Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_rule_based_area_target_age_sort_multiple_event(self):
        """Check interactions between two age sort/area target events

        sit = helpers.load_sit_data()
        sit.sit_data.disturbance_events = helpers.initialize_events(sit, [
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "?", "species": "sp",
             "sort_type": "SORT_BY_SW_AGE", "target_type": "Area",
             "target": 10, "disturbance_type": "dist2",
             "time_step": 1},
            {"admin": "?", "eco": "?", "species": "sp",
             "sort_type": "SORT_BY_SW_AGE", "target_type": "Area",
             "target": 10, "disturbance_type": "dist1", "time_step": 1},
        # the second of the above events will match all records, and it will
        # occur first since fire happens before clearcut

        sit.sit_data.inventory = helpers.initialize_inventory(sit, [
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e2", "species": "sp", "area": 5},
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e2", "species": "sp", "area": 5},
            {"admin": "a2", "eco": "e2", "species": "sp", "area": 5},
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e2", "species": "sp", "area": 5},
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e3", "species": "sp", "area": 5}

        cbm_vars = helpers.setup_cbm_vars(sit)

        # since age sort is set, the oldest values of the eligible records
        # will be disturbed
        cbm_vars.state.age = np.array([100, 99, 98, 97, 96])

        with helpers.get_rule_based_processor(sit) as sit_rule_based_processor:
            cbm_vars_result = sit_rule_based_processor.dist_func(
                time_step=1, cbm_vars=cbm_vars)

            expected_disturbance_types = helpers.get_disturbance_type_ids(
                ["dist1", "dist1", None, "dist2", "dist2"])

                list(cbm_vars_result.parameters.disturbance_type) ==

            stats = sit_rule_based_processor.sit_event_stats_by_timestep[1]
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[0]["sit_event_index"] == 1)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[0]["total_eligible_value"] == 25.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[0]["total_achieved"] == 10.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[0]["shortfall"] == 0.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[0]["num_records_disturbed"] == 2)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[0]["num_splits"] == 0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[0]["num_eligible"] == 5)

        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[1]["sit_event_index"] == 0)
        # less area is available as a result of the first event
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[1]["total_eligible_value"] == 10.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[1]["total_achieved"] == 10.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[1]["shortfall"] == 0.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[1]["num_records_disturbed"] == 2)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[1]["num_splits"] == 0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[1]["num_eligible"] == 2)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_rule_based_merch_target_age_sort_split(self):
        sit = helpers.load_sit_data()

        sit.sit_data.disturbance_events = helpers.initialize_events(sit, [
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "?", "species": "sp",
             "sort_type": "SORT_BY_HW_AGE", "target_type": "Merchantable",
             "target": 7, "disturbance_type": "dist2",
             "time_step": 4}

        sit.sit_data.inventory = helpers.initialize_inventory(sit, [
            # the remaining target after 7 - 5 = 2, so 2/5ths of the area
            # of this stand will be disturbed
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e1", "species": "sp", "area": 5},
            # this entire record will be disturbed first (see age sort)
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e2", "species": "sp", "area": 5}

        cbm_vars = helpers.setup_cbm_vars(sit)

        cbm_vars.pools.SoftwoodMerch = 1.0
        cbm_vars.state.age = np.array([99, 100])

        with helpers.get_rule_based_processor(
            sit, random_func=None,
        ) as sit_rule_based_processor:
            cbm_vars_result = sit_rule_based_processor.dist_func(
                time_step=4, cbm_vars=cbm_vars)

                list(cbm_vars_result.parameters.disturbance_type) ==
                    ["dist2", "dist2", None]))

            self.assertTrue(cbm_vars.pools.shape[0] == 3)
            self.assertTrue(cbm_vars.flux.shape[0] == 3)
            self.assertTrue(cbm_vars.state.shape[0] == 3)
            # note the age sort order caused the first record to split
            self.assertTrue(list(cbm_vars.inventory.area) == [2, 5, 3])

            stats_row = \
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["total_eligible_value"] == 10.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["total_achieved"] == 7.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["shortfall"] == 0.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["num_records_disturbed"] == 2)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["num_splits"] == 1)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["num_eligible"] == 2)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_rule_based_area_target_age_sort_unrealized(self):
        """Test a rule based event with area target, and age sort where no
        splitting occurs

        sit = helpers.load_sit_data()
        sit.sit_data.disturbance_events = helpers.initialize_events(sit, [
            {"admin": "a2", "eco": "?", "species": "sp",
             "sort_type": "SORT_BY_SW_AGE", "target_type": "Area",
             "target": 10, "disturbance_type": "dist1", "time_step": 1}

        # record at index 1 is the only eligible record meaning the above event
        # will be unrealized with a shortfall of 5
        sit.sit_data.inventory = helpers.initialize_inventory(sit, [
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e2", "species": "sp", "area": 5},
            {"admin": "a2", "eco": "e2", "species": "sp", "area": 5},
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e2", "species": "sp", "area": 5},
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e2", "species": "sp", "area": 5}

        cbm_vars = helpers.setup_cbm_vars(sit)

        # since age sort is set, the oldest values of the eligible records
        # will be disturbed
        cbm_vars.state.age = np.array([99, 100, 98, 100])

        with helpers.get_rule_based_processor(sit) as sit_rule_based_processor:
            cbm_vars_result = sit_rule_based_processor.dist_func(
                time_step=1, cbm_vars=cbm_vars)

            # records 0 and 3 are the disturbed records: both are eligible,
            # they are the oldest stands, and together they exactly satisfy
            # the target.
                list(cbm_vars_result.parameters.disturbance_type) ==
                    [None, "dist1", None, None]))

            stats_row = \

        self.assertTrue(stats_row["total_eligible_value"] == 5.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["total_achieved"] == 5.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["shortfall"] == 5.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["num_records_disturbed"] == 1)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["num_splits"] == 0)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["num_eligible"] == 1)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_rule_based_area_target_age_sort_split(self):
        """Test a rule based event with area target, and age sort where no
        splitting occurs

        sit = helpers.load_sit_data()
        sit.sit_data.disturbance_events = helpers.initialize_events(sit, [
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "?", "species": "sp",
             "sort_type": "SORT_BY_SW_AGE", "target_type": "Area",
             "target": 6, "disturbance_type": "dist1", "time_step": 1}
        # since the target is 6, one of the 2 inventory records below needs to
        # be split
        sit.sit_data.inventory = helpers.initialize_inventory(sit, [
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e1", "species": "sp", "area": 5},
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e2", "species": "sp", "area": 5}

        cbm_vars = helpers.setup_cbm_vars(sit)

        # since the sort is by age, the first record will be fully disturbed
        # and the second will be split into 1 and 4 hectare stands.
        cbm_vars.state.age = np.array([99, 100])

        with helpers.get_rule_based_processor(sit) as sit_rule_based_processor:
            cbm_vars_result = sit_rule_based_processor.dist_func(
                time_step=1, cbm_vars=cbm_vars)

                list(cbm_vars_result.parameters.disturbance_type) ==
                    sit.sit_data.disturbance_types, ["dist1", "dist1", None]))

            self.assertTrue(cbm_vars.pools.shape[0] == 3)
            self.assertTrue(cbm_vars.flux.shape[0] == 3)
            self.assertTrue(cbm_vars.state.shape[0] == 3)
            # note the age sort order caused the first record to split
            self.assertTrue(list(cbm_vars.inventory.area) == [1, 5, 4])

            stats_row = \
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["total_eligible_value"] == 10.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["total_achieved"] == 6.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["shortfall"] == 0.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["num_records_disturbed"] == 2)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["num_splits"] == 1)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["num_eligible"] == 2)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_single_stand_transition(self):
        sit = helpers.load_sit_data()
        sit.sit_data.transition_rules = helpers.initialize_transitions(
            sit, [{
                "admin": "?",
                "eco": "?",
                "species": "sp",
                "disturbance_type": "dist1",
                "percent": 50,
                "species_tr": "oak",
                "regeneration_delay": 5,
                "reset_age": 0
            }, {
                "admin": "?",
                "eco": "?",
                "species": "sp",
                "disturbance_type": "dist1",
                "percent": 50,
                "species_tr": "pn",
                "regeneration_delay": 10,
                "reset_age": -1
        # change the post-dist1 species to 1/2 oak, 1/2 pine

        sit.sit_data.inventory = helpers.initialize_inventory(
            sit, [{
                "admin": "a1",
                "eco": "e2",
                "species": "sp",
                "area": 5

        cbm_vars = helpers.setup_cbm_vars(sit)

        # in order for the transition to occur, the disturbance type needs to
        # be set, normally this would be done beforehand by the sit rule based
        # events.
        cbm_vars.parameters.disturbance_type = \
                sit.sit_data.disturbance_types, ["dist1"])[0]

        with helpers.get_rule_based_processor(sit) as sit_rule_based_processor:
            cbm_vars_result = sit_rule_based_processor.tr_func(

        self.assertTrue(cbm_vars_result.inventory.shape[0] == 2)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_rule_based_merch_target_age_sort_unrealized(self):
        sit = helpers.load_sit_data()

        sit.sit_data.disturbance_events = helpers.initialize_events(sit, [
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "?", "species": "sp",
             "sort_type": "SORT_BY_HW_AGE", "target_type": "Merchantable",
             "target": 10, "disturbance_type": "dist2",
             "time_step": 1}

        sit.sit_data.inventory = helpers.initialize_inventory(sit, [
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e1", "species": "sp", "area": 3},
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e2", "species": "sp", "area": 4},
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e1", "species": "sp", "area": 2},

        cbm_vars = helpers.setup_cbm_vars(sit)

        # 1 tonnes C/ha * (3+4+2) ha total = 9 tonnes C available for event,
        # with target = 10, therefore the expected shortfall is 1
        cbm_vars.pools.SoftwoodMerch = 1.0
        cbm_vars.state.age = np.array([99, 100, 98])

        with helpers.get_rule_based_processor(
            sit, random_func=None,
        ) as sit_rule_based_processor:
            cbm_vars_result = sit_rule_based_processor.dist_func(
                time_step=1, cbm_vars=cbm_vars)

                list(cbm_vars_result.parameters.disturbance_type) ==
                    ["dist2", "dist2", "dist2"]))

            stats_row = \
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["total_eligible_value"] == 9.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["total_achieved"] == 9.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["shortfall"] == 1.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["num_records_disturbed"] == 3)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["num_splits"] == 0)
        self.assertTrue(stats_row["num_eligible"] == 3)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_rule_based_multiple_target_types(self):
        sit = helpers.load_sit_data()

        sit.sit_data.disturbance_events = helpers.initialize_events(sit, [
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "?", "species": "sp",
             "sort_type": "MERCHCSORT_TOTAL", "target_type": "Merchantable",
             "target": 100, "disturbance_type": "dist2",
             "time_step": 100},
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "?", "species": "sp",
             "sort_type": "SORT_BY_SW_AGE", "target_type": "Area",
             "target": 20, "disturbance_type": "dist3",
             "time_step": 100},
            # this event will occur first
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "?", "species": "sp",
             "sort_type": "RANDOMSORT", "target_type": "Area",
             "target": 20, "disturbance_type": "dist1",
             "time_step": 100},

        sit.sit_data.inventory = helpers.initialize_inventory(sit, [
            {"admin": "a1", "eco": "e1", "species": "sp", "area": 1000},

        cbm_vars = helpers.setup_cbm_vars(sit)

        cbm_vars.pools.HardwoodMerch = 1.0
        cbm_vars.state.age = np.array([50])

        with helpers.get_rule_based_processor(
            sit, random_func=np.ones,  # don't really do a random sort
        ) as sit_rule_based_processor:
            cbm_vars_result = sit_rule_based_processor.dist_func(
                time_step=100, cbm_vars=cbm_vars)
                list(cbm_vars_result.parameters.disturbance_type) ==
                    ["dist1", "dist2", "dist3", None]))

                list(cbm_vars.inventory.area) == [20, 100, 20, 860])

            stats = \
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[0]["total_eligible_value"] == 1000.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[0]["total_achieved"] == 20.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[0]["shortfall"] == 0.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[0]["num_records_disturbed"] == 1)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[0]["num_splits"] == 1)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[0]["num_eligible"] == 1)

        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[1]["total_eligible_value"] == 980.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[1]["total_achieved"] == 100.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[1]["shortfall"] == 0.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[1]["num_records_disturbed"] == 1)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[1]["num_splits"] == 1)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[1]["num_eligible"] == 1)

        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[2]["total_eligible_value"] == 880.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[2]["total_achieved"] == 20.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[2]["shortfall"] == 0.0)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[2]["num_records_disturbed"] == 1)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[2]["num_splits"] == 1)
        self.assertTrue(stats.iloc[2]["num_eligible"] == 1)