Exemplo n.º 1
def _assert_month(month_num, computed_month):
    Asserts that `computed_month` has month_num as its month number and
    has the proper configuration for that month number.

        computed_month is an a5.Month
        month_num: int in 1..12
    testcase.assert_true(isinstance(computed_month, a5.Month))
    # Test that right set of attributes were added
    _assert_attr_set(computed_month, set(["month_num", "day_list"]))

    if month_num == 2:  # February
        days_in = 28
    elif month_num in [4, 6, 9, 11]:  # the months with 30 days
        days_in = 30
        # Any month that makes it to this point has 31 days in it
        days_in = 31

    testcase.assert_equals(month_num, computed_month.month_num)
    testcase.assert_equals(days_in, len(computed_month.day_list))
    empty_day_list = [None] * 24
    for i in range(days_in):
        cmp_day = computed_month.day_list[i]
        testcase.assert_true(isinstance(cmp_day, a3_classes.Day))
                                         str(i + 1)]), cmp_day.name)
        testcase.assert_equals(empty_day_list, cmp_day.time_slots)
        testcase.assert_equals(0, cmp_day.num_tasks_scheduled)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_report_section():
    """Test function a1_second.report_section"""

    print("Testing a1_second.report_section")

    # simple version of template
    s0 = '<ul class="section section-last aria-label="Class Section DIS 202"'
    s0 = s0 + 'class="pattern-only"><span filler>T</span>As you set out for '
    s0 = s0 + 'Ithaka <class="time">11:15am - 12:05pm</time>hope your road i'
    s0 = s0 + 's a long one<li class="open-status"> full of adventure, full '
    s0 = s0 + 'data-content="Open" of discovery.'
    result = a1_second.report_section(s0)
    testcase.assert_equals('DIS 202 T 11:15am - 12:05pm Open', result)

    # another simple version of template
    s1 = '<ul class="section Laistrygonians, aria-label="Class Section AB 2"'
    s1 = s1 + 'class="pattern-only"><span aria-label="Class Section EVL 666">R'
    s1 = s1 + '</span> <class="time">9:05am - 12:05pm</time>aria-label="NO"'
    s1 = s1 + 'Cyclops, angry <li class="open-status">Poseidon --- don\'t be'
    s1 = s1 + 'afraid data-content="Closed" of them:'
    result = a1_second.report_section(s1)
    testcase.assert_equals('AB 2 R 9:05am - 12:05pm Closed', result)

    # real example
    s2 = '<ul class="section  "  aria-label="Class Section LEC 001">'
    s2 = s2 + '<li class="class-numbers"><h5 class="hidden">Class Number &amp; '
    s2 = s2 + '<Section Details</h5><p><strong class="tooltip-iws" '
    s2 = s2 + 'data-toggle="popover" data-content="14442" title="Class Number">'
    s2 = s2 + '14442</strong><span class="course-repeater">CS 1132&nbsp;&nbsp;'
    s2 = s2 + '</span><em class="tooltip-iws" data-toggle="popover" '
    s2 = s2 + 'data-content="Lecture" title="Component">LEC</em> 001\n'
    s2 = s2 + '<span class="favorite fav-14442"><a class="tooltip-iws" '
    s2 = s2 + 'data-toggle="popover" data-content="Add to Favorites" aria-'
    s2 = s2 + 'label="Add to Favorites" href="#" data-class-nbr="14442" data-s'
    s2 = s2 + 'sr-component="LEC" data-section="001"></a></span></p></li><li c'
    s2 = s2 + 'lass="consent">&nbsp;\n</li><li class="meeting-pattern"><h5 cla'
    s2 = s2 + 'ss="hidden">Meeting Pattern</h5><ul class="meetings  meetings-f'
    s2 = s2 + 'irst"><li class="dates"><span class="pattern"><span class="patt'
    s2 = s2 + 'ern-only"><span class="tooltip-iws" data-toggle="popover" data-'
    s2 = s2 + 'content="Mon &amp; Wed">MW</span></span><time class="time">3:35'
    s2 = s2 + 'pm - 4:25pm</time></span><a class="facility-search" href="http:'
    s2 = s2 + '//www.cornell.edu/about/maps/?q=Thurston%20Hall#CUmap" target="'
    s2 = s2 + '_blank" rel="nofollow">Thurston Hall 203</a></li><li class="dat'
    s2 = s2 + 'e-range">\nJan 21 - Mar 10, 2020\n</li><li class="instructors">'
    s2 = s2 + '<h5 class="hidden">Instructors</h5><p><span class="tooltip-iws"'
    s2 = s2 + ' data-toggle="popover" data-content="Nate Veldt (lnv22)">Veldt,'
    s2 = s2 + ' N</span></p></li></ul></li><li class="open-status"><span class'
    s2 = s2 + '="tooltip-iws" data-toggle="popover" data-content="Open"><span '
    s2 = s2 + 'class="'
    result = a1_second.report_section(s2)
    testcase.assert_equals('LEC 001 MW 3:35pm - 4:25pm Open', result)
    print("finished test\n")
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_first_between():
    """Test function a1_second.first_between"""

    print("Testing a1_second.first_between")

    # simple markers, typical case (given, guaranteed correct)
    result = a1_second.first_between('A1A2A3bA4ccccA5', 'A', 'b')
    testcase.assert_equals('1A2A3', result)

    # end_str before start_str (given, guaranteed correct)
    result = a1_second.first_between('hello and hi) bye(x) shoo', '(', ')')
    testcase.assert_equals("x", result)

    # start_str and end_str are like real html (given, guaranteed correct)
    t = '<a href="x">yes</a><span>toodles</span>'
    result = a1_second.first_between(t, '<span>', '<')
    testcase.assert_equals("toodles", result)

    print("finished test\n")
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_first_between():
    """Test function a1_second.first_between"""

    print("Testing a1_second.first_between")

    # simple markers, typical case (given, guaranteed correct)
    result = a1_second.first_between('A1A2A3bA4ccccA5', 'A', 'b')
    testcase.assert_equals('1A2A3', result)

    # end_str before start_str (given, guaranteed correct)
    result = a1_second.first_between('hello and hi) bye(x) shoo', '(', ')')
    testcase.assert_equals("x", result)

    # start_str and end_str are like real html (given, guaranteed correct)
    t = '<a href="x">yes</a><span>toodles</span>'
    result = a1_second.first_between(t, '<span>', '<')
    testcase.assert_equals("toodles", result)

    # text has no string between start_str and end_str
    result = a1_second.first_between('coursework', 'course', 'work')
    testcase.assert_equals('', result)

    # end_str same as start_str
    result = a1_second.first_between('banana', 'n', 'n')
    testcase.assert_equals('a', result)

    # end_str same as start_str same as text
    result = a1_second.first_between('N', 'N', 'N')
    testcase.assert_equals('', result)

    # multiple start_str
    result = a1_second.first_between('hello hello world', 'hello', 'world')
    testcase.assert_equals(' hello ', result)

    # start_str contains space
    result = a1_second.first_between('hello world', ' ', 'd')
    testcase.assert_equals('worl', result)

    # end_str contains space
    result = a1_second.first_between('hello world', 'h', ' ')
    testcase.assert_equals('ello', result)

    # start_str contains punctuation
    result = a1_second.first_between('Please! No more testing.', '!', 'i')
    testcase.assert_equals(' No more test', result)

    # end_str contains punctuation
    result = a1_second.first_between('Please no more testing!', 'Please ', '!')
    testcase.assert_equals('no more testing', result)

    # start_str and end_str are case-sensitive
    result = a1_second.first_between('Bonobo', 'Bo', 'bo')
    testcase.assert_equals('no', result)

    print("finished test\n")
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_after():
    """Test function a1_second.after"""
    print("Testing a1_second.after")

    ### STUDENTS: see instructions in assignment writeup!!!

    # 1. tag at beginning
    result = a1_second.after('start', 'st')
    testcase.assert_equals('art', result)

    # 2. (given, guaranteed ok) tag in middle (and tag like one expects in html)
    result = a1_second.after('start <a id="c111"> this that', '<a id="c111">')
    testcase.assert_equals(' this that', result)

    # 3. (given, guaranteed ok) tag at end
    result = a1_second.after('start <a id="c111"> this that the other',
    testcase.assert_equals('', result)

    # 4. tag not in text
    # ... REASON: violates precondition
    #result = a1_second.after('start', 'x')
    #testcase.assert_equals(None, result)

    # 5. tag in twice
    result = a1_second.after('start A start B', 'start')
    #testcase.assert_equals(' A ', result)
    testcase.assert_equals(' A start B', result)

    # 6. text and tag are the same
    result = a1_second.after('start', 'start')
    testcase.assert_equals('', result)

    # 7. tag contains punctuation
    result = a1_second.after("Hi! How's it going?", "'")
    testcase.assert_equals('s it going?', result)

    # 8. parts of tag show up before actual tag
    result = a1_second.after('aaa1aaaa2', 'aaaa')
    testcase.assert_equals('2', result)

    # 9. tag contains space(s)
    result = a1_second.after("Hi! How's it going?", "it going")
    testcase.assert_equals('?', result)

    # 10. empty tag
    # ... REASON: violates precondition
    #result = a1_second.after('aaa1aaaa2', '')
    #testcase.assert_equals('aaa1aaaa2', result)

    # 11. tag is case-sensitive
    result = a1_second.after("UPPER upper", "up")
    testcase.assert_equals('per', result)

    # 12. tag is space (probably redundant with #9?)
    result = a1_second.after("Hello, world", " ")
    testcase.assert_equals('world', result)

    # 13. tag and text are single character
    result = a1_second.after("a", "a")
    testcase.assert_equals('', result)

    # 14. tag contains a number (redundant with #2 and #3)
    result = a1_second.after("0100", "1")
    testcase.assert_equals('00', result)

    print("finished test\n")
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_after():
    """Test function a1_second.after"""
    print("Testing a1_second.after")

    ### STUDENTS: see instructions in assignment writeup!!!

    # 1. tag at beginning
    result = a1_second.after('start', 'st')
    testcase.assert_equals('art', result)

    # 2. (given, guaranteed ok) tag in middle (and tag like one expects in html)
    result = a1_second.after('start <a id="c111"> this that', '<a id="c111">')
    testcase.assert_equals(' this that', result)

    # 3. (given, guaranteed ok) tag at end
    result = a1_second.after('start <a id="c111"> this that the other', 'other')
    testcase.assert_equals('', result)

    # 4. tag not in text
    #... REASON: violates precondition, `text` has at least one instance of `tag`
    #result = a1_second.after('start', 'x')
    #testcase.assert_equals(None, result)

    # 5. tag in twice
    result = a1_second.after('start A start B', 'start')
    #testcase.assert_equals(' A ', result)
    testcase.assert_equals(' A start B', result)

    # 6. text and tag are the same
    result = a1_second.after('start', 'start')
    testcase.assert_equals('', result)

    # 7. tag contains punctuation
    result = a1_second.after("Hi! How's it going?", "'")
    testcase.assert_equals('s it going?', result)

    # 8. parts of tag show up before actual tag
    result = a1_second.after('aaa1aaaa2', 'aaaa')
    testcase.assert_equals('2', result)

    # 9. tag contains space(s)
    result = a1_second.after("Hi! How's it going?", "it going")
    testcase.assert_equals('?', result)

    # 10. empty tag
    # ... REASON: violates precondition, `tag` is string of length > 0
    #result = a1_second.after('aaa1aaaa2', '')
    #testcase.assert_equals('aaa1aaaa2', result)

    print("finished test\n")
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_update_unscheduled():
    Tests whether the updateUnsched method in SplittableTask is working properly.
    print("Testing update_unscheduled")

    # 1 hour task, to schedule
    practice = a5.SplittableTask("practice piano", 1)
    day = a3_classes.Day("Monday")
    practice.updateUnsched(day, 7)
                     _splittask_attributes)  # Should not have changed
    expected_timeslots = [None] * 24
    expected_timeslots[7] = practice
    testcase.assert_equals(expected_timeslots, day.time_slots)
    testcase.assert_equals(0, practice.time_unscheduled)
    testcase.assert_equals(1, practice.length)

    # Multi hour task, to schedule
    hacker_typer = a5.SplittableTask("hack into the mainframe", 4)
    hacker_typer.updateUnsched(day, 12)
    _assert_attr_set(hacker_typer, _splittask_attributes)
    expected_timeslots[12] = hacker_typer
    testcase.assert_equals(expected_timeslots, day.time_slots)
    testcase.assert_equals(3, hacker_typer.time_unscheduled)
    testcase.assert_equals(4, hacker_typer.length)

    # Multi hour task, but is partially scheduled already
    hacker_typer.updateUnsched(day, 15)
    _assert_attr_set(hacker_typer, _splittask_attributes)
    expected_timeslots[15] = hacker_typer
    testcase.assert_equals(expected_timeslots, day.time_slots)
    testcase.assert_equals(2, hacker_typer.time_unscheduled)
    testcase.assert_equals(4, hacker_typer.length)

    # Schedule one more hour of it, but adjacent to another occurrence of the same task
    hacker_typer.updateUnsched(day, 16)
    _assert_attr_set(hacker_typer, _splittask_attributes)
    expected_timeslots[16] = hacker_typer
    testcase.assert_equals(expected_timeslots, day.time_slots)
    testcase.assert_equals(1, hacker_typer.time_unscheduled)
    testcase.assert_equals(4, hacker_typer.length)
    print("Done testing update_unscheduled")
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_splittable_task_init():
    Tests whether the initializer for SplittableTask is working properly.

    print("Testing splittable task initializer")
    # task of length 1
    workout = a5.SplittableTask("go to the gym", 1)
    _assert_attr_set(workout, _splittask_attributes)
    testcase.assert_equals("go to the gym", workout.name)
    testcase.assert_equals(1, workout.length)
    testcase.assert_equals(1, workout.time_unscheduled)

    # task of length 1 < length < 24
    sleep = a5.SplittableTask("go to bed", 8)
    _assert_attr_set(sleep, _splittask_attributes)
    testcase.assert_equals("go to bed", sleep.name)
    testcase.assert_equals(8, sleep.length)
    testcase.assert_equals(8, sleep.time_unscheduled)

    # task of length 24
    your_duty = a5.SplittableTask("try your best", 24)
    _assert_attr_set(your_duty, _splittask_attributes)
    testcase.assert_equals("try your best", your_duty.name)
    testcase.assert_equals(24, your_duty.length)
    testcase.assert_equals(24, your_duty.time_unscheduled)

    print("Finished testing splittable task initializer")
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_schedule_some():
    Tests whether the scheduleSome method in SplittableTask is working properly.
    print("Testing scheduleSome")
    # scheduling into an empty day
    sleep = a5.SplittableTask("sleep 2.0", 8)
    day = a3_classes.Day("Just a normal Friday")
    result = sleep.scheduleSome(day)
    _assert_attr_set(sleep, _splittask_attributes)
    testcase.assert_equals(1, day.num_tasks_scheduled)
    expected_timeslots = [sleep] * 8 + [None] * 16
    testcase.assert_equals(expected_timeslots, day.time_slots)
    testcase.assert_equals(0, sleep.time_unscheduled)
    testcase.assert_equals(8, sleep.length)

    # scheduling more in the same day
    classes = a5.SplittableTask("answer email", 12)
    result = classes.scheduleSome(day)
    _assert_attr_set(classes, _splittask_attributes)
    testcase.assert_equals(2, day.num_tasks_scheduled)
    expected_timeslots[8:20] = [classes] * 12
    testcase.assert_equals(expected_timeslots, day.time_slots)
    testcase.assert_equals(0, classes.time_unscheduled)
    testcase.assert_equals(12, classes.length)

    # scheduling more, but would spill over (cannot fit all in same day)
    assignments = a5.SplittableTask("finishing psets", 9)
    result = assignments.scheduleSome(day)
    _assert_attr_set(assignments, _splittask_attributes)
    testcase.assert_equals(3, day.num_tasks_scheduled)
    expected_timeslots[20:24] = [assignments] * 4
    testcase.assert_equals(expected_timeslots, day.time_slots)
    testcase.assert_equals(5, assignments.time_unscheduled)
    testcase.assert_equals(9, assignments.length)

    # day is already full, but new task
    self_care = a5.SplittableTask("treat yo self", 4)
    result = self_care.scheduleSome(day)
    _assert_attr_set(self_care, _splittask_attributes)
    testcase.assert_equals(3, day.num_tasks_scheduled)
    testcase.assert_equals(expected_timeslots, day.time_slots)
    testcase.assert_equals(4, self_care.time_unscheduled)
    testcase.assert_equals(4, self_care.length)

    # only partially schedule a task earlier on, then call scheduleSome with rest
    new_day = a3_classes.Day("Saturday")
    errands = a5.SplittableTask("running errands", 4)
    new_day.time_slots[20] = new_day.time_slots[21] = errands
    new_day.num_tasks_scheduled = 1
    errands.time_unscheduled = errands.time_unscheduled - 2
    # actually try and schedule now
    result = errands.scheduleSome(new_day)
    _assert_attr_set(errands, _splittask_attributes)
    expected_timeslots = [errands] * 2 + [None] * 18 + [errands] * 2 + [None
                                                                        ] * 2
    testcase.assert_equals(1, new_day.num_tasks_scheduled)
    testcase.assert_equals(expected_timeslots, new_day.time_slots)
    testcase.assert_equals(0, errands.time_unscheduled)
    testcase.assert_equals(4, errands.length)

    # call scheduleSome where it must be split over noncontiguous blocks of time
    netflix = a5.SplittableTask("watch netflix", 2)
    disney = a5.SplittableTask("watch disney+", 3)
    _assert_attr_set(netflix, _splittask_attributes)
    _assert_attr_set(disney, _splittask_attributes)
    # as of now, schedule is: 0-2: errands, 2-4: netflix, 4-7, disney+. Let's move stuff.
    # now let's move around some hours
    new_day.time_slots[8] = new_day.time_slots[
        4]  # moving one hour of disney+ from hour 4 to hour 8
    new_day.time_slots[4] = None
    new_day.time_slots[10] = new_day.time_slots[
        2]  # moving one hour of netflix from hour 2 to hour 10
    new_day.time_slots[2] = None
    expected_timeslots[3] = netflix
    expected_timeslots[5] = expected_timeslots[6] = disney
    expected_timeslots[8] = disney
    expected_timeslots[10] = netflix
    testcase.assert_equals(expected_timeslots, new_day.time_slots)
    testcase.assert_equals(3, new_day.num_tasks_scheduled)
    # this is where the actual test kicks in
    thought = a5.SplittableTask("ponder the complexities of human language", 5)
    result = thought.scheduleSome(new_day)
    _assert_attr_set(thought, _splittask_attributes)
    expected_timeslots[2] = expected_timeslots[4] = expected_timeslots[
        7] = expected_timeslots[9] = expected_timeslots[11] = thought
    testcase.assert_equals(expected_timeslots, new_day.time_slots)
    testcase.assert_equals(4, new_day.num_tasks_scheduled)
    testcase.assert_equals(0, thought.time_unscheduled)
    testcase.assert_equals(5, thought.length)

    print("Done testing scheduleSome")