Exemplo n.º 1
 def run_test(self):
     ONE_MiB = 1048576
     # Send 1 MiB inv with maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength set to defaults
     # Send 3 MiB inv with maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength set to 500 MiB
     self.run_maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength_test(CInv.estimateMaxInvElements(3*ONE_MiB), 500*ONE_MiB)
     # Run ban test sends 3 INVs with sizes (max-1, max, max+1). In the last attempt it should be banned
     # Send many INV messages and check when they fill up queue in bitcoind and some of them get missing
     self.run_recvinvqueuefactor_test(ONE_MiB, 2)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run_maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength_test(self, n_of_inv_to_send, maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength=0):
        This method sends INV message with n_of_inv_to_send elements to the node.
        It checks if node respects our settings for size of inv message, sends getdata for all inv elements and respects
        our limits send in protoconf message.
        n_of_inv_to_send should not be bigger than CInv.estimateMaxInvElements(maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength)
        # start node, protoconf messages, ...
        test_node = self.start_node_with_protoconf(maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength)

        # Check if maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength is not set and use default value from bitcoind
        if not maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength:
            maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength = 2 * LEGACY_MAX_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_LENGTH

        # Assert received max payload length from bitcoind node to be the same as we set in kwargs
        assert_equal(test_node.max_recv_payload_length, maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength)
        # Calculate maximum number of elements that bitcoind node is willing to receive
        maxInvElements = CInv.estimateMaxInvElements(test_node.max_recv_payload_length)
            "Received bitcoind max message size: {} B, which represents {} elements. ".format(test_node.max_recv_payload_length, maxInvElements))

        # Calculate our max size for inv message we can accept and how many element it contains.
        # Remote node has to respect our settings.
        expected_inv_len = CInv.estimateMaxInvElements(LEGACY_MAX_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_LENGTH)
        logger.info("Our max message size: {} B, which represents {} elements. ".format(
            LEGACY_MAX_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_LENGTH, expected_inv_len))

        # Send inv message with specified number of elements
        logger.info("Sending inv message with: {} elements.  Max allowed : {}".format(n_of_inv_to_send, maxInvElements))
        test_node.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(CInv.TX, i) for i in range(0, n_of_inv_to_send)]))
        assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].listbanned()), 0)
        logger.info("Received GetData from bitcoind.")

        # We should receive GetData messages with 1MB size (29126 elements = CInv.estimateMaxInvElements(LEGACY_MAX_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_LENGTH))
        # and last GetData message with remaining elements.
        max_elements_recieved_per_message = CInv.estimateMaxInvElements(LEGACY_MAX_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_LENGTH)
        number_of_getdata_messages = ceil(n_of_inv_to_send / max_elements_recieved_per_message)
        # number of received messages should be the same as we calculated above
        assert_equal(len(test_node.wanted_inv_lengths), number_of_getdata_messages)
        for i in range(0, number_of_getdata_messages - 1):
            assert_equal(test_node.wanted_inv_lengths[i], expected_inv_len)
        remained_for_last_getdata = n_of_inv_to_send - (number_of_getdata_messages - 1) * expected_inv_len
        # last message should contain the exact number of inv elements left
        assert_equal(test_node.wanted_inv_lengths[number_of_getdata_messages - 1], remained_for_last_getdata)
        logger.info("maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength test finished successfully\n")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def run_recvinvqueuefactor_test(self, maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength, recvinvqueuefactor):
        This method sends 4*recvinvqueuefactor inv messages (with max elements allowed by maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength).
        Node should save all this messages and request getdata.
        After sending additional inv message node doesn't request all invs sent to it anymore.
        # start node, protoconf messages, ...
        test_node = self.start_node_with_protoconf(maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength, recvinvqueuefactor)

        maxInvElements = CInv.estimateMaxInvElements(test_node.max_recv_payload_length)

        # Send enough inv messages to fill the queue in bitcoind
        for n in range(0, 4*recvinvqueuefactor):
            test_node.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(CInv.TX, n*maxInvElements+i) for i in range(0, maxInvElements)]))
            assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].listbanned()), 0)

        # check if we have all the inv messages
        assert_equal(sum(test_node.wanted_inv_lengths), maxInvElements*4*recvinvqueuefactor)

        # send additional inv messages
        test_node.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(CInv.TX, 4*recvinvqueuefactor * maxInvElements + i) for i in range(0, maxInvElements)]))
        assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].listbanned()), 0)

        # check that the number of inv messages doesn't match anymore (we annouced more invs that the node can remember and ask for)
        assert_greater_than(maxInvElements*(4*recvinvqueuefactor+1), sum(test_node.wanted_inv_lengths))
        logger.info("recvinvqueuefactor test finished successfully\n")
Exemplo n.º 4
    def run_ban_test(self, maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength=0):
        This method tests banning our connection when sending inv message with too many elements (violates limit set by
        Setting maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength very high results in long execution times and high memory usage.
        Minimal value for maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength is 1MiB.

        We send 3 protoconf messages:
        -> 1.) max_elements-1   ->  not banned
        -> 2.) max_elements     ->  not banned
        -> 3.) max_elements+1   ->  banned
        # start node, protoconf messages, ...
        test_node = self.start_node_with_protoconf(maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength)

        maxInvElements = CInv.estimateMaxInvElements(test_node.max_recv_payload_length)
            "Received bitcoind max message size: {} B, which represents {} elements. ".format(test_node.max_recv_payload_length,
        ### TEST WITH maxInvElements - 1, maxInvElements and maxInvElements + 1
        # 1. Send bitcoind Inv message that is smaller than max_recv_payload_length.
        logger.info("Sending inv message with: {} elements. Max allowed : {}".format(maxInvElements-1, maxInvElements))
        test_node.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(CInv.TX, i) for i in range(0, maxInvElements - 1)]))
        assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].listbanned()), 0)  # not banned

        # 2. Send bitcoind Inv message that is equal to max_recv_payload_length.
        logger.info("Sending inv message with: {} elements. Max allowed : {}".format(maxInvElements, maxInvElements))
        test_node.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(CInv.TX, maxInvElements+i) for i in range(0, maxInvElements)]))
        assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].listbanned()), 0)  # not banned

        # 3. Send bitcoind Inv message that is larger than max_recv_payload_length.
        logger.info( "Sending inv message with: {} elements. Max allowed : {}".format(maxInvElements + 1, maxInvElements))
        logger.info("Expecting to be banned...")
        test_node.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(CInv.TX, 2*maxInvElements+i) for i in range(0, maxInvElements + 1)]))
        assert (self.nodes[0].closed)  # disconnected
        assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].listbanned()), 1)  # banned
        logger.info("Banned nodes : {}".format(self.nodes[0].listbanned()))
        self.nodes[0].setban("", "remove")  # remove ban
        logger.info("ban test finished successfully\n")