Exemplo n.º 1
def filter(product_name, branch_name=None):
    """ Return the list builds given the parameters. """
    from testdb import builds
    from testdb import models

    (product_name, _) = models.KVP.get_or_create("product", product_name)
    if branch_name:
        (branch_name, _) = models.KVP.get_or_create("branch", branch_name)

    builds = builds.filter(product_name, branch_name)

    builds = [item.key_get("build") for item in builds]
    return [item.value for item in builds]
Exemplo n.º 2
def filter(product_name, branch_name=None):
    """ Return the list builds given the parameters. """
    from testdb import builds
    from testdb import models

    (product_name, _) = models.KVP.get_or_create("product", product_name)
    if branch_name:
        (branch_name, _) = models.KVP.get_or_create("branch", branch_name)

    builds = builds.filter(product_name, branch_name)

    builds = [item.key_get("build") for item in builds]
    return [item.value for item in builds]
Exemplo n.º 3
def view(request, pid):
    """ Summarize product information. """

    context = request.GET.get("context", "default")
    history = request.GET.get("history", 10)

    product = models.Product.objects.get(id=pid)
    testplan_name = product.key_get("testplan", None)
    if not testplan_name:
        return render_to_response("tests/index.html", {})

    testplan_name = models.Testplan.context_get(testplan_name)
    testplan_context = models.Context.objects.get(name=testplan_name)

    # Retrieve the test plan.
    # To view a products specific test plan. Retrieve the product and then
    # retrieve the testplan value.
    planorders = {}

    testplan = models.Testplan.objects.get(context=testplan_context)

    keys = testplan.keys.all()

    testplans = testplan.testplanorder_set.order_by("order")
    order = 1
    for plan in testplans:
        testsuites = plan.testsuite_set.filter(context=testplan.context)
        for testsuite1 in testsuites:
            for test1 in testsuite1.test_set.all().order_by("name"):
                key = (testsuite1.name.name, test1.name.name)
                planorders[key] = ViewRow(keys, order, plan, testsuite1, test1)
                order += 1

    # retrieve build list.
    product_key = models.KVP.objects.get(key__value="product",
    branch_key = models.KVP.objects.get(key__value="branch",
    all_builds = builds.filter(product_key, branch_key)

    # Show history contacts per page
    paginator = Paginator(all_builds, history, request=request)

    # Generate pagination. The page url parameter is generated from the
    # code below. This is the standard django pagination functionality.
        page = request.GET.get('page', 1)
        buildids = paginator.page(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
        buildids = paginator.page(1)
    except EmptyPage:
        # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
        buildids = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    blist = [builds.BuildView(item) for item in buildids.object_list]

    results = {}
        context = models.Context.objects.get(name=context)
        for testplan in testplans:
            for buildid in blist:
                testsuites = testplan.testsuite_set.filter(context=context,
                for testsuite1 in testsuites:
                    for test1 in testsuite1.test_set.all():
                        key = (buildid.id.value, testsuite1.name.name,
                        results[key] = test1.status

        planorders = [(item.order, item) for item in planorders.values()]
        planorders = [item[1] for item in planorders]
    except models.Context.DoesNotExist:
        planorders = []

    html_data = {
        "results": results,
        "product": product,
        "headers": keys,
        "planorders": planorders,
        "builds": blist,
        "contacts": buildids
    return render_to_response("tests/index.html", html_data)
Exemplo n.º 4
def view(request, pid):
    """ Summarize product information. """

    context = request.GET.get("context", "default")
    history = request.GET.get("history", 10)

    product = models.Product.objects.get(id=pid)
    testplan_name = product.key_get("testplan", None)
    if not testplan_name:
        return render_to_response("tests/index.html", {})

    testplan_name = models.Testplan.context_get(testplan_name)
    testplan_context = models.Context.objects.get(name=testplan_name)

    # Retrieve the test plan.
    # To view a products specific test plan. Retrieve the product and then
    # retrieve the testplan value.
    planorders = {}

    testplan = models.Testplan.objects.get(context=testplan_context)

    keys = testplan.keys.all()

    testplans = testplan.testplanorder_set.order_by("order")
    order = 1
    for plan in testplans:
        testsuites = plan.testsuite_set.filter(context=testplan.context)
        for testsuite1 in testsuites:
            for test1 in testsuite1.test_set.all().order_by("name"):
                key = (testsuite1.name.name, test1.name.name)
                planorders[key] = ViewRow(keys, order, plan, testsuite1, test1)
                order += 1

    # retrieve build list.
    product_key = models.KVP.objects.get(key__value="product",
    branch_key = models.KVP.objects.get(key__value="branch",
    all_builds = builds.filter(product_key, branch_key)

    # Show history contacts per page
    paginator = Paginator(all_builds, history, request=request)

    # Generate pagination. The page url parameter is generated from the
    # code below. This is the standard django pagination functionality.
        page = request.GET.get('page', 1)
        buildids = paginator.page(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
        buildids = paginator.page(1)
    except EmptyPage:
        # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
        buildids = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    blist = [builds.BuildView(item) for item in buildids.object_list]
    results = {}
        context = models.Context.objects.get(name=context)
        for testplan in testplans:
            for buildid in blist:
                testsuites = testplan.testsuite_set.filter(context=context,
                for testsuite1 in testsuites:
                    for test1 in testsuite1.test_set.all():
                        key = (buildid.id.value, testsuite1.name.name,
                        results[key] = test1.status
        planorders = [(item.order, item) for item in planorders.values()]
        planorders = [item[1] for item in planorders]
    except models.Context.DoesNotExist:
        planorders = []

    html_data = {
        "results": results,
        "product": product,
        "headers": keys,
        "planorders": planorders,
        "builds": blist,
        "contacts": buildids
    return render_to_response("tests/index.html", html_data)
Exemplo n.º 5
    from testdb.models import Testplan
    from testdb import builds

        context = Context.objects.get(name=CONTEXT)
        (product_key, _) = Key.objects.get_or_create(value=product)
        (branch_key, _) = Key.objects.get_or_create(value=branch)
    except (Context.DoesNotExist, Key.DoesNotExist), arg:
        raise Product.DoesNotExist(arg)
    product1 = Product.objects.get(context=context, product=product_key,

        product_kvp = KVP.objects.get(key__value="product", value=product)
        branch_kvp = KVP.objects.get(key__value="branch", value=branch)
        buildids = builds.filter(product_kvp, branch_kvp)
    except KVP.DoesNotExist, arg:
        raise Product.DoesNotExist(arg)

    testplan_name = product1.key_get("testplan", None)
    testplan_name = Testplan.context_get(testplan_name)
    testplan_context = Context.objects.get(name=testplan_name)
    testplan = Testplan.objects.get(context=testplan_context)
    for testplan in testplan.testplanorder_set.all():
        for buildid in buildids:
            for testsuite1 in testplan.testsuite_set.filter(kvps=buildid.id):
                for test1 in testsuite1.test_set.all():
                    print "MARK: ", buildid, testsuite1, test1, test1.status

def add_testplan(product, branch, testplan_name):