def plot_train_radii_separation(obj_dir=C.obj_dir, std=False): """ Plots the average cluster radius and average distance to other clusters during training """ vh = read_validation_history(obj_dir) #is squeezed centroids = {} radii = {} distances = {} av_dist = {} dist_all = {} for i in vh: #unsqueeze as we go: vh[i] = dict_unsqueeze(vh[i]) centroids[i] = {} radii[i] = {} distances[i] = {} dist_all[i] = [] for c in vh[i]: centroids[i][c] = T.centroid(vh[i][c]) radii[i][c] = T.radius(centroids[i][c], vh[i][c]) av_dist[i] = {} for c in vh[i]: distances[i][c] = {} for c2 in vh[i]: distances[i][c][c2] = T.dist(centroids[i][c], centroids[i][c2]) dist_all[i].append(distances[i][c][c2]) av_dist[i][c] = Average([distances[i][c][c2] for c2 in distances[i]]) its = [i for i in vh] its.sort() rads = [Average([radii[i][c] for c in radii[i]]) for i in its] rads_std = [stdev([radii[i][c] for c in radii[i]]) for i in its] dists = [Average([av_dist[i][c] for c in av_dist[i]]) for i in its] dists_std = [stdev(dist_all[i]) for i in its] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.errorbar(its, rads, yerr=rads_std, linewidth=3, linestyle='dashed', label='Radii', elinewidth=1, capsize=10) ax.errorbar(its, dists, yerr=dists_std, linewidth=3, label='Average separation', elinewidth=1, capsize=10) ax.legend() ax.set(xlabel='Iteration') ax.set(ylabel='radius') fig.suptitle('Average class radii and separation during training', fontsize=16) return fig
os.makedirs(C.model_dir) base_model = create_base_network(in_dim) C.learn_rate = C.learn_rate_initial else: log('Loading model:' + save_name(last)) base_model = load_model(save_name(last)) C.learn_rate = C.learn_rate_subsequent optimizer = Adam(lr=C.learn_rate) model = tripletize(base_model) log(compile_model(model, optimizer=optimizer)) vs = T.get_vectors(base_model, C.val_dir) cents = {} for v in vs: cents[v] = T.centroid(vs[v]) for i in range(last + 1, last + 11): log('Starting step ' + str(i) + '/' + str(last + 10) + ' lr=' + str(C.learn_rate)) if i == 1: #first step: train top layer only train_step(trainable_n=1, optimizer=optimizer) elif i == 2: #second step: unlock and train full model C.learn_rate = C.learn_rate_subsequent optimizer = Adam(lr=C.learn_rate) train_step(trainable_n=999, optimizer=optimizer) #unlock all layers else: train_step(optimizer=optimizer) C.learn_rate = C.learn_rate * C.lr_decay
def plotly_spheres(validation_history, classes, dims=[0,1,2], ax_lims=1., notebook=False, n=25): vh = validation_history its = list(vh) its.sort() if classes is None: classes = list(vh[its[0]]) classes.sort() #at step i: #class c is: #vh[i][c] - np array (100x64) - will plot the 1st 3 dims as demo axl = ax_lims #calculate centroids and radii: cent = {} rads = {} circles = {} for e in its: cent[e] = {c: T.centroid(dict_unsqueeze(vh[e])[c]) for c in classes} rads[e] = {c: T.radius_nd(cent[e][c], dict_unsqueeze(vh[e])[c]) for c in classes} circles[e] = [ plotly_sphere([cent[e][c][dims[0]]], [cent[e][c][dims[1]]], [cent[e][c][dims[2]]], r=rads[e][c], c=i, #colours[i%len(colours)], name=c, colorscale='Jet', cmin=1, cmax=len(classes)+1, n=n) for i, c in enumerate(classes) ] #starting data: data = circles[1] #list of dicts of data items to update at each step frames=[dict(data = circles[e], name = 'frame{}'.format(e) ) for e in its] transition = dict(duration=300, easing='cubic-in-out') sliders=[dict(steps= [dict(method= 'animate',#Sets the Plotly method to be called when the #slider value is changed. args= [['frame{}'.format(e)],#Sets the arguments values to be passed to #the Plotly method set in method on slide dict(mode= 'immediate', frame= dict(duration=500, redraw=False), transition={'duration': 300}, ) ], label='{}'.format(e) ) for e in its], transition= transition, currentvalue=dict(font=dict(size=12), prefix='Step: ', visible=True, xanchor= 'center' ), visible=True, active=0, pad={'b': 10, 't': 30}, x=0.1, y=0, len=1.0)#slider length) ] layout = go.Layout( title = 'Interactive 3D Cluster Shapes, dims={}'.format(dims), scene = dict( xaxis = dict(range=[-axl, axl], zeroline=True), yaxis = dict(range=[-axl, axl], zeroline=True), zaxis = dict(range=[-axl, axl], zeroline=True), #camera = dict(eye=dict(x=axl, y=axl, z=axl)), aspectratio = dict(x=1, y=1, z=1), ), sliders=sliders, legend = dict(itemsizing='constant'), updatemenus=[{ 'buttons': [ { 'args': [None, {'frame': {'duration': 500, 'redraw': False}, 'fromcurrent': True, 'transition': transition}], 'label': 'Play', 'method': 'animate' }, { 'args': [[None], {'frame': {'duration': 0, 'redraw': False}, 'mode': 'immediate', 'transition': {'duration': 0}}], 'label': 'Pause', 'method': 'animate' } ], 'direction': 'left', 'pad': {'r': 10, 't': 87}, 'showactive': False, 'type': 'buttons', 'x': 0.1, 'xanchor': 'right', 'y': 0, 'yanchor': 'top' }] ) fig=dict(data=data, layout=layout, frames=frames) if notebook: iplot(fig, validate=False) else: plot(fig, validate=False) return
def plotly_animate_spheres(validation_history, classes=None, dims=[0,1], ax_lims=1., notebook=False): """ Create a kick-ass animation (3D) of cluster evolution during training, representing the clusters as spheres for clarity and speed """ vh = validation_history its = list(vh) its.sort() if classes is None: classes = list(vh[its[0]]) classes.sort() #at step i: #class c is: #vh[i][c] - np array (100x64) - will plot the 1st 3 dims as demo axl = ax_lims #calculate centroids and radii: cent = {} rads = {} circles = {} for e in its: cent[e] = {c: T.centroid(dict_unsqueeze(vh[e])[c]) for c in classes} rads[e] = {c: T.radius(cent[e][c], dict_unsqueeze(vh[e])[c]) for c in classes} circles[e] = [ dict( text=c, name=c, mode='markers', x=[cent[e][c][dims[0]]], y=[cent[e][c][dims[1]]], marker = dict(color=colours[i%len(colours)], size=rads[e][c]*100, ), ) for i, c in enumerate(classes) ] #starting data: data = circles[1] #list of dicts of data items to update at each step frames=[dict(data = circles[e], name = 'frame{}'.format(e) ) for e in its] sliders=[dict(steps= [dict(method= 'animate',#Sets the Plotly method to be called when the #slider value is changed. args= [['frame{}'.format(e)],#Sets the arguments values to be passed to #the Plotly method set in method on slide dict(mode= 'immediate', frame= dict(duration=300, redraw=False), transition=dict(duration=300, easing='cubic-in-out') ) ], label='{}'.format(e) ) for e in its], transition= dict(duration= 300, easing='cubic-in-out'), currentvalue=dict(font=dict(size=12), prefix='Step: ', visible=True, xanchor= 'center' ), active=0, len=1.0)#slider length) ] layout = dict( title = 'Interactive Cluster Shapes, dims={}'.format(dims), xaxis = dict(range=[-axl, axl], zeroline=True), yaxis = dict(range=[-axl, axl], zeroline=True), sliders=sliders, legend = dict(itemsizing='constant'), updatemenus=[{ 'buttons': [ { 'args': [None, {'frame': {'duration': 500, 'redraw': False}, 'fromcurrent': True, 'transition': transition}], 'label': 'Play', 'method': 'animate' }, { 'args': [[None], {'frame': {'duration': 0, 'redraw': False}, 'mode': 'immediate', 'transition': {'duration': 0}}], 'label': 'Pause', 'method': 'animate' } ], 'direction': 'left', 'pad': {'r': 10, 't': 87}, 'showactive': False, 'type': 'buttons', 'x': 0.1, 'xanchor': 'right', 'y': 0, 'yanchor': 'top' }] ) fig=dict(data=data, layout=layout, frames=frames) if notebook: iplot(fig, validate=False) else: plot(fig, validate=False) return
print('Train / Test accuracy RBF SVC with SVD = {:.2%} / {:.2%}'.format(train_acc, test_acc)) #K-means clustering (unsupervised) classes = list(vs) classes.sort() n_clusters = len(classes) centersSKL = cluster.MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters) y_pred = centersSKL.predict(X_val) #identify the clusters by class (hopefully) centroids = {} #for the predicted clusters radii = {} #find centroids, radii of detected clusters for k in set(y_pred): k_vecs = [X_val[i, :] for i in range(len(y_pred)) if y_pred[i]==k] centroids[k] = T.centroid(k_vecs) radii[k] = T.radius(centroids[k], k_vecs) #find centroids, radii of the true classes centroids_actual = {} radii_actual = {} for k in set(y_val): c_vecs = [X_val[i, :] for i in range(len(y_val)) if y_val[i]==k] centroids_actual[k] = T.centroid(c_vecs) radii_actual[k] = T.radius(centroids_actual[k], c_vecs) cent_list = [centroids_actual[c] for c in classes] rad_list = [radii_actual[c] for c in classes] #match each detected cluster to closest class #by minimising L2 norm of (centroid; radius) difference def cluster_metric(c1, c2, r1, r2): return T.dist(c1, c2) + T.dist(r1,r2) def find_nearest_cluster(centroid, radius, centroid_list, radius_list):