Exemplo n.º 1
def test_LinearKernel_getDimension():
    kernel = Kernel.LinearKernel

    statement = "The method _getDimension on LinearKernel will return the dimension of the data after the linear " + \
                "expansion function is applied"

    expected_result = 5
    actual_result = kernel._getDimension(1, (5, 0))
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    expected_result = 7
    actual_result = kernel._getDimension(1, (7, 20))
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_QuadraticKernel_getDimension():
    kernel = Kernel.QuadraticKernel

    statement = "The method _getDimension on QuadraticKernel will return the dimension of the data after a " + \
                "quadratic expansion function is applied"

    expected_result = 5
    actual_result = kernel._getDimension(2, (2, 0))
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    expected_result = (7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1) + 7
    actual_result = kernel._getDimension(2, (7, 20))
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_LinearKernel_expansion():
    kernel = Kernel.LinearKernel

    statement = "The method _expansion on LinearKernel will augment the input with a constant and the matrix of " + \
                "the kernel of two matrices will agree with the dot product of their expansions"

    A = np.array([[1], [2], [3]])
    expected_result = np.r_[[[1]], A]
    actual_result = kernel._expansion(1, 1, A)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    A = np.arange(200).reshape(10, 20) / 10
    B = np.arange(20, 180).reshape(10, 16) / 10
    expected_result = (kernel._expansion(1, 1, A)).T @ (kernel._expansion(
        1, 1, B))
    actual_result = kernel._getMatrix(1, 1, A, B)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_QuadraticKernel_expansion():
    kernel = Kernel.QuadraticKernel

    statement = "The quadratic expansion will return a constant in the first row, and then the original data, and " + \
                "then all combinations of two rows in the original data. All combinations except the constant and " + \
                "the perfect squares are multiplied by the constant sqrt(2)"
    A = np.array([[1, 2, 3]])
    expected_result = np.array([[1, 1, 1], (np.array([1, 2, 3]) * np.sqrt(2)),
                                [1, 4, 9]])
    actual_result = kernel._expansion(2, 1, A)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    A = np.array([[2, 4, 6], [1, 0, 9]])
    expected_result = np.array([[1, 1, 1], (np.array([2, 4, 6]) * np.sqrt(2)),
                                np.array([1, 0, 9]) * np.sqrt(2), [4, 16, 36],
                                np.array([2, 0, 54]) * np.sqrt(2), [1, 0, 81]])
    actual_result = kernel._expansion(2, 1, A)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_QuadraticKernel_getMatrix():
    kernel = Kernel.QuadraticKernel

    statement = "The method _getMatrix on QuadraticKernel will return a matrix(i, j) containing the element-wise " + \
                "square of 1 + the dot products of the ith column of the left matrix with the jth column of the " + \
                "right matrix"

    expected_result = "ValueError"
        actual_result = kernel._getMatrix(2, 1, np.array([[1], [2]]),
                                          np.array([[1], [2], [3]]))
    except ValueError:
        actual_result = "ValueError"
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    expected_result = (1 + np.array([[14]]))**2
    actual_result = kernel._getMatrix(2, 1, np.array([[1], [2], [3]]),
                                      np.array([[1], [2], [3]]))
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    A = np.arange(200).reshape(10, 20)
    B = np.arange(20, 180).reshape(10, 16)
    expected_result = (kernel._expansion(2, 1, A)).T @ (kernel._expansion(
        2, 1, B))
    actual_result = kernel._getMatrix(2, 1, A, B)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    A = np.arange(200).reshape(
        10, 20) + 1.0j * np.arange(200, 400).reshape(10, 20)
    B = np.arange(20, 180).reshape(
        10, 16) + 1.0j * np.arange(160, 320).reshape(10, 16)
    expected_result = (kernel._expansion(
        2, 1, A)).conj().T @ (kernel._expansion(2, 1, B))
    actual_result = kernel._getMatrix(2, 1, A, B)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    A = np.arange(200).reshape(
        10, 20) + 1.0j * np.arange(200, 400).reshape(10, 20)
    B = np.arange(20, 180).reshape(
        10, 16) + 1.0j * np.arange(160, 320).reshape(10, 16)
    expected_result = np.diag(
        (kernel._expansion(2, 1, A)).conj().T @ (kernel._expansion(2, 1, B)))
    actual_result = kernel._getMatrix(2, 1, A, B, only_diag=True)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_QuadraticKernel_getGradient():
    kernel = Kernel.QuadraticKernel

    statement = "The method _getGradient on Quadratic will return a 3tensor containing one gradient vector for " + \
                "each pair of columns of the two input matrices, i and j, respectively (tensor[:, i, j])"

    expected_result = "ValueError"
        actual_result = kernel._getGradient(2, 1, np.array([[1], [2]]),
                                            np.array([[1], [2], [3]]))
    except ValueError:
        actual_result = "ValueError"
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    A = np.array([[4], [5], [6]])
    B = np.array([[1], [2], [3]])
    expected_result = np.einsum('ij,...j->i...j', B, 2 * (1 + A.T @ B))
    actual_result = kernel._getGradient(2, 1, A, B)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    A = np.arange(200).reshape(10, 20)
    B = np.arange(20, 180).reshape(10, 16)
    expected_result = np.einsum('ij,...j->i...j', B, 2 * (1 + A.T @ B))
    actual_result = kernel._getGradient(2, 1, A, B)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    A = np.arange(200).reshape(
        10, 20) + 1.0j * np.arange(200, 400).reshape(10, 20)
    B = np.arange(20, 180).reshape(
        10, 16) + 1.0j * np.arange(160, 320).reshape(10, 16)
    expected_result = np.einsum('ij,...j->i...j', B, 2 * (1 + A.conj().T @ B))
    actual_result = kernel._getGradient(2, 1, A, B)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    A = np.arange(200).reshape(
        10, 20) + 1.0j * np.arange(200, 400).reshape(10, 20)
    B = np.arange(20, 180).reshape(
        10, 16) + 1.0j * np.arange(160, 320).reshape(10, 16)
    expected_result = np.einsum('ij,...j->i...j', B,
                                np.diag(2 * (1 + A.conj().T @ B)))
    actual_result = kernel._getGradient(2, 1, A, B, only_diag=True)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_LinearKernel_getGradient():
    kernel = Kernel.LinearKernel

    statement = "The method _getGradient on LinearKernel will return a 3tensor containing one gradient vector for " + \
                "each pair of columns of the two input matrices, i and j, respectively (tensor[:, i, j])"

    expected_result = "ValueError"
        actual_result = kernel._getGradient(1, 1, np.array([[1], [2]]),
                                            np.array([[1], [2], [3]]))
    except ValueError:
        actual_result = "ValueError"
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    expected_result = np.array([[[1]], [[2]], [[3]]])
    actual_result = kernel._getGradient(1, 1, np.array([[4], [5], [6]]),
                                        np.array([[1], [2], [3]]))
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    A = np.arange(200).reshape(10, 20)
    B = np.arange(20, 180).reshape(10, 16)
    expected_result = np.repeat(B.copy(), 20, axis=0).reshape(10, 20, 16)
    actual_result = kernel._getGradient(1, 1, A, B)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    A = np.arange(200).reshape(
        10, 20) + 1.0j * np.arange(200, 400).reshape(10, 20)
    B = np.arange(20, 180).reshape(
        10, 16) + 1.0j * np.arange(160, 320).reshape(10, 16)
    expected_result = np.repeat(B.copy(), 20, axis=0).reshape(10, 20, 16)
    actual_result = kernel._getGradient(1, 1, A, B)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    A = np.arange(200).reshape(10, 20)
    B = np.arange(20, 180).reshape(10, 16)
    expected_result = B.copy().reshape(10, 1, 16)
    actual_result = kernel._getGradient(1, 1, A, B, only_diag=True)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_LinearKernel_getMatrix():
    kernel = Kernel.LinearKernel

    statement = "The method _getMatrix on LinearKernel will return a matrix(i, j) containing 1 + the result of dot " + \
                "products of the ith column of the left matrix with the jth column of the right matrix"

    expected_result = "ValueError"
        actual_result = kernel._getMatrix(1, 1, np.array([[1], [2]]),
                                          np.array([[1], [2], [3]]))
    except ValueError:
        actual_result = "ValueError"
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    expected_result = 1 + np.array([[14]])
    actual_result = kernel._getMatrix(1, 1, np.array([[1], [2], [3]]),
                                      np.array([[1], [2], [3]]))
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    A = np.arange(200).reshape(10, 20)
    B = np.arange(20, 180).reshape(10, 16)
    C = np.array(
            109200, 110100, 111000, 111900, 112800, 113700, 114600, 115500,
            116400, 117300, 118200, 119100, 120000, 120900, 121800, 122700
             110120, 111030, 111940, 112850, 113760, 114670, 115580, 116490,
             117400, 118310, 119220, 120130, 121040, 121950, 122860, 123770
             111040, 111960, 112880, 113800, 114720, 115640, 116560, 117480,
             118400, 119320, 120240, 121160, 122080, 123000, 123920, 124840
             111960, 112890, 113820, 114750, 115680, 116610, 117540, 118470,
             119400, 120330, 121260, 122190, 123120, 124050, 124980, 125910
             112880, 113820, 114760, 115700, 116640, 117580, 118520, 119460,
             120400, 121340, 122280, 123220, 124160, 125100, 126040, 126980
             113800, 114750, 115700, 116650, 117600, 118550, 119500, 120450,
             121400, 122350, 123300, 124250, 125200, 126150, 127100, 128050
             114720, 115680, 116640, 117600, 118560, 119520, 120480, 121440,
             122400, 123360, 124320, 125280, 126240, 127200, 128160, 129120
             115640, 116610, 117580, 118550, 119520, 120490, 121460, 122430,
             123400, 124370, 125340, 126310, 127280, 128250, 129220, 130190
             116560, 117540, 118520, 119500, 120480, 121460, 122440, 123420,
             124400, 125380, 126360, 127340, 128320, 129300, 130280, 131260
             117480, 118470, 119460, 120450, 121440, 122430, 123420, 124410,
             125400, 126390, 127380, 128370, 129360, 130350, 131340, 132330
             118400, 119400, 120400, 121400, 122400, 123400, 124400, 125400,
             126400, 127400, 128400, 129400, 130400, 131400, 132400, 133400
             119320, 120330, 121340, 122350, 123360, 124370, 125380, 126390,
             127400, 128410, 129420, 130430, 131440, 132450, 133460, 134470
             120240, 121260, 122280, 123300, 124320, 125340, 126360, 127380,
             128400, 129420, 130440, 131460, 132480, 133500, 134520, 135540
             121160, 122190, 123220, 124250, 125280, 126310, 127340, 128370,
             129400, 130430, 131460, 132490, 133520, 134550, 135580, 136610
             122080, 123120, 124160, 125200, 126240, 127280, 128320, 129360,
             130400, 131440, 132480, 133520, 134560, 135600, 136640, 137680
             123000, 124050, 125100, 126150, 127200, 128250, 129300, 130350,
             131400, 132450, 133500, 134550, 135600, 136650, 137700, 138750
             123920, 124980, 126040, 127100, 128160, 129220, 130280, 131340,
             132400, 133460, 134520, 135580, 136640, 137700, 138760, 139820
             124840, 125910, 126980, 128050, 129120, 130190, 131260, 132330,
             133400, 134470, 135540, 136610, 137680, 138750, 139820, 140890
             125760, 126840, 127920, 129000, 130080, 131160, 132240, 133320,
             134400, 135480, 136560, 137640, 138720, 139800, 140880, 141960
             126680, 127770, 128860, 129950, 131040, 132130, 133220, 134310,
             135400, 136490, 137580, 138670, 139760, 140850, 141940, 143030
    expected_result = 1 + C
    actual_result = kernel._getMatrix(1, 1, A, B)

    A = np.arange(200).reshape(
        10, 20) + 1.0j * np.arange(200, 400).reshape(10, 20)
    B = np.arange(20, 180).reshape(
        10, 16) + 1.0j * np.arange(160, 320).reshape(10, 16)
    C = np.array([[
        808400. - 58000.j, 812200. - 60000.j, 816000. - 62000.j,
        819800. - 64000.j, 823600. - 66000.j, 827400. - 68000.j,
        831200. - 70000.j, 835000. - 72000.j, 838800. - 74000.j,
        842600. - 76000.j, 846400. - 78000.j, 850200. - 80000.j,
        854000. - 82000.j, 857800. - 84000.j, 861600. - 86000.j,
        865400. - 88000.j
                      811640. - 56600.j, 815460. - 58600.j, 819280. - 60600.j,
                      823100. - 62600.j, 826920. - 64600.j, 830740. - 66600.j,
                      834560. - 68600.j, 838380. - 70600.j, 842200. - 72600.j,
                      846020. - 74600.j, 849840. - 76600.j, 853660. - 78600.j,
                      857480. - 80600.j, 861300. - 82600.j, 865120. - 84600.j,
                      868940. - 86600.j
                      814880. - 55200.j, 818720. - 57200.j, 822560. - 59200.j,
                      826400. - 61200.j, 830240. - 63200.j, 834080. - 65200.j,
                      837920. - 67200.j, 841760. - 69200.j, 845600. - 71200.j,
                      849440. - 73200.j, 853280. - 75200.j, 857120. - 77200.j,
                      860960. - 79200.j, 864800. - 81200.j, 868640. - 83200.j,
                      872480. - 85200.j
                      818120. - 53800.j, 821980. - 55800.j, 825840. - 57800.j,
                      829700. - 59800.j, 833560. - 61800.j, 837420. - 63800.j,
                      841280. - 65800.j, 845140. - 67800.j, 849000. - 69800.j,
                      852860. - 71800.j, 856720. - 73800.j, 860580. - 75800.j,
                      864440. - 77800.j, 868300. - 79800.j, 872160. - 81800.j,
                      876020. - 83800.j
                      821360. - 52400.j, 825240. - 54400.j, 829120. - 56400.j,
                      833000. - 58400.j, 836880. - 60400.j, 840760. - 62400.j,
                      844640. - 64400.j, 848520. - 66400.j, 852400. - 68400.j,
                      856280. - 70400.j, 860160. - 72400.j, 864040. - 74400.j,
                      867920. - 76400.j, 871800. - 78400.j, 875680. - 80400.j,
                      879560. - 82400.j
                      824600. - 51000.j, 828500. - 53000.j, 832400. - 55000.j,
                      836300. - 57000.j, 840200. - 59000.j, 844100. - 61000.j,
                      848000. - 63000.j, 851900. - 65000.j, 855800. - 67000.j,
                      859700. - 69000.j, 863600. - 71000.j, 867500. - 73000.j,
                      871400. - 75000.j, 875300. - 77000.j, 879200. - 79000.j,
                      883100. - 81000.j
                      827840. - 49600.j, 831760. - 51600.j, 835680. - 53600.j,
                      839600. - 55600.j, 843520. - 57600.j, 847440. - 59600.j,
                      851360. - 61600.j, 855280. - 63600.j, 859200. - 65600.j,
                      863120. - 67600.j, 867040. - 69600.j, 870960. - 71600.j,
                      874880. - 73600.j, 878800. - 75600.j, 882720. - 77600.j,
                      886640. - 79600.j
                      831080. - 48200.j, 835020. - 50200.j, 838960. - 52200.j,
                      842900. - 54200.j, 846840. - 56200.j, 850780. - 58200.j,
                      854720. - 60200.j, 858660. - 62200.j, 862600. - 64200.j,
                      866540. - 66200.j, 870480. - 68200.j, 874420. - 70200.j,
                      878360. - 72200.j, 882300. - 74200.j, 886240. - 76200.j,
                      890180. - 78200.j
                      834320. - 46800.j, 838280. - 48800.j, 842240. - 50800.j,
                      846200. - 52800.j, 850160. - 54800.j, 854120. - 56800.j,
                      858080. - 58800.j, 862040. - 60800.j, 866000. - 62800.j,
                      869960. - 64800.j, 873920. - 66800.j, 877880. - 68800.j,
                      881840. - 70800.j, 885800. - 72800.j, 889760. - 74800.j,
                      893720. - 76800.j
                      837560. - 45400.j, 841540. - 47400.j, 845520. - 49400.j,
                      849500. - 51400.j, 853480. - 53400.j, 857460. - 55400.j,
                      861440. - 57400.j, 865420. - 59400.j, 869400. - 61400.j,
                      873380. - 63400.j, 877360. - 65400.j, 881340. - 67400.j,
                      885320. - 69400.j, 889300. - 71400.j, 893280. - 73400.j,
                      897260. - 75400.j
                      840800. - 44000.j, 844800. - 46000.j, 848800. - 48000.j,
                      852800. - 50000.j, 856800. - 52000.j, 860800. - 54000.j,
                      864800. - 56000.j, 868800. - 58000.j, 872800. - 60000.j,
                      876800. - 62000.j, 880800. - 64000.j, 884800. - 66000.j,
                      888800. - 68000.j, 892800. - 70000.j, 896800. - 72000.j,
                      900800. - 74000.j
                      844040. - 42600.j, 848060. - 44600.j, 852080. - 46600.j,
                      856100. - 48600.j, 860120. - 50600.j, 864140. - 52600.j,
                      868160. - 54600.j, 872180. - 56600.j, 876200. - 58600.j,
                      880220. - 60600.j, 884240. - 62600.j, 888260. - 64600.j,
                      892280. - 66600.j, 896300. - 68600.j, 900320. - 70600.j,
                      904340. - 72600.j
                      847280. - 41200.j, 851320. - 43200.j, 855360. - 45200.j,
                      859400. - 47200.j, 863440. - 49200.j, 867480. - 51200.j,
                      871520. - 53200.j, 875560. - 55200.j, 879600. - 57200.j,
                      883640. - 59200.j, 887680. - 61200.j, 891720. - 63200.j,
                      895760. - 65200.j, 899800. - 67200.j, 903840. - 69200.j,
                      907880. - 71200.j
                      850520. - 39800.j, 854580. - 41800.j, 858640. - 43800.j,
                      862700. - 45800.j, 866760. - 47800.j, 870820. - 49800.j,
                      874880. - 51800.j, 878940. - 53800.j, 883000. - 55800.j,
                      887060. - 57800.j, 891120. - 59800.j, 895180. - 61800.j,
                      899240. - 63800.j, 903300. - 65800.j, 907360. - 67800.j,
                      911420. - 69800.j
                      853760. - 38400.j, 857840. - 40400.j, 861920. - 42400.j,
                      866000. - 44400.j, 870080. - 46400.j, 874160. - 48400.j,
                      878240. - 50400.j, 882320. - 52400.j, 886400. - 54400.j,
                      890480. - 56400.j, 894560. - 58400.j, 898640. - 60400.j,
                      902720. - 62400.j, 906800. - 64400.j, 910880. - 66400.j,
                      914960. - 68400.j
                      857000. - 37000.j, 861100. - 39000.j, 865200. - 41000.j,
                      869300. - 43000.j, 873400. - 45000.j, 877500. - 47000.j,
                      881600. - 49000.j, 885700. - 51000.j, 889800. - 53000.j,
                      893900. - 55000.j, 898000. - 57000.j, 902100. - 59000.j,
                      906200. - 61000.j, 910300. - 63000.j, 914400. - 65000.j,
                      918500. - 67000.j
                      860240. - 35600.j, 864360. - 37600.j, 868480. - 39600.j,
                      872600. - 41600.j, 876720. - 43600.j, 880840. - 45600.j,
                      884960. - 47600.j, 889080. - 49600.j, 893200. - 51600.j,
                      897320. - 53600.j, 901440. - 55600.j, 905560. - 57600.j,
                      909680. - 59600.j, 913800. - 61600.j, 917920. - 63600.j,
                      922040. - 65600.j
                      863480. - 34200.j, 867620. - 36200.j, 871760. - 38200.j,
                      875900. - 40200.j, 880040. - 42200.j, 884180. - 44200.j,
                      888320. - 46200.j, 892460. - 48200.j, 896600. - 50200.j,
                      900740. - 52200.j, 904880. - 54200.j, 909020. - 56200.j,
                      913160. - 58200.j, 917300. - 60200.j, 921440. - 62200.j,
                      925580. - 64200.j
                      866720. - 32800.j, 870880. - 34800.j, 875040. - 36800.j,
                      879200. - 38800.j, 883360. - 40800.j, 887520. - 42800.j,
                      891680. - 44800.j, 895840. - 46800.j, 900000. - 48800.j,
                      904160. - 50800.j, 908320. - 52800.j, 912480. - 54800.j,
                      916640. - 56800.j, 920800. - 58800.j, 924960. - 60800.j,
                      929120. - 62800.j
                      869960. - 31400.j, 874140. - 33400.j, 878320. - 35400.j,
                      882500. - 37400.j, 886680. - 39400.j, 890860. - 41400.j,
                      895040. - 43400.j, 899220. - 45400.j, 903400. - 47400.j,
                      907580. - 49400.j, 911760. - 51400.j, 915940. - 53400.j,
                      920120. - 55400.j, 924300. - 57400.j, 928480. - 59400.j,
                      932660. - 61400.j
    expected_result = 1 + C
    actual_result = kernel._getMatrix(1, 1, A, B)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)

    A = np.arange(200).reshape(10, 20)
    B = np.arange(20, 180).reshape(10, 16)
    C = np.array(
            109200, 110100, 111000, 111900, 112800, 113700, 114600, 115500,
            116400, 117300, 118200, 119100, 120000, 120900, 121800, 122700
             110120, 111030, 111940, 112850, 113760, 114670, 115580, 116490,
             117400, 118310, 119220, 120130, 121040, 121950, 122860, 123770
             111040, 111960, 112880, 113800, 114720, 115640, 116560, 117480,
             118400, 119320, 120240, 121160, 122080, 123000, 123920, 124840
             111960, 112890, 113820, 114750, 115680, 116610, 117540, 118470,
             119400, 120330, 121260, 122190, 123120, 124050, 124980, 125910
             112880, 113820, 114760, 115700, 116640, 117580, 118520, 119460,
             120400, 121340, 122280, 123220, 124160, 125100, 126040, 126980
             113800, 114750, 115700, 116650, 117600, 118550, 119500, 120450,
             121400, 122350, 123300, 124250, 125200, 126150, 127100, 128050
             114720, 115680, 116640, 117600, 118560, 119520, 120480, 121440,
             122400, 123360, 124320, 125280, 126240, 127200, 128160, 129120
             115640, 116610, 117580, 118550, 119520, 120490, 121460, 122430,
             123400, 124370, 125340, 126310, 127280, 128250, 129220, 130190
             116560, 117540, 118520, 119500, 120480, 121460, 122440, 123420,
             124400, 125380, 126360, 127340, 128320, 129300, 130280, 131260
             117480, 118470, 119460, 120450, 121440, 122430, 123420, 124410,
             125400, 126390, 127380, 128370, 129360, 130350, 131340, 132330
             118400, 119400, 120400, 121400, 122400, 123400, 124400, 125400,
             126400, 127400, 128400, 129400, 130400, 131400, 132400, 133400
             119320, 120330, 121340, 122350, 123360, 124370, 125380, 126390,
             127400, 128410, 129420, 130430, 131440, 132450, 133460, 134470
             120240, 121260, 122280, 123300, 124320, 125340, 126360, 127380,
             128400, 129420, 130440, 131460, 132480, 133500, 134520, 135540
             121160, 122190, 123220, 124250, 125280, 126310, 127340, 128370,
             129400, 130430, 131460, 132490, 133520, 134550, 135580, 136610
             122080, 123120, 124160, 125200, 126240, 127280, 128320, 129360,
             130400, 131440, 132480, 133520, 134560, 135600, 136640, 137680
             123000, 124050, 125100, 126150, 127200, 128250, 129300, 130350,
             131400, 132450, 133500, 134550, 135600, 136650, 137700, 138750
             123920, 124980, 126040, 127100, 128160, 129220, 130280, 131340,
             132400, 133460, 134520, 135580, 136640, 137700, 138760, 139820
             124840, 125910, 126980, 128050, 129120, 130190, 131260, 132330,
             133400, 134470, 135540, 136610, 137680, 138750, 139820, 140890
             125760, 126840, 127920, 129000, 130080, 131160, 132240, 133320,
             134400, 135480, 136560, 137640, 138720, 139800, 140880, 141960
             126680, 127770, 128860, 129950, 131040, 132130, 133220, 134310,
             135400, 136490, 137580, 138670, 139760, 140850, 141940, 143030
    expected_result = 1 + np.diag(C)
    actual_result = kernel._getMatrix(1, 1, A, B, only_diag=True)
    testFunction(statement, expected_result, actual_result)