Exemplo n.º 1
def _get_bbox_regression_labels(bbox_target_data, num_classes,
    num_targets = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(tf.shape(bbox_target_data)[0]), 1)
    clss = tf.concat(
         tf.to_int32(tf.expand_dims(bbox_target_data[:, 0], 1))], 1)
    tgt_updates = bbox_target_data[:, 1:]
    bbox_targets = tf.tensor_scatter_update(tensor=tf.ones(
        [tf.shape(bbox_target_data)[0], num_classes, 4]),
    bbox_targets = tf.scatter_nd(indices=clss,
                                 shape=[tf.shape(bbox_target_data)[0], num_classes, 4])
    weight_updates = tf.multiply(tf.ones_like(tgt_updates), bbox_in_weights)
    bbox_inside_weights = tf.tensor_scatter_update(tensor=tf.ones(
        [tf.shape(bbox_target_data)[0], num_classes, 4]),
    bbox_inside_weights = tf.scatter_nd(indices=clss,
                                        shape=[tf.shape(bbox_target_data)[0], num_classes, 4])

    return bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights
Exemplo n.º 2
        def update_step(mm, _tuple):
            mean, mean_squared = mm
            gvt, _env_id = _tuple
            _env_id = tf.reshape(_env_id, [1, 1])

            # According to equation (6) in the PopArt-IMPALA paper
            # Matching the specific game with it's current vtrace corrected value estimate. 
            first_moment   = tf.reshape((1 - self._beta) * tf.gather(mean, _env_id) + self._beta * gvt, [1])
            second_moment  = tf.reshape((1 - self._beta) * tf.gather(mean_squared, _env_id) + self._beta * tf.square(gvt), [1])

            # Matching the moments to the specific environment, so we only update the statistics for the specific game. 
            n_mean         = tf.tensor_scatter_update(mean, _env_id, first_moment)
            n_mean_squared = tf.tensor_scatter_update(mean_squared, _env_id, second_moment)
            return n_mean, n_mean_squared
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_tensor_update():
    zeros = tf.zeros([10, 300], tf.float32)
    # Update the 0-th row of features with all ones
    update_op = tf.tensor_scatter_update(zeros, 0, [1.0] * 300)
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    with tf.Session() as session:
Exemplo n.º 4
def _rejection_sample_eager(values, row_splits):
    assert (tf.executing_eagerly())
    out = []
    N = tf.size(row_splits) - 1
    consumed = tf.zeros((N,), dtype=tf.bool)
    for i in range(N):
        if not consumed[i]:
            vals = tf.expand_dims(values[row_splits[i]:row_splits[i + 1]],
            consumed = tf.tensor_scatter_update(
                consumed, vals, tf.ones(shape=(tf.size(vals),), dtype=tf.bool))
    return tf.stack(out, axis=0)
Exemplo n.º 5
def apply_masking(token_ids, target_token_ids, mask_indices, mask_token_id,
    """Applies BERT masking.

    token_ids (Tensor): 1-D Tensor of token IDs (ints)
    target_token_ids (Tensor): 1-D Tensor of token IDs (ints)
    mask_indices (Tensor): 1-D Tensor of indices (ints)
    mask_token_id (int): ID of [MASK] token.
    vocab_size (int): total size of vocabulary.

    token_ids_masked (Tensor): 1-D Tensor of token IDs, after target positions
      have been replaced with [MASK], a random token, or left alone.
    target_token_ids (Tensor): the original token IDs at the target positions.
    num_to_mask = tf.size(mask_indices)

    mask_token_ids = tf.fill([num_to_mask], tf.cast(mask_token_id, tf.int64))
    random_token_ids = tf.random.uniform([num_to_mask],

    # Uniform [0, 1) floats.
    randomness = tf.random.uniform([num_to_mask])

    # Replace target tokens with mask tokens.
    mask_values = tf.where(randomness < 0.8, mask_token_ids, target_token_ids)

    # Replace target tokens with random tokens.
    mask_values = tf.where(randomness > 0.9, random_token_ids, mask_values)

    # Mask out token_ids at mask_indices.
    token_ids_masked = tf.tensor_scatter_update(token_ids, mask_indices[:,

    return token_ids_masked
Exemplo n.º 6
def topk_sgd(W, k):
        Top-K SGD sparsification with memory

    W_shape = W.get_shape().as_list()
    W_size = np.prod(W_shape)
    k = min(np.prod(W_shape), k)

    w = tf.reshape(W, shape=(-1,))
    residue = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(W_size,)), dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False)

    x = w + residue
    _, indices = tf.math.top_k(tf.abs(x), k, sorted=False)

    new_residue = tf.tensor_scatter_update(x, tf.expand_dims(indices, 1), tf.zeros(k, tf.float32))
    xh = x - new_residue
    Wh = tf.reshape(xh, W_shape)
    with tf.control_dependencies([Wh, new_residue]):
        update_residue = residue.assign(new_residue)

    return Wh, update_residue, residue
Exemplo n.º 7
def _subsample_labels(tensor, size):

    indices = tf.slice(tf.where(tf.equal(tensor, 1)), [0, 0], [-1, 1])
    indices = random_choice(indices, size, replace=False)
    updates = tf.zeros([size, 1], tf.int32)
    return tf.tensor_scatter_update(tensor, indices, updates)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _swap_dims(tensor, dim_1, dim_2):
     updates = tf.gather(tensor, indices=[dim_1, dim_2])
     return tf.tensor_scatter_update(tensor, indices=[[dim_2], [dim_1]], updates=updates)
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: rast.py Projeto: shawwn/tfimg
    def draw(self, vertices, color=None):

        X1 = tf32(vertices[0].position.x)
        X2 = tf32(vertices[1].position.x)
        X3 = tf32(vertices[2].position.x)

        Y1 = tf32(vertices[0].position.y)
        Y2 = tf32(vertices[1].position.y)
        Y3 = tf32(vertices[2].position.y)

        U1 = tf32(vertices[0].uv.x)
        U2 = tf32(vertices[1].uv.x)
        U3 = tf32(vertices[2].uv.x)

        V1 = tf32(vertices[0].uv.y)
        V2 = tf32(vertices[1].uv.y)
        V3 = tf32(vertices[2].uv.y)

        W = ti32(self.width)
        H = ti32(self.height)

        # # 28.4 fixed-point coordinates
        Y1 = fix28_4((0.5 * Y1 + 0.5) * tf32(H) - 0.5)
        Y2 = fix28_4((0.5 * Y2 + 0.5) * tf32(H) - 0.5)
        Y3 = fix28_4((0.5 * Y3 + 0.5) * tf32(H) - 0.5)
        X1 = fix28_4((0.5 * X1 + 0.5) * tf32(W) - 0.5)
        X2 = fix28_4((0.5 * X2 + 0.5) * tf32(W) - 0.5)
        X3 = fix28_4((0.5 * X3 + 0.5) * tf32(W) - 0.5)

        # # Bounding rectangle
        # minx = main.rsh((main.min3(X1, X2, X3) + 0xF), 4)
        # maxx = main.rsh((main.max3(X1, X2, X3) + 0xF), 4)
        # miny = main.rsh((main.min3(Y1, Y2, Y3) + 0xF), 4)
        # maxy = main.rsh((main.max3(Y1, Y2, Y3) + 0xF), 4)
        # minx = main.max2(minx, 0)
        # maxx = main.min2(maxx, W)
        # miny = main.max2(miny, 0)
        # maxy = main.min2(maxy, H)

        # calculate edges.
        EX1 = main.f32(X2 - X1) / 16.0
        EX2 = main.f32(X3 - X1) / 16.0
        EY1 = main.f32(Y2 - Y1) / 16.0
        EY2 = main.f32(Y3 - Y1) / 16.0

        # Deltas
        DX12 = X1 - X2
        DX23 = X2 - X3
        DX31 = X3 - X1

        DY12 = Y1 - Y2
        DY23 = Y2 - Y3
        DY31 = Y3 - Y1

        # Half-edge constants
        C1 = DY12 * X1 - DX12 * Y1
        C2 = DY23 * X2 - DX23 * Y2
        C3 = DY31 * X3 - DX31 * Y3

        # check the "outside" triangle point against the first edge.  If
        # the triangle is backfacing, this will reverse the face.
        flip = main.sign(C1 + DX12 * Y3 - DY12 * X3)

        DX12 *= flip
        DX23 *= flip
        DX31 *= flip
        DY12 *= flip
        DY23 *= flip
        DY31 *= flip
        C1 *= flip
        C2 *= flip
        C3 *= flip

        # Correct for fill convention
        C1 += main.i32(
                tf.less(DY12, 0),
                tf.logical_and(tf.equal(DY12, 0), tf.greater(DX12, 0))))
        C2 += main.i32(
                tf.less(DY23, 0),
                tf.logical_and(tf.equal(DY23, 0), tf.greater(DX23, 0))))
        C3 += main.i32(
                tf.less(DY31, 0),
                tf.logical_and(tf.equal(DY31, 0), tf.greater(DX31, 0))))

        # http://www.lysator.liu.se/~mikaelk/doc/perspectivetexture/dcdx.txt

        #         (c3 - c1) * (y2 - y1) - (c2 - c1) * (y3 - y1)
        # dc/dx = ---------------------------------------------
        #         (x3 - x1) * (y2 - y1) - (x2 - x1) * (y3 - y1)

        #         (c2 - c1) * (x3 - x1) - (c3 - c1) * (x2 - x1)
        # dc/dy = ---------------------------------------------
        #         (x3 - x1) * (y2 - y1) - (x2 - x1) * (y3 - y1)

        EU1 = U2 - U1
        EU2 = U3 - U1

        EV1 = V2 - V1
        EV2 = V3 - V1

        DUDX = EU2 * EY1 - EU1 * EY2
        DVDX = EV2 * EY1 - EV1 * EY2
        DUDY = EU1 * EX2 - EU2 * EX1
        DVDY = EV1 * EX2 - EV2 * EX1
        DETR = EX2 * EY1 - EX1 * EY2
        DUDX /= DETR
        DVDX /= DETR
        DUDY /= DETR
        DVDY /= DETR

        # DUDX = (U3 - U1) * (Y2 - Y1) - (U2 - U1) * (Y3 - Y1)
        # DVDX = (V3 - V1) * (Y2 - Y1) - (V2 - V1) * (Y3 - Y1)
        # DUDY = (U2 - U1) * (X3 - X1) - (U3 - U1) * (X2 - X1)
        # DVDY = (V2 - V1) * (X3 - X1) - (V3 - V1) * (X2 - X1)
        # DETR = (X3 - X1) * (Y2 - Y1) - (X2 - X1) * (Y3 - Y1)
        # DETR = main.f32(DETR)
        # DUDX /= DETR / 16.0
        # DVDX /= DETR / 16.0
        # DUDY /= DETR / 16.0
        # DVDY /= DETR / 16.0

        color = tf.fill([H, W, 4], 128.0) if color is None else color
        x, y = tf.meshgrid(tf.range(0, W), tf.range(0, H))
        p = tf.stack([y, x], 2)

        h, w, _ = p.shape.as_list()

        valid1 = C1 + DX12 * y * 16 - DY12 * x * 16
        valid2 = C2 + DX23 * y * 16 - DY23 * x * 16
        valid3 = C3 + DX31 * y * 16 - DY31 * x * 16
        #valid = tf.greater(main.min3(main.sign(valid1), main.sign(valid2), main.sign(valid3)), 0)
        valid = tf.equal(
            main.sign(valid1) + main.sign(valid2) + main.sign(valid3), 3)

        # Calculate UV at screen origin.
        U = U1 - DUDX * tf32(X1) / 16 - DUDY * tf32(Y1) / 16
        V = V1 - DVDX * tf32(X1) / 16 - DVDY * tf32(Y1) / 16

        u = tf.cumsum(tf.fill([h, w], DUDX), 1)
        u += tf.cumsum(tf.fill([h, w], DUDY), 0)
        u += U
        v = tf.cumsum(tf.fill([h, w], DVDX), 1)
        v += tf.cumsum(tf.fill([h, w], DVDY), 0)
        v += V
        uv = tf.stack([v, u], 2)
        uv = tf.boolean_mask(uv, valid)

        p = tf.boolean_mask(p, valid)

        tex0 = tf.cast(self.tex0, tf.float32)
        th, tw = self.tex0.shape[0:2]
        R, G, B = tf.unstack(tf.gather_nd(
            main.clamp(main.iround(main.wrap(uv, "reflect") * [tw, th]), 0,
                       [tw - 1, th - 1])),

        A = tf.ones_like(R) * 255
        frag_color = tf.stack([R, G, B, A], 1)

        color = tf.tensor_scatter_update(color, p, frag_color)
        color = main.clamp(color, 0.0, 255.0)

        return color
Exemplo n.º 10
def score_cooccurance(tf_a1):
    import tensorflow as tf
    co_occurance_threshold = 2
    exclude_common_words = 1000
    N = 50

    p = (tf_a1 + tf.abs(tf_a1)) / 2
    input_tf = tf.concat([p, tf.zeros((1, p.shape[1]), p.dtype)], axis=0)
    tf_a2 = tf.sort(sent_wids, axis=1)
    first_col_change = tf.zeros([tf_a2.shape[0], 1], dtype=tf.int32)
    last_cols_change = tf.cast(tf.equal(tf_a2[:, 1:], tf_a2[:, :-1]), tf.int32)
    change_bool = tf.concat([first_col_change, last_cols_change], axis=-1)
    not_change_bool = 1 - change_bool
    tf_a2_changed = tf_a2 * not_change_bool + change_bool * N  #here

    #this part is only for selecting word indexes which are not very common
    y, idx, count = tf.unique_with_counts(tf.reshape(tf_a2_changed, [
    count_mask = tf.reshape(tf.gather(count, idx), tf_a2_changed.shape)
    result = tf.where(
        tf.logical_and(tf.less(count_mask, exclude_common_words),
                       tf.not_equal(tf_a2_changed, N)), tf_a2_changed,

    idx = tf.where(
        tf.count_nonzero(tf.gather(input_tf, result, axis=0), axis=1) >=
    y, x = idx[:, 0], idx[:, 1]
    rows_tf = tf.gather(result, y, axis=0)

    columns_tf = tf.cast(x[:, None], tf.int32)

    out = tf.zeros(shape=tf.shape(p), dtype=tf.float32)

    rows_tf = tf.reshape(rows_tf, shape=[-1, 1])

    columns_tf = tf.reshape(tf.tile(columns_tf,
                                    multiples=[1, tf.shape(result)[1]]),
                            shape=[-1, 1])

    sparse_indices = tf.reshape(tf.concat([rows_tf, columns_tf], axis=-1),
                                shape=[-1, 2])
    v = tf.gather_nd(input_tf, sparse_indices)
    v = tf.reshape(v, [-1, tf.shape(result)[1]])

    p_good_rows = tf.tensor_scatter_update(out,
                                           tf.cast(sparse_indices, tf.int32),
                                           tf.reshape(v, shape=[-1]))
    p_sum_not_in_goodrows = tf.reduce_sum(p - p_good_rows)
    number_of_good_items = tf.where(p_good_rows)
    enegy = p_sum_not_in_goodrows / tf.cast(
        tf.shape(number_of_good_items)[0] + 1, dtype=tf.float32)
    energy_matrice = tf.scatter_nd(
        tf.cast(number_of_good_items, tf.int32),
        enegy * tf.ones(shape=(tf.shape(number_of_good_items)[0])),
    result_p = p_good_rows + energy_matrice

    ####story for the negative weights

    n = (tf_a1 - tf.abs(tf_a1)) / 2
    input_tf_n = tf.concat([n, tf.zeros((1, n.shape[1]), n.dtype)], axis=0)

    idx_n = tf.where(
        tf.count_nonzero(tf.gather(input_tf_n, result, axis=0), axis=1) >=
    y_n, x_n = idx_n[:, 0], idx_n[:, 1]
    rows_tf_n = tf.gather(result, y_n, axis=0)
    columns_tf_n = tf.cast(x_n[:, None], tf.int32)
    out_n = tf.zeros(shape=tf.shape(n), dtype=tf.float32)

    rows_tf_n = tf.reshape(rows_tf_n, shape=[-1, 1])
    columns_tf_n = tf.reshape(tf.tile(columns_tf_n,
                                      multiples=[1, tf.shape(result)[1]]),
                              shape=[-1, 1])
    sparse_indices_n = tf.reshape(tf.concat([rows_tf_n, columns_tf_n],
                                  shape=[-1, 2])
    v_n = tf.gather_nd(input_tf_n, sparse_indices_n)
    v_n = tf.reshape(v_n, [-1, tf.shape(result)[1]])

    n_good_rows = tf.tensor_scatter_update(out_n,
                                           tf.cast(sparse_indices_n, tf.int32),
                                           tf.reshape(v_n, shape=[-1]))

    n_sum_not_in_goodrows = tf.reduce_sum(n - n_good_rows)
    n_number_of_good_items = tf.where(n_good_rows)
    enegy_n = n_sum_not_in_goodrows / tf.cast(
        tf.shape(n_number_of_good_items)[0] + 1, dtype=tf.float32)
    energy_matrice_n = tf.scatter_nd(
        tf.cast(n_number_of_good_items, tf.int32),
        enegy_n * tf.ones(shape=(tf.shape(n_number_of_good_items)[0])),
    result_n = n_good_rows + energy_matrice_n
    res = result_p + result_n
    return res
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _grow_alive_seq(self, state):
        """Grow alive sequences by one token, and collect top 2*beam_size sequences.

    2*beam_size sequences are collected because some sequences may have reached
    the EOS token. 2*beam_size ensures that at least beam_size sequences are
    still alive.

      state: A dictionary with the current loop state.
      Tuple of
      (Top 2*beam_size sequences [batch_size, 2 * beam_size, cur_index + 1],
       Scores of returned sequences [batch_size, 2 * beam_size],
       New alive cache, for each of the 2 * beam_size sequences)
        i = state[_StateKeys.CUR_INDEX]
        alive_seq = state[_StateKeys.ALIVE_SEQ]
        alive_log_probs = state[_StateKeys.ALIVE_LOG_PROBS]
        alive_cache = state[_StateKeys.ALIVE_CACHE]

        beams_to_keep = 2 * self.beam_size

        # Get logits for the next candidate IDs for the alive sequences. Get the new
        # cache values at the same time.
        if self.padded_decode:
            flat_ids = tf.reshape(
                tf.slice(alive_seq, [0, 0, i],
                         [self.batch_size, self.beam_size, 1]),
                [self.batch_size * self.beam_size, -1])
            flat_ids = _flatten_beam_dim(alive_seq)  # [batch_size * beam_size]
        flat_cache = nest.map_structure(_flatten_beam_dim, alive_cache)

        flat_logits, flat_cache = self.symbols_to_logits_fn(
            flat_ids, i, flat_cache)

        # Unflatten logits to shape [batch_size, beam_size, vocab_size]
        logits = _unflatten_beam_dim(flat_logits, self.batch_size,
        new_cache = nest.map_structure(
            lambda t: _unflatten_beam_dim(t, self.batch_size, self.beam_size),

        # Convert logits to normalized log probs
        candidate_log_probs = _log_prob_from_logits(logits)

        # Calculate new log probabilities if each of the alive sequences were
        # extended # by the the candidate IDs.
        # Shape [batch_size, beam_size, vocab_size]
        log_probs = candidate_log_probs + tf.expand_dims(alive_log_probs,

        # Each batch item has beam_size * vocab_size candidate sequences. For each
        # batch item, get the k candidates with the highest log probabilities.
        flat_log_probs = tf.reshape(log_probs,
                                    [-1, self.beam_size * self.vocab_size])
        topk_log_probs, topk_indices = tf.nn.top_k(flat_log_probs,

        # Extract the alive sequences that generate the highest log probabilities
        # after being extended.
        topk_beam_indices = topk_indices // self.vocab_size
        topk_seq, new_cache = _gather_beams([alive_seq, new_cache],
                                            topk_beam_indices, self.batch_size,

        # Append the most probable IDs to the topk sequences
        topk_ids = topk_indices % self.vocab_size
        if self.padded_decode:
            topk_seq = tf.transpose(topk_seq, perm=[2, 0, 1])
            topk_seq = tf.tensor_scatter_update(topk_seq, [i + 1], topk_ids)
            topk_seq = tf.transpose(topk_seq, perm=[1, 2, 0])
            topk_ids = tf.expand_dims(topk_ids, axis=2)
            topk_seq = tf.concat([topk_seq, topk_ids], axis=2)
        return topk_seq, topk_log_probs, new_cache
Exemplo n.º 12
def generate_proposal_target(rpn_rois,
    Generate target proposal
    :param rpn_rois: Region of Interest calculated by rpn
    :param rpn_scores: Scores of rois
    :param tgt_boxes: Target bounding box
    :param num_classes: Number of class for classification
    :param scope
    :return: labels, rois, roi_scores, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights, bbox_outside_weights
    global params
    with tf.name_scope(scope, "gen_proposal_tgt"):
        all_rois = rpn_rois
        all_scores = rpn_scores

        if params.use_tgt:
                    [tf.zeros([tf.shape(tgt_boxes)[0], 1]), tgt_boxes[:, :-1]],

        overlaps = boxes_iou(tf.slice(all_rois, [0, 1], [-1, -1]),
                             tgt_boxes[:, :-1])
        max_indices = tf.squeeze(
            tf.argmax(overlaps, axis=0, output_type=tf.int32))
        max_overlaps = tf.gather_nd(
            params=tf.transpose(overlaps, perm=[1, 0, 2]),
                    tf.range(tf.shape(max_indices)[0], dtype=tf.int32), 1),
                tf.expand_dims(max_indices, 1)
            ], 1))

        labels = tf.gather(tgt_boxes, max_indices)[:, 4]
        fg_thresh = params.fg_thresh
        bg_thresh_range = params.bg_thresh_range
        fg_masks = tf.cast(tf.greater_equal(max_overlaps, fg_thresh), tf.int32)
        bg_masks = tf.cast(
            tf.greater_equal(max_overlaps, bg_thresh_range[0])
            & tf.less(max_overlaps, bg_thresh_range[1]), tf.int32)

        num_fg = tf.reduce_sum(fg_masks)
        num_bg = tf.reduce_sum(bg_masks)

        rois_per_image = params.roi_batch_size / params.image_batch_size
        fg_rois_per_image = fg_thresh * rois_per_image
        rois_per_image = tf.cast(rois_per_image, tf.int32)
        fg_rois_per_image = tf.cast(fg_rois_per_image, tf.int32)

        fg_rois_per_image = tf.minimum(num_fg, fg_rois_per_image)
        bg_rois_per_image = num_bg

        to_replace, fg_rois_per_image, bg_rois_per_image = tf.case(
                tf.greater(fg_rois_per_image, 0) & tf.equal(
                    bg_rois_per_image, 0):
                lambda: [
                        tf.greater(rois_per_image, fg_rois_per_image)),
                    rois_per_image, 0
                tf.equal(fg_rois_per_image, 0) & tf.greater(
                    bg_rois_per_image, 0):
                lambda: [
                    tf.greater(rois_per_image, bg_rois_per_image), 0,
                tf.greater(fg_rois_per_image, 0) & tf.greater(
                    bg_rois_per_image, 0):
                lambda: [
                    tf.greater(rois_per_image - fg_rois_per_image, num_bg),
                    fg_rois_per_image, rois_per_image - fg_rois_per_image
            default=lambda: [tf.cast(False, tf.bool), 0, 0],

        fg_indices = _sample_indices(fg_masks, fg_rois_per_image,
        bg_indices = _sample_indices(bg_masks, bg_rois_per_image, to_replace)

        keep_indices = tf.concat([fg_indices, bg_indices], axis=0)
        fg_labels = tf.to_int32(tf.gather(labels, indices=fg_indices))
        labels = tf.tensor_scatter_update(tensor=tf.zeros([rois_per_image],
                                              tf.range(fg_rois_per_image), 1),
        labels = tf.scatter_nd(indices=tf.expand_dims(tf.range(fg_rois_per_image), 1),
        rois = tf.gather(all_rois, indices=keep_indices)
        roi_scores = tf.gather(all_scores, keep_indices)
        bbox_target_data = _compute_target(
            ex_rois=rois[:, 1:5],
            tgt_rois=tf.gather(tgt_boxes, tf.gather(max_indices,
                                                    keep_indices))[:, :4],

        bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = _get_bbox_regression_labels(
            bbox_target_data, num_classes, params.bbox_in_weights)

        bbox_inside_weights = tf.reshape(bbox_inside_weights,
                                         [-1, 4 * num_classes])
        bbox_outside_weights = tf.cast(tf.greater(bbox_inside_weights, 0),
        bbox_targets = tf.reshape(bbox_targets, [-1, 4 * num_classes])
        rois = tf.reshape(rois, [-1, 5])
        roi_scores = tf.reshape(roi_scores, [-1])

    return tf.to_int64(
    ), rois, roi_scores, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights, bbox_outside_weights
Exemplo n.º 13
                                           [p[1], n2 - (n1+p[1])]],
    padded_imag = tf.pad(tf.imag(tf_obj_1), [[p[0], n2 - (n1+p[0])],
                                           [p[1], n2 - (n1+p[1])]],

tf_obj_real_pads = tf.stack(tf_obj_real_pads)
tf_obj_imag_pads = tf.stack(tf_obj_imag_pads)
tf_obj_pads = tf.complex(tf_obj_real_pads, tf_obj_imag_pads)
batch_obj_views = tf.gather(tf_obj_pads, batch_indices)

batch_view_indices = tf.gather(tf_view_indices, batch_indices)
gen_view_fn = lambda view: tf.tensor_scatter_update(tensor=view[0], 
                                                    indices=tf.reshape(view[1], [-1,1]), 
                                                    updates=tf.reshape(tf_obj_1, [-1]))
batch_obj_views = tf.map_fn(fn=gen_view_fn, elems=[batch_views, batch_view_indices], dtype='complex64')
batch_obj_views = tf.reshape(batch_obj_views, [batch_size, *probe_init.shape])
batch_view_indices = tf.gather(tf_view_indices, batch_indices)
gen_view_real_fn = lambda view_indices: tf.scatter_nd(tf.reshape(view_indices, [-1,1]), 
                                                 tf.reshape(tf_obj_real_pad -1, [-1]),
                                                 [probe_init.size]) + 1

gen_view_imag_fn = lambda view_indices: tf.scatter_nd(tf.reshape(view_indices, [-1,1]), 
                                                 tf.reshape(tf_obj_imag_pad, [-1]),

batch_obj_real_views = tf.map_fn(gen_view_real_fn, batch_view_indices, dtype=tf.float32)
batch_obj_imag_views = tf.map_fn(gen_view_imag_fn, batch_view_indices, dtype=tf.float32)