Exemplo n.º 1
 def unfold_tensor(self, X):
     r = self.n_components
     if not self.learn_joint_dict:
         X_unfold = tl_unfold(X, mode=self.mode)
         # d, n = X_unfold.shape
         X_unfold = tl_unfold(X, mode=self.mode).T
         # d, n = X_unfold.shape
     return X_unfold
Exemplo n.º 2
    def image_to_patches(self,

            path (string): Path and filename of input image
            patch_size (int): Pixel dimension of square patches taken of image
            color (boolean): Specifies conversion of image to RGB (True) or grayscale (False).
                Default value = false. When color = True, images in gray colorspace will still appear
                gray, but will thereafter be represented in RGB colorspace using three channels.
            downscale_factor: Specifies the extent to which the image will be downscaled. Greater values
                will result in more downscaling but faster speed. For no downscaling, use downscale_factor=1.
        returns: #***

        #open image and convert it to either RGB (three channel) or grayscale (one channel)
        if is_matrix:
            img = np.load(path)
            data = (img + 1) / 2  # it was +-1 matrix; now it is 0-1 matrix
            img = Image.open(path)
            if color:
                img = img.convert('RGB')
                img = tl_unfold(img, mode=2).T
                print('img.shape_color_after_unfolding', img.shape)
                img = img.convert('L')
            # normalize pixel values (range 0-1)
            data = np.asarray(img) / 255
        img = np.load(path)
        data = (img + 1) / 2  # it was +-1 matrix; now it is 0-1 matrix
        if DEBUG:

        # downscale image for speed
        if downscale_factor > 1:
            data = downscale_local_mean(data,
                                        (downscale_factor, downscale_factor))

        # show_array(data)
        if not is_recons:
            patches = extract_patches_2d(data, (patch_size, patch_size),
                                         max_patches=iterations * batch_size)
        else:  # for reconstruction we need to use all patches not to mess up with the ordering
            patches = extract_patches_2d(data, (patch_size, patch_size))
        # we do not need more than iterations*batch_size patches for training dictionaries
        # convert 7x7 squares to 1d (49,) vectors
        patches_flat = patches.reshape(len(patches), -1).T
        # (Num patches)*(7*7) array
        # .reshape(len(patches),-1) makes it two dimensional -- (Num patches)*(whatever that's correct)
        # take transpose to make it 49 * (Num patches)
        return patches_flat
Exemplo n.º 3
    def train_dict_single(self):
        Given data tensor X and mode=i, learn dictionary matrix W and the complementary joint sparse code H.
        Reduce to matrix factorization by unfolding X along mode i

        ---------------if 'learn_joint_dict' = False:
            X (numpy array): data tensor with dimensions = (d) x (n) x (m)
            W (numpy array): dictionary matrix with dimensions  =  features (d) x topics (r) if mode=0
                                                                =  features (n) x topics (r) if mode=1
                                                                =  features (m) x topics (r) if mode=2

            X(i) = mode-i (Katri-Rao) unfolding of tensor X with dimensions = (d) x (n m) if mode = 0
                                                                            = (n) x (d m) if mode = 1
                                                                            = (m) x (d n) if mode = 2
            find sparse code H such that X(i) \approx W @ H using online matrix factorization

            H (numpy array): code matrix with dimensions    = (r) x (n m) if mode = 0
                                                            = (r) x (d m) if mode = 1
                                                            = (r) x (d n) if mode = 2

                                                            if 'learn_joint_dict = False':

        ---------------if 'learn_joint_dict' = True:
            X (numpy array): data tensor with dimensions = (d) x (n) x (m)
            W (numpy array): dictionary matrix with dimensions  =  features (n m) x topics (r) if mode=0
                                                                =  features (d m) x topics (r) if mode=1
                                                                =  features (d n) x topics (r) if mode=2

            X(i) = mode-i (Katri-Rao) unfolding of tensor X with dimensions = (n m) x (d) if mode = 0
                                                                            = (d m) x (n) if mode = 1
                                                                            = (d n) x (m) if mode = 2
            find sparse code H such that X(i) \approx W @ H using online matrix factorization

            H (numpy array): code matrix with dimensions    = (r) x (d) if mode = 0
                                                            = (r) x (n) if mode = 1
                                                            = (r) x (m) if mode = 2

        r = self.n_components

        ### matricize the tensor input
        if not self.learn_joint_dict:
            X_unfold = tl_unfold(self.X, mode=self.mode)
            d, n = X_unfold.shape
            X_unfold = tl_unfold(self.X, mode=self.mode).T
            d, n = X_unfold.shape

        if self.initial_dict is None:
            # initialize dictionary matrix W with random values
            # and initialize aggregate matrices A, B with zeros
            W = np.random.rand(d, r)
            # print('W.shape', W.shape)
            A = np.zeros(shape=(r, r))
            B = np.zeros(shape=(r, d))
            t0 = self.history
            W = self.initial_dict
            A = self.initial_A
            B = self.initial_B
            t0 = self.history

        if self.initial_A is None:
            A = np.zeros(shape=(r, r))
        if self.initial_B is None:
            B = np.zeros(shape=(r, d))

        code = np.zeros(shape=(r, n))

        for i in np.arange(1, self.iterations):
            # randomly choose batch_size number of columns to sample

            # initializing the "batch" of X, which are the subset
            # of columns from X_unfold that were randomly chosen above

            if self.subsample:
                idx = np.random.randint(n, size=self.batch_size)
                X_batch = X_unfold[:, idx]
                H, A, B, W = self.step(X_batch, A, B, W, t0 + i)
                code[:, idx] += H.T
                X_batch = X_unfold
                H, A, B, W = self.step(X_batch, A, B, W, t0 + i)
                code += H.T
            # iteratively update W using batches of X, along with
            # iteratively updated values of A and B
            # print('X.shape before training step', self.X.shape)
            # print('dictionary=', W)
            # print('code=', H)
            # plt.matshow(H)

            #  progress status
            # print('Current iteration %i out of %i' % (i, self.iterations))
        return W, A, B, code