0.0, 1.0)

        # compute balance param
        # s_t \in {-1, 1}
        s_t = tf.multiply(tf.add(s, tf.constant(-0.5)), tf.constant(2.0))
        sum_1 = tf.reduce_sum(s)
        sum_all = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(s_t))
        balance_param = tf.add(tf.abs(tf.add(s, tf.constant(-1.0))),
                               tf.multiply(tf.div(sum_all, sum_1), s))

        if normed:
            # ip = tf.clip_by_value(tf.matmul(u, tf.transpose(u)), -1.5e1, 1.5e1)
            ip_1 = tf.matmul(u, tf.transpose(u))

            def reduce_shaper(t):
                return tf.reshape(tf.reduce_sum(t, 1), [tf.shape(t)[0], 1])
            mod_1 = tf.sqrt(tf.matmul(reduce_shaper(tf.square(u)),
                                      reduce_shaper(tf.square(u)), transpose_b=True))
            ip = tf.div(ip_1, mod_1)
            ip = tf.clip_by_value(tf.matmul(u, tf.transpose(u)), -1.5e1, 1.5e1)
        ones = tf.ones([tf.shape(u)[0], tf.shape(u)[0]])
        return tf.reduce_mean(tf.multiply(tf.log(ones + tf.exp(alpha * ip)) - s * alpha * ip, balance_param))
    def attention_mechanism_parallel(self,c_full,m,q,i):
        """ parallel implemtation of gate function given a list of candidate sentence, a query, and previous memory.
           c_full: candidate fact. shape:[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
           m: previous memory. shape:[batch_size,hidden_size]
           q: question. shape:[batch_size,hidden_size]
        Output: a scalar score (in batch). shape:[batch_size,story_length]
        q=tf.expand_dims(q,axis=1) #[batch_size,1,hidden_size]
        m=tf.expand_dims(m,axis=1) #[batch_size,1,hidden_size]

        # 1.define a large feature vector that captures a variety of similarities between input,memory and question vector: z(c,m,q)
        c_q_elementwise=tf.multiply(c_full,q)          #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        c_m_elementwise=tf.multiply(c_full,m)          #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        c_q_minus=tf.abs(tf.subtract(c_full,q))        #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        c_m_minus=tf.abs(tf.subtract(c_full,m))        #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        # c_transpose Wq
        c_w_q=self.x1Wx2_parallel(c_full,q,"c_w_q"+str(i))   #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        c_w_m=self.x1Wx2_parallel(c_full,m,"c_w_m"+str(i))   #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        # c_transposeWm
        q_tile=tf.tile(q,[1,self.story_length,1])     #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        m_tile=tf.tile(m,[1,self.story_length,1])     #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        z=tf.concat([c_full,m_tile,q_tile,c_q_elementwise,c_m_elementwise,c_q_minus,c_m_minus,c_w_q,c_w_m],2) #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size*9]
        # 2. two layer feed foward
        g=tf.layers.dense(z,self.hidden_size*3,activation=tf.nn.tanh)  #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size*3]
        g=tf.layers.dense(g,1,activation=tf.nn.sigmoid)                #[batch_size,story_length,1]
        g=tf.squeeze(g,axis=2)                                         #[batch_size,story_length]
        return g
Exemplo n.º 5
def batch_iou(bboxes, bbox):
  """Compute iou of a batch of boxes with another box. Box format '[y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max]'.
    bboxes: A batch of boxes. 2-D with shape `[B, 4]`.
    bbox: A single box. 1-D with shape `[4]`.

    Batch of IOUs
  lr = tf.maximum(
    tf.minimum(bboxes[:, 3], bbox[3]) -
    tf.maximum(bboxes[:, 1], bbox[1]),
  tb = tf.maximum(
    tf.minimum(bboxes[:, 2], bbox[2]) -
    tf.maximum(bboxes[:, 0], bbox[0]),
  intersection = tf.multiply(tb, lr)
  union = tf.subtract(
    tf.multiply((bboxes[:, 3] - bboxes[:, 1]), (bboxes[:, 2] - bboxes[:, 0])) +
    tf.multiply((bbox[3] - bbox[1]), (bbox[2] - bbox[0])),
  iou = tf.div(intersection, union)
  return iou
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self,
        self.sess = sess
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.image_size = image_size
        self.image_shape = [image_size, image_size, 3]
        self.lam = lam
        self.checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir
        self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)

        self.images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size] + self.image_shape, name='images')
        self.images_summary = tf.summary.image("image", self.images)

        self.d_bns = [batch_norm(name='d_bn{}'.format(i)) for i in range(5)]
        self.local_d_bns = [batch_norm(name='d_local_bn{}'.format(i)) for i in range(4)]
        self.g_bns = [batch_norm(name='g_bn{}'.format(i, )) for i in range(15)]

        self.D, self.D_logits = self.discriminator(self.images, self.image_size)
        self.d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            logits=self.D_logits, labels=tf.ones_like(self.D)))
        self.D_summary = tf.summary.histogram("d", self.D)
        self.d_loss_real_summary = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss_real", self.d_loss_real)

        self.masks = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size] + self.image_shape, name='masks')
        self.MG = tf.multiply(self.images, self.masks)
        self.G = self.generator(self.MG)
        self.MG_summary = tf.summary.image("mg", self.MG)
        self.G_summary = tf.summary.image("g", self.G)

        self.D_fake, self.D_fake_logits = self.discriminator(self.G, self.image_size, reuse=True)
        self.d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            logits=self.D_fake_logits, labels=tf.zeros_like(self.D_fake)))
        self.D_fake_summary = tf.summary.histogram("d_fake", self.D_fake)
        self.d_loss_fake_summary = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss_fake", self.d_loss_fake)
        self.d_loss = self.d_loss_real + self.d_loss_fake

        self.g_loss_d = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            logits=self.D_fake_logits, labels=tf.ones_like(self.D_fake)))
        self.g_loss_l = tf.reduce_mean(tf.contrib.layers.flatten(
            tf.multiply(self.G - self.images, self.G - self.images)))
        self.g_loss = (1 - self.lam) * self.g_loss_d + self.lam * self.g_loss_l
        self.g_loss_d_summary = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss_d", self.g_loss_d)
        self.g_loss_l_summary = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss_l", self.g_loss_l)
        self.g_loss_summary = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss", self.g_loss)

        t_vars = tf.trainable_variables()
        self.d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'd_' in var.name]
        self.g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'g_' in var.name]
        self.saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=10)

        self.g_summary = tf.summary.merge([
            self.G_summary, self.MG_summary, self.D_fake_summary, self.d_loss_fake_summary,
            self.g_loss_summary, self.g_loss_d_summary, self.g_loss_l_summary])
        self.d_summary = tf.summary.merge([
            self.images_summary, self.D_summary, self.d_loss_real_summary])
        self.writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, "logs"), self.sess.graph)
Exemplo n.º 7
def log_loss(labels, predictions, epsilon=1e-7, scope=None, weights=None):
  """Calculate log losses.

  Same as tf.losses.log_loss except that this returns the individual losses
  instead of passing them into compute_weighted_loss and returning their
  weighted mean. This is useful for eval jobs that report the mean loss. By
  returning individual losses, that mean loss can be the same regardless of
  batch size.

    labels: The ground truth output tensor, same dimensions as 'predictions'.
    predictions: The predicted outputs.
    epsilon: A small increment to add to avoid taking a log of zero.
    scope: The scope for the operations performed in computing the loss.
    weights: Weights to apply to labels.

    A `Tensor` representing the loss values.

    ValueError: If the shape of `predictions` doesn't match that of `labels`.
  with tf.name_scope(scope, "log_loss", (predictions, labels)):
    predictions = tf.to_float(predictions)
    labels = tf.to_float(labels)
    losses = -tf.multiply(labels, tf.log(predictions + epsilon)) - tf.multiply(
        (1 - labels), tf.log(1 - predictions + epsilon))
    if weights is not None:
      losses = tf.multiply(losses, weights)

    return losses
Exemplo n.º 8
  def create_variables_for_optimization(self):
    with tf.name_scope("optimization"):
      with tf.name_scope("masker"):
          self.mask = tf.sequence_mask(self.seq_len, self.num_step)
          self.mask = tf.reshape(tf.cast(self.mask, tf.float32), (-1,))
      if self.loss_function == "cross_entropy":
        self.pl_loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
      elif self.loss_function == "l2":
        self.one_hot_actions = tf.one_hot(self.actions_flatten, self.num_actions)
        self.pl_loss = tf.reduce_mean((self.probs - self.one_hot_actions) ** 2,
          raise ValueError("loss function type is not defined")

      self.pl_loss = tf.multiply(self.pl_loss, self.mask)
      self.pl_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.multiply(self.pl_loss, self.returns_flatten))

      self.entropy = tf.multiply(self.entropy, self.mask)
      self.entropy = tf.reduce_mean(self.entropy)

      self.loss = self.pl_loss - self.entropy_bonus * self.entropy

      self.trainable_variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope="policy_network")
      self.gradients = self.optimizer.compute_gradients(self.loss, var_list=self.trainable_variables)
      self.clipped_gradients = [(tf.clip_by_norm(grad, self.max_gradient), var)
                                  for grad, var in self.gradients]
      self.train_op = self.optimizer.apply_gradients(self.clipped_gradients,
      self.grad_norm = tf.global_norm([grad for grad, var in self.gradients])
      self.var_norm = tf.global_norm(self.trainable_variables)
 def task_specific_attention(self, inputs, output_size,
                             activation_fn=tf.tanh, scope=None):
     Performs task-specific attention reduction, using learned
     attention context vector (constant within task of interest).
         inputs: Tensor of shape [batch_size, units, input_size]
             `input_size` must be static (known)
             `units` axis will be attended over (reduced from output)
             `batch_size` will be preserved
         output_size: Size of output's inner (feature) dimension
        outputs: Tensor of shape [batch_size, output_dim].
     assert len(inputs.get_shape()) == 3 and inputs.get_shape()[-1].value is not None
     with tf.variable_scope(scope or 'attention') as scope:
         # u_w, attention 向量
         attention_context_vector = tf.get_variable(name='attention_context_vector', shape=[output_size],
                                                    initializer=initializer, dtype=tf.float32)
         # 全连接层,把 h_i 转为 u_i , shape= [batch_size, units, input_size] -> [batch_size, units, output_size]
         input_projection = layers.fully_connected(inputs, output_size, activation_fn=activation_fn, scope=scope)
         # 输出 [batch_size, units]
         vector_attn = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(input_projection, attention_context_vector), axis=2, keep_dims=True)
         attention_weights = tf.nn.softmax(vector_attn, dim=1)
         tf.summary.histogram('attention_weigths', attention_weights)
         weighted_projection = tf.multiply(inputs, attention_weights)
         outputs = tf.reduce_sum(weighted_projection, axis=1)
         return outputs  # 输出 [batch_size, hidden_size*2]
    def _forward(self, obs_prob_list):
        with tf.name_scope('init_scaling_factor'):
            self.scale = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.N], tf.float64)) #scale factors
        with tf.name_scope('forward_first_step'):
            # initialize with state starting priors
            init_prob = tf.multiply(self.T0, tf.squeeze(obs_prob_list[0]))

            # scaling factor at t=0
            self.scale = tf.scatter_update(self.scale, 0, 1.0 / tf.reduce_sum(init_prob))

            # scaled belief at t=0
            self.forward = tf.scatter_update(self.forward, 0, self.scale[0] * init_prob)

        # propagate belief
        for step, obs_prob in enumerate(obs_prob_list[1:]):
            with tf.name_scope('time_step-%s' %step):
                # previous state probability
                prev_prob = tf.expand_dims(self.forward[step, :], 0)
                # transition prior
                prior_prob = tf.matmul(prev_prob, self.T)
                # forward belief propagation
                forward_score = tf.multiply(prior_prob, tf.squeeze(obs_prob))

                forward_prob = tf.squeeze(forward_score)
                # scaling factor
                self.scale = tf.scatter_update(self.scale, step+1, 1.0 / tf.reduce_sum(forward_prob))
                # Update forward matrix
                self.forward = tf.scatter_update(self.forward, step+1, self.scale[step+1] * forward_prob)
Exemplo n.º 11
def pearsoncorrelation(ypred, y):
    muy_ypred = tf.reduce_mean(ypred)
    muy_y = tf.reduce_mean(y)
    numerator = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(ypred - muy_ypred, y - muy_y))
    denominator = tf.multiply(tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(ypred - muy_ypred))),
                              tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(y - muy_y)))) + 1e-10
    return numerator / denominator
def mask_similarity_matrix(similarity_matrix, mask_a, mask_b):
    Given the mask of the two sentences, apply the mask to the similarity

    similarity_matrix: Tensor
        Tensor of shape (batch_size, num_sentence_words, num_sentence_words).

    mask_a: Tensor
        Tensor of shape (batch_size, num_sentence_words). This mask should
        correspond to the first vector (v1) used to calculate the similarity

    mask_b: Tensor
        Tensor of shape (batch_size, num_sentence_words). This mask should
        correspond to the second vector (v2) used to calculate the similarity
    similarity_matrix = tf.multiply(similarity_matrix,
                                    tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(mask_a, "float"), 1))
    similarity_matrix = tf.multiply(similarity_matrix,
                                    tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(mask_b, "float"), 2))
    return similarity_matrix
    def cell(self,s_t,h_all,w_all,i):
        parallel implementation of single time step for compute of input with memory
        :param s_t:   [batch_size,hidden_size].vector representation of current input(is a sentence).notice:hidden_size=embedding_size
        :param w_all: [batch_size,block_size,hidden_size]
        :param h_all: [batch_size,block_size,hidden_size]
        :return: new hidden state: [batch_size,block_size,hidden_size]
        # 1.gate
        s_t_expand=tf.expand_dims(s_t, axis=1)       #[batch_size,1,hidden_size]

        # 2.candidate hidden state
        #below' shape:[batch_size*block_size,hidden_size]
        h_candidate_part1=tf.matmul(tf.reshape(h_all,shape=(-1,self.dimension)), self.U) + tf.matmul(tf.reshape(w_all,shape=(-1,self.dimension)), self.V)+self.h_bias
        print("======>h_candidate_part1:",h_candidate_part1) #(160, 100)
        h_candidate_part1=tf.reshape(h_candidate_part1,shape=(self.batch_size,self.block_size,self.dimension)) #[batch_size,block_size,hidden_size]
        h_candidate_part2=tf.expand_dims(tf.matmul(s_t,self.W)+self.h2_bias,axis=1)              #shape:[batch_size,1,hidden_size]
        h_candidate=self.activation(h_candidate_part1+h_candidate_part2,scope="h_candidate"+str(i))   #shape:[batch_size,block_size,hidden_size]

        # 3.update hidden state
        h_all=h_all+tf.multiply(g,h_candidate) #shape:[batch_size,block_size,hidden_size]

        # 4.normalized hidden state
        h_all=tf.nn.l2_normalize(h_all,-1) #shape:[batch_size,block_size,hidden_size]
        return h_all  #shape:[batch_size,block_size,hidden_size]
Exemplo n.º 14
    def energy(self, visible_state, hidden_state, scope='energy'):
        with tf.variable_scope(scope):
            visible_state = tf.stop_gradient(visible_state, name="visible_state")
            hidden_state = tf.stop_gradient(hidden_state, name="hidden_state")
            energy = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(tf.matmul(visible_state, self.W, name='visible_weights'),
                                                               hidden_state, name='weights_hidden')
                                                   , axis=1, name='energy_sum'), name="batch_energy_mean")

            if self.visible.use_bias:
                if self.visible.binary:
                    energy = tf.add(energy, -tf.reduce_mean(
                        tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(self.visible.bias, visible_state, name='visible_bias_energy'), axis=1)))
                    v = visible_state - self.visible.bias
                    energy = tf.add(energy,  tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(v, v) / 2, axis=1)))

            if self.hidden.use_bias:
                if self.hidden.binary:
                    energy = tf.add(energy, -tf.reduce_mean(
                        tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(self.hidden.bias, hidden_state, name='hidden_bias_energy'), axis=1)))
                    h = hidden_state - self.hidden.bias
                    energy = tf.add(energy, tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(h, h) / 2, axis=1)))

        return energy
Exemplo n.º 15
 def compute_auc(tp, fn, tn, fp, name):
   """Computes the roc-auc or pr-auc based on confusion counts."""
   rec = tf.div(tp + epsilon, tp + fn + epsilon)
   if curve == 'ROC':
     fp_rate = tf.div(fp, fp + tn + epsilon)
     x = fp_rate
     y = rec
   elif curve == 'R':  # recall auc
     x = tf.linspace(1., 0., num_thresholds)
     y = rec
   else:  # curve == 'PR'.
     prec = tf.div(tp + epsilon, tp + fp + epsilon)
     x = rec
     y = prec
   if summation_method == 'trapezoidal':
     return tf.reduce_sum(
       tf.multiply(x[:num_thresholds - 1] - x[1:],
                   (y[:num_thresholds - 1] + y[1:]) / 2.),
   elif summation_method == 'minoring':
     return tf.reduce_sum(
       tf.multiply(x[:num_thresholds - 1] - x[1:],
                   tf.minimum(y[:num_thresholds - 1], y[1:])),
   elif summation_method == 'majoring':
     return tf.reduce_sum(
       tf.multiply(x[:num_thresholds - 1] - x[1:],
                   tf.maximum(y[:num_thresholds - 1], y[1:])),
     raise ValueError('Invalid summation_method: %s' % summation_method)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __loss__(self):
        Calculate loss
        # regularization ?

        self.d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(ops.binary_cross_entropy(preds=self.predict_d, targets=tf.ones_like(self.predict_d)))
            # tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.predict_d_logits,
            #                                         labels=tf.ones_like(self.predict_d)))

        tf.summary.scalar('d_loss_real', self.d_loss_real, collections='D')

        self.d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(ops.binary_cross_entropy(preds=self.predict_d_for_g, targets=tf.zeros_like(self.predict_d_for_g)))
            # tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.predict_d_logits_for_g,
            #                                         labels=tf.zeros_like(self.predict_d_for_g)))

        tf.summary.scalar('d_loss_fake', self.d_loss_fake, collections='D')

        self.d_loss = self.d_loss_real + self.d_loss_fake
        tf.summary.scalar('d_loss', self.d_loss, collections='D')

        if len(self.regularization_values_d) > 0:
            reg_loss_d = self.reg_w * tf.reduce_sum(self.regularization_values_d)
            self.d_loss += reg_loss_d
            if self.FLAGS.dump_debug:
                tf.summary.scalar('d_loss_plus_reg', self.d_loss, collections='D')
                tf.summary.scalar('d_loss_reg_only', reg_loss_d, collections='D')

        # Generative loss
        g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(ops.binary_cross_entropy(preds=self.predict_d_for_g, targets=tf.ones_like(self.predict_d_for_g)))
            # tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.predict_d_logits_for_g,
            #                                         labels=tf.ones_like(self.predict_d_for_g)))

        tf.summary.scalar('g_loss', g_loss, collections='G')

        # Context loss
        mask_not = tf.cast(tf.logical_not(tf.cast(self.labels['mask'], tf.bool)), tf.float32)
        real_diff = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(tf.multiply(self.predict_g['real'] - self.labels['real'], mask_not))
        imag_diff = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(tf.multiply(self.predict_g['imag'] - self.labels['imag'], mask_not))

        # real_diff = tf.multiply(tf.squeeze(self.predict_g['real']) - tf.squeeze(self.labels['real']), tf.squeeze(self.labels['mask']))
        # imag_diff = tf.multiply(tf.squeeze(self.predict_g['imag']) - tf.squeeze(self.labels['imag']), tf.squeeze(self.labels['mask']))

        self.context_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(real_diff) + tf.square(imag_diff), name='Context_loss_mean')

        tf.summary.scalar('g_loss_context_only', self.context_loss, collections='G')

        self.g_loss = self.adv_loss_w * g_loss + self.FLAGS.gen_loss_context * self.context_loss
        # self.g_loss = self.FLAGS.gen_loss_adversarial * g_loss + self.FLAGS.gen_loss_context * context_loss
        tf.summary.scalar('g_loss_plus_context', self.g_loss, collections='G')

        if len(self.regularization_values) > 0:
            reg_loss_g = self.reg_w * tf.reduce_sum(self.regularization_values)
            self.g_loss += reg_loss_g
            if self.FLAGS.dump_debug:
                tf.summary.scalar('g_loss_plus_context_plus_reg', self.g_loss, collections='G')
                tf.summary.scalar('g_loss_reg_only', reg_loss_g, collections='D')

        tf.summary.scalar('diff-loss', tf.abs(self.d_loss - self.g_loss), collections='G')
Exemplo n.º 17
def thresholding(inputs):
    # find the mean for each example in the batch
    mean_output = tf.reduce_mean(inputs, axis=1)

    # scale each mean based on a factor
    threshold_scalar = tf.Variable(utils.threshold_scalar, tf.float32)
    scaled_mean = tf.scalar_mul(threshold_scalar, mean_output)
    scaled_mean = tf.reshape(scaled_mean, [utils.batch_size])

    # setup matrix for
    min_thresh_for_max = tf.fill([utils.batch_size], 0.05)
    max_thresh_for_min = tf.fill([utils.batch_size], 0.15)   #0.4
    thresholds = tf.maximum(min_thresh_for_max, scaled_mean)
    thresholds = tf.minimum(max_thresh_for_min, thresholds)

    # zero values under the thresholds using bitmask
    thresholds = tf.reshape(thresholds, [128, 1, 1])

    threshold_mask = tf.cast(tf.greater(inputs, thresholds), tf.float32)
    thresholded_input = tf.multiply(inputs, threshold_mask)

    # peak picking
    # select beats by x[i-1] < x[i] > x[i+1] (local maximum)
    x_minus_1 = tf.cast(tf.greater(thresholded_input, tf.manip.roll(thresholded_input, shift=-1, axis=1)), tf.float32)
    x_plus_1 = tf.cast(tf.greater(thresholded_input, tf.manip.roll(thresholded_input, shift=1, axis=1)), tf.float32)
    output = tf.multiply(x_minus_1, x_plus_1)

    return output
 def attention_word_level(self, hidden_state):
     input1:self.hidden_state: hidden_state:list,len:sentence_length,element:[batch_size*num_sentences,hidden_size*2]
     input2:sentence level context vector:[batch_size*num_sentences,hidden_size*2]
     hidden_state_ = tf.stack(hidden_state, axis=1)  # shape:[batch_size*num_sentences,sequence_length,hidden_size*2]
     # 0) one layer of feed forward network
     hidden_state_2 = tf.reshape(hidden_state_, shape=[-1,
                                                       self.hidden_size * 2])  # shape:[batch_size*num_sentences*sequence_length,hidden_size*2]
     # hidden_state_:[batch_size*num_sentences*sequence_length,hidden_size*2];W_w_attention_sentence:[,hidden_size*2,,hidden_size*2]
     hidden_representation = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(hidden_state_2,
                                                  self.W_w_attention_word) + self.W_b_attention_word)  # shape:[batch_size*num_sentences*sequence_length,hidden_size*2]
     hidden_representation = tf.reshape(hidden_representation, shape=[-1, self.sequence_length,
                                                                      self.hidden_size * 2])  # shape:[batch_size*num_sentences,sequence_length,hidden_size*2]
     # attention process:1.get logits for each word in the sentence. 2.get possibility distribution for each word in the sentence. 3.get weighted sum for the sentence as sentence representation.
     # 1) get logits for each word in the sentence.
     hidden_state_context_similiarity = tf.multiply(hidden_representation,
                                                    self.context_vecotor_word)  # shape:[batch_size*num_sentences,sequence_length,hidden_size*2]
     attention_logits = tf.reduce_sum(hidden_state_context_similiarity,
                                      axis=2)  # shape:[batch_size*num_sentences,sequence_length]
     # subtract max for numerical stability (softmax is shift invariant). tf.reduce_max:Computes the maximum of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
     attention_logits_max = tf.reduce_max(attention_logits, axis=1,
                                          keep_dims=True)  # shape:[batch_size*num_sentences,1]
     # 2) get possibility distribution for each word in the sentence.
     p_attention = tf.nn.softmax(
         attention_logits - attention_logits_max)  # shape:[batch_size*num_sentences,sequence_length]
     # 3) get weighted hidden state by attention vector
     p_attention_expanded = tf.expand_dims(p_attention, axis=2)  # shape:[batch_size*num_sentences,sequence_length,1]
     # below sentence_representation'shape:[batch_size*num_sentences,sequence_length,hidden_size*2]<----p_attention_expanded:[batch_size*num_sentences,sequence_length,1];hidden_state_:[batch_size*num_sentences,sequence_length,hidden_size*2]
     sentence_representation = tf.multiply(p_attention_expanded,
                                           hidden_state_)  # shape:[batch_size*num_sentences,sequence_length,hidden_size*2]
     sentence_representation = tf.reduce_sum(sentence_representation,
                                             axis=1)  # shape:[batch_size*num_sentences,hidden_size*2]
     return sentence_representation  # shape:[batch_size*num_sentences,hidden_size*2]
Exemplo n.º 19
    def get_lossfunc(z_pi, z_mu1, z_mu2, z_sigma1, z_sigma2, z_corr,
                     z_pen_logits, x1_data, x2_data, pen_data):
      """Returns a loss fn based on eq #26 of http://arxiv.org/abs/1308.0850."""
      # This represents the L_R only (i.e. does not include the KL loss term).

      result0 = tf_2d_normal(x1_data, x2_data, z_mu1, z_mu2, z_sigma1, z_sigma2,
      epsilon = 1e-6
      # result1 is the loss wrt pen offset (L_s in equation 9 of
      # https://arxiv.org/pdf/1704.03477.pdf)
      result1 = tf.multiply(result0, z_pi)
      result1 = tf.reduce_sum(result1, 1, keep_dims=True)
      result1 = -tf.log(result1 + epsilon)  # avoid log(0)

      fs = 1.0 - pen_data[:, 2]  # use training data for this
      fs = tf.reshape(fs, [-1, 1])
      # Zero out loss terms beyond N_s, the last actual stroke
      result1 = tf.multiply(result1, fs)

      # result2: loss wrt pen state, (L_p in equation 9)
      result2 = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
          labels=pen_data, logits=z_pen_logits)
      result2 = tf.reshape(result2, [-1, 1])
      if not self.hps.is_training:  # eval mode, mask eos columns
        result2 = tf.multiply(result2, fs)

      result = result1 + result2
      return result
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.params = params
        self.network_name = 'qnet'
        self.sess = tf.Session()
        self.x = tf.placeholder('float', [None, params['width'],params['height'], 6],name=self.network_name + '_x')
        self.q_t = tf.placeholder('float', [None], name=self.network_name + '_q_t')
        self.actions = tf.placeholder("float", [None, 4], name=self.network_name + '_actions')
        self.rewards = tf.placeholder("float", [None], name=self.network_name + '_rewards')
        self.terminals = tf.placeholder("float", [None], name=self.network_name + '_terminals')

        # Layer 1 (Convolutional)
        layer_name = 'conv1' ; size = 3 ; channels = 6 ; filters = 16 ; stride = 1
        self.w1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([size,size,channels,filters], stddev=0.01),name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_weights')
        self.b1 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[filters]),name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_biases')
        self.c1 = tf.nn.conv2d(self.x, self.w1, strides=[1, stride, stride, 1], padding='SAME',name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_convs')
        self.o1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.add(self.c1,self.b1),name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_activations')

        # Layer 2 (Convolutional)
        layer_name = 'conv2' ; size = 3 ; channels = 16 ; filters = 32 ; stride = 1
        self.w2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([size,size,channels,filters], stddev=0.01),name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_weights')
        self.b2 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[filters]),name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_biases')
        self.c2 = tf.nn.conv2d(self.o1, self.w2, strides=[1, stride, stride, 1], padding='SAME',name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_convs')
        self.o2 = tf.nn.relu(tf.add(self.c2,self.b2),name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_activations')
        o2_shape = self.o2.get_shape().as_list()        

        # Layer 3 (Fully connected)
        layer_name = 'fc3' ; hiddens = 256 ; dim = o2_shape[1]*o2_shape[2]*o2_shape[3]
        self.o2_flat = tf.reshape(self.o2, [-1,dim],name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_input_flat')
        self.w3 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([dim,hiddens], stddev=0.01),name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_weights')
        self.b3 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[hiddens]),name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_biases')
        self.ip3 = tf.add(tf.matmul(self.o2_flat,self.w3),self.b3,name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_ips')
        self.o3 = tf.nn.relu(self.ip3,name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_activations')

        # Layer 4
        layer_name = 'fc4' ; hiddens = 4 ; dim = 256
        self.w4 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([dim,hiddens], stddev=0.01),name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_weights')
        self.b4 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[hiddens]),name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_biases')
        self.y = tf.add(tf.matmul(self.o3,self.w4),self.b4,name=self.network_name + '_'+layer_name+'_outputs')

        self.discount = tf.constant(self.params['discount'])
        self.yj = tf.add(self.rewards, tf.multiply(1.0-self.terminals, tf.multiply(self.discount, self.q_t)))
        self.Q_pred = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(self.y,self.actions), reduction_indices=1)
        self.cost = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(tf.subtract(self.yj, self.Q_pred), 2))
        if self.params['load_file'] is not None:
            self.global_step = tf.Variable(int(self.params['load_file'].split('_')[-1]),name='global_step', trainable=False)
            self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False)
        # self.optim = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(self.params['lr'],self.params['rms_decay'],0.0,self.params['rms_eps']).minimize(self.cost,global_step=self.global_step)
        self.optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.params['lr']).minimize(self.cost, global_step=self.global_step)
        self.saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=0)


        if self.params['load_file'] is not None:
            print('Loading checkpoint...')
    def attention_sentence_level(self, hidden_state_sentence):
        input1: hidden_state_sentence: a list,len:num_sentence,element:[None,hidden_size*4]
        input2: sentence level context vector:[self.hidden_size*2]
        hidden_state_ = tf.stack(hidden_state_sentence, axis=1)  # shape:[None,num_sentence,hidden_size*4]

        # 0) one layer of feed forward
        hidden_state_2 = tf.reshape(hidden_state_,
                                    shape=[-1, self.hidden_size * 4])  # [None*num_sentence,hidden_size*4]
        hidden_representation = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(hidden_state_2,
                                                     self.W_w_attention_sentence) + self.W_b_attention_sentence)  # shape:[None*num_sentence,hidden_size*2]
        hidden_representation = tf.reshape(hidden_representation, shape=[-1, self.num_sentences,
                                                                         self.hidden_size * 2])  # [None,num_sentence,hidden_size*2]
        # attention process:1.get logits for each sentence in the doc.2.get possibility distribution for each sentence in the doc.3.get weighted sum for the sentences as doc representation.
        # 1) get logits for each word in the sentence.
        hidden_state_context_similiarity = tf.multiply(hidden_representation,
                                                       self.context_vecotor_sentence)  # shape:[None,num_sentence,hidden_size*2]
        attention_logits = tf.reduce_sum(hidden_state_context_similiarity,
                                         axis=2)  # shape:[None,num_sentence]. that is get logit for each num_sentence.
        # subtract max for numerical stability (softmax is shift invariant). tf.reduce_max:computes the maximum of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
        attention_logits_max = tf.reduce_max(attention_logits, axis=1, keep_dims=True)  # shape:[None,1]
        # 2) get possibility distribution for each word in the sentence.
        p_attention = tf.nn.softmax(attention_logits - attention_logits_max)  # shape:[None,num_sentence]
        # 3) get weighted hidden state by attention vector(sentence level)
        p_attention_expanded = tf.expand_dims(p_attention, axis=2)  # shape:[None,num_sentence,1]
        sentence_representation = tf.multiply(p_attention_expanded,
                                              hidden_state_)  # shape:[None,num_sentence,hidden_size*2]<---p_attention_expanded:[None,num_sentence,1];hidden_state_:[None,num_sentence,hidden_size*2]
        sentence_representation = tf.reduce_sum(sentence_representation, axis=1)  # shape:[None,hidden_size*2]
        return sentence_representation  # shape:[None,hidden_size*2]
Exemplo n.º 22
def cosineface_losses(embedding, labels, out_num, w_init=None, s=30., m=0.4):
    :param embedding: the input embedding vectors
    :param labels:  the input labels, the shape should be eg: (batch_size, 1)
    :param s: scalar value, default is 30
    :param out_num: output class num
    :param m: the margin value, default is 0.4
    :return: the final cacualted output, this output is send into the tf.nn.softmax directly
    with tf.variable_scope('cosineface_loss'):
        # inputs and weights norm
        embedding_norm = tf.norm(embedding, axis=1, keep_dims=True)
        embedding = tf.div(embedding, embedding_norm, name='norm_embedding')
        weights = tf.get_variable(name='embedding_weights', shape=(embedding.get_shape().as_list()[-1], out_num),
                                  initializer=w_init, dtype=tf.float32)
        weights_norm = tf.norm(weights, axis=0, keep_dims=True)
        weights = tf.div(weights, weights_norm, name='norm_weights')
        # cos_theta - m
        cos_t = tf.matmul(embedding, weights, name='cos_t')
        cos_t_m = tf.subtract(cos_t, m, name='cos_t_m')

        mask = tf.one_hot(labels, depth=out_num, name='one_hot_mask')
        inv_mask = tf.subtract(1., mask, name='inverse_mask')

        output = tf.add(s * tf.multiply(cos_t, inv_mask), s * tf.multiply(cos_t_m, mask), name='cosineface_loss_output')
    return output
Exemplo n.º 23
def fast_rcnn_bbox_loss(fast_rcnn_bbox_pred, bbox_targets, roi_inside_weights, roi_outside_weights):
    Calculate the fast RCNN bounding box refinement loss. Measures how well 
    the fast RCNN is able to refine localization.

    lam/N_reg * sum_i(p_i^* * L_reg(t_i,t_i^*))

    lam: classification vs bbox loss balance parameter     
    N_reg: Number of anchor locations (~2500)
    p_i^*: ground truth label for anchor (loss only for positive anchors)
    L_reg: smoothL1 loss
    t_i: Parameterized prediction of bounding box
    t_i^*: Parameterized ground truth of closest bounding box
    TODO: rpn_inside_weights likely deprecated; might consider obliterating
    with tf.variable_scope('fast_rcnn_bbox_loss'):
        # How far off was the prediction?
        diff = tf.multiply(roi_inside_weights, fast_rcnn_bbox_pred - bbox_targets)
        diff_sL1 = smoothL1(diff, 1.0)
        # Only count loss for positive anchors
        roi_bbox_reg = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(roi_outside_weights, diff_sL1), reduction_indices=[1]))
        # Constant for weighting bounding box loss with classification loss
        roi_bbox_reg = cfg.TRAIN.FRCNN_BBOX_LAMBDA * roi_bbox_reg
    return roi_bbox_reg
Exemplo n.º 24
  def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
    with _checked_scope(self, scope or "rwa_cell", reuse=self._reuse):
      h, n, d, a_max = state

      with vs.variable_scope("u"):
        u = _linear(inputs, self._num_units, True)

      with vs.variable_scope("g"):
        g = _linear([inputs, h], self._num_units, True)

      with vs.variable_scope("a"):
        a = _linear([inputs, h], self._num_units, False) # The bias term when factored out of the numerator and denominator cancels and is unnecessary

      z = tf.multiply(u, tanh(g))

      a_newmax = tf.maximum(a_max, a)
      exp_diff = tf.exp(a_max - a_newmax)
      exp_scaled = tf.exp(a - a_newmax)

      n = tf.multiply(n, exp_diff) + tf.multiply(z, exp_scaled)  # Numerically stable update of numerator
      d = tf.multiply(d, exp_diff) + exp_scaled  # Numerically stable update of denominator
      h_new = self._activation(tf.div(n, d))

      new_state = RWACellTuple(h_new, n, d, a_newmax)

    return h_new, new_state
Exemplo n.º 25
def rpn_bbox_loss(rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_bbox_targets, rpn_inside_weights, rpn_outside_weights):
    Calculate the Region Proposal Network bounding box loss. Measures how well 
    the RPN is able to propose regions by the performance of its localization.

    lam/N_reg * sum_i(p_i^* * L_reg(t_i,t_i^*))

    lam: classification vs bbox loss balance parameter     
    N_reg: Number of anchor locations (~2500)
    p_i^*: ground truth label for anchor (loss only for positive anchors)
    L_reg: smoothL1 loss
    t_i: Parameterized prediction of bounding box
    t_i^*: Parameterized ground truth of closest bounding box
    with tf.variable_scope('rpn_bbox_loss'):
        # Transposing
        rpn_bbox_targets = tf.transpose(rpn_bbox_targets, [0,2,3,1])
        rpn_inside_weights = tf.transpose(rpn_inside_weights, [0,2,3,1])
        rpn_outside_weights = tf.transpose(rpn_outside_weights, [0,2,3,1])
        # How far off was the prediction?
        diff = tf.multiply(rpn_inside_weights, rpn_bbox_pred - rpn_bbox_targets)
        diff_sL1 = smoothL1(diff, 3.0)
        # Only count loss for positive anchors. Make sure it's a sum.
        rpn_bbox_reg = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(rpn_outside_weights, diff_sL1))
        # Constant for weighting bounding box loss with classification loss
        rpn_bbox_reg = cfg.TRAIN.RPN_BBOX_LAMBDA * rpn_bbox_reg
    return rpn_bbox_reg    
Exemplo n.º 26
def add_dyprune(weights):
    crate = config.crate[weights.name[:-2]] #hyperpara C rate
    prune_mask = tf.Variable(tf.ones_like(weights),name=weights.name[:-2]+'mask', trainable=False)

    #calculate mask
    mean = tf.divide(tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(tf.abs(weights),prune_mask)),tf.reduce_sum(prune_mask))
    var = tf.multiply(weights,prune_mask)
    var = tf.square(var)
    mean_q = tf.square(mean)*tf.reduce_sum(prune_mask)
    var = tf.reduce_sum(var) - mean_q
    var = tf.divide(var,tf.reduce_sum(prune_mask))
    var = tf.sqrt(var)
    t1_lower = (mean+var*crate)*0.25 #hyperpara a
    t1_upper = (mean+var*crate)*0.45 #hyperpara b
    indicator_lower1 = tf.greater_equal(tf.abs(weights), tf.ones_like(weights) * t1_lower)    
    indicator_upper1 = tf.greater_equal(tf.abs(weights), tf.ones_like(weights) * t1_upper)
    indicator_matrix1 = tf.greater_equal(prune_mask, tf.zeros_like(weights))
    indicator_matrix1 = tf.logical_and(indicator_matrix1,indicator_lower1)
    indicator_matrix1 = tf.logical_or(indicator_matrix1,indicator_upper1)
    indicator_matrix1 = tf.to_float(indicator_matrix1)
    update = prune_mask.assign(indicator_matrix1)

    prune_fc = tf.multiply(weights, prune_mask)
    return prune_fc
Exemplo n.º 27
def psnr(prediction, ground_truth, maxp=None, name='psnr'):
    """`Peek Signal to Noise Ratio <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_signal-to-noise_ratio>`_.

    .. math::

        PSNR = 20 \cdot \log_{10}(MAX_p) - 10 \cdot \log_{10}(MSE)

        prediction: a :class:`tf.Tensor` representing the prediction signal.
        ground_truth: another :class:`tf.Tensor` with the same shape.
        maxp: maximum possible pixel value of the image (255 in in 8bit images)

        A scalar tensor representing the PSNR.

    maxp = float(maxp)

    def log10(x):
        with tf.name_scope("log10"):
            numerator = tf.log(x)
            denominator = tf.log(tf.constant(10, dtype=numerator.dtype))
            return numerator / denominator

    mse = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(prediction - ground_truth))
    if maxp is None:
        psnr = tf.multiply(log10(mse), -10., name=name)
        psnr = tf.multiply(log10(mse), -10.)
        psnr = tf.add(tf.multiply(20., log10(maxp)), psnr, name=name)

    return psnr
        def _combine_feature(net, feature, op=None):
            if op == "conv":
                layers = int(args[1])
                feature = self.layer_conv(feature, [layers], options)

            if op == "linear":
                feature = self.layer_linear(feature, [args[1]], options)
                feature = self.layer_reshape(feature, [args[2]], options)

            if op == 'gru':
                tanh = tf.tanh
                #tanh = self.ops.prelu()
               # tanh = self.ops.double_sided(default_activation=tanh)
                sigmoid = tf.sigmoid
               # sigmoid = self.ops.double_sided(default_activation=sigmoid)
                def _conv(_net,name, scale=1):
                    _options = dict(options)
                    return self.layer_conv(_net, [int(args[1])//scale], _options)
                z = sigmoid(_conv(net,'z',scale=2))
                r = tf.sigmoid(_conv(net,'r',scale=2))
                th = _conv(net,'net',scale=2)
                fh = _conv(feature,'feature',scale=2)
                h = tanh(th + fh  * r)
                net = tf.multiply( (1-z), h) + tf.multiply(feature, z)

            if 'only' in options:
                return net
            if feature is not None:
                net = tf.concat([net, feature], axis=len(self.ops.shape(net))-1)
            return net
Exemplo n.º 29
    def streaming_f1(self, labels, predictions, n_classes, weights=None, type='macro'):
        labels_and_predictions_by_class = [(tf.equal(labels, c), tf.equal(predictions, c)) for c in range(0, n_classes)]
        tp_by_class_val, tp_by_class_update_op = zip(*[tf.metrics.true_positives(label, prediction, weights=weights)
                                                       for label, prediction in labels_and_predictions_by_class])
        fn_by_class_val, fn_by_class_update_op = zip(*[tf.metrics.false_negatives(label, prediction, weights=weights)
                                                       for label, prediction in labels_and_predictions_by_class])
        fp_by_class_val, fp_by_class_update_op = zip(*[tf.metrics.false_positives(label, prediction, weights=weights)
                                                       for label, prediction in labels_and_predictions_by_class])

        f1_update_op = tf.group(*chain(tp_by_class_update_op, fn_by_class_update_op, fp_by_class_update_op))

        if type == 'macro':
            epsilon = [10e-6 for _ in range(n_classes)]
            f1_val = tf.multiply(2., tp_by_class_val) / (tf.reduce_sum([tf.multiply(2., tp_by_class_val),
                                                                        fp_by_class_val, fn_by_class_val, epsilon],
            f1_val = tf.reduce_mean(f1_val)
            epsilon = 10e-6
            total_tp = tf.reduce_sum(tp_by_class_val)
            total_fn = tf.reduce_sum(fn_by_class_val)
            total_fp = tf.reduce_sum(fp_by_class_val)

            f1_val = tf.squeeze(tf.multiply(2., total_tp) / (tf.multiply(2., total_tp) +
                                                             total_fp + total_fn + epsilon,
        return f1_val, f1_update_op
Exemplo n.º 30
    def sample_weights(self, weights):

        log_p = 0
        log_q = 0

        sampled_weights = []
        for layer_i in range(len(self.network_architecture['decoder_net'])):

            if layer_i == 0:
                eps = tf.random_normal((self.n_z+1, self.network_architecture['decoder_net'][layer_i]), 0, 1, dtype=tf.float32)
                weights_ = tf.add(weights['l'+str(layer_i)+'mean'], tf.multiply(tf.sqrt(tf.exp(weights['l'+str(layer_i)+'logvar'])), eps))
                n_decoder_weights = (self.n_z+1) * self.network_architecture['decoder_net'][layer_i]
                log_p += self.log_p_theta(weights_, n_decoder_weights)
                log_q += self.log_q_theta(weights_, weights['l'+str(layer_i)+'mean'], weights['l'+str(layer_i)+'logvar'], n_decoder_weights)
                eps = tf.random_normal((self.network_architecture['decoder_net'][layer_i-1]+1, self.network_architecture['decoder_net'][layer_i]), 0, 1, dtype=tf.float32)
                weights_ = tf.add(weights['l'+str(layer_i)+'mean'], tf.multiply(tf.sqrt(tf.exp(weights['l'+str(layer_i)+'logvar'])), eps))
                n_decoder_weights = self.network_architecture['decoder_net'][layer_i-1]+1 * self.network_architecture['decoder_net'][layer_i]
                log_p += self.log_p_theta(weights_, n_decoder_weights)
                log_q += self.log_q_theta(weights_, weights['l'+str(layer_i)+'mean'], weights['l'+str(layer_i)+'logvar'], n_decoder_weights)


        eps = tf.random_normal((self.network_architecture['decoder_net'][-1]+1, self.n_input), 0, 1, dtype=tf.float32)
        weights_ = tf.add(weights['out_mean_mean'], tf.multiply(tf.sqrt(tf.exp(weights['out_mean_logvar'])), eps))
        n_decoder_weights = self.network_architecture['decoder_net'][-1]+1 * self.n_input
        log_p += self.log_p_theta(weights_, n_decoder_weights)
        log_q += self.log_q_theta(weights_, weights['out_mean_mean'], weights['out_mean_logvar'], n_decoder_weights)

        # print log_p
        # print log_q
        # fasdf

        return sampled_weights, log_p, log_q
Exemplo n.º 31
        return a[:]
    return [val if idx < w else sum(a[(idx-w):idx])/w for idx , val in enumerate(a)]

train_X = np.linspace(-1,1,100) #在a,b之间生成c个点
train_Y = 2*train_X+np.random.randn(*train_X.shape) * 0.3
# plt.plot(train_X,train_Y,'ro',label = 'Original data')
# plt.legend() #显示图例
# plt.show()

X = tf.placeholder("float")
Y = tf.placeholder("float") #真实值

W = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1]),name="weight")
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]),name="bias")

z = tf.multiply(X,W) + b #预测值
tf.summary.histogram('z',z) #将预测值以直方图的形式显示

cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(Y-z))
tf.summary.scalar('loss_function',cost) #将损失以标量的形式显示
learning_rate = 0.01
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost) #梯度下降算法

init = tf.global_variables_initializer() #初始化所有变量
training_epochs = 20
display_step = 2
saver = tf.train.Saver()
saverdir= "log/"
Exemplo n.º 32
def nnpda_cycle(Ns, Ni, Nr, Na, batch_size, num_steps, str_len,
                optimizer=RMSprop, activation=sigmoid):
    # cell = NnpdaCell
    words = tf.ones([Ni, num_steps], dtype=tf.dtypes.float32)  # [10x200]

    st_desired = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal(
        [Ns, num_steps]))  # Placeholder for the desired final state
    curr_state = tf.ones([Ns, 1])

    delta, delta_ = get_delta(Ns)

    sym_stack = Stack()  # Stack for storing the input symbols
    len_stack = Stack()  # Stack for storing the lengths of input symbols

    for i in range(num_steps):  # 200, length of input sequences
        print("time step", i)

        ############# STACK ACTION #############
        # (Default) Pushing for the initial time step
        if i == 0:
            sym_stack.push(words[:, i])  # [, 10]
            len_stack.push(tf.norm(tensor=words[:, i], axis=-1))
        # Pushing if At > 0
        elif stack_axn > 0:
            sym_stack.push(words[:, i])
            len_stack.push(stack_axn * tf.norm(tensor=words[:, i], axis=-1))
        # Popping if At < 0
        elif stack_axn < 0:
            len_popped = 0
            # Popping a total of length |At| from the stack
            while len_popped != -stack_axn:
                # If len(top) > |At|, Updating the length
                if len_stack.peek() > -stack_axn:
                    len_popped += -stack_axn
                    len_stack.update(len_stack.peek() - stack_axn)
                # If len(top) < |At|, Popping the top
                    len_popped += len_stack.peek()
        # No action if At=0

        ############# READING THE STACK ##########
        curr_read = tf.ones([Nr, 1])
        len_read = 0
        # Reading a total length '1' from the stack
        while len_read != 1:
            # print(len_stack.peek())
            if len_stack.peek() < 1:
                curr_read = tf.math.add(curr_read, tf.multiply(sym_stack.peek(),
                # print("current read b4 if", tf.shape(curr_read))
                len_read += len_stack.peek()
                curr_read = tf.math.add(curr_read,
                                        tf.reshape(sym_stack.peek(), [Ni, 1]))

                # print(curr_read)
                # print("current read b4 else", tf.shape(curr_read))

                len_read = 1

        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9663562/what-is-the-difference-between-init-and-call

        cell = NnpdaCell(input_symbol=words[:, i],
                         delta_=delta_)  # .rtrn()
        next_state, stack_axn = cell.rtrn()
        print("stack action:", stack_axn)

        curr_state = next_state
        loss_per_example = tf.square(
            tf.norm(tensor=st_desired - curr_state)) + tf.square(
        total_loss = tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor=loss_per_example)
        print("Loss per example", loss_per_example)
        print("Total loss", total_loss)

    return total_loss
Exemplo n.º 33
#  Set up the TensorFlow placeholders that get updated as we descend down the gradient
tf_house_size = tf.placeholder("float", name="house_size")
tf_price = tf.placeholder("float", name="price")

# Define the variables holding the size_factor and price we set during training.  
# We initialize them to some random values based on the normal distribution.
tf_size_factor = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(), name="size_factor")
tf_price_offset = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(), name="price_offset")

# 2. Define the operations for the predicting values - predicted price = (size_factor * house_size ) + price_offset
#  Notice, the use of the tensorflow add and multiply functions.  These add the operations to the computation graph,
#  AND the tensorflow methods understand how to deal with Tensors.  Therefore do not try to use numpy or other library 
#  methods.
tf_price_pred = tf.add(tf.multiply(tf_size_factor, tf_house_size), tf_price_offset)

# 3. Define the Loss Function (how much error) - Mean squared error
tf_cost = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(tf_price_pred-tf_price, 2))/(2*num_train_samples)

# Optimizer learning rate.  The size of the steps down the gradient
learning_rate = 0.1

# 4. define a Gradient descent optimizer that will minimize the loss defined in the operation "cost".
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(tf_cost)

# Initializing the variables
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
Exemplo n.º 34
def main(_):
    ps_hosts = FLAGS.ps_hosts.split(',')
    worker_hosts = FLAGS.worker_hosts.split(',')
    job_name = FLAGS.job_name
    task_index = FLAGS.task_index
    learning_rate = FLAGS.learning_rate
    step_to_validate = FLAGS.step_to_validate
    is_sync = FLAGS.is_sync

    # create a cluster from the parameter server and worker hosts.
    cluster = tf.train.ClusterSpec({'ps': ps_hosts, 'worker': worker_hosts})

    # create and start a server for the local task
    server = tf.train.Server(cluster, job_name=job_name, task_index=FLAGS.task_index)

    if job_name == 'ps':

    elif job_name == 'worker':
        # assign ops to the local worker by default
        device_setting = tf.train.replica_device_setter(worker_device='/job:worker/task:%d'%task_index, cluster=cluster)
        with tf.device(device_setting):
            input = tf.placeholder('float')
            label = tf.placeholder('float')
            weight = tf.get_variable('weight', [1], tf.float32, initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer())
            bias = tf.get_variable('bias', [1], tf.float32, initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer())

            out = tf.multiply(input, weight) + bias

            loss = tf.square(label - out)
            tf.summary.scalar('cost', loss)

            global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False)
            optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
            grad_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)

            if is_sync == 1:
                rep_op = tf.train.SyncReplicasOptimizer(optimizer,
                train_op = rep_op.apply_gradients(grad_and_vars, global_step=global_step)
                init_token_op = rep_op.get_init_tokens_op()
                chief_queue_runner = rep_op.get_chief_queue_runner()
                train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(grad_and_vars, global_step=global_step)

            init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables()

            saver = tf.train.Saver()
            summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()

            # create a supervisor which oversees the training process
            sv = tf.train.Supervisor(is_chief=(task_index == 0),
            if is_sync == 1:

                with sv.prepare_or_wait_for_session(server.target) as sess:
                    if  task_index == 0 and is_sync == 1:
                        sv.start_queue_runners(sess, [chief_queue_runner])
                    step = 0
                    while step < 10000:
                        train_x = np.random.randn(1)
                        train_y = 2* train_x + np.random.randn(1) * 0.33 + 10
                        _, loss_v, step = sess.run([train_op, loss, global_step],
                                                   feed_dict={input: train_x, label: train_y})
                        if step % step_to_validate == 0:
                            w, b = sess.run([weight, bias])
                            print("step: %d, weight:%f, bias:%f, loss:%f"%(step,weight,bias,loss))

                # the supervisor takes care of session initialization, restoring from a checkpoint
                # and closing when done or an error occurs.
                with sv.managed_session(server.target) as sess:
                    # look until the supervisor  shuts down or 10000 steps have completed.
                    step = 0
                    while not sv.should_stop() and step < 10000:
                        # run a training step asynchronously
                        # see tf.train.SyncReplicasOptimizer for additional details on how to perform synchronous training
                        _, step = sess.run([train_op, global_step])
                    # ask for all services to stop
        print('No this job!')
def preprocess_for_train(image,
  """Distort one image for training a network.

  Distorting images provides a useful technique for augmenting the data
  set during training in order to make the network invariant to aspects
  of the image that do not effect the label.

  Additionally it would create image_summaries to display the different
  transformations applied to the image.

    image: 3-D Tensor of image. If dtype is tf.float32 then the range should be
      [0, 1], otherwise it would converted to tf.float32 assuming that the range
      is [0, MAX], where MAX is largest positive representable number for
      int(8/16/32) data type (see `tf.image.convert_image_dtype` for details).
    height: integer
    width: integer
    bbox: 3-D float Tensor of bounding boxes arranged [1, num_boxes, coords]
      where each coordinate is [0, 1) and the coordinates are arranged
      as [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax].
    fast_mode: Optional boolean, if True avoids slower transformations (i.e.
      bi-cubic resizing, random_hue or random_contrast).
    scope: Optional scope for name_scope.
    add_image_summaries: Enable image summaries.
    random_crop: Enable random cropping of images during preprocessing for
    use_grayscale: Whether to convert the image from RGB to grayscale.
    3-D float Tensor of distorted image used for training with range [-1, 1].
  with tf.name_scope(scope, 'distort_image', [image, height, width, bbox]):
    if bbox is None:
      bbox = tf.constant([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0],
                         shape=[1, 1, 4])
    if image.dtype != tf.float32:
      image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image, dtype=tf.float32)
    # Each bounding box has shape [1, num_boxes, box coords] and
    # the coordinates are ordered [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax].
    image_with_box = tf.image.draw_bounding_boxes(tf.expand_dims(image, 0),
    if add_image_summaries:
      tf.summary.image('image_with_bounding_boxes', image_with_box)

    if not random_crop:
      distorted_image = image
      distorted_image, distorted_bbox = distorted_bounding_box_crop(image, bbox)
      # Restore the shape since the dynamic slice based upon the bbox_size loses
      # the third dimension.
      distorted_image.set_shape([None, None, 3])
      image_with_distorted_box = tf.image.draw_bounding_boxes(
          tf.expand_dims(image, 0), distorted_bbox)
      if add_image_summaries:

    # This resizing operation may distort the images because the aspect
    # ratio is not respected. We select a resize method in a round robin
    # fashion based on the thread number.
    # Note that ResizeMethod contains 4 enumerated resizing methods.

    # We select only 1 case for fast_mode bilinear.
    num_resize_cases = 1 if fast_mode else 4
    distorted_image = apply_with_random_selector(
        lambda x, method: tf.image.resize_images(x, [height, width], method),

    if add_image_summaries:
      tf.summary.image(('cropped_' if random_crop else '') + 'resized_image',
                       tf.expand_dims(distorted_image, 0))

    # Randomly flip the image horizontally.
    distorted_image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(distorted_image)

    # Randomly distort the colors. There are 1 or 4 ways to do it.
    num_distort_cases = 1 if fast_mode else 4
    distorted_image = apply_with_random_selector(
        lambda x, ordering: distort_color(x, ordering, fast_mode),

    if use_grayscale:
      distorted_image = tf.image.rgb_to_grayscale(distorted_image)

    if add_image_summaries:
                       tf.expand_dims(distorted_image, 0))
    distorted_image = tf.subtract(distorted_image, 0.5)
    distorted_image = tf.multiply(distorted_image, 2.0)
    return distorted_image
Exemplo n.º 36
def log_regression():

    learning_rate = 0.01
    batch_size = 1024
    iter_num = 30
    display_step = 1
    beta = 0.1
    threshold = 0.5

    seed = 5

    print("Loading training data...")
    train_data = pd.read_csv(currentDirectory + "train\\" +
    print("Shuffling training data...")
    train_data = train_data.iloc[np.random.permutation(len(train_data))]
    train_X = train_data.iloc[:, 0:number_of_columns -
                              1]  #selecting the feature columns
    train_X = np.array(train_X)

    train_Y = np.array(train_data.iloc[:, number_of_columns -
                                       1:])  # selecting the label column
    train_Y = np.array(train_Y)

    # print ("Loading validation data...")
    # dev_data = pd.read_csv(currentDirectory + "dev\\" + "CombinedDevData.csv")
    # dev_X = dev_data.iloc[:,0:number_of_columns-1] #selecting the feature columns
    # #dev_X = min_max_normalized(np.array(dev_X))
    # dev_Y = np.array(dev_data.iloc[:,number_of_columns-1:]) # selecting the label column

    print("Loading test data...")
    test_data = pd.read_csv(currentDirectory + "test\\" +
    test_X = test_data.iloc[:, 0:number_of_columns -
                            1]  #selecting the feature columns
    test_X = np.array(test_X)
    #dev_X = min_max_normalized(np.array(dev_X))
    test_Y = np.array(test_data.iloc[:, number_of_columns -
                                     1:])  # selecting the label column
    test_Y = np.array(test_Y)

    #Defining the model framework
    w = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([44, 1]), name="weights")
    b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]), name="bias")

    X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 44], name='data')
    Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1], name='target')

    pred = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(X, w) + b)

    # Minimize error using cross entropy (1st cost function)
    #cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pred, labels=Y))

    # (2nd cost function used)
    #cost = tf.multiply(-1.0, tf.reduce_mean(tf.add(tf.multiply(beta,tf.multiply(Y,tf.log(pred))),tf.multiply(tf.subtract(1.0, Y) , tf.log(tf.subtract(1.0, pred))))))
    cost = tf.reduce_mean(

    #To calculate precision, which is the main metric
    rounded_pred = tf.cast(pred >= threshold, dtype=tf.float32)
    total_ones = tf.reduce_sum(rounded_pred)
    true_positive = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(rounded_pred, Y))

    optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(

    #correct = tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.round(pred), Y), dtype=tf.float32)
    #accuracy = tf.metrics.precision(labels = Y, predictions = tf.round(pred))
    writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('./graphs', tf.get_default_graph())
    train_precison = []
    test_precision = []

    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    init_l = tf.local_variables_initializer()

    with tf.Session() as sess:
        for epoch in range(iter_num):
            avg_cost = 0.0
            tp = 0
            tp_fp = 0.000000000001  # to prevent division by 0
            test_tp = 0
            test_tp_fp = 0.000000000001  # to prevent division by 0
            total_batch = math.ceil(train_X.shape[0] / batch_size)
            for i in range(total_batch - 1):
                batch_xs = train_X[i * batch_size:batch_size * i +
                                   batch_size, :]
                batch_ys = train_Y[i * batch_size:batch_size * i +
                                   batch_size, :]

                test_xs = test_X[i * batch_size:batch_size * i + batch_size, :]
                test_ys = test_Y[i * batch_size:batch_size * i + batch_size, :]

                #     # convert into a matrix, and the shape of the placeholder to correspond
                #     temp_train_acc = sess.run(accuracy, feed_dict={X: batch_xs, Y: batch_ys})
                #     temp_test_acc = sess.run(accuracy, feed_dict={X: dev_X, Y: dev_Y})
                #     # recode the result
                #     loss_trace.append(temp_loss)
                #     train_acc.append(temp_train_acc)
                #     validation_acc.append(temp_test_acc)
                # output

                # Run optimization op (backprop) and cost op (to get loss value)
                #_, c, p, temp_train_acc = sess.run([optimizer, cost, pred, accuracy], feed_dict={X: batch_xs, Y: batch_ys})
                _, c, p, ones, correct_ones = sess.run(
                    [optimizer, cost, pred, total_ones, true_positive],
                        X: batch_xs,
                        Y: batch_ys
                test_ones, test_correct_ones = sess.run(
                    [total_ones, true_positive],
                        X: test_xs,
                        Y: test_ys
                avg_cost += c
                tp += correct_ones
                tp_fp += ones
                test_tp += test_correct_ones
                test_tp_fp += test_ones

            #including the last batch
            batch_xs = train_X[batch_size * (total_batch - 1):, :]
            batch_ys = train_Y[batch_size * (total_batch - 1):, :]
            #_, c, p = sess.run([optimizer, cost, pred], feed_dict={X: batch_xs, Y: batch_ys})
            #_, c, p, temp_train_acc = sess.run([optimizer, cost, pred, accuracy], feed_dict={X: batch_xs, Y: batch_ys})
            _, c, p, ones, correct_ones = sess.run(
                [optimizer, cost, pred, total_ones, true_positive],
                    X: batch_xs,
                    Y: batch_ys
            test_ones, test_correct_ones = sess.run(
                [total_ones, true_positive],
                    X: test_xs,
                    Y: test_ys
            avg_cost += c
            tp += correct_ones
            tp_fp += ones
            test_tp += test_correct_ones
            test_tp_fp += test_ones
            #temp_train_acc = sess.run(accuracy, feed_dict={X: batch_xs, Y: batch_ys})

            #print ("Tensorflow precision: ", temp_train_acc[0])
            print("Train Precision: ", float(tp) / float(tp_fp))
            print("Test Precision: ", float(test_tp) / float(test_tp_fp))

            # Display logs per epoch step
            if (epoch + 1) % display_step == 0:
                #print("Epoch:", '%04d' % (epoch+1), "cost=", "{:.9f}".format(avg_cost))
                #print('epoch: {:4d} cost = : {:.9f} train_precision: {:.9f} '.format(epoch + 1, avg_cost, temp_train_acc[0]))
                    'epoch: {:4d} cost = : {:.9f} train_precision: {:.9f} test_precision: {:.9f}'
                    .format(epoch + 1, avg_cost,
                            float(tp) / float(tp_fp),
                            float(test_tp) / float(test_tp_fp)))

        print("Optimization Finished!")
Exemplo n.º 37
    def __init__(self,
            n_actions: Integer, number of possible actions
            hidden: Integer, Number of filters in the final convolutional layer.
                    This is different from the DeepMind implementation
            learning_rate: Float, Learning rate for the Adam optimizer
            frame_height: Integer, Height of a frame of an Atari game
            frame_width: Integer, Width of a frame of an Atari game
            agent_history_length: Integer, Number of frames stacked together to create a state
        self.n_actions = n_actions
        self.hidden = hidden
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.frame_height = frame_height
        self.frame_width = frame_width
        self.agent_history_length = agent_history_length

        self.input = tf.placeholder(
            shape=[None, self.frame_height, self.frame_width, 1],
        # Normalizing the input
        self.inputscaled = self.input / 255

        # Convolutional layers
        self.conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d(
            kernel_size=[8, 8],
        self.conv2 = tf.layers.conv2d(
            kernel_size=[4, 4],
        self.conv3 = tf.layers.conv2d(
            kernel_size=[3, 3],
        self.conv4 = tf.layers.conv2d(
            kernel_size=[7, 7],

        # Splitting into value and advantage stream
        # value,  num_of_splits, axis
        self.flat = tf.layers.flatten(self.conv4)
        # Format (timestep, batch, inputshape)
        self.lstm = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(units=hidden,
                                         input_shape=(1024, ),
                                             self.flat, [1, 1024, 1]))

        self.valuestream, self.advantagestream = tf.split(self.lstm, 2, -1)

        self.valuestream = tf.expand_dims(self.valuestream, -1)
        self.advantagestream = tf.expand_dims(self.advantagestream, -1)

        self.advantage = tf.layers.dense(

        self.value = tf.layers.dense(

        # Combining value and advantage into Q-values as described above
        self.q_values = self.value + tf.subtract(
            tf.reduce_mean(self.advantage, axis=1, keep_dims=True))
        self.best_action = tf.argmax(self.q_values, 1)

        # The next lines perform the parameter update. This will be explained in detail later.

        # targetQ according to Bellman equation:
        # Q = r + gamma*max Q', calculated in the function learn()
        self.target_q = tf.placeholder(shape=[None], dtype=tf.float32)
        # Action that was performed
        self.action = tf.placeholder(shape=[None], dtype=tf.int32)
        # Q value of the action that was performed
        self.Q = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(
            tf.one_hot(self.action, self.n_actions, dtype=tf.float32)),
        self.TD_Error = self.target_q - tf.reduce_max(self.q_values, axis=1)

        # Parameter updates
        self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.losses.huber_loss(labels=self.target_q, predictions=self.Q))
        self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(
        self.update = self.optimizer.minimize(self.loss)
Exemplo n.º 38
def sample_sparse_grid_like(gt_flow, target_density=75, height=384, width=512):
    # Important: matches is already normalised to [0, 1]
    num_samples = tf.multiply(
        tf.multiply(tf.divide(target_density, 100.0), height), width)
    aspect_ratio = tf.divide(width, height)
    # Compute as in invalid_like for a random box to know the number of samples in horizontal and vertical
    num_samples_w = tf.cast(tf.round(
        tf.sqrt(tf.multiply(num_samples, aspect_ratio))),
    num_samples_h = tf.cast(tf.round(
        tf.divide(tf.cast(num_samples_w, dtype=tf.float32), aspect_ratio)),
    # Check crop dimensions are plausible, otherwise crop them to fit (this alters the density we were sampling at)
    num_samples_h = tf.cond(tf.greater(num_samples_h, tf.constant(height)),
                            lambda: tf.constant(height, dtype=tf.int32),
                            lambda: num_samples_h)
    num_samples_w = tf.cond(tf.greater(num_samples_w, tf.constant(width)),
                            lambda: tf.constant(width, dtype=tf.int32),
                            lambda: num_samples_w)

    delta_rows = tf.cast((height - 1 - 0) / num_samples_h, tf.float32)
    sample_points_h = tf.cast(tf.round(
        tf.range(start=0, limit=height, delta=delta_rows, dtype=tf.float32)),
    delta_cols = tf.cast((width - 1 - 0) / num_samples_w, tf.float32)
    sample_points_w = tf.cast(tf.round(
        tf.range(start=0, limit=width, delta=delta_cols, dtype=tf.float32)),
    # Create meshgrid of all combinations (i.e.: coordinates to sample at)
    rows, cols = tf.meshgrid(sample_points_h, sample_points_w, indexing='ij')
    rows_flatten = tf.reshape(rows, [-1])
    cols_flatten = tf.reshape(cols, [-1])

    # Compute absolute indices as row * width + cols
    indices = tf.add(tf.multiply(rows_flatten, width), cols_flatten)
    ones = tf.ones(tf.shape(indices), dtype=tf.float32)
    zeros = lambda: tf.zeros((height * width), dtype=tf.float32)
    matches = tf.Variable(initial_value=zeros, trainable=False)

    matches = tf.scatter_update(matches, indices, ones)  # all 1D tensors

    # Randomly subtract a part with a random rectangle (superpixels in the future)
    corrupt_mask = tf.random_uniform([], maxval=2, dtype=tf.int32)
    matches = tf.cond(
                   tf.constant(0)), lambda: corrupt_sparse_flow_once(
                       matches, target_density, height, width),
        lambda: return_identity_one(matches))

    sampling_mask = tf.reshape(matches,
                               (height, width))  # sampling_mask of size (h, w)
    matches = tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(sampling_mask, -1),
                      dtype=tf.float32)  # convert to (h, w, 1)
    # Sample ground truth flow with given map
    # sampling_mask = sampling_mask[:, :, tf.newaxis]
    # sampling_mask_rep = tf.tile(sampling_mask, [1, 1, 2])
    # sampling_mask_flatten = tf.reshape(sampling_mask_rep, [-1])
    # sampling_mask_flatten_where = tf.where(
    #     tf.equal(sampling_mask_flatten, tf.cast(1, dtype=sampling_mask_flatten.dtype)))
    # sampling_mask_flatten_where = tf.reshape(sampling_mask_flatten_where, [-1])
    # gt_flow_sampling_mask = tf.boolean_mask(gt_flow, sampling_mask_rep)
    # zeros = lambda: tf.zeros(tf.reduce_prod(gt_flow.shape), dtype=tf.float32)
    # sparse_flow = tf.Variable(initial_value=zeros, dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False)
    # sparse_flow = tf.scatter_update(sparse_flow, sampling_mask_flatten_where, gt_flow_sampling_mask)
    # sparse_flow = tf.reshape(sparse_flow, gt_flow.shape)
    sparse_flow = mask_to_sparse_flow(sampling_mask, gt_flow)

    return matches, sparse_flow
def model(X, w):
    return tf.add(tf.multiply(w[1], tf.pow(X, 1)),
                  tf.multiply(w[0], tf.pow(X, 0)))
Exemplo n.º 40
import tensorflow as tf
#Fetch  同时多个操作
input1 = tf.constant(3.0)
input2 = tf.constant(2.0)
input3 = tf.constant(5.0)

add = tf.add(input2, input3)
mul = tf.multiply(input1, add)

with tf.Session() as sess:
    result = sess.run([mul, add])

input1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
input2 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
output = tf.multiply(input1, input2)

with tf.Session() as sess:
    print(sess.run(output, feed_dict={input1: [7.0], input2: [2.0]}))
# Now we will start creating our model by defining the placeholders X and Y, so that we can feed our training examples
# X and Y into the optimizer during the training process.
X = tf.compat.v1.placeholder("float")
Y = tf.compat.v1.placeholder("float")

# Now we will declare two trainable Tensorflow Variables for the Weights and Bias and initializing them randomly
W = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(), name="W")
b = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(), name="b")

# Now we will define the hyperparameters of the model, the Learning Rate and the number of Epochs.

learning_rate = 0.01
training_epochs = 1000

# Hypothesis
y_pred = tf.add(tf.multiply(X, W), b)

# Mean Squared Error Cost Function
cost = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(y_pred - Y, 2)) / (2 * n)

# Gradient Descent Optimizer
optimizer = tf.compat.v1.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(

# Global Variables Initializer
init = tf.compat.v1.global_variables_initializer()

# Starting the Tensorflow Session
with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess:

    # Initializing the Variables
Exemplo n.º 42
def learn(env,
          exploration=LinearSchedule(1000000, 0.1),
    """Run Deep Q-learning algorithm.

    You can specify your own convnet using q_func.

    All schedules are w.r.t. total number of steps taken in the environment.

    env: gym.Env
        gym environment to train on.
    q_func: function
        Model to use for computing the q function. It should accept the
        following named arguments:
            img_in: tf.Tensor
                tensorflow tensor representing the input image
            num_actions: int
                number of actions
            scope: str
                scope in which all the model related variables
                should be created
            reuse: bool
                whether previously created variables should be reused.
    optimizer_spec: OptimizerSpec
        Specifying the constructor and kwargs, as well as learning rate schedule
        for the optimizer
    session: tf.Session
        tensorflow session to use.
    exploration: rl_algs.deepq.utils.schedules.Schedule
        schedule for probability of chosing random action.
    stopping_criterion: (env, t) -> bool
        should return true when it's ok for the RL algorithm to stop.
        takes in env and the number of steps executed so far.
    replay_buffer_size: int
        How many memories to store in the replay buffer.
    batch_size: int
        How many transitions to sample each time experience is replayed.
    gamma: float
        Discount Factor
    learning_starts: int
        After how many environment steps to start replaying experiences
    learning_freq: int
        How many steps of environment to take between every experience replay
    frame_history_len: int
    frame_history_len: int
        How many past frames to include as input to the model.
    target_update_freq: int
        How many experience replay rounds (not steps!) to perform between
        each update to the target Q network
    grad_norm_clipping: float or None
        If not None gradients' norms are clipped to this value.
    exp_name = env.env_name
    logz.configure_output_dir('data/' + exp_name + time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y-%H:%M:%s'))

    input_shape = env.state_shape
    num_actions = env.num_actions

    # set up placeholders
    # placeholder for current observation (or state)
    obs_t_ph              = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None] + list(input_shape))
    # placeholder for current action
    act_t_ph              = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name='act_t_ph')
    # placeholder for current reward
    rew_t_ph              = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None])
    # placeholder for next observation (or state)
    obs_tp1_ph            = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None] + list(input_shape))
    # placeholder for end of episode mask
    # this value is 1 if the next state corresponds to the end of an episode,
    # in which case there is no Q-value at the next state; at the end of an
    # episode, only the current state reward contributes to the target, not the
    # next state Q-value (i.e. target is just rew_t_ph, not rew_t_ph + gamma * q_tp1)
    done_mask_ph          = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None])
    transition_length_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None])

    q_func_net = q_func(obs_t_ph, num_actions, "q_func", False,
                        n_layers=nn_size, size=n_hidden_units)
    q_func_net_argmax_target = q_func(obs_tp1_ph, num_actions, "q_func", True,
                        n_layers=nn_size, size=n_hidden_units)
    target_q_func_net = q_func(obs_tp1_ph, num_actions, "target_q_func", False,
                               n_layers=nn_size, size=n_hidden_units)
    if not double_DQN:
        target_y = rew_t_ph + tf.pow(gamma, transition_length_ph) *\
                              done_mask_ph * tf.reduce_max(target_q_func_net, axis=1)
        target_y = rew_t_ph + \
                   tf.pow(gamma, transition_length_ph) * done_mask_ph * \
                   tf.reduce_sum(target_q_func_net *\
                                 tf.one_hot(tf.argmax(q_func_net_argmax_target, axis = 1),
    actual_y = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(q_func_net, tf.one_hot(act_t_ph, depth=num_actions)), axis=1)
    total_error = tf.nn.l2_loss(target_y - actual_y)
    q_func_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='q_func')
    target_q_func_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='target_q_func')

    training_error_summ_sy = tf.summary.scalar('training_total_error', total_error)

    # construct optimization op (with gradient clipping)
    learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (), name="learning_rate")
    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.001)
    train_fn = optimizer.minimize(total_error)

    # update_target_fn will be called periodically to copy Q network to target Q network
    update_target_fn = []
    for var, var_target in zip(sorted(q_func_vars,        key=lambda v: v.name),
                               sorted(target_q_func_vars, key=lambda v: v.name)):
    update_target_fn = tf.group(*update_target_fn)

    # construct the replay buffer
    replay_buffer = replay_buffer_knapsack.ReplayBuffer(replay_buffer_size, input_shape[0])

    # Model saver
    saver = tf.train.Saver()

    # Create session, initialize variables
    session = tf.InteractiveSession()
    log_files_name = 'DQN_' + str(env.env_name) + \
                     '-lf=' + str(learning_freq) + \
                     '-b=' + str(batch_size) + '-' + \

    writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('/tmp/' + log_files_name,
    saver.save(session, '/tmp/saved_models/' + log_files_name)

    # RUN ENV     #
    model_initialized = False
    num_param_updates = 0
    mean_episode_reward      = -float('nan')
    best_mean_episode_reward = -float('inf')
    observations = [env.reset()]
    LOG_EVERY_N_STEPS = 10000

    episode_total_rewards = []
    episode_total_optimal_rewards = []
    episode_total_at_random_rewards = []
    accuracies = []
    done = False
    for t in itertools.count():
        ### 1. Check stopping criterion
        if stopping_criterion is not None and stopping_criterion(env, t):

        ### 2. Step the env and store the transition
        import random
        from numpy import array

        if done:
            observations = [env.reset()]

        if model_initialized:
            # Action taking 1
            # epsilon = exploration.value(t)
            # q_values=session.run(q_func_net, feed_dict={obs_t_ph: last_obs[None]})
            # action=np.argmax(q_values[0])
            # r = random.random()
            # if r <= epsilon:
            #     all_possible_action = list(range(num_actions))
            #     other_actions = [x for x in all_possible_action if x != action]
            #     action = np.array(random.choice(other_actions))
            # Action taking 2
            q_values = session.run(q_func_net, feed_dict={obs_t_ph: observations[-1][None]})
            if env.env_name == 'TSP':
                action = np.argmax(q_values[0] * (1-env.binary_vector_state()) -\
                                   1e5 * env.binary_vector_state())
                action = np.argmax(q_values[0] * (1-env.xs) - 1e5 * env.xs)

            if random.random() <= exploration.value(t):
                all_possible_action = list(range(num_actions))
                other_actions = [x for x in all_possible_action if x != action]
                action = np.array(random.choice(other_actions))
            action = np.array(random.choice(list(range(num_actions))))

        next_obs, reward, done = env.step(action)

        if len(observations) > n_steps_ahead:
            replay_buffer.store_transition(observations[-(n_steps_ahead + 1)],
                                           action, reward, observations[-1], done, n_steps_ahead)

        if done and 1 < len(observations) <= n_steps_ahead:
                                           action, reward, observations[-1], done, len(observations) - 1)

        # at this point, the environment should have been advanced one step (and
        # reset if done was true), and last_obs should point to the new latest
        # observation

        ### 3. Perform experience replay and train the network.
        # note that this is only done if the replay buffer contains enough samples
        # for us to learn something useful -- until then, the model will not be
        # initialized and random actions should be taken

        if (t > learning_starts and
                t % learning_freq == 0 and

            obs_t_batch, act_batch, rew_batch, obs_tp1_batch, done_mask_batch, transition_length_batch\
                = replay_buffer.sample(batch_size)
            if not(model_initialized):
                initialize_interdependent_variables(session, tf.global_variables(), {
                            obs_t_ph: obs_t_batch,
                            obs_tp1_ph: obs_tp1_batch,

            training_error_summ, _ = session.run([training_error_summ_sy, train_fn],
                                                 feed_dict={obs_t_ph: obs_t_batch,
                                                            act_t_ph: act_batch,
                                                            rew_t_ph: rew_batch,
                                                            obs_tp1_ph: obs_tp1_batch,
                                                            transition_length_ph: transition_length_batch})
            if t % 100:
                writer.add_summary(training_error_summ, t)

            if num_param_updates%target_update_freq == 0:
            num_param_updates += 1


            ### 4. Log progress
            # episode_rewards = get_wrapper_by_name(env, "Monitor").get_episode_rewards()
            if done:
                if env.env_name == 'Knapsack':
                    accuracies.append(np.mean(1 - np.abs(env.xs - env.optimal_solution()[1])))

            if len(episode_total_rewards) > 0:
                mean_episode_reward = np.mean(np.array(episode_total_rewards)[-1000:])
                mean_optimal_episode_reward = np.mean(np.array(episode_total_optimal_rewards)[-1000:])
                mean_at_random_episode_reward = np.mean(np.array(episode_total_at_random_rewards)[-1000:])
                if env.env_name == 'Knapsack':
                    mean_accuracy = np.mean(np.array(accuracies)[-1000:])

            if len(episode_total_rewards) > 1000:
                best_mean_episode_reward = max(best_mean_episode_reward, mean_episode_reward)

            if t % LOG_EVERY_N_STEPS == 0 and model_initialized:
                # Save the model
                saver.save(session, '/tmp/saved_models/' + log_files_name, global_step=t)
                # Display and log episode stats
                logz.log_tabular("Timestep", t)
                logz.log_tabular("AtRandomAverageReturn", mean_at_random_episode_reward)
                logz.log_tabular("AverageReturn", mean_episode_reward)
                logz.log_tabular("OptimalAverageReturn", mean_optimal_episode_reward)
                if env.env_name == 'Knapsack':
                    logz.log_tabular("AverageAccuracy", mean_accuracy)
                logz.log_tabular("MaxReturn", best_mean_episode_reward)
                logz.log_tabular("Episodes", len(episode_total_rewards))
                logz.log_tabular("Exploration", exploration.value(t))

Exemplo n.º 43
def attention_layer(from_tensor,
  """Performs multi-headed attention from `from_tensor` to `to_tensor`.

  This is an implementation of multi-headed attention based on "Attention
  is all you Need". If `from_tensor` and `to_tensor` are the same, then
  this is self-attention. Each timestep in `from_tensor` attends to the
  corresponding sequence in `to_tensor`, and returns a fixed-with vector.

  This function first projects `from_tensor` into a "query" tensor and
  `to_tensor` into "key" and "value" tensors. These are (effectively) a list
  of tensors of length `num_attention_heads`, where each tensor is of shape
  [batch_size, seq_length, size_per_head].

  Then, the query and key tensors are dot-producted and scaled. These are
  softmaxed to obtain attention probabilities. The value tensors are then
  interpolated by these probabilities, then concatenated back to a single
  tensor and returned.

  In practice, the multi-headed attention are done with transposes and
  reshapes rather than actual separate tensors.

    from_tensor: float Tensor of shape [batch_size, from_seq_length,
    to_tensor: float Tensor of shape [batch_size, to_seq_length, to_width].
    attention_mask: (optional) int32 Tensor of shape [batch_size,
      from_seq_length, to_seq_length]. The values should be 1 or 0. The
      attention scores will effectively be set to -infinity for any positions in
      the mask that are 0, and will be unchanged for positions that are 1.
    num_attention_heads: int. Number of attention heads.
    size_per_head: int. Size of each attention head.
    query_act: (optional) Activation function for the query transform.
    key_act: (optional) Activation function for the key transform.
    value_act: (optional) Activation function for the value transform.
    attention_probs_dropout_prob: (optional) float. Dropout probability of the
      attention probabilities.
    initializer_range: float. Range of the weight initializer.
    do_return_2d_tensor: bool. If True, the output will be of shape [batch_size
      * from_seq_length, num_attention_heads * size_per_head]. If False, the
      output will be of shape [batch_size, from_seq_length, num_attention_heads
      * size_per_head].
    batch_size: (Optional) int. If the input is 2D, this might be the batch size
      of the 3D version of the `from_tensor` and `to_tensor`.
    from_seq_length: (Optional) If the input is 2D, this might be the seq length
      of the 3D version of the `from_tensor`.
    to_seq_length: (Optional) If the input is 2D, this might be the seq length
      of the 3D version of the `to_tensor`.

    float Tensor of shape [batch_size, from_seq_length,
      num_attention_heads * size_per_head]. (If `do_return_2d_tensor` is
      true, this will be of shape [batch_size * from_seq_length,
      num_attention_heads * size_per_head]).

    ValueError: Any of the arguments or tensor shapes are invalid.

  def transpose_for_scores(input_tensor, batch_size, num_attention_heads,
                           seq_length, width):
    output_tensor = tf.reshape(
        input_tensor, [batch_size, seq_length, num_attention_heads, width])

    output_tensor = tf.transpose(output_tensor, [0, 2, 1, 3])
    return output_tensor

  from_shape = get_shape_list(from_tensor, expected_rank=[2, 3])
  to_shape = get_shape_list(to_tensor, expected_rank=[2, 3])

  if len(from_shape) != len(to_shape):
    raise ValueError(
        "The rank of `from_tensor` must match the rank of `to_tensor`.")

  if len(from_shape) == 3:
    batch_size = from_shape[0]
    from_seq_length = from_shape[1]
    to_seq_length = to_shape[1]
  elif len(from_shape) == 2:
    if (batch_size is None or from_seq_length is None or to_seq_length is None):
      raise ValueError(
          "When passing in rank 2 tensors to attention_layer, the values "
          "for `batch_size`, `from_seq_length`, and `to_seq_length` "
          "must all be specified.")

  # Scalar dimensions referenced here:
  #   B = batch size (number of sequences)
  #   F = `from_tensor` sequence length
  #   T = `to_tensor` sequence length
  #   N = `num_attention_heads`
  #   H = `size_per_head`

  from_tensor_2d = reshape_to_matrix(from_tensor)
  to_tensor_2d = reshape_to_matrix(to_tensor)

  # `query_layer` = [B*F, N*H]
  query_layer = tf.layers.dense(
      num_attention_heads * size_per_head,

  # `key_layer` = [B*T, N*H]
  key_layer = tf.layers.dense(
      num_attention_heads * size_per_head,

  # `value_layer` = [B*T, N*H]
  value_layer = tf.layers.dense(
      num_attention_heads * size_per_head,

  # `query_layer` = [B, N, F, H]
  query_layer = transpose_for_scores(query_layer, batch_size,
                                     num_attention_heads, from_seq_length,

  # `key_layer` = [B, N, T, H]
  key_layer = transpose_for_scores(key_layer, batch_size, num_attention_heads,
                                   to_seq_length, size_per_head)

  # Take the dot product between "query" and "key" to get the raw
  # attention scores.
  # `attention_scores` = [B, N, F, T]
  attention_scores = tf.matmul(query_layer, key_layer, transpose_b=True)
  attention_scores = tf.multiply(attention_scores,
                                 1.0 / math.sqrt(float(size_per_head)))

  if attention_mask is not None:
    # `attention_mask` = [B, 1, F, T]
    attention_mask = tf.expand_dims(attention_mask, axis=[1])

    # Since attention_mask is 1.0 for positions we want to attend and 0.0 for
    # masked positions, this operation will create a tensor which is 0.0 for
    # positions we want to attend and -10000.0 for masked positions.
    adder = (1.0 - tf.cast(attention_mask, tf.float32)) * -10000.0

    # Since we are adding it to the raw scores before the softmax, this is
    # effectively the same as removing these entirely.
    attention_scores += adder

  # Normalize the attention scores to probabilities.
  # `attention_probs` = [B, N, F, T]
  attention_probs = tf.nn.softmax(attention_scores)

  # This is actually dropping out entire tokens to attend to, which might
  # seem a bit unusual, but is taken from the original Transformer paper.
  attention_probs = dropout(attention_probs, attention_probs_dropout_prob)

  # `value_layer` = [B, T, N, H]
  value_layer = tf.reshape(
      [batch_size, to_seq_length, num_attention_heads, size_per_head])

  # `value_layer` = [B, N, T, H]
  value_layer = tf.transpose(value_layer, [0, 2, 1, 3])

  # `context_layer` = [B, N, F, H]
  context_layer = tf.matmul(attention_probs, value_layer)

  # `context_layer` = [B, F, N, H]
  context_layer = tf.transpose(context_layer, [0, 2, 1, 3])

  if do_return_2d_tensor:
    # `context_layer` = [B*F, N*H]
    context_layer = tf.reshape(
        [batch_size * from_seq_length, num_attention_heads * size_per_head])
    # `context_layer` = [B, F, N*H]
    context_layer = tf.reshape(
        [batch_size, from_seq_length, num_attention_heads * size_per_head])

  return context_layer
Exemplo n.º 44
    def _build_graph(self, inputs):
        """This function should build the model which takes the input variables
        and define self.cost at the end"""

        # inputs contains a list of input variables defined above
        image, label = inputs

        # In tensorflow, inputs to convolution function are assumed to be
        # NHWC. Add a single channel here.
        image = tf.expand_dims(image, 3)

        image = image * 2 - 1  # center the pixels values at zero

        def activate(x):
            return tf.nn.relu(x)

        # The context manager `argscope` sets the default option for all the layers under
        # this context. Here we use 32 channel convolution with shape 3x3
        with argscope(BatchNorm, decay=0.9, epsilon=1e-4), \
                argscope(Conv2D, kernel_shape=3, nl=tf.identity, out_channel=8):
            logits = (LinearWrap(image).Conv2D(
                            'pool1', 2).Conv2D('conv3').BatchNorm('bn3').apply(
                                    'fc0', 512, nl=tf.nn.relu).Dropout(

        prob = tf.nn.softmax(logits, name='prob')  # a Bx10 with probabilities

        # a vector of length B with loss of each sample
        cost = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits,
        cost = tf.reduce_mean(
            cost, name='cross_entropy_loss')  # the average cross-entropy loss

        # compute the "incorrect vector", for the callback ClassificationError to use at validation time
        wrong = symbf.prediction_incorrect(logits, label, name='incorrect')
        accuracy = symbf.accuracy(logits, label, name='accuracy')

        # This will monitor training error (in a moving_average fashion):
        # 1. write the value to tensosrboard
        # 2. write the value to stat.json
        # 3. print the value after each epoch
        train_error = tf.reduce_mean(wrong, name='train_error')
        summary.add_moving_summary(train_error, accuracy)

        # Use a regex to find parameters to apply weight decay.
        # Here we apply a weight decay on all W (weight matrix) of all fc layers
        wd_cost = tf.multiply(1e-5,
                              regularize_cost('fc.*/W', tf.nn.l2_loss),
        self.cost = tf.add_n([wd_cost, cost], name='total_cost')
        summary.add_moving_summary(cost, wd_cost, self.cost)

        # monitor histogram of all weight (of conv and fc layers) in tensorboard
        summary.add_param_summary(('.*/W', ['histogram', 'rms']))
Exemplo n.º 45
def test(batch_size, num_test, epoch_id, lstm_mod, html_type):
    #share placeholders
    keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep_prob_placeholder')
    y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [
    ], name='label_placeholder')

    #image placeholders
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, 3],
    vr_type = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, type_num],

    #text placeholders
    title = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None, None))
    title_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None))
    snippet = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None, None))
    snippet_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None))
    session_title = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None, None))
    sess_len_title = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None))
    session_snippet = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None, None))
    sess_len_snippet = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None))
    sessions_weight_snippet = tf.placeholder(
        tf.float32, [None, sess_sen_len_snippet, feature_dim])
    attention_title = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                     [None, max_title_len_top, feature_dim])
    attention_snippet = tf.placeholder(
        tf.float32, [None, max_snippet_len_top, feature_dim])

    #html placeholders
    html_tag = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, html_dim],
    html_class = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, html_dim],

    #with tf.name_scope('image'):
    image_placeholders = [x, vr_type, keep_prob]
    pred_image = image(image_placeholders)

    #with tf.name_scope('title'):
    title_placeholders = [
        title, title_len, attention_title, session_title, sess_len_title
    pred_title = text(title_placeholders, 'title')

    #with tf.name_scope('snippet'):
    snippet_placeholders = [
        snippet, snippet_len, attention_snippet, session_snippet,
        sess_len_snippet, sessions_weight_snippet
    pred_snippet = text(snippet_placeholders, 'snippet')

    #with tf.name_scope('html'):
    html_placeholders = [html_tag, html_class]
    pred_html = html(html_placeholders)

    pred_combine = tf.squeeze(
        tf.concat([pred_image, pred_title, pred_snippet, pred_html], 1))
    balance_raw = tf.Variable(tf.ones([4]), name='balance', trainable=True)
    balance_sum = tf.reduce_sum(balance_raw)
    balance = tf.div(balance_raw, balance_sum)
    pred_final = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(pred_combine, balance), 1)

    with tf.name_scope("loss"):
        sigmoid_cross_entropy = cross_entropy(labels=tf.squeeze(y),
        loss_cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(sigmoid_cross_entropy,
        loss_mse = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(pred_final - tf.squeeze(y)))

        loss = loss_mse

    sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
    saver = tf.train.Saver()
        model_base + 'checkpoint/JRE/model_JRE_epoch_' + epoch_id + '.ckpt')

    test_dataset = '201709'
    tvt_file = data_base + '201709/info_top_10_id_201709'
    images_test, rels_test, num_data_test = set_data_image(
        tvt_file, test_dataset)
    type_test = set_data_type(tvt_file)
    titles_test, snippets_test, rels_test, queries_test, num_data_test = set_data_text(
        'text', tvt_file)
    sess_title_test, sessions_weight_title_test = set_data_sess(
        'title', tvt_file, test_dataset)
    sess_snippet_test, sessions_weight_snippet_test = set_data_sess(
        'snippet', tvt_file, test_dataset)
    DFS_tag_test, DFS_class_test, BFS_tag_test, BFS_class_test, rels_test, num_data_test = set_data_html(
        tvt_file, test_dataset)
    print('test data num:{}'.format(num_data_test))

    if num_test == 'all':
        num_test = num_data_test
        num_test = int(num_test)

    dropout_rate_test = 1
    print("{} Start testing...".format(datetime.now()))
    loss_total = 0.
    pred_all, pred_combine_all, label_all = [], [], []
    iters = num_test / batch_size
    start = time.time()
    for iter in xrange(iters):
        ind = set_random_ind(num_data_test,
        pic_input, label_input = data_batch_image(images_test, rels_test,
                                                  num_data_test, batch_size,
        type_input = data_batch_type(type_test, batch_size, ind)
        title_input, title_len_input, label_input, attention_title_input = data_batch_text(
            titles_test, queries_test, window_weight, rels_test, num_data_test,
            batch_size, max_title_len_top, ind)
        snippet_input, snippet_len_input, label_input, attention_snippet_input = data_batch_text(
            snippets_test, queries_test, window_weight, rels_test,
            num_data_test, batch_size, max_snippet_len_top, ind)
        sess_title_input, sess_title_len_input, label_input, attention_sess_title_input = data_batch_text(
            sess_title_test, queries_test, window_weight, rels_test,
            num_data_test, batch_size, sess_sen_len_title, ind)
        sess_snippet_input, sess_snippet_len_input, label_input, attention_sess_snippet_input = data_batch_text(
            sess_snippet_test, queries_test, window_weight, rels_test,
            num_data_test, batch_size, sess_sen_len_snippet, ind)
        sessions_weight_snippet_input = sess_weight_batch(
            'snippet', batch_size, sessions_weight_snippet_test, ind)

        if html_type == 'DFS':
            tag_input, label_input = data_batch_html(DFS_tag_test, rels_test,
            class_input, label_input = data_batch_html(DFS_class_test,
                                                       rels_test, ind)
        elif html_type == 'BFS':
            tag_input, label_input = data_batch_html(BFS_tag_test, rels_test,
            class_input, label_input = data_batch_html(BFS_class_test,
                                                       rels_test, ind)
        pred_final_, pred_combine_, loss_, loss_cross_entropy_, loss_mse_, balance_ = sess.run(
                pred_final, pred_combine, loss, loss_cross_entropy, loss_mse,
                y: label_input,
                keep_prob: dropout_rate,
                x: pic_input,
                vr_type: type_input,
                title: title_input,
                title_len: title_len_input,
                session_title: sess_title_input,
                sess_len_title: sess_title_len_input,
                attention_title: attention_title_input,
                snippet: snippet_input,
                snippet_len: snippet_len_input,
                session_snippet: sess_snippet_input,
                sess_len_snippet: sess_snippet_len_input,
                sessions_weight_snippet: sessions_weight_snippet_input,
                attention_snippet: attention_snippet_input,
                html_tag: tag_input,
                html_class: class_input

        loss_total += loss_ * batch_size

    end = time.time()
    print('Total Time:{}'.format(end - start))

    print('average loss: {}'.format(loss_total * 1.0 / iters / batch_size))
    pred_all = np.squeeze(np.concatenate((np.array(pred_all)), axis=0))
    label_all = np.squeeze(np.concatenate((np.array(label_all)), axis=0))

    fusion_file = open(
        result_base + 'JRE_' + test_dataset + '_' + epoch_id + '.txt', 'w')
    for i in range(iters * batch_size):
        fusion_file.write(images_test[i].split('/')[-1] + '\t' +
                          str(label_all[i]) + '\t' + str(pred_all[i]) + '\n')
Exemplo n.º 46
def build_loss(output_prob, y, weight=None):
    y = tf.py_func(one_hot, [y], tf.float32)
    los = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.multiply(tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(output_prob, 1e-10, 1.0)), y))
    return los
Exemplo n.º 47
    def __init__(self, params, hidden_weights=None):
        self.params = params
        self.network_shape = self.params['network_shape']
        self.input_dim = self.network_shape[0]
        self.output_dim = self.network_shape[-1]
        self.batch_size = self.params['batch_size']
        self.hidden_weights = hidden_weights
        # self.weights = self.initialize_weights()
        # self.mirror_weights = self.initialize_mirror_weights()
        # self.readout_weights = self.initialize_readout_weights()
        # self.hs = self.initialize_hs()
        # self.hidden_states = self.initialize_hidden_states()
        self.tensorboard_dir = self.params['tensorboard_dir']

        self.activation_function = self.params['activation_function']
        self.optimizer_ = self.params['optimizer']
        # model
        self.input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.input_dim],
        self.output = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.output_dim],
        self.activation_patterns = {}
        self.hidden_state_activation_patterns = {}
        self.activation = self.input
        self.hidden_states = {}
        self.hidden_states_update_ops = {}
        for i in range(1, len(self.network_shape) - 1):
            with tf.name_scope("layer{0}".format(i)):
                h = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([self.network_shape[i]]),
                # h = tf.truncated_normal([self.batch_size, self.network_shape[i]])
                self.hidden_states["hs_{0}".format(i)] = h
                    self.hidden_states["hs_{0}".format(i)], "hs_{0}".format(i))
        if self.hidden_weights is not None:
            H_tune = tf.Variable(1.0, trainable=True, name="H_tune")
            Utils.variable_summaries(H_tune, "H_tune")
            H_tune = tf.Variable(1, trainable=False, name="H_tune")
        for i in range(len(self.network_shape) - 1):
            with tf.name_scope("layer{0}".format(i + 1)):
                if i < len(self.network_shape) - 2:
                    with tf.name_scope("hidden"):

                        # input weight and bias
                        W = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
                            [self.network_shape[i], self.network_shape[i + 1]],
                        bW = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
                            [self.network_shape[i + 1]], stddev=0.05),
                        Utils.variable_summaries(W, "W")
                        Utils.variable_summaries(bW, "bW")
                        H_name = "H_{0}".format(i + 1)
                        if self.hidden_weights is not None and H_name in self.hidden_weights.keys(
                            H = tf.Variable(

                            H = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([
                                self.network_shape[i + 1],
                                self.network_shape[i + 1]

                        input_for_hidden = tf.matmul(self.activation, W) + bW
                        tiled_h = tf.reshape(
                            tf.tile(self.hidden_states["hs_{0}".format(i + 1)],
                                    [self.batch_size]), [self.batch_size, -1])
                        hidden_update = tf.nn.tanh(
                                tf.matmul(tiled_h, tf.scalar_mul(H_tune, H))))

                    with tf.name_scope("mirror"):
                        # mirror input and bias
                        M = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
                            [self.network_shape[i], self.network_shape[i + 1]],
                        bM = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
                            [self.network_shape[i + 1]], stddev=0.05),
                        Utils.variable_summaries(M, "M")
                        Utils.variable_summaries(bM, "bM")
                        input_for_mirror = tf.nn.tanh(
                            tf.matmul(self.activation, M) + bM)

                    with tf.name_scope("readout"):
                        # readout weights and biases
                        R = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([
                            self.network_shape[i + 1],
                            self.network_shape[i + 1]
                        bR = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
                            [self.network_shape[i + 1]], stddev=0.05),
                        Utils.variable_summaries(R, "R")
                        Utils.variable_summaries(bR, "bR")
                        readout = self.activation_function(
                            tf.matmul(hidden_update, R) + bR)

                    with tf.name_scope("activation"):
                        self.activation = self.activation_function(
                            tf.multiply(readout, input_for_mirror))
                    # self.hidden_state_activation_patterns['hidden_state_layer_{0}'.format(i + 1)] = self.hidden_states[self.hidden_states["hs_{0}".format(i+1)]]
                        i + 1)] = self.hidden_states["hs_{0}".format(
                            i + 1)].assign(hidden_update[0])
                    # self.hidden_states["hs_{0}".format(i+1)] = hidden_update
                    W = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
                        [self.network_shape[i], self.network_shape[i + 1]],
                    bW = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
                        [self.network_shape[i + 1]], stddev=0.05),
                    Utils.variable_summaries(W, "W")
                    Utils.variable_summaries(bW, "bW")
                    with tf.name_scope("activation"):
                        self.activation = self.activation_function(
                            tf.matmul(self.activation, W) + bW)
                act = self.activation
                if i > 0:
                    self.activation_patterns['layer_{0}'.format(i)] = act

        # cost
        with tf.name_scope("cost"):
            self.cost = tf.reduce_mean(
                    self.activation, self.output))
            tf.summary.scalar('cost', self.cost)

        with tf.name_scope("accuracy"):
            correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self.activation, 1),
                                          tf.argmax(self.output, 1))
            self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(
                tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
            tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', self.accuracy)

        self.optimizer = self.optimizer_.minimize(self.cost)

        self.sess = tf.Session()

        self.merged = tf.summary.merge_all()
        self.summ_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.tensorboard_dir,

        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

Exemplo n.º 48
def text(text_placeholders, text_type):
    if text_type == 'title':
        [text, text_len, attention_text, session, sess_len] = text_placeholders
    elif text_type == 'snippet':
        [text, text_len, attention_text, session, sess_len,
         sessions_weight] = text_placeholders

    voca = load_voca()
    voca_embed = tf.Variable(voca,
                             name='voca_embed_' + text_type)
    text_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(voca_embed, text)
    sess_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(voca_embed, session)

    text_outputs, text_last_states = text_net(text_type, text_len, text_embed)
    if lstm_mode == 'mean':
        text_output = tf.multiply(text_outputs, attention_text)
        text_output = tf.reduce_mean(text_output, 1)
    elif lstm_mode == 'final':
        text_output = [0] * batch_size
        for i in range(batch_size):
            text_output[i] = text_outputs[i, text_len[i] - 1, :]
        text_output = tf.stack(text_output)
    text_feature_lstm = text_output

    sess_outputs, sess_last_states = text_net('sess_' + text_type, sess_len,
    if lstm_mode == 'mean':
        if text_type == 'title':
            sess_output = tf.reduce_mean(sess_outputs, 1)
        elif text_type == 'snippet':
            sess_output = tf.multiply(sess_outputs, sessions_weight)
            sess_output = tf.reduce_mean(sess_output, 1)
    elif lstm_mode == 'final':
        sess_output = [0] * batch_size
        for i in range(batch_size):
            sess_output[i] = sess_outputs[i, sess_len[i] - 1, :]
        sess_output = tf.stack(sess_output)
    sess_feature_lstm = sess_output
    print('text net seted')

    cls1_text = fc(text_feature_lstm, 1000, 1000, name='cls1_' + text_type)
    cls1_text_dropout = tf.nn.dropout(cls1_text,
                                      name='cls1_dropout_' + text_type)
    text_feature = cls1_text_dropout

    cls1_sess = fc(sess_feature_lstm,
                   name='cls1_sess_' + text_type)
    cls1_sess_dropout = tf.nn.dropout(cls1_sess,
                                      name='cls1_dropout_sess_' + text_type)
    sess_feature = cls1_sess_dropout

    text_output_norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(text_feature), 1))
    sess_output_norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(sess_feature), 1))
    cosin = tf.divide(
        tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(text_feature, sess_feature), 1),
        tf.multiply(text_output_norm, sess_output_norm))
    pred_text = tf.expand_dims(tf.nn.sigmoid(cosin), 1)
    return pred_text
def train_graph(game, player, display_on, inp, out, trained_steps):

    # define variables
    argmax = tf.placeholder("float", [None, ACTIONS]) 
    ground_truth = tf.placeholder("float", [None])
    global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step')

    action = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(out, argmax), reduction_indices = 1)
    cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(action - ground_truth))

    train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-6).minimize(cost)
    replay_memory = deque()

    # get, intial frame from 'Pong', process image, and stack frames
    frame = game.get_initial_frame(display_on)
    frame = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.resize(frame, (60, 60)), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    _, frame = cv2.threshold(frame, 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    inp_t = np.stack((frame, frame, frame, frame), axis = 2)

    # saver and session manager
    saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables(), max_to_keep=None)    
    session = tf.InteractiveSession(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True))
    checkpoint_path = "./checkpoint_" + trained_steps
    checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_path)
    if checkpoint != None:
        saver.restore(session, checkpoint)
        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

    t = global_step.eval()   
    c = 0
    epsilon = INITIAL_EPSILON

    avg_max_q = 0
    # main training loop
        out_t = out.eval(feed_dict = {inp : [inp_t]})[0] # output tensor
        argmax_t = np.zeros([ACTIONS]) # argmax tensor
        reward_t = 0 # reward tensor

        # choose action to take (random if epsilon)
        if(random.random() <= epsilon and not USE_MODEL):
            maxIndex = choice((0,1,2), 1, p=(0.9, 0.05, 0.05)) # make 0 the most choosen action for realistic randomness
            maxIndex = np.argmax(out_t)

        # set action to take
        argmax_t[maxIndex] = 1
        # anneal epsilon according to cooling schedule
        if epsilon > FINAL_EPSILON:

        # get next frame (state) and reward from the resulting state
        if player == 1:
            reward_t, _, frame = game.get_next_frame(argmax_t, None, display_on)
        elif player == 2:
            _, reward_t, frame = game.get_next_frame(None, argmax_t, display_on)

        # process state
        frame = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.resize(frame, (60, 60)), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        _, frame = cv2.threshold(frame, 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
        frame = np.reshape(frame, (60, 60, 1))
        updated_inp_t = np.append(frame, inp_t[:, :, 0:3], axis = 2) # updated input tensor
        # add our input, argmax, reward, and updated input tensors to replay memory
        replay_memory.append((inp_t, argmax_t, reward_t, updated_inp_t))

        # if we run out of replay memory, make room
        if len(replay_memory) > REPLAY_MEMORY_SIZE:
        # training update iteration
        if c > OBSERVE_STEPS and not USE_MODEL:

            # get values from our replay memory
            minibatch = random.sample(replay_memory, BATCH)
            inp_batch = [dim[0] for dim in minibatch]
            argmax_batch = [dim[1] for dim in minibatch]
            reward_batch = [dim[2] for dim in minibatch]
            updated_inp_t_batch = [dim[3] for dim in minibatch]
            ground_truth_batch = []

            out_batch = out.eval(feed_dict = {inp : updated_inp_t_batch})
            # add values to the batch
            for i in range(0, len(minibatch)):
                ground_truth_batch.append(reward_batch[i] + GAMMA * np.max(out_batch[i]))

            # train the model
            train_step.run(feed_dict = {ground_truth : ground_truth_batch,
                                        argmax : argmax_batch,
                                        inp : inp_batch})
        # next frame
        inp_t = updated_inp_t
        t = t + 1   
        c = c + 1     

        # save model at set intervals
        if t % SAVE_STEP == 0 and not USE_MODEL:
            saver.save(session, './checkpoints/model.ckpt', global_step=t)    
Exemplo n.º 50
def train(batch_size, num_epochs, num_train, num_val, alpha_regularizer,
          lstm_mode, html_type):
    display_step = 10
    filewriter_path = model_base + "tensorboard/"
    checkpoint_path = model_base + "checkpoint/"
    if os.path.exists(filewriter_path):
    if not os.path.isdir(checkpoint_path): os.makedirs(checkpoint_path)

    #share placeholders
    keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep_prob_placeholder')
    y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [
    ], name='label_placeholder')

    #image placeholders
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, 3],
    vr_type = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, type_num],

    #text placeholders
    title = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None, None))
    title_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None))
    snippet = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None, None))
    snippet_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None))
    session_title = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None, None))
    sess_len_title = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None))
    session_snippet = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None, None))
    sess_len_snippet = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None))
    sessions_weight_snippet = tf.placeholder(
        tf.float32, [None, sess_sen_len_snippet, feature_dim])
    attention_title = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                     [None, max_title_len_top, feature_dim])
    attention_snippet = tf.placeholder(
        tf.float32, [None, max_snippet_len_top, feature_dim])

    #html placeholders
    html_tag = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, html_dim],
    html_class = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, html_dim],

    #with tf.name_scope('image'):
    image_placeholders = [x, vr_type, keep_prob]
    pred_image = image(image_placeholders)

    #with tf.name_scope('title'):
    title_placeholders = [
        title, title_len, attention_title, session_title, sess_len_title
    pred_title = text(title_placeholders, 'title')

    #with tf.name_scope('snippet'):
    snippet_placeholders = [
        snippet, snippet_len, attention_snippet, session_snippet,
        sess_len_snippet, sessions_weight_snippet
    pred_snippet = text(snippet_placeholders, 'snippet')

    #with tf.name_scope('html'):
    html_placeholders = [html_tag, html_class]
    pred_html = html(html_placeholders)

    pred_combine = tf.squeeze(
        tf.concat([pred_image, pred_title, pred_snippet, pred_html], 1))
    balance_raw = tf.Variable(tf.ones([4]), name='balance', trainable=True)
    #without XPN
    #pred_combine = tf.squeeze(tf.concat([pred_image, pred_title, pred_html], 1))
    #balance_raw = tf.Variable(tf.ones([3]), name='balance', trainable=True)

    balance_sum = tf.reduce_sum(balance_raw)
    balance = tf.div(balance_raw, balance_sum)

    pred_final = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(pred_combine, balance), 1)

    with tf.name_scope("loss"):
        regularizer = tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(alpha_regularizer)
        loss_regularizer = tf.contrib.layers.apply_regularization(
            regularizer, tf.trainable_variables())

        #sigmoid_cross_entropy = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels = tf.squeeze(y), logits = pred_final)
        sigmoid_cross_entropy = cross_entropy(labels=tf.squeeze(y),
        loss_cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(sigmoid_cross_entropy,
        loss_mse = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(pred_final - tf.squeeze(y)))

        loss = loss_cross_entropy

    print('Get ready! We are going to print all the trainable vars.')
    var_list = [v for v in tf.trainable_variables()]
    for var in var_list:
    print('Ok, print done.')

    var_train_list = var_list
    with tf.name_scope("train"):
        gradients = tf.gradients(loss, var_train_list)
        #gradients, global_norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, 1)
        gradients = list(zip(gradients, var_train_list))
        #optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)
        train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars=gradients)
        #train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss)

    for var in var_list:
        tf.summary.histogram(var.name, var)
    tf.summary.scalar('loss_regularizer_fusion', loss_regularizer)
    tf.summary.scalar('loss_cross_entropy_fusion', loss_cross_entropy)
    tf.summary.scalar('loss_mse_fusion', loss_mse)
    tf.summary.scalar('loss_fusion', loss)
    merged_summary = tf.summary.merge_all()
    writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(filewriter_path)

    config = tf.ConfigProto()
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
    sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config=config)
    images_vals, title_vars, snippet_vars, html_vars = [], [], [], []
    for var in var_list:
        if var.name.find("title") != -1:
            print('title:  ' + var.name)
        elif var.name.find("snippet") != -1:
            print('snippet:  ' + var.name)
        elif var.name.find('html') != -1:
            print('html:  ' + var.name)
        elif var.name.find("balance") == -1:
            print('image:  ' + var.name)

    # saver_image = tf.train.Saver(images_vals)
    # saver_title = tf.train.Saver(title_vars)
    # saver_snippet = tf.train.Saver(snippet_vars)
    # saver_html = tf.train.Saver(html_vars)
    # saver_image.restore(sess, model_base+"checkpoint/VPN/model_image.ckpt")
    # print('image model successfully loaded!')
    # saver_title.restore(sess, model_base+"checkpoint/TSN/model_title.ckpt")
    # print('title model successfully loaded!')
    # saver_snippet.restore(sess, model_base+"checkpoint/SSN/model_snippet.ckpt")
    # print('snippet model successfully loaded!')
    # saver_html.restore(sess, model_base+'checkpoint/HSN/model_html.ckpt')
    # print('html model successfully loaded!')
    saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=20)

    train_dataset = val_dataset = '201709'
    train_path = data_base + '201709/info_top_10_id_201709'
    val_path = data_base + '201709/info_top_10_id_201709'
    images_train, rels_train, num_data_train = set_data_image(
        train_path, train_dataset)
    images_val, rels_val, num_data_val = set_data_image(val_path, val_dataset)
    type_train = set_data_type(train_path)
    type_val = set_data_type(val_path)
    titles_train, snippets_train, rels_train, queries_train, num_data_train = set_data_text(
        'text', train_path)
    titles_val, snippets_val, rels_val, queries_val, num_data_val = set_data_text(
        'text', val_path)
    sess_title_train, sessions_weight_title_train = set_data_sess(
        'title', train_path, train_dataset)
    sess_snippet_train, sessions_weight_snippet_train = set_data_sess(
        'snippet', train_path, train_dataset)
    sess_title_val, sessions_weight_title_val = set_data_sess(
        'title', val_path, val_dataset)
    sess_snippet_val, sessions_weight_snippet_val = set_data_sess(
        'snippet', val_path, val_dataset)
    DFS_tag_train, DFS_class_train, BFS_tag_train, BFS_class_train, rels_train, num_data_train = set_data_html(
        train_path, train_dataset)
    DFS_tag_val, DFS_class_val, BFS_tag_val, BFS_class_val, rels_val, num_data_val = set_data_html(
        val_path, val_dataset)

    print('train data num:{}'.format(num_data_train))
    print('val data num:{}'.format(num_data_val))

    print("{} Start training...".format(datetime.now()))
    print("{} Open Tensorboard at --logdir {}".format(datetime.now(),
    if num_train == 'all':
        num_train = num_data_train
        num_train = int(num_train)
    if num_val == 'all':
        num_val = num_data_val
        num_val = int(num_val)

    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        print("{} Epoch number: {}".format(datetime.now(), epoch + 1))
        step = 1
        for iter in xrange(num_train / batch_size):
            ind = set_random_ind(num_data_train, batch_size, random=True)
            pic_input, label_input = data_batch_image(images_train, rels_train,
                                                      batch_size, ind)
            type_input = data_batch_type(type_train, batch_size, ind)
            title_input, title_len_input, label_input, attention_title_input = data_batch_text(
                titles_train, queries_train, window_weight, rels_train,
                num_data_train, batch_size, max_title_len_top, ind)
            snippet_input, snippet_len_input, label_input, attention_snippet_input = data_batch_text(
                snippets_train, queries_train, window_weight, rels_train,
                num_data_train, batch_size, max_snippet_len_top, ind)
            sess_title_input, sess_title_len_input, label_input, attention_sess_title_input = data_batch_text(
                sess_title_train, queries_train, window_weight, rels_train,
                num_data_train, batch_size, sess_sen_len_title, ind)
            sess_snippet_input, sess_snippet_len_input, label_input, attention_sess_snippet_input = data_batch_text(
                sess_snippet_train, queries_train, window_weight, rels_train,
                num_data_train, batch_size, sess_sen_len_snippet, ind)
            sessions_weight_snippet_input = sess_weight_batch(
                'snippet', batch_size, sessions_weight_snippet_train, ind)
            if html_type == 'DFS':
                tag_input, label_input = data_batch_html(
                    DFS_tag_train, rels_train, ind)
                class_input, label_input = data_batch_html(
                    DFS_class_train, rels_train, ind)
            elif html_type == 'BFS':
                tag_input, label_input = data_batch_html(
                    BFS_tag_train, rels_train, ind)
                class_input, label_input = data_batch_html(
                    BFS_class_train, rels_train, ind)

            train_op_, loss_, loss_cross_entropy_, loss_mse_, loss_regularizer_, merged_summary_, pred_final_, pred_combine_, balance_ = sess.run(
                    train_op, loss, loss_cross_entropy, loss_mse,
                    loss_regularizer, merged_summary, pred_final, pred_combine,
                    y: label_input,
                    keep_prob: dropout_rate,
                    x: pic_input,
                    vr_type: type_input,
                    title: title_input,
                    title_len: title_len_input,
                    session_title: sess_title_input,
                    sess_len_title: sess_title_len_input,
                    attention_title: attention_title_input,
                    snippet: snippet_input,
                    snippet_len: snippet_len_input,
                    session_snippet: sess_snippet_input,
                    sess_len_snippet: sess_snippet_len_input,
                    sessions_weight_snippet: sessions_weight_snippet_input,
                    attention_snippet: attention_snippet_input,
                    html_tag: tag_input,
                    html_class: class_input
                "the " + str(epoch + 1) + 'th epoch, ' + str(iter + 1) +
                'th batch:  loss:{}  loss_cross_entropy:{}  loss_mse:{}  loss_regularizer:{}'
                .format(loss_, loss_cross_entropy_, loss_mse_,

            if step % display_step == 0:
                                   epoch * num_train / batch_size + step)
            step += 1

        dropout_rate_val = 1
        print("{} Start validation...".format(datetime.now()))
        loss_total = 0.
        pred_all, label_all = [], []
        iters = num_val / batch_size
        for iter in xrange(iters):
            ind = set_random_ind(num_data_val,
            pic_input, label_input = data_batch_image(images_val, rels_val,
                                                      num_data_val, batch_size,
            type_input = data_batch_type(type_val, batch_size, ind)
            title_input, title_len_input, label_input, attention_title_input = data_batch_text(
                titles_val, queries_val, window_weight, rels_val, num_data_val,
                batch_size, max_title_len_top, ind)
            snippet_input, snippet_len_input, label_input, attention_snippet_input = data_batch_text(
                snippets_val, queries_val, window_weight, rels_val,
                num_data_val, batch_size, max_snippet_len_top, ind)
            sess_title_input, sess_title_len_input, label_input, attention_sess_title_input = data_batch_text(
                sess_title_val, queries_val, window_weight, rels_val,
                num_data_val, batch_size, sess_sen_len_title, ind)
            sess_snippet_input, sess_snippet_len_input, label_input, attention_sess_snippet_input = data_batch_text(
                sess_snippet_val, queries_val, window_weight, rels_val,
                num_data_val, batch_size, sess_sen_len_snippet, ind)
            sessions_weight_snippet_input = sess_weight_batch(
                'snippet', batch_size, sessions_weight_snippet_val, ind)

            if html_type == 'DFS':
                tag_input, label_input = data_batch_html(
                    DFS_tag_val, rels_val, ind)
                class_input, label_input = data_batch_html(
                    DFS_class_val, rels_val, ind)
            elif html_type == 'BFS':
                tag_input, label_input = data_batch_html(
                    BFS_tag_val, rels_val, ind)
                class_input, label_input = data_batch_html(
                    BFS_class_val, rels_val, ind)
            loss_, loss_cross_entropy_, loss_mse_, loss_regularizer_ = sess.run(
                [loss, loss_cross_entropy, loss_mse, loss_regularizer],
                    y: label_input,
                    keep_prob: dropout_rate,
                    x: pic_input,
                    vr_type: type_input,
                    title: title_input,
                    title_len: title_len_input,
                    session_title: sess_title_input,
                    sess_len_title: sess_title_len_input,
                    attention_title: attention_title_input,
                    snippet: snippet_input,
                    snippet_len: snippet_len_input,
                    session_snippet: sess_snippet_input,
                    sess_len_snippet: sess_snippet_len_input,
                    sessions_weight_snippet: sessions_weight_snippet_input,
                    attention_snippet: attention_snippet_input,
                    html_tag: tag_input,
                    html_class: class_input
            loss_total += loss_ * batch_size
                "the " + str(epoch + 1) + 'th epoch, ' + str(iter + 1) +
                'th batch:  loss:{}  loss_cross_entropy:{}  loss_mse:{}  loss_regularizer:{}'
                .format(loss_, loss_cross_entropy_, loss_mse_,
            print('average loss: {}'.format(loss_total * 1.0 / iters /

        print("{} Saving checkpoint of model...".format(datetime.now()))
        checkpoint_name = os.path.join(
            checkpoint_path, 'model_JRE_epoch_' + str(epoch + 1) + '.ckpt')
        save_path = saver.save(sess, checkpoint_name)
        print("{} Model checkpoint saved at {}".format(datetime.now(),
Exemplo n.º 51
import tensorflow as tf
a = tf.placeholder(tf.int16)
b = tf.placeholder(tf.int16)
add = tf.add(a,b)
mul = tf.multiply(a,b)
matrixl = tf.constant([[3., 3.]])
matrix2 = tf.constant([[2.],[2.]])
product = tf.matmul(matrixl,matrix2)
with tf.Session() as sess:
    result = sess.run(product)
Exemplo n.º 52
    def __init__(self, 
                 learning_rate_decay_step = 1000000, 
                 action_size = 4, 

        with tf.variable_scope(name):
            # Set scope for copying purposes
            self.scope = name

            # Initializers
            conv_init = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer_conv2d()
            init = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()

            # Store Variables
            self.inputs_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 88, 80, history_size], name='inputs')
            self.target_preds_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,], name="expected_future_rewards")
            self.chosen_action_pred = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,], name="chosen_action_pred")
            self.actions_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name='actions')
            self.avg_max_Q_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="avg_max_Q")
            self.reward_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="reward")
            self.learning_rate_step = tf.placeholder('int64', None, name='learning_rate_step')

            # Normalizing the input
            self.inputs_scaled_ = self.inputs_/255.0
            # Three Convolutional Layers
            self.conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d(
                inputs = self.inputs_scaled_, 
                filters = 16,
                kernel_size = [8,8],
                strides = [4,4],
                padding = "VALID",
            self.conv2 = tf.layers.conv2d(
                inputs = self.conv1, 
                filters = 8,
                kernel_size = [4,4],
                strides = [2,2],
                padding = "VALID",
            # self.conv3 = tf.layers.conv2d(
            #     inputs = self.conv2, 
            #     filters = 128,
            #     kernel_size = [4,4],
            #     strides = [2,2],
            #     padding = "VALID",
            #     kernel_initializer=conv_init,
            #     activation=tf.nn.relu)

            # Fully Connected Layers
            self.flatten = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(self.conv2)
            self.fc1 = tf.layers.dense(self.flatten, 
            self.predictions = tf.layers.dense(self.fc1, 
            # Get Prediction for the chosen action (epsilon greedy)
            self.action_one_hot = tf.one_hot(self.actions_, action_size, 1.0, 0.0, name='action_one_hot')
            self.chosen_action_pred = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(self.predictions, self.action_one_hot), axis=1)

            # Calculate Loss
            self.losses = tf.losses.huber_loss(self.target_preds_, self.chosen_action_pred)
            self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(self.losses)
            # Adjust Network
            self.learn = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, momentum=0.95, use_nesterov=True).minimize(self.loss)

            # For Tensorboard
            with tf.name_scope("summaries"):
                tf.summary.scalar("loss", self.loss)
                tf.summary.scalar("avg_max_Q", self.avg_max_Q_)
                tf.summary.scalar("reward", self.reward_)
                self.summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
Exemplo n.º 53
        return data

print("Use different loss func")

data = data2Arr(DATA_FILE)

# life expectancy, birth rate = X, Y
X, Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name = 'X' ), tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name = 'Y' )

w, b = tf.Variable(0.0, name = 'w'), tf.Variable(0.0, name = 'b') # both scalars for simplicity

Y_predicted = tf.add(tf.multiply(X,w), b, name = "Y_predicted")

loss = tf.square(Y - Y_predicted, name='loss')

optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.001).minimize(loss)

start = time.time()

# print(data[1])

with tf.Session() as sess:
    # tensorboard
    board = tf.summary.FileWriter('./graphs', sess.graph)
Exemplo n.º 54
    def add_loss_op(self, q, target_q):
        Sets the loss of a batch, self.loss is a scalar

            q: (tf tensor) shape = (batch_size, num_actions)
            target_q: (tf tensor) shape = (batch_size, num_actions)
        # you may need this variable
        num_actions = self.env.action_space.n

        TODO: The loss for an example is defined as:
                Q_samp(s) = r if done
                          = r + gamma * max_a' Q_target(s', a')
                loss = (Q_samp(s) - Q(s, a))^2

              You need to compute the average of the loss over the minibatch
              and store the resulting scalar into self.loss

        HINT: - config variables are accessible through self.config
              - you can access placeholders like self.a (for actions)
                self.r (rewards) or self.done_mask for instance
              - target_q is the q-value evaluated at the s' states (the next states)  
              - you may find the following functions useful
                    - tf.cast
                    - tf.reduce_max / reduce_sum
                    - tf.one_hot
                    - ...

        (be sure that you set self.loss)
        obs_batch: np.array
            Array of shape
            (batch_size, img_h, img_w, img_c * frame_history_len)
            and dtype np.uint8
        act_batch: np.array
            Array of shape (batch_size,) and dtype np.int32
        rew_batch: np.array
            Array of shape (batch_size,) and dtype np.float32
        next_obs_batch: np.array
            Array of shape
            (batch_size, img_h, img_w, img_c * frame_history_len)
            and dtype np.uint8
        done_mask: np.array
            Array of shape (batch_size,) and dtype np.float32

        ##################### YOUR CODE HERE - 4-5 lines #############
        # batch_size = self.config.batch_size

        # rows = tf.range(0, batch_size)
        # a_idx = tf.stack([rows, tf.cast(self.a, dtype=tf.int32)], axis=1)
        # ones = tf.ones([batch_size])

        # loss_agg = (self.r + self.config.gamma * tf.reduce_max(target_q, axis=1) \
        #           - (ones - self.done_mask) * tf.gather_nd(q, a_idx)) ** 2
        a_one_hot = tf.one_hot(self.a, depth=num_actions)
        loss_agg = self.r + \
            (1. - self.done_mask) * self.config.gamma * tf.reduce_max(target_q, axis=1) - \
            tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(q, a_one_hot), axis=1)
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss_agg**2)
        # self.loss = loss
        return loss
Exemplo n.º 55
 def run_model(self):
     # Run model
     # conv = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=self.input_data, filters=32, kernel_size=(3,3), padding='same', activation=tf.nn.relu)     # (64,64,128)
     # upsample = tf.image.resize_images(conv, size=(128,128), method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)             # (128,128,128)
     output = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=self.input_data, filters=3, kernel_size=(3,3), padding='same', activation=tf.nn.relu, name='filters')
     self.output = tf.multiply(tf.nn.relu(tf.reshape(output, [par['batch_train_size'],par['n_output']])),1,name='output')     # (128,128,16)
 def call(self, x):
     temp = Lambda(lambda y: K.dot(y, self.kernel))(x[1])
     temp = Lambda(lambda y: tf.expand_dims(y, 1))(temp)
     temp = Lambda(lambda y: tf.tile(y, multiples=[1, self.output_len, 1]))(
     return Lambda(lambda y: tf.multiply(x[0], y))(temp)
Exemplo n.º 57
def build_input(features, params):
    cat_columns = params['cat_columns']
    val_columns = params['val_columns']
    column_to_field = params['column_to_field']
    #dnn_columns = params['dnn_columns']
    dimension_config = params['dimension_config']
    reg = params['reg']
    embed_dim = params['embed_dim']
    embedding_table = EmbeddingTable()
    embedding_dict = OrderedDict()
    with tf.variable_scope("fm", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE,
                           values=[features]) as scope:
        with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
            for name, col in cat_columns.items():
                field = column_to_field.get(name, name)
                cur_dimension = dimension_config[
                    field] if field in dimension_config else embed_dim
            for name, col in val_columns.items():
                field = column_to_field.get(name, name)
                cur_dimension = dimension_config[
                    field] if field in dimension_config else embed_dim

            builder = _LazyBuilder(features)
            # linear part
            linear_outputs = []
            for name, col in cat_columns.items():
                # get sparse tensor of input feature from feature column
                sp_tensor = col._get_sparse_tensors(builder)
                sp_ids = sp_tensor.id_tensor
                linear_weights = embedding_table.get_linear_weights(name)

                # linear_weights: (vocab_size, 1)
                # sp_ids: (batch_size, max_tokens_per_example)
                # sp_values: (batch_size, max_tokens_per_example)
                linear_output = embedding_ops.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse(

            for name, col in val_columns.items():
                dense_tensor = col._get_dense_tensor(builder)
                linear_weights = embedding_table.get_linear_weights(name)
                linear_output = tf.multiply(dense_tensor, linear_weights)
            # linear_outputs: (batch_szie, nonzero_feature_num)
            linear_outputs = tf.concat(linear_outputs, axis=1)
            # poly part
            for name, col, in cat_columns.items():
                # get sparse tensor of input feature from feature column
                field = column_to_field.get(name, name)
                sp_tensor = col._get_sparse_tensors(builder)
                sp_ids = sp_tensor.id_tensor
                embed_weights = embedding_table.get_embed_weights(field)

                # embeddings: (batch_size, embed_dim)
                # x_i * v_i
                embeddings = embedding_ops.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse(
                    name='{}_{}_embedding'.format(field, name))
                embedding_dict[field] = embeddings
            for name, col in val_columns.items():
                field = column_to_field.get(name, name)
                dense_tensor = col._get_dense_tensor(builder)
                embed_weights = embedding_table.get_embed_weights(field)
                embeddings = tf.multiply(dense_tensor, embed_weights)
                embedding_dict[field] = embeddings
    with tf.variable_scope("dnn_embed"):
        #embed_inputs = tf.concat(sum_then_square, axis=1)
        x = tf.concat(list(embedding_dict.values()), axis=1)
        N = len(embedding_dict)
        T = sum([
            for embedding in embedding_dict.values()
        print("wkfm N:", N, " T:", T)
        indices = []
        for i, embeddings in enumerate(embedding_dict.values()):
            dim = embeddings.get_shape().as_list()[1]
            indices.extend([i] * dim)
        outputs = []
        for field, embeddings in embedding_dict.items():
            di = dimension_config[
                field] if field in dimension_config else embed_dim
            U = tf.get_variable('{}_wkfm'.format(field), [T, di],
            wkfm_weights = tf.get_variable('{}_wkfm_weights'.format(field),
            weights = tf.gather(wkfm_weights, indices)
            y = tf.matmul(weights * x, U)
        y = tf.concat(outputs, axis=1)
        y = x * y
        new_inputs = tf.concat([linear_outputs, y], 1)
        return new_inputs, None
Exemplo n.º 58
 def optimize(self):
     # Calculate loss and optimize
     self.loss = tf.multiply(tf.losses.mean_squared_error(self.target_data, self.output), 1, name='l')
     self.train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(par['learning_rate']).minimize(self.loss)
Exemplo n.º 59
state = tf.Variable(0, name="counter")
#input1 = tf.constant(3.0)
input1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
input2 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
c = a * b
product = tf.matmul(matrx1, matrx2)
output = tf.multiply(input1, input2)
with tf.Session() as sess:
    #with tf.device("/gpu:1"):
    print(sess.run([output], feed_dict={input1: [7.], input2: [2.]}))
    #输出[array([14.], dtype=float32)]
Exemplo n.º 60
 def prelu(self, inp, name):
     with tf.variable_scope(name):
         i = int(inp.get_shape()[-1])
         alpha = self.make_var('alpha', shape=(i,))
         output = tf.nn.relu(inp) + tf.multiply(alpha, -tf.nn.relu(-inp))
     return output