def wait_for_invite(bot): while True: print(C('Waiting for invite...')) try: lps = bot['api'].groups.getLongPollServer(group_id=bot['group_id']) request = "{}?act=a_check&key={}&ts={}&wait={}".format( lps['server'], lps['key'], lps['ts'], LONGPOLLWAIT) resp = json.loads(urlreq.urlopen(request).read()) except Exception as e: print(C(e, 'red', attrs=['bold'])) ans = input('Retry? (Y/n) ') if ans in 'Yy': continue else: sys.exit(0) lps['ts'], updates = resp['ts'], resp['updates'] for i in updates: if i['type'] == 'message_new' and \ 'action' in i['object']['message'] and \ i['object']['message']['action']['type'] == 'chat_invite_user' and \ i['object']['message']['action']['member_id'] == -bot['group_id']: bot['peer_id'] = i['object']['message']['peer_id'] return
def display(it, args): # pragma: no cover # TODO better name? import difflib # pylint: disable=import-error from termcolor import colored as C # type: ignore from sys import stdout for line in it: line = line.strip() if args.human: print('---') print(line) can = canonify(line) # TODO use textual diff? sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, line, can) org_ = "" can_ = "" pr = False def delete(x): nonlocal pr if x in ( 'https://www.', 'http://www.', 'http://', 'https://', 'file://', '/', ): col = None else: if len(x) > 0: pr = True col = 'red' return C(x, color=col) for what, ff, tt, ff2, tt2 in sm.get_opcodes(): if what == 'delete': fn = delete elif what == 'equal': fn = lambda x: C(x, color=None) else: pr = True fn = lambda x: C(x, color='cyan') # TODO exclude certain items from comparison? org_ += fn(line[ff:tt]) can_ += fn(can[ff2:tt2]) cl = max(len(org_), len(can_)) org_ += ' ' * (cl - len(org_)) can_ += ' ' * (cl - len(can_)) if pr: stdout.write(f'{org_}\n{can_}\n---\n')
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 3: print('Usage: ./ [GROUP ID] [ACCESS KEY]', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) print( C('Access key: ', 'green') + '{}'.format(sys.argv[2][:4] + '....' + sys.argv[2][-4:])) print(C('Group id: ', 'green') + '{}'.format(sys.argv[1])) bot = { 'api': vk.API(vk.Session(access_token=sys.argv[2]), v=API_VERSION), \ 'group_id': int(sys.argv[1])} wait = True if os.path.isfile(PEER_ID_FILE): ans = input( '{} exists, load peer_id from file? (Y/n) '.format(PEER_ID_FILE)) if ans in 'Yy': bot['peer_id'] = read_peer_id(PEER_ID_FILE) wait = False if wait: wait_for_invite(bot) save_peer_id(bot, PEER_ID_FILE) talk(bot)
def talk(bot): rnd = 0 while True: try: msg = input(C('send', 'cyan') + \ C('> ', 'white')) except EOFError as e: print() sys.exit(0) if len(msg.strip()) == 0: print(C('Invalid message: "{}"'.format(msg), 'red', attrs=['bold'])) continue try: bot['api'].messages.send(peer_id=bot['peer_id'], random_id=rnd + 1, message=msg) except vk.exceptions.VkAPIError as e: print(e.message, file=sys.stderr) continue print( C('You sent: ', 'green') + \ '"{}"'.format(msg)) rnd ^= 1
def delete(x): nonlocal pr if x in ( 'https://www.', 'http://www.', 'http://', 'https://', 'file://', '/', ): col = None else: if len(x) > 0: pr = True col = 'red' return C(x, color=col)
def G(msg): return C(msg, "green")
def R(msg): return C(msg, "red")
if len(sys.argv) < 3: print('Usage: ./ [GROUP ID] [ACCESS KEY]', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) print( C('Access key: ', 'green') + '{}'.format(sys.argv[2][:4] + '....' + sys.argv[2][-4:])) print(C('Group id: ', 'green') + '{}'.format(sys.argv[1])) bot = { 'api': vk.API(vk.Session(access_token=sys.argv[2]), v=API_VERSION), \ 'group_id': int(sys.argv[1])} wait = True if os.path.isfile(PEER_ID_FILE): ans = input( '{} exists, load peer_id from file? (Y/n) '.format(PEER_ID_FILE)) if ans in 'Yy': bot['peer_id'] = read_peer_id(PEER_ID_FILE) wait = False if wait: wait_for_invite(bot) save_peer_id(bot, PEER_ID_FILE) talk(bot) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print(C('Interrupted', 'red', attrs=['bold'])) sys.exit(0)
def main(): import argparse p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument('input', nargs='?') p.add_argument('--human', action='store_true') args = p.parse_args() it: Iterable[str] if args.input is None: import sys it = sys.stdin else: it = [args.input] for line in it: line = line.strip() if args.human: print('---') print(line) can = canonify(line) # TODO use textual diff? import difflib sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, line, can) from termcolor import colored as C from sys import stdout org_ = "" can_ = "" pr = False def delete(x): nonlocal pr if x in ( 'https://www.', 'http://www.', 'http://', 'https://', 'file://', '/', ): col = None else: if len(x) > 0: pr = True col = 'red' return C(x, color=col) for what, ff, tt, ff2, tt2 in sm.get_opcodes(): if what == 'delete': fn = delete elif what == 'equal': fn = lambda x: C(x, color=None) else: pr = True fn = lambda x: C(x, color='cyan') # TODO exclude certain items from comparison? org_ += fn(line[ff:tt]) can_ += fn(can[ff2:tt2]) cl = max(len(org_), len(can_)) org_ += ' ' * (cl - len(org_)) can_ += ' ' * (cl - len(can_)) if pr: stdout.write(f'{org_}\n{can_}\n---\n')