Exemplo n.º 1
class test_InvalidArgsOperations(unittest.TestCase):
  def setUp(self):

    self.cfg = setupConf()
    # initialize the mock objects
    self.log = MockLogger()
    self.cluster = MockHadoopCluster()

    # Use the test logger. This will be used for test verification.
    self.client = hodRunner(self.cfg, log=self.log, cluster=self.cluster)
    # Create the hodState object to set the test state you want.
    self.state = hodState(self.cfg['hod']['user_state'])
    if not os.path.exists(self.cfg['hod']['user_state']):
    p = os.path.join(self.cfg['hod']['user_state'], '%s.state' % TEST_CLUSTER_DATA_FILE)
    # ensure cluster data file exists, so write works in the tests.
    f = open(p, 'w')
  def tearDown(self):
    # clean up cluster data file and directory
    p = os.path.join(self.cfg['hod']['user_state'], '%s.state' % TEST_CLUSTER_DATA_FILE)

  # Test that list works with deleted cluster directories - more than one entries which are invalid.
  def testListInvalidDirectory(self):
    userState = { os.path.join(TMP_DIR_PREFIX, 'testListInvalidDirectory1') : '123.dummy.id1', 
                  os.path.join(TMP_DIR_PREFIX, 'testListInvalidDirectory2') : '123.dummy.id2' }
    # assert that required errors are logged.
    for clusterDir in userState.keys():
      self.assertTrue(self.log.hasMessage('cluster state unknown\t%s\t%s' \
                            % (userState[clusterDir], clusterDir), 'info'))

    # simulate a test where a directory is deleted, and created again, without deallocation
    clusterDir = os.path.join(TMP_DIR_PREFIX, 'testListEmptyDirectory')
    userState = { clusterDir : '123.dummy.id3' }
    self.__setupClusterState(userState, False)
    self.assertTrue(self.log.hasMessage('cluster state unknown\t%s\t%s' \
                          % (userState[clusterDir], clusterDir), 'info'))
  # Test that info works with a deleted cluster directory
  def testInfoInvalidDirectory(self):
    clusterDir = os.path.join(TMP_DIR_PREFIX, 'testInfoInvalidDirectory')
    userState = { clusterDir : '456.dummy.id' }
    self.client._op_info(['info', clusterDir])
    self.assertTrue(self.log.hasMessage("Cannot find information for cluster with id '%s' in previously allocated cluster directory '%s'." % (userState[clusterDir], clusterDir), 'critical'))

    # simulate a test where a directory is deleted, and created again, without deallocation
    clusterDir = os.path.join(TMP_DIR_PREFIX, 'testInfoEmptyDirectory')
    userState = { clusterDir : '456.dummy.id1' }
    self.__setupClusterState(userState, False)
    self.client._op_info(['info', clusterDir])
    self.assertTrue(self.log.hasMessage("Cannot find information for cluster with id '%s' in previously allocated cluster directory '%s'." % (userState[clusterDir], clusterDir), 'critical'))

  # Test info works with an invalid cluster directory
  def testInfoNonExistentDirectory(self):
    clusterDir = '/tmp/hod/testInfoNonExistentDirectory'
    self.client._op_info(['info', clusterDir])
    self.assertTrue(self.log.hasMessage("Invalid hod.clusterdir(--hod.clusterdir or -d). %s : No such directory" % (clusterDir), 'critical'))

  # Test that deallocation works on a deleted cluster directory
  # by clearing the job, and removing the state
  def testDeallocateInvalidDirectory(self):
    clusterDir = os.path.join(TMP_DIR_PREFIX,'testDeallocateInvalidDirectory')
    jobid = '789.dummy.id'
    userState = { clusterDir : jobid }
    self.client._op_deallocate(['deallocate', clusterDir])
    # verify job was deleted
    self.assertTrue(self.cluster.wasOperationPerformed('delete_job', jobid))
    # verify appropriate message was logged.
    self.assertTrue(self.log.hasMessage("Cannot find information for cluster with id '%s' in previously allocated cluster directory '%s'." % (userState[clusterDir], clusterDir), 'critical'))
    self.assertTrue(self.log.hasMessage("Freeing resources allocated to the cluster.", 'critical'))
    # verify that the state information was cleared.
    userState = self.state.read(TEST_CLUSTER_DATA_FILE)
    self.assertFalse(clusterDir in userState.keys())
    # simulate a test where a directory is deleted, and created again, without deallocation
    clusterDir = os.path.join(TMP_DIR_PREFIX,'testDeallocateEmptyDirectory')
    jobid = '789.dummy.id1'
    userState = { clusterDir : jobid }
    self.__setupClusterState(userState, False)
    self.client._op_deallocate(['deallocate', clusterDir])
    # verify job was deleted
    self.assertTrue(self.cluster.wasOperationPerformed('delete_job', jobid))
    # verify appropriate message was logged.
    self.assertTrue(self.log.hasMessage("Cannot find information for cluster with id '%s' in previously allocated cluster directory '%s'." % (userState[clusterDir], clusterDir), 'critical'))
    self.assertTrue(self.log.hasMessage("Freeing resources allocated to the cluster.", 'critical'))
    # verify that the state information was cleared.
    userState = self.state.read(TEST_CLUSTER_DATA_FILE)
    self.assertFalse(clusterDir in userState.keys())
  # Test that deallocation works on a nonexistent directory.
  def testDeallocateNonExistentDirectory(self):
    clusterDir = os.path.join(TMP_DIR_PREFIX,'testDeallocateNonExistentDirectory')
    self.client._op_deallocate(['deallocate', clusterDir])
    # there should be no call..
    self.assertFalse(self.cluster.wasOperationPerformed('delete_job', None))
    self.assertTrue(self.log.hasMessage("Invalid hod.clusterdir(--hod.clusterdir or -d). %s : No such directory" % (clusterDir), 'critical'))

  # Test that allocation on an previously deleted directory fails.    
  def testAllocateOnDeletedDirectory(self):
    clusterDir = os.path.join(TMP_DIR_PREFIX, 'testAllocateOnDeletedDirectory')
    jobid = '1234.abc.com'
    userState = { clusterDir : jobid }
    self.__setupClusterState(userState, False)
    self.client._op_allocate(['allocate', clusterDir, '3'])
    self.assertTrue(self.log.hasMessage("Found a previously allocated cluster at "\
                      "cluster directory '%s'. HOD cannot determine if this cluster "\
                      "can be automatically deallocated. Deallocate the cluster if it "\
                      "is unused." % (clusterDir), 'critical'))

  def __setupClusterState(self, clusterStateMap, verifyDirIsAbsent=True):
    for clusterDir in clusterStateMap.keys():
      # ensure directory doesn't exist, just in case.
      if verifyDirIsAbsent:
    # set up required state.
    self.state.write(TEST_CLUSTER_DATA_FILE, clusterStateMap)
    # verify everything is stored correctly.
    state = self.state.read(TEST_CLUSTER_DATA_FILE)
    for clusterDir in clusterStateMap.keys():
      self.assertTrue(clusterDir in state.keys())
      self.assertEquals(clusterStateMap[clusterDir], state[clusterDir])